From 36739a737a2e432bc332ed484e58202701da8cc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dominik Kern <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 09:33:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add parameter to config, use it in HM process and document it

 .../            |  1 +
 .../CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp           | 54 ++++++++++++++++---
 .../HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h   |  8 ++-
 .../HydroMechanicsProcessData.h               |  7 +++
 .../docs/userguide/basics/      | 44 +++++++++++++++
 web/data/bib_other.yaml                       | 24 ++++++++-
 6 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/ProjectFile/prj/processes/process/HYDRO_MECHANICS/

diff --git a/Documentation/ProjectFile/prj/processes/process/HYDRO_MECHANICS/ b/Documentation/ProjectFile/prj/processes/process/HYDRO_MECHANICS/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e7606dac27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/ProjectFile/prj/processes/process/HYDRO_MECHANICS/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\copydoc ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcessData::fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp b/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp
index 5bf16cb6b0e..746cc7a898e 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp
+++ b/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp
@@ -61,6 +61,45 @@ std::unique_ptr<Process> createHydroMechanicsProcess(
     const bool use_monolithic_scheme =
         !(coupling_scheme && (*coupling_scheme == "staggered"));
+    auto coupling_scheme_parameter_optional =
+        //! \ogs_file_param{prj__processes__process__HYDRO_MECHANICS__coupling_scheme_parameter}
+        config.getConfigParameterOptional<double>("coupling_scheme_parameter");
+    double coupling_scheme_parameter =
+        0.5;  // default value recommended [Mikelic & Wheeler]
+    if (coupling_scheme_parameter_optional)
+    {
+        if (use_monolithic_scheme)
+        {
+            WARN(
+                "Monolithic scheme ignores coupling scheme parameter set in "
+                "project file.");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            coupling_scheme_parameter =
+                coupling_scheme_parameter_optional.value();
+            // optimum not a-priori known, but within certain interval [Storvik
+            // & Nordbotten]
+            double const csp_min = 1.0 / 6.0;
+            double const csp_max = 1.0;
+            if (coupling_scheme_parameter < csp_min ||
+                coupling_scheme_parameter > csp_max)
+            {
+                WARN(
+                    "Value of coupling scheme parameter = {:g} is out of "
+                    "reasonable range ({:g}, {:g}).",
+                    coupling_scheme_parameter, csp_min, csp_max);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!use_monolithic_scheme)
+    {
+        DBUG("Using value {:g} for coupling parameter of staggered scheme.",
+             coupling_scheme_parameter);
+    }
     /// \section processvariableshm Process Variables
     //! \ogs_file_param{prj__processes__process__HYDRO_MECHANICS__process_variables}
@@ -186,14 +225,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<Process> createHydroMechanicsProcess(
     HydroMechanicsProcessData<DisplacementDim> process_data{
-        materialIDs(mesh),
-        std::move(media_map),
-        std::move(solid_constitutive_relations),
-        initial_stress,
-        specific_body_force,
-        mass_lumping,
-        hydraulic_process_id,
-        mechanics_related_process_id,
+        materialIDs(mesh), std::move(media_map),
+        std::move(solid_constitutive_relations), initial_stress,
+        specific_body_force, mass_lumping,
+        coupling_scheme_parameter,  // this parameter gets its specific meaning
+                                    // in the process depending on implemented
+                                    // coupling scheme
+        hydraulic_process_id, mechanics_related_process_id,
     SecondaryVariableCollection secondary_variables;
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h b/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h
index e016db67841..de158b88e22 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h
@@ -554,6 +554,9 @@ void HydroMechanicsLocalAssembler<ShapeFunctionDisplacement,
     auto const& identity2 = Invariants::identity2;
+    auto const fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter =
+        _process_data.fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter;
     int const n_integration_points = _integration_method.getNumberOfPoints();
     for (int ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
@@ -623,8 +626,9 @@ void HydroMechanicsLocalAssembler<ShapeFunctionDisplacement,
         auto const K_over_mu = K / mu;
-        // optimal coupling parameter for fixed-stress split [Wheeler]
-        auto const beta_FS = 0.5 * alpha_b * alpha_b / K_S;
+        // artificial compressibility to account for coupling
+        auto const beta_FS =
+            fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter * alpha_b * alpha_b / K_S;
         laplace.noalias() +=
             rho_fr * dNdx_p.transpose() * K_over_mu * dNdx_p * w;
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsProcessData.h b/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsProcessData.h
index 63ac7cd7e90..1cbdb7b6a8f 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsProcessData.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/HydroMechanicsProcessData.h
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ struct HydroMechanicsProcessData
     /// If set mass lumping will be applied to the pressure equation.
     bool const mass_lumping;
+    /// An optional input to set an algorithmic parameter of the staggered
+    /// scheme. In the HydroMechanics process the fixed-stress split has been
+    /// implemented as staggered scheme with a stabilization parameter to be
+    /// set. For more details see [user guide -
+    /// conventions](
+    double const fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter;
     /// ID of hydraulic process.
     int const hydraulic_process_id;
diff --git a/web/content/docs/userguide/basics/ b/web/content/docs/userguide/basics/
index b5bb818dc89..7b2181e8665 100644
--- a/web/content/docs/userguide/basics/
+++ b/web/content/docs/userguide/basics/
@@ -95,3 +95,47 @@ For 2D, the Kelvin-Vector of the stress tensor looks like $\sigma=(\sigma_{xx},\
 For Kelvin mapping also see the [conversion function documentation](
+## Staggered Scheme
+A staggered scheme solves coupled problems by alternating on separate physical domains (e.g. thermal and mechanical) in contrast to monolithic schemes which solve all domains simultaneously (e.g. thermomechanical).
+Thus staggered schemes add another level of iterations, however this may pay off since the subproblems are smaller and they enable a finer tuning of the specific solvers.
+### Fixed-stress Split for Hydro-mechanical Processes
+For hydro-mechanical processes the fixed-stress split has been implemented, since it turned out advantageous [[1]](#1).
+For sake of brevity, we do not describe the scheme itself, but intend to provide guidance for its stabilization parameter.
+On this parameter depends how many coupling iterations are needed and thus how long it takes to obtain a solution.
+The optimal value of this parameter is not a-priori known, only that it lies within a certain interval [[2]](#2)
+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\alpha^2}{K_\mathrm{1D}} \le \beta_\mathrm{FS} \le \frac{\alpha^2}{K_\mathrm{ph}},
+where $\alpha$ denotes Biot's coefficient, and $K_\mathrm{1D}$ and $K_\mathrm{ph}$ are the bulk moduli described next.
+By $K_\mathrm{ph}$ we mean the bulk modulus adjusted to the spatial dimension, so in three dimensions it coincides with the drained bulk modulus, whereas in lower dimensions it becomes a constrained bulk modulus (2D plane strain, 1D uniaxial strain).
+Assuming isotropic, linear elasticity we have
+K_\mathrm{3D} &=& \lambda + \frac{2}{3}\mu, \\
+K_\mathrm{2D} &=& \lambda + \frac{2}{2}\mu, \\
+K_\mathrm{1D} &=& \lambda + \frac{2}{1}\mu. \\
+OGS sets the stabilization parameter, which corresponds to a coupling compressibility, via the `coupling_scheme_parameter`
+\beta_\mathrm{FS} = p_\mathrm{FS} \frac{\alpha^2}{K_\mathrm{3D}},
+by default to $p_\mathrm{FS}=\frac{1}{2}$.
+For isotropic, linear elasticity we provide the interval [[2]](#2) and the recommended value [[3]](#3) in dependence on Poisson's ratio $\nu$ (note $\frac{\lambda}{\mu}=\frac{2\nu}{1-2\nu}$).
+| | 2D  | 3D |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| $p_\mathrm{FS}^\mathrm{min}$          | $\frac{1}{6}\frac{1+\nu}{1-\nu}$      | same as 2D  |
+| $p_\mathrm{FS}^\mathrm{MW}$        | $\frac{1+\nu}{3}$      | $\frac{1}{2}$  |
+| $p_\mathrm{FS}^\mathrm{max}$          | $\frac{2(1+\nu)}{3}$      | $1$ |
+## References
+<a id="1">[1]</a>
+{{< bib "kimtchjua2009" >}}
+<a id="2">[2]</a>
+{{< bib "stonor2019" >}}
+<a id="3">[3]</a>
+{{< bib "mikwhe2013" >}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/data/bib_other.yaml b/web/data/bib_other.yaml
index d2f8020b813..4e8a1ad3855 100644
--- a/web/data/bib_other.yaml
+++ b/web/data/bib_other.yaml
@@ -175,8 +175,30 @@ entries:
             last: Kim
         -   first: H.A.
             last: Tchelepi
-        -   first: R
+        -   first: R.
             last: Juanes
+    stonor2019:
+        type: article
+        title: 'On the optimization of the fixed-stress splitting for Biots equations'
+        journal: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
+        volume: '120'
+        number: 02
+        pages: 179--194
+        year: '2019'
+        note: ''
+        doi:
+        url:
+        author:
+        -   first: E.
+            last: Storvik
+        -   first: J.W.
+            last: Both
+        -   first: K.
+            last: Kumar
+        -   first: J.M.
+            last: Nordbotten
+        -   first: F.A.
+            last: Radu
         type: article
         title: 'Convergence of iterative coupling for coupled flow