diff --git a/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy.py b/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy.py
index fb824f82b09c0adee252cafd53f8f38ffe9eab95..fe2245525081f953812e84291529f61c2262d13b 100644
--- a/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy.py
+++ b/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy.py
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
 # http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license
-import sys
 import os
+import sys
 import numpy as np
+from pandas import read_csv
+from tespy.networks import load_network
     import ogs.callbacks as OpenGeoSys
 except ModuleNotFoundError:
     import OpenGeoSys
-from pandas import read_csv
-from tespy.networks import load_network
 # User setting ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 # parameters
@@ -148,36 +148,34 @@ class BC(OpenGeoSys.BHENetwork):
             df.loc[:, "flowrate"] = 0
             cur_flowrate = df["flowrate"].tolist()
             return (True, True, Tout_val, cur_flowrate)
-        else:
-            # read Tout_val to dataframe
-            for i in range(n_BHE):
-                df.loc[df.index[i], "Tout_val"] = Tout_val[i]
-            # TESPy solver
-            cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate = get_tespy_results(t)
-            # check norm if network achieves the converge
-            if_success = False
-            pre_Tin_val = Tin_val
-            norm = np.linalg.norm(
-                abs(np.asarray(pre_Tin_val) - np.asarray(cur_Tin_val))
-            )
-            if norm < 10e-6:
-                if_success = True
-            # return to OGS
-            return (True, if_success, cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate)
+        # read Tout_val to dataframe
+        for i in range(n_BHE):
+            df.loc[df.index[i], "Tout_val"] = Tout_val[i]
+        # TESPy solver
+        cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate = get_tespy_results(t)
+        # check norm if network achieves the converge
+        if_success = False
+        pre_Tin_val = Tin_val
+        norm = np.linalg.norm(abs(np.asarray(pre_Tin_val) - np.asarray(cur_Tin_val)))
+        if norm < 10e-6:
+            if_success = True
+        # return to OGS
+        return (True, if_success, cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate)
 # main
 # initialize the tespy model of the bhe network
 # load path of network model:
 # loading the TESPy model
-if ogs_prj_directory != "":
-    os.chdir(ogs_prj_directory)
+if ogs_prj_directory != "":  # noqa: F821
+    os.chdir(ogs_prj_directory)  # noqa: F821
 nw = load_network("./pre/tespy_nw")
 # set if print the network iteration info
 # create bhe dataframe of the network system from bhe_network.csv
-df = create_dataframe()
+df = create_dataframe()  # noqa: PD901
 n_BHE = np.size(df.iloc[:, 0])
 # create local variables of the components label and connections label in
diff --git a/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy_closedloop.py b/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy_closedloop.py
index 630700f288adea3b16b1fffd350eb786231229f5..56aa85fa05d36550f029993d2b7dbf8b49c16981 100644
--- a/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy_closedloop.py
+++ b/Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/bcs_tespy_closedloop.py
@@ -6,18 +6,19 @@
 import sys
-import os
+from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
+from pandas import read_csv
+from tespy.networks import load_network
     import ogs.callbacks as OpenGeoSys
 except ModuleNotFoundError:
     import OpenGeoSys
-from pandas import read_csv
-from tespy.networks import load_network
 # User setting ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 # parameters
@@ -151,37 +152,35 @@ class BC(OpenGeoSys.BHENetwork):
             df.loc[:, "flowrate"] = 0
             cur_flowrate = df["flowrate"].tolist()
             return (True, True, Tout_val, cur_flowrate)
-        else:
-            # read Tout_val to dataframe
-            for i in range(n_BHE):
-                df.loc[df.index[i], "Tout_val"] = Tout_val[i]
-            # TESPy solver
-            cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate = get_tespy_results(t)
-            # check norm if network achieves the converge
-            if_success = False
-            pre_Tin_val = Tin_val
-            norm_dx = np.linalg.norm(
-                abs(np.asarray(pre_Tin_val) - np.asarray(cur_Tin_val))
-            )
-            norm_x = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(cur_Tin_val))
-            if norm_dx / norm_x < 1e-6:
-                if_success = True
-            # return to OGS
-            return (True, if_success, cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate)
+        # read Tout_val to dataframe
+        for i in range(n_BHE):
+            df.loc[df.index[i], "Tout_val"] = Tout_val[i]
+        # TESPy solver
+        cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate = get_tespy_results(t)
+        # check norm if network achieves the converge
+        if_success = False
+        pre_Tin_val = Tin_val
+        norm_dx = np.linalg.norm(abs(np.asarray(pre_Tin_val) - np.asarray(cur_Tin_val)))
+        norm_x = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(cur_Tin_val))
+        if norm_dx / norm_x < 1e-6:
+            if_success = True
+        # return to OGS
+        return (True, if_success, cur_Tin_val, cur_flowrate)
 # main
 # initialize the tespy model of the bhe network
 # load path of network model:
 # loading the TESPy model
-project_dir = os.getcwd()
+project_dir = Path.cwd()
 print("Project dir is: ", project_dir)
 nw = load_network("./pre/tespy_nw_closedloop")
 # set if print the network iteration info
 # create bhe dataframe of the network system from bhe_network.csv
-df = create_dataframe()
+df = create_dataframe()  # noqa: PD901
 n_BHE = np.size(df.iloc[:, 0])
 # create local variables of the components label and connections label in