diff --git a/web/content/docs/devguide/procedures/publish-a-release/index.md b/web/content/docs/devguide/procedures/publish-a-release/index.md
index c919100ea090b6289d4ecc1305ee6258e9225f7d..c815fa4487f4830f351fa852ef3298a29efc6c97 100644
--- a/web/content/docs/devguide/procedures/publish-a-release/index.md
+++ b/web/content/docs/devguide/procedures/publish-a-release/index.md
@@ -12,39 +12,18 @@ weight = 1080
 ## Publication procedure
 - Update merge request template (settings / merge_requests) to point to a new changelog wiki page
-- Update `CHANGELOG.md` to point to new GitLab release
-- Create new web release page with generated artifact names (frontmatter only!)
-- Add a link to the (upcoming) Doxygen documentation for this tag in `Documentation/mainpage.dox.in` (with `v`-prefix)
-- Update `[docs-release]`-link in `README.md` to the new tag (with `v`-prefix)
-- Add a redirect in `scripts/doc/_redirects`
-- Update `CITATION.cff` (Zenodo DOI will be added later)
-- Create a commit and push
-- Wait for CI to be green (except for URL checker which will fail)
-- Create a tag and push
-  ```bash
-  git tag -s -m "OpenGeoSys 6.5.0" 6.5.0
-  git push --tags
-  ```
+- Run `python scripts/python/do-release.py`
+- Update `CITATION.cff`, create a commit, tag and push (see script output)
 - A new release is automatically created on GitLab
   - Fill in the release notes from the Wiki
   - Convert MR ids to URLs: replace `!([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])` with `[!$1](https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs/-/merge_requests/$1)` and `#([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])` with `[#$1](https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs/-/issues/$1)`
 - Copy release binaries and container images from CI job to Azure OGS storage to a subdirectory containing the tag name at <https://ogsstorage.blob.core.windows.net/binaries/ogs6>
 - Create a release on GitHub mirror (`ufz/ogs`)
 - Check if a [Zenodo release](https://zenodo.org/account/settings/github/repository/ufz/ogs#) is automatically issued
-- Issue a scan on [Software Heritage Archive](https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/)
+- Issue a scan on Software Heritage: `curl -X POST https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/save/git/url/https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs.git/`
 - Update `CITATION.cff` and `web/content/publications/_index.md` with new Zenodo DOI
-- Update `CITATION.cff` author list (`git shortlog -sne 6.4.3...6.4.2`) and corresponding bibtex-entry in publications web page
+- Update `CITATION.cff` author list (`git shortlog -sne 6.4.3...6.4.2`) and corresponding bibtex-entry in publications web page, TODO: download BibTex entry and copy to web page, e.g. https://zenodo.org/records/2600042/export/bibtex
 - Update Zenodo entry with correct authors
-- Create bugfix branch
-  - Create new netlify site (in an empty directory)
-    <!-- vale off -->
-    - `netlify init`
-    - `# [ENTER]`
-    - `# ogs-doxygen-v[TAG (- separated instead of .)]`
-    <!-- vale on -->
-  - Create branch from `master` with name `v[TAG]` and push
 - Create a discourse announcement post
   - DOI badge
   - Software heritage badge