diff --git a/Applications/Utils/SimpleMeshCreation/generateStructuredMesh.cpp b/Applications/Utils/SimpleMeshCreation/generateStructuredMesh.cpp
index 1bfad11a73415ce9e622ebffc21e14e50d24fac7..3e70e9f24e5e0b693e665fba69139351b29a5b1f 100644
--- a/Applications/Utils/SimpleMeshCreation/generateStructuredMesh.cpp
+++ b/Applications/Utils/SimpleMeshCreation/generateStructuredMesh.cpp
@@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
+    allowed_ele_types.push_back("tet");
     TCLAP::ValuesConstraint<std::string> allowedVals(allowed_ele_types);
     TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> eleTypeArg("e", "element-type",
-                                          "element type to be created: line | tri | quad | hex", true, "line", &allowedVals);
+                                          "element type to be created: line | tri | quad | hex | tet", true, "line", &allowedVals);
     TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> mesh_out("o", "mesh-output-file",
                                           "the name of the file the mesh will be written to", true,
@@ -207,6 +208,9 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
     case MeshLib::MeshElemType::HEXAHEDRON:
         mesh.reset(MeshLib::MeshGenerator::generateRegularHexMesh(*vec_div[0], *vec_div[1], *vec_div[2]));
+    case MeshLib::MeshElemType::TETRAHEDRON:
+        mesh.reset(MeshLib::MeshGenerator::generateRegularTetMesh(*vec_div[0], *vec_div[1], *vec_div[2]));
+        break;
         ERR("Given element type is not supported.");
diff --git a/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.cpp b/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.cpp
index 388775d83ef3faf79faf7e622e27bdcaf357ce25..87fddf6c106b6bf21d459099bba29eb9b6dc9395 100644
--- a/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.cpp
+++ b/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Line.h"
 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Quad.h"
 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Hex.h"
+#include "MeshLib/Elements/Tet.h"
 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Tri.h"
 #include "MeshLib/MeshEditing/AddLayerToMesh.h"
 #include "MeshLib/MeshEditing/RemoveMeshComponents.h"
@@ -460,6 +461,143 @@ Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularPrismMesh(
     return MeshLib::removeElements(*mesh, elem_ids, mesh_name);
+Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularTetMesh(
+    const double x_length,
+    const double y_length,
+    const double z_length,
+    const std::size_t x_subdivision,
+    const std::size_t y_subdivision,
+    const std::size_t z_subdivision,
+    const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
+    std::string const& mesh_name)
+    return generateRegularTetMesh(x_subdivision, y_subdivision, z_subdivision,
+        x_length/x_subdivision, y_length/y_subdivision, z_length/z_subdivision,
+        origin, mesh_name);
+Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularTetMesh(
+    const unsigned n_x_cells,
+    const unsigned n_y_cells,
+    const unsigned n_z_cells,
+    const double   cell_size_x,
+    const double   cell_size_y,
+    const double   cell_size_z,
+    MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
+    std::string   const& mesh_name)
+    return generateRegularTetMesh(
+            BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_x_cells*cell_size_x, n_x_cells),
+            BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_y_cells*cell_size_y, n_y_cells),
+            BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_z_cells*cell_size_z, n_z_cells),
+            origin, mesh_name);
+Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularTetMesh(
+    const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x,
+    const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y,
+    const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_z,
+    MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
+    std::string const& mesh_name)
+    std::vector<double> vec_x(div_x());
+    std::vector<double> vec_y(div_y());
+    std::vector<double> vec_z(div_z());
+    std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, origin));
+    const unsigned n_x_nodes (vec_x.size());
+    const unsigned n_y_nodes (vec_y.size());
+    const unsigned n_x_cells (vec_x.size()-1);
+    const unsigned n_y_cells (vec_y.size()-1);
+    const unsigned n_z_cells (vec_z.size()-1);
+    //elements
+    std::vector<Element*> elements;
+    elements.reserve(n_x_cells * n_y_cells * n_z_cells * 6);
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_z_cells; i++)
+    {
+        const std::size_t offset_z1 = i * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // bottom
+        const std::size_t offset_z2 = (i + 1) * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // top
+        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_cells; j++)
+        {
+            const std::size_t offset_y1 = j * n_x_nodes;
+            const std::size_t offset_y2 = (j + 1) * n_x_nodes;
+            for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_cells; k++)
+            {
+                // tet 1
+                {
+                    std::array<Node*, 4> element_nodes;
+                    // bottom
+                    element_nodes[0] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[1] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    element_nodes[2] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k];
+                    // top
+                    element_nodes[3] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    elements.push_back (new Tet(element_nodes));
+                }
+                // tet 2
+                {
+                    std::array<Node*, 4> element_nodes;
+                    // bottom
+                    element_nodes[0] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    element_nodes[1] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k];
+                    // top
+                    element_nodes[2] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[3] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    elements.push_back (new Tet(element_nodes));
+                }
+                // tet 3
+                {
+                    std::array<Node*, 4> element_nodes;
+                    // bottom
+                    element_nodes[0] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k];
+                    // top
+                    element_nodes[1] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[2] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    element_nodes[3] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k];
+                    elements.push_back (new Tet(element_nodes));
+                }
+                // tet 4
+                {
+                    std::array<Node*, 4> element_nodes;
+                    // bottom
+                    element_nodes[0] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[1] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k + 1];
+                    element_nodes[2] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    // top
+                    element_nodes[3] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1];
+                    elements.push_back (new Tet(element_nodes));
+                }
+                // tet 5
+                {
+                    std::array<Node*, 4> element_nodes;
+                    // bottom
+                    element_nodes[0] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[1] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    // top
+                    element_nodes[2] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[3] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1];
+                    elements.push_back (new Tet(element_nodes));
+                }
+                // tet 6
+                {
+                    std::array<Node*, 4> element_nodes;
+                    // bottom
+                    element_nodes[0] = nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    // top
+                    element_nodes[1] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k];
+                    element_nodes[2] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1];
+                    element_nodes[3] = nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1];
+                    elements.push_back (new Tet(element_nodes));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
 MeshGenerator::createSurfaceMesh(std::string const& mesh_name,
     MathLib::Point3d const& ll, MathLib::Point3d const& ur,
diff --git a/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.h b/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.h
index a08a747e427a0f47f0ff8c5dac728ede5fc00ba8..b10b114a61a0eb81f25e0e981b48dffae57acf8d 100644
--- a/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.h
+++ b/MeshLib/MeshGenerators/MeshGenerator.h
@@ -421,6 +421,69 @@ Mesh* generateRegularPrismMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
                                MathLib::Point3d const& origin = MathLib::ORIGIN,
                                std::string   const& mesh_name = "mesh");
+ * Generate a regular 3D Tet-Element mesh.
+ *
+ * This algorithm generates regular grid points and split each grid cell into six tetrahedrals.
+ *
+ * \param div_x Subdivision operator in x direction
+ * \param div_y Subdivision operator in y direction
+ * \param div_z Subdivision operator in z direction
+ * \param origin Optional mesh's origin (the bottom lower left corner) with MathLib::ORIGIN default.
+ * \param mesh_name Name of the new mesh.
+ */
+Mesh* generateRegularTetMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x,
+                             const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y,
+                             const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_z,
+                             MathLib::Point3d const& origin = MathLib::ORIGIN,
+                             std::string const& mesh_name = "mesh");
+ * Generate a regular 3D Tet-Element mesh.
+ *
+ * This algorithm generates regular grid points and split each grid cell into six tetrahedrals.
+ *
+ * \param x_length      Mesh dimension in x-direction.
+ * \param y_length      Mesh dimension in y-direction.
+ * \param z_length      Mesh dimension in z-direction.
+ * \param x_subdivision Number of subdivisions in x-direction.
+ * \param y_subdivision Number of subdivisions in y-direction.
+ * \param z_subdivision Number of subdivisions in z-direction.
+ * \param origin        Optional mesh's origin (the bottom lower left corner) with MathLib::ORIGIN default.
+ * \param mesh_name     Name of the new mesh.
+  */
+Mesh* generateRegularTetMesh(const double x_length,
+                             const double y_length,
+                             const double z_length,
+                             const std::size_t x_subdivision,
+                             const std::size_t y_subdivision,
+                             const std::size_t z_subdivision,
+                             MathLib::Point3d const& origin = MathLib::ORIGIN,
+                             std::string   const& mesh_name = "mesh");
+ * Generate a regular 3D Tet-Element mesh.
+ *
+ * This algorithm generates regular grid points and split each grid cell into six tetrahedrals.
+ *
+ * \param n_x_cells    Number of cells in x-direction.
+ * \param n_y_cells    Number of cells in y-direction.
+ * \param n_z_cells    Number of cells in z-direction.
+ * \param cell_size_x  Edge length of Tet elements in x-direction.
+ * \param cell_size_y  Edge length of Tet elements in y s-direction.
+ * \param cell_size_z  Edge length of Tet elements in z-direction
+ * \param origin       Optional mesh's origin (the lower left corner) with MathLib::ORIGIN default.
+ * \param mesh_name    Name of the new mesh.
+ */
+Mesh* generateRegularTetMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
+                             const unsigned n_y_cells,
+                             const unsigned n_z_cells,
+                             const double   cell_size_x,
+                             const double   cell_size_y,
+                             const double   cell_size_z,
+                             MathLib::Point3d const& origin = MathLib::ORIGIN,
+                             std::string   const& mesh_name = "mesh");
 /// Constructs a surface mesh approximating a surface in the 3d space given by
 /// a function.
 /// The surface within the xy-domain \f$[ll[0], ur[0]] \times [ll[1], ur[1]\f$