From 12519e6ab234b5847b02951b118a35a47590f168 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wenqing Wang <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 17:16:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [HT] Modified the velocity calculation in order that it can
 be used for both the monolithic and staggered schemes.

 ProcessLib/HT/HTFEM.h                     | 130 +++++++++++-----------
 ProcessLib/HT/HTLocalAssemblerInterface.h |  21 ++++
 ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.cpp               |  18 ++-
 ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.h                 |   8 +-
 ProcessLib/HT/MonolithicHTFEM.h           |  20 ++++
 ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM-impl.h       |  24 +++-
 ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM.h            |   6 +
 ProcessLib/UncoupledProcessesTimeLoop.cpp |   7 +-
 8 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/HTFEM.h b/ProcessLib/HT/HTFEM.h
index da24a85a767..1b0eed69354 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/HTFEM.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/HTFEM.h
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ public:
           unsigned const integration_order,
           HTMaterialProperties const& material_properties,
           const unsigned dof_per_node)
-        : _element(element),
+        : HTLocalAssemblerInterface(),
+          _element(element),
@@ -86,72 +87,6 @@ public:
         return Eigen::Map<const Eigen::RowVectorXd>(, N.size());
-    std::vector<double> const& getIntPtDarcyVelocity(
-        const double t,
-        GlobalVector const& current_solution,
-        NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
-        std::vector<double>& cache) const override
-    {
-        auto const n_integration_points =
-            _integration_method.getNumberOfPoints();
-        auto const indices = NumLib::getIndices(_element.getID(), dof_table);
-        assert(!indices.empty());
-        auto const local_x = current_solution.get(indices);
-        cache.clear();
-        auto cache_mat = MathLib::createZeroedMatrix<
-            Eigen::Matrix<double, GlobalDim, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>>(
-            cache, GlobalDim, n_integration_points);
-        SpatialPosition pos;
-        pos.setElementID(_element.getID());
-        MaterialLib::Fluid::FluidProperty::ArrayType vars;
-        auto const p_nodal_values = Eigen::Map<const NodalVectorType>(
-            &local_x[ShapeFunction::NPOINTS], ShapeFunction::NPOINTS);
-        for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ++ip)
-        {
-            auto const& ip_data = _ip_data[ip];
-            auto const& N = ip_data.N;
-            auto const& dNdx = ip_data.dNdx;
-            pos.setIntegrationPoint(ip);
-            double T_int_pt = 0.0;
-            double p_int_pt = 0.0;
-            NumLib::shapeFunctionInterpolate(local_x, N, T_int_pt, p_int_pt);
-            vars[static_cast<int>(
-                MaterialLib::Fluid::PropertyVariableType::T)] = T_int_pt;
-            vars[static_cast<int>(
-                MaterialLib::Fluid::PropertyVariableType::p)] = p_int_pt;
-            auto const K =
-                _material_properties.porous_media_properties.getIntrinsicPermeability(
-                    t, pos).getValue(t, pos, 0.0, T_int_pt);
-            auto const mu = _material_properties.fluid_properties->getValue(
-                MaterialLib::Fluid::FluidPropertyType::Viscosity, vars);
-            GlobalDimMatrixType const K_over_mu = K / mu;
-            cache_mat.col(ip).noalias() = -K_over_mu * dNdx * p_nodal_values;
-            if (_material_properties.has_gravity)
-            {
-                auto const rho_w =
-                    _material_properties.fluid_properties->getValue(
-                        MaterialLib::Fluid::FluidPropertyType::Density, vars);
-                auto const b = _material_properties.specific_body_force;
-                // here it is assumed that the vector b is directed 'downwards'
-                cache_mat.col(ip).noalias() += K_over_mu * rho_w * b;
-            }
-        }
-        return cache;
-    }
     MeshLib::Element const& _element;
     HTMaterialProperties const& _material_properties;
@@ -212,6 +147,67 @@ protected:
         return thermal_conductivity * I + thermal_dispersivity;
+    std::vector<double> const& getIntPtDarcyVelocityLocal(
+        const double t, std::vector<double> const& local_p,
+        std::vector<double> const& local_T, std::vector<double>& cache) const
+    {
+        auto const n_integration_points =
+            _integration_method.getNumberOfPoints();
+        cache.clear();
+        auto cache_mat = MathLib::createZeroedMatrix<
+            Eigen::Matrix<double, GlobalDim, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>>(
+            cache, GlobalDim, n_integration_points);
+        SpatialPosition pos;
+        pos.setElementID(_element.getID());
+        MaterialLib::Fluid::FluidProperty::ArrayType vars;
+        auto const p_nodal_values = Eigen::Map<const NodalVectorType>(
+            &local_p[0], ShapeFunction::NPOINTS);
+        for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ++ip)
+        {
+            auto const& ip_data = _ip_data[ip];
+            auto const& N = ip_data.N;
+            auto const& dNdx = ip_data.dNdx;
+            pos.setIntegrationPoint(ip);
+            double T_int_pt = 0.0;
+            double p_int_pt = 0.0;
+            NumLib::shapeFunctionInterpolate(local_p, N, p_int_pt);
+            NumLib::shapeFunctionInterpolate(local_T, N, T_int_pt);
+            vars[static_cast<int>(
+                MaterialLib::Fluid::PropertyVariableType::T)] = T_int_pt;
+            vars[static_cast<int>(
+                MaterialLib::Fluid::PropertyVariableType::p)] = p_int_pt;
+            auto const K = _material_properties.porous_media_properties
+                               .getIntrinsicPermeability(t, pos)
+                               .getValue(t, pos, 0.0, T_int_pt);
+            auto const mu = _material_properties.fluid_properties->getValue(
+                MaterialLib::Fluid::FluidPropertyType::Viscosity, vars);
+            GlobalDimMatrixType const K_over_mu = K / mu;
+            cache_mat.col(ip).noalias() = -K_over_mu * dNdx * p_nodal_values;
+            if (_material_properties.has_gravity)
+            {
+                auto const rho_w =
+                    _material_properties.fluid_properties->getValue(
+                        MaterialLib::Fluid::FluidPropertyType::Density, vars);
+                auto const b = _material_properties.specific_body_force;
+                // here it is assumed that the vector b is directed 'downwards'
+                cache_mat.col(ip).noalias() += K_over_mu * rho_w * b;
+            }
+        }
+        return cache;
+    }
 }  // namespace HT
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/HTLocalAssemblerInterface.h b/ProcessLib/HT/HTLocalAssemblerInterface.h
index 82408a4d99f..ecb4d10faf5 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/HTLocalAssemblerInterface.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/HTLocalAssemblerInterface.h
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 namespace ProcessLib
+struct CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme;
 namespace HT
 template <typename NodalRowVectorType, typename GlobalDimNodalMatrixType>
@@ -42,11 +44,30 @@ class HTLocalAssemblerInterface : public ProcessLib::LocalAssemblerInterface,
                                   public NumLib::ExtrapolatableElement
+    HTLocalAssemblerInterface() : _coupled_solutions(nullptr) {}
+    void setStaggeredCoupledSolutions(
+        std::size_t const /*mesh_item_id*/,
+        CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme* const coupling_term)
+    {
+        _coupled_solutions = coupling_term;
+    }
     virtual std::vector<double> const& getIntPtDarcyVelocity(
         const double /*t*/,
         GlobalVector const& /*current_solution*/,
         NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& /*dof_table*/,
         std::vector<double>& /*cache*/) const = 0;
+    // TODO: remove _coupled_solutions or move integration point data from local
+    // assembler class to a new class to make local assembler unique for each
+    // process.
+    /** Pointer to CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme that is set in a member of
+     *  Process class, setCoupledTermForTheStaggeredSchemeToLocalAssemblers.
+     *  It is used for calculate the secondary variables like velocity for
+     *  coupled processes.
+     */
+    CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme* _coupled_solutions;
 }  // namespace HT
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.cpp b/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.cpp
index c17570c121a..f76fa2a9fa6 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.cpp
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.cpp
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ void HTProcess::assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess(
 void HTProcess::preTimestepConcreteProcess(GlobalVector const& x,
-                                            const double /*t*/,
-                                            const double /*delta_t*/,
-                                            const int process_id)
+                                           const double /*t*/,
+                                           const double /*delta_t*/,
+                                           const int process_id)
     assert(process_id < 2);
@@ -123,11 +123,19 @@ void HTProcess::preTimestepConcreteProcess(GlobalVector const& x,
         auto& x0 = *_xs_previous_timestep[process_id];
         MathLib::LinAlg::copy(x, x0);
     auto& x0 = *_xs_previous_timestep[process_id];
+void HTProcess::setCoupledTermForTheStaggeredSchemeToLocalAssemblers()
+    DBUG("Set the coupled term for the staggered scheme to local assembers.");
+    GlobalExecutor::executeMemberOnDereferenced(
+        &HTLocalAssemblerInterface::setStaggeredCoupledSolutions,
+        _local_assemblers, _coupled_solutions);
 }  // namespace HT
 }  // namespace ProcessLib
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.h b/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.h
index 61b399d572a..0d5672d187a 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/HTProcess.h
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ public:
         return _xs_previous_timestep[process_id].get();
+    void setCoupledTermForTheStaggeredSchemeToLocalAssemblers() override;
     void initializeConcreteProcess(
         NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
@@ -82,9 +84,9 @@ private:
         const double dxdot_dx, const double dx_dx, GlobalMatrix& M,
         GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b, GlobalMatrix& Jac) override;
-    void preTimestepConcreteProcess(
-        GlobalVector const& x, double const t, double const dt,
-        const int process_id) override;
+    void preTimestepConcreteProcess(GlobalVector const& x, double const t,
+                                    double const dt,
+                                    const int process_id) override;
     const std::unique_ptr<HTMaterialProperties> _material_properties;
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/MonolithicHTFEM.h b/ProcessLib/HT/MonolithicHTFEM.h
index 6aed470778d..775b56f1370 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/MonolithicHTFEM.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/MonolithicHTFEM.h
@@ -183,6 +183,26 @@ public:
              * in buoyancy effects */
+    std::vector<double> const& getIntPtDarcyVelocity(
+        const double t,
+        GlobalVector const& current_solution,
+        NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
+        std::vector<double>& cache) const override
+    {
+        auto const indices =
+            NumLib::getIndices(this->_element.getID(), dof_table);
+        assert(!indices.empty());
+        auto local_x = current_solution.get(indices);
+        std::vector<double> local_T(
+            std::make_move_iterator(local_x.begin() + local_x.size() / 2),
+            std::make_move_iterator(local_x.end()));
+        // only p is kept in local_x
+        local_x.erase(local_x.begin() + local_x.size() / 2, local_x.end());
+        return this->getIntPtDarcyVelocityLocal(t, local_x, local_T, cache);
+    }
 }  // namespace HT
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM-impl.h b/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM-impl.h
index 5a2a916180d..7389c7a63bc 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM-impl.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM-impl.h
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ void StaggeredHTFEM<ShapeFunction, IntegrationMethod, GlobalDim>::
     if (coupled_term.variable_id == 0)
-        assembleHydraulicEquation(t, local_M_data, local_K_data, local_b_data,
-                                  coupled_term);
+        assembleHeatTransportEquation(t, local_M_data, local_K_data,
+                                      local_b_data, coupled_term);
-    assembleHeatTransportEquation(t, local_M_data, local_K_data, local_b_data,
-                                  coupled_term);
+    assembleHydraulicEquation(t, local_M_data, local_K_data, local_b_data,
+                              coupled_term);
 template <typename ShapeFunction, typename IntegrationMethod,
@@ -267,5 +267,21 @@ void StaggeredHTFEM<ShapeFunction, IntegrationMethod, GlobalDim>::
+template <typename ShapeFunction, typename IntegrationMethod,
+          unsigned GlobalDim>
+std::vector<double> const&
+StaggeredHTFEM<ShapeFunction, IntegrationMethod, GlobalDim>::
+    getIntPtDarcyVelocity(const double t,
+                          GlobalVector const& /*current_solution*/,
+                          NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
+                          std::vector<double>& cache) const
+    auto const indices = NumLib::getIndices(this->_element.getID(), dof_table);
+    assert(!indices.empty());
+    auto const local_xs =
+        getCurrentLocalSolutions(*(this->_coupled_solutions), indices);
+    return this->getIntPtDarcyVelocityLocal(t, local_xs[0], local_xs[1], cache);
 }  // namespace HT
 }  // namespace ProcessLib
diff --git a/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM.h b/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM.h
index ca1217cee25..b2ee534b49b 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM.h
+++ b/ProcessLib/HT/StaggeredHTFEM.h
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ public:
         std::vector<double>& local_K_data, std::vector<double>& local_b_data,
         LocalCoupledSolutions const& coupled_term) override;
+    std::vector<double> const& getIntPtDarcyVelocity(
+        const double t,
+        GlobalVector const& current_solution,
+        NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
+        std::vector<double>& cache) const override;
     void assembleHydraulicEquation(double const t,
                                    std::vector<double>& local_M_data,
diff --git a/ProcessLib/UncoupledProcessesTimeLoop.cpp b/ProcessLib/UncoupledProcessesTimeLoop.cpp
index 92f8a612967..00f19e43d7f 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/UncoupledProcessesTimeLoop.cpp
+++ b/ProcessLib/UncoupledProcessesTimeLoop.cpp
@@ -987,11 +987,12 @@ void UncoupledProcessesTimeLoop::outputSolutions(
                             spd->timestepper->getTimeStep().dt(), pcs_idx);
         if (is_staggered_coupling)
-            CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme coupled_xs(
+            CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme coupled_solutions(
                 _solutions_of_coupled_processes, 0.0, pcs_idx);
-            spd->process.setCoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme(&coupled_xs);
-            spd->process.setStaggeredCouplingTermToLocalAssemblers();
+            spd->process.setCoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme(
+                &coupled_solutions);
+            spd->process.setCoupledTermForTheStaggeredSchemeToLocalAssemblers();
             (output_object.*output_class_member)(pcs, spd->process_output,
                                                  timestep, t, x);