diff --git a/Gui/DataView/CMakeLists.txt b/Gui/DataView/CMakeLists.txt
index 79fe4b0f34e0eeacde3b4b15ea84fae43662d32c..390b058b2b07ec70197875c1291875f8f740adfe 100644
--- a/Gui/DataView/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Gui/DataView/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ set( SOURCES
+	MeshElementRemovalDialog.cpp
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ set( MOC_HEADERS
+	MeshElementRemovalDialog.h
@@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ set( UIS
+	MeshElementRemoval.ui
diff --git a/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemoval.ui b/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemoval.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06f755a5f2b54f1f4367fe29183c0b411fcbc81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemoval.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>MeshElementRemoval</class>
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="MeshElementRemoval">
+  <property name="geometry">
+   <rect>
+    <x>0</x>
+    <y>0</y>
+    <width>411</width>
+    <height>382</height>
+   </rect>
+  </property>
+  <property name="windowTitle">
+   <string>Remove Mesh Elements</string>
+  </property>
+  <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout" rowstretch="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0">
+   <item row="7" column="2">
+    <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox">
+     <property name="orientation">
+      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+     </property>
+     <property name="standardButtons">
+      <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok</set>
+     </property>
+    </widget>
+   </item>
+   <item row="0" column="2">
+    <widget class="QComboBox" name="meshNameComboBox"/>
+   </item>
+   <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
+    <widget class="QLabel" name="meshNameLabel">
+     <property name="text">
+      <string>Select mesh to edit:</string>
+     </property>
+    </widget>
+   </item>
+   <item row="2" column="0" colspan="3">
+    <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+     <property name="title">
+      <string>Remove Elements based on</string>
+     </property>
+     <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
+      <item row="4" column="0">
+       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+        <property name="orientation">
+         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+        </property>
+        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+         <size>
+          <width>40</width>
+          <height>20</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </spacer>
+      </item>
+      <item row="5" column="0">
+       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
+        <property name="orientation">
+         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+        </property>
+        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+         <size>
+          <width>40</width>
+          <height>20</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </spacer>
+      </item>
+      <item row="4" column="1">
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="yOutsideLabel">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Y outside of</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="4" column="3">
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="yAndLabel">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>and</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="3" column="4">
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="xMaxEdit">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="1" column="0" colspan="2" alignment="Qt::AlignTop">
+       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="materialIDCheckBox">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Material ID</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="3" column="1">
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="xOutsideLabel">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>X outside of</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2" alignment="Qt::AlignTop">
+       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="elementTypeCheckBox">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Element Type</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="6" column="0" colspan="2">
+       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="zeroVolumeCheckBox">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Zero Area/Volume</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="5" column="1">
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="zOutsideLabel">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Z outside of</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="3" column="3">
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="xAndLabel">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>and</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="5" column="2">
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="zMinEdit">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="4" column="4">
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="yMaxEdit">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="5" column="3">
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="zAndLabel">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>and</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="3" column="2">
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="xMinEdit">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="4" column="2">
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="yMinEdit">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="5" column="4">
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="zMaxEdit">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="3" column="0">
+       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
+        <property name="orientation">
+         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+        </property>
+        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+         <size>
+          <width>40</width>
+          <height>20</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </spacer>
+      </item>
+      <item row="2" column="0" colspan="3">
+       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="boundingBoxCheckBox">
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Bounding Box, Nodes with</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="0" column="2" colspan="3">
+       <widget class="QListWidget" name="elementTypeListWidget">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+        <property name="alternatingRowColors">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+        <property name="selectionMode">
+         <enum>QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection</enum>
+        </property>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Line</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Tri</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Quad</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Tetrahedron</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Hexahedron</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Pyramid</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>Prism</string>
+         </property>
+        </item>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="1" column="2" colspan="3">
+       <widget class="QListWidget" name="materialListWidget">
+        <property name="enabled">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+        <property name="alternatingRowColors">
+         <bool>false</bool>
+        </property>
+        <property name="selectionMode">
+         <enum>QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection</enum>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+     </layout>
+    </widget>
+   </item>
+   <item row="1" column="0">
+    <widget class="QLabel" name="newMeshNameLabel">
+     <property name="text">
+      <string>Name of new mesh:</string>
+     </property>
+    </widget>
+   </item>
+   <item row="1" column="2">
+    <widget class="QLineEdit" name="newMeshNameEdit"/>
+   </item>
+  </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections>
+  <connection>
+   <sender>buttonBox</sender>
+   <signal>accepted()</signal>
+   <receiver>MeshElementRemoval</receiver>
+   <slot>accept()</slot>
+   <hints>
+    <hint type="sourcelabel">
+     <x>248</x>
+     <y>254</y>
+    </hint>
+    <hint type="destinationlabel">
+     <x>157</x>
+     <y>274</y>
+    </hint>
+   </hints>
+  </connection>
+  <connection>
+   <sender>buttonBox</sender>
+   <signal>rejected()</signal>
+   <receiver>MeshElementRemoval</receiver>
+   <slot>reject()</slot>
+   <hints>
+    <hint type="sourcelabel">
+     <x>316</x>
+     <y>260</y>
+    </hint>
+    <hint type="destinationlabel">
+     <x>286</x>
+     <y>274</y>
+    </hint>
+   </hints>
+  </connection>
+ </connections>
diff --git a/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemovalDialog.cpp b/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemovalDialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8de54129d1a126805cd466e609b36c33cdc97433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemovalDialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Karsten Rink
+ * \date   2013-10-16
+ * \brief  Implementation of the MeshElementRemovalDialog class.
+ *
+ * \copyright
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org)
+ *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
+ *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
+ *              http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license
+ *
+ */
+#include "MeshElementRemovalDialog.h"
+#include "Mesh.h"
+#include "Elements/Element.h"
+#include "Node.h"
+#include "MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.h"
+#include "AABB.h"
+#include "OGSError.h"
+#include <QList>
+#include <QListWidgetItem>
+/// Constructor
+MeshElementRemovalDialog::MeshElementRemovalDialog(const ProjectData &project, QDialog* parent)
+	: _project(project), _currentIndex(0), _aabbIndex(1), _matIDIndex(1), QDialog(parent)
+	setupUi(this);
+	const std::vector<MeshLib::Mesh*> mesh_vec (_project.getMeshObjects());
+	const std::size_t nMeshes (mesh_vec.size());
+	for (std::size_t i=0; i<nMeshes; ++i)
+	{
+		std::string name = mesh_vec[i]->getName();
+		this->meshNameComboBox->addItem(QString::fromStdString(name));
+	}	
+	if (mesh_vec.empty())
+	{
+		OGSError::box("No meshes available.");
+		QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "close", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+	}
+void MeshElementRemovalDialog::accept()
+	if (this->newMeshNameEdit->text().size()==0)
+	{
+		OGSError::box("Please enter name for new mesh.");
+		return;
+	}
+	bool anything_checked (false);
+	MeshLib::ElementExtraction ex(*_project.getMesh(this->meshNameComboBox->currentText().toStdString()));
+	if (this->elementTypeCheckBox->isChecked())
+	{
+		QList<QListWidgetItem*> items = this->elementTypeListWidget->selectedItems();
+		for (int i=0; i<items.size(); ++i)
+			ex.searchByElementType(CompleteString2MeshElemType(items[i]->text().toStdString()));
+		anything_checked = true;
+	}
+	if (this->materialIDCheckBox->isChecked())
+	{
+		QList<QListWidgetItem*> items = this->materialListWidget->selectedItems();
+		for (int i=0; i<items.size(); ++i)
+			ex.searchByMaterialID(atoi(items[i]->text().toStdString().c_str()));
+		anything_checked = true;
+	}
+	if (this->boundingBoxCheckBox->isChecked())
+	{
+		const MeshLib::Node min(strtod(this->xMinEdit->text().toStdString().c_str(), 0),
+			                    strtod(this->yMinEdit->text().toStdString().c_str(), 0),
+								strtod(this->zMinEdit->text().toStdString().c_str(), 0),0);
+		const MeshLib::Node max(strtod(this->xMaxEdit->text().toStdString().c_str(), 0),
+			                    strtod(this->yMaxEdit->text().toStdString().c_str(), 0),
+								strtod(this->zMaxEdit->text().toStdString().c_str(), 0),0);
+		ex.searchByBoundingBox(min, max);
+		anything_checked = true;
+	}
+	if (this->zeroVolumeCheckBox->isChecked())
+	{
+		ex.searchByZeroContent();
+		anything_checked = true;
+	}
+	if (anything_checked)
+	{
+		MeshLib::Mesh* new_mesh = ex.removeMeshElements(this->newMeshNameEdit->text().toStdString());
+		if (new_mesh)
+			emit meshAdded(new_mesh);
+		else
+		{
+			OGSError::box("All elements removed from mesh.");
+			delete new_mesh;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		OGSError::box("No condition set for elements to remove.");
+		return;
+	}
+	this->done(QDialog::Accepted);
+void MeshElementRemovalDialog::reject()
+	this->done(QDialog::Rejected);
+void MeshElementRemovalDialog::on_boundingBoxCheckBox_toggled(bool is_checked)
+	this->xMinEdit->setEnabled(is_checked); this->xMaxEdit->setEnabled(is_checked);
+	this->yMinEdit->setEnabled(is_checked); this->yMaxEdit->setEnabled(is_checked);
+	this->zMinEdit->setEnabled(is_checked); this->zMaxEdit->setEnabled(is_checked);
+	if (is_checked && (_currentIndex != _aabbIndex))
+	{
+		_aabbIndex = _currentIndex;
+		const std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> nodes (_project.getMesh(this->meshNameComboBox->currentText().toStdString())->getNodes());
+		GeoLib::AABB<MeshLib::Node> aabb(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
+		const MeshLib::Node minAABB = aabb.getMinPoint();
+		const MeshLib::Node maxAABB = aabb.getMaxPoint();
+		this->xMinEdit->setText(QString::number(minAABB[0], 'f'));
+		this->xMaxEdit->setText(QString::number(maxAABB[0], 'f'));
+		this->yMinEdit->setText(QString::number(minAABB[1], 'f'));
+		this->yMaxEdit->setText(QString::number(maxAABB[1], 'f'));
+		this->zMinEdit->setText(QString::number(minAABB[2], 'f'));
+		this->zMaxEdit->setText(QString::number(maxAABB[2], 'f'));
+	}
+void MeshElementRemovalDialog::on_elementTypeCheckBox_toggled(bool is_checked)
+	this->elementTypeListWidget->setEnabled(is_checked);
+void MeshElementRemovalDialog::on_materialIDCheckBox_toggled(bool is_checked)
+	this->materialListWidget->setEnabled(is_checked);
+	if (is_checked && (_currentIndex != _matIDIndex))
+	{
+		this->materialListWidget->clear();
+		_matIDIndex = _currentIndex;
+		const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> elements (_project.getMesh(this->meshNameComboBox->currentText().toStdString())->getElements());
+		auto it = std::max_element(elements.begin(), elements.end(), 
+			[](MeshLib::Element const*const x, MeshLib::Element const*const y) { return x->getValue() < y->getValue(); }
+		);
+		unsigned max_material ((*it)->getValue());
+		for (unsigned i=0; i<=max_material; ++i)
+			this->materialListWidget->addItem(QString::number(i));
+	}
+void MeshElementRemovalDialog::on_meshNameComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int idx)
+	this->_currentIndex = this->meshNameComboBox->currentIndex();
+	this->newMeshNameEdit->setText(this->meshNameComboBox->currentText() + "_new");
+	this->elementTypeListWidget->clearSelection();
+	this->materialListWidget->clearSelection();	
+	if (this->boundingBoxCheckBox->isChecked()) this->on_boundingBoxCheckBox_toggled(true);
+	if (this->materialIDCheckBox->isChecked()) this->on_materialIDCheckBox_toggled(true);
diff --git a/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemovalDialog.h b/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemovalDialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99cfea143ca52043cde73ddc5922eb4481898b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gui/DataView/MeshElementRemovalDialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Karsten Rink
+ * \date   2013-10-16
+ * \brief  Definition of the MeshElementRemovalDialog class.
+ *
+ * \copyright
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org)
+ *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
+ *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
+ *              http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license
+ *
+ */
+#include "ui_MeshElementRemoval.h"
+#include <QDialog>
+#include "ProjectData.h"
+class Node;
+ * \brief A dialog window for settung up a database connection
+ */
+class MeshElementRemovalDialog : public QDialog, private Ui_MeshElementRemoval
+	MeshElementRemovalDialog(const ProjectData &project, QDialog* parent = 0);
+	~MeshElementRemovalDialog(void);
+private slots:
+	void on_boundingBoxCheckBox_toggled(bool is_checked);
+	void on_elementTypeCheckBox_toggled(bool is_checked);
+	void on_materialIDCheckBox_toggled(bool is_checked);
+	void on_meshNameComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
+	void accept();
+	void reject();
+	const ProjectData& _project;
+	unsigned _currentIndex, _aabbIndex, _matIDIndex;
+	void meshAdded(MeshLib::Mesh* mesh);
diff --git a/Gui/mainwindow.cpp b/Gui/mainwindow.cpp
index 60b504d50b83b5269b59e8f73db5484e14b9aeaf..6bbdbce52bce9bc11a8d7cf80f491b4635bc9473 100644
--- a/Gui/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/Gui/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 #include "LineEditDialog.h"
 #include "ListPropertiesDialog.h"
 #include "MergeGeometriesDialog.h"
+#include "MeshElementRemovalDialog.h"
 #include "MshQualitySelectionDialog.h"
 #include "NetCdfConfigureDialog.h"
 #include "NewProcessDialog.h"
@@ -1132,6 +1133,13 @@ void MainWindow::showGeoNameDialog(const std::string &geometry_name, const GeoLi
 		id,	this->_geoModels->getElementNameByID(geometry_name, object_type, id));
+void MainWindow::showMeshElementRemovalDialog()
+	MeshElementRemovalDialog dlg(this->_project);
+	connect(&dlg, SIGNAL(meshAdded(MeshLib::Mesh*)), _meshModels, SLOT(addMesh(MeshLib::Mesh*)));
+	dlg.exec();
 void MainWindow::showCondSetupDialog(const std::string &geometry_name, const GeoLib::GEOTYPE object_type, size_t id, bool on_points)
 	std::string geo_name("");
diff --git a/Gui/mainwindow.h b/Gui/mainwindow.h
index 7116d220a05387786f2dbdce6ad5681f67fc8c8b..58f706bdeefc0806d63498cf0ff6981fe4df57dd 100644
--- a/Gui/mainwindow.h
+++ b/Gui/mainwindow.h
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ protected slots:
 	void showCondSetupDialog(const std::string &geometry_name, const GeoLib::GEOTYPE object_type, std::size_t id, bool on_points = false);
 	/// Allows setting the name for a geometric object
 	void showGeoNameDialog(const std::string &geometry_name, const GeoLib::GEOTYPE object_type, std::size_t id);
+	/// Removal of mesh elements based on a number of criteria.
+	void showMeshElementRemovalDialog();
 	/// Calls the diagram prefs dialog from the Tools menu.
 	void showDiagramPrefsDialog();
 	/// Calls the diagram prefs dialog from the station list (i.e. for a specific station).
diff --git a/Gui/mainwindow.ui b/Gui/mainwindow.ui
index c83c9b0dba032bcc0c4c79de2e3003ddf88501d7..58e875c47f71d484f603b6500537d2601d9a872c 100644
--- a/Gui/mainwindow.ui
+++ b/Gui/mainwindow.ui
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
     <addaction name="actionMesh_Generation"/>
+    <addaction name="actionRemove_Mesh_Elements"/>
     <addaction name="actionMerge_Geometries"/>
     <addaction name="actionFile_Converter"/>
     <addaction name="actionDiagram_Viewer"/>
@@ -412,6 +413,11 @@
     <string>Merge Geometries...</string>
+  <action name="actionRemove_Mesh_Elements">
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Remove Mesh Elements...</string>
+   </property>
+  </action>
  <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>
@@ -630,6 +636,22 @@
+  <connection>
+   <sender>actionRemove_Mesh_Elements</sender>
+   <signal>triggered()</signal>
+   <receiver>MainWindowClass</receiver>
+   <slot>showMeshElementRemovalDialog()</slot>
+   <hints>
+    <hint type="sourcelabel">
+     <x>-1</x>
+     <y>-1</y>
+    </hint>
+    <hint type="destinationlabel">
+     <x>400</x>
+     <y>372</y>
+    </hint>
+   </hints>
+  </connection>
@@ -643,5 +665,6 @@
+  <slot>showMeshElementRemovalDialog()</slot>
diff --git a/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.cpp b/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.cpp
index 6c18fa0f5907bcb10860b2b5c8c2f02a5c41f85a..6358aeff7005d15c3545917557818708b026146e 100644
--- a/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.cpp
+++ b/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ElementExtraction::~ElementExtraction()
-MeshLib::Mesh* ElementExtraction::removeMeshElements() const
+MeshLib::Mesh* ElementExtraction::removeMeshElements(const std::string &new_mesh_name) const
 	INFO("Removing total %d elements...", _marked_elements.size());
 	std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> tmp_elems = excludeElements(_mesh.getElements(), _marked_elements);
@@ -40,11 +40,15 @@ MeshLib::Mesh* ElementExtraction::removeMeshElements() const
 	copyNodesElements(_mesh.getNodes(), tmp_elems, new_nodes, new_elems);
 	// create a new mesh object. Unsued nodes are removed during construction
-	return new MeshLib::Mesh(_mesh.getName(), new_nodes, new_elems);
+	if (!new_elems.empty())
+		return new MeshLib::Mesh(new_mesh_name, new_nodes, new_elems);
+	else
+		return nullptr;
-void ElementExtraction::searchByMaterialID(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec, unsigned matID)
+void ElementExtraction::searchByMaterialID(unsigned matID)
+	const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> &ele_vec (this->_mesh.getElements());
 	std::vector<std::size_t> matchedIDs;
 	std::size_t i = 0;
 	for (MeshLib::Element* ele : ele_vec) {
@@ -55,8 +59,9 @@ void ElementExtraction::searchByMaterialID(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*>
-void ElementExtraction::searchByElementType(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec, MeshElemType eleType)
+void ElementExtraction::searchByElementType(MeshElemType eleType)
+	const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> &ele_vec (this->_mesh.getElements());
 	std::vector<std::size_t> matchedIDs;
 	std::size_t i = 0;
 	for (MeshLib::Element* ele : ele_vec) {
@@ -67,8 +72,9 @@ void ElementExtraction::searchByElementType(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*>
-void ElementExtraction::searchByZeroContent(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec)
+void ElementExtraction::searchByZeroContent()
+	const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> &ele_vec (this->_mesh.getElements());
 	std::vector<std::size_t> matchedIDs;
 	std::size_t i = 0;
 	for (MeshLib::Element* ele : ele_vec) {
@@ -79,8 +85,9 @@ void ElementExtraction::searchByZeroContent(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*>
-void ElementExtraction::searchByBoundingBox(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec, const MeshLib::Node &x1, const MeshLib::Node &x2)
+void ElementExtraction::searchByBoundingBox(const MeshLib::Node &x1, const MeshLib::Node &x2)
+	const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> &ele_vec (this->_mesh.getElements());
 	std::vector<MeshLib::Node> extent;
 	extent.push_back(x1); extent.push_back(x2);
 	const GeoLib::AABB<MeshLib::Node> aabb(extent.begin(), extent.end());
diff --git a/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.h b/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.h
index 30893c9223a72bc3e53a1eb620542680c143f385..1382516da856cf1d3c1b6d0da4b0f61f88a996ae 100644
--- a/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.h
+++ b/MeshLib/MeshEditing/ElementExtraction.h
@@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ public:
 	/// Removes all mesh elements marked by search-methods.
-	MeshLib::Mesh* removeMeshElements() const;
+	MeshLib::Mesh* removeMeshElements(const std::string &new_mesh_name) const;
 	/// Marks all elements with the given Material ID.
-	void searchByMaterialID(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec, unsigned matID);
+	void searchByMaterialID(unsigned matID);
 	/// Marks all elements of the given element type.
-	void searchByElementType(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec, MeshElemType eleType);
+	void searchByElementType(MeshElemType eleType);
 	/// Marks all elements with a volume smaller than std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon().
-	void searchByZeroContent(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec);
+	void searchByZeroContent();
 	/// Marks all elements with at least one node outside the bounding box spanned by x1 and x2;
-	void searchByBoundingBox(const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> & ele_vec, const MeshLib::Node &x1, const MeshLib::Node &x2);
+	void searchByBoundingBox(const MeshLib::Node &x1, const MeshLib::Node &x2);
diff --git a/MeshLib/MeshEnums.cpp b/MeshLib/MeshEnums.cpp
index d0cb803a3ee702ca024f1f69fa07fe54548b6d13..e54bd48fbb6f2c918e755fab352189fd439f94fd 100644
--- a/MeshLib/MeshEnums.cpp
+++ b/MeshLib/MeshEnums.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,25 @@ const std::string MeshElemType2String(const MeshElemType t)
 	return "none";
+MeshElemType CompleteString2MeshElemType(const std::string &s)
+	if (s.compare("Line") == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::LINE;
+	if (s.compare("Quad") == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::QUAD;
+	if (s.compare("Hexahedron")  == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::HEXAHEDRON;
+	if (s.compare("Triangle")  == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::TRIANGLE;
+	if (s.compare("Tetrahedron")  == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::TETRAHEDRON;
+	if (s.compare("Prism") == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::PRISM;
+	if (s.compare("Pyramid") == 0)
+		return MeshElemType::PYRAMID;
+	return MeshElemType::INVALID;
 MeshElemType String2MeshElemType(const std::string &s)
 	if (s.compare("line") == 0)
diff --git a/MeshLib/MeshEnums.h b/MeshLib/MeshEnums.h
index 69950507a6a29eeb48693098624a2f81ef0ea2e9..528e5204198d89eb238724221c0d75a5829c5962 100644
--- a/MeshLib/MeshEnums.h
+++ b/MeshLib/MeshEnums.h
@@ -71,9 +71,12 @@ enum class MeshQualityType
 /// Given a MeshElemType this returns the appropriate string.
 const std::string MeshElemType2String(const MeshElemType t);
-/// Given a string describing an element type this returns the corresponding MeshElemType.
+/// Given a string of the shortened name of the element type, this returns the corresponding MeshElemType.
 MeshElemType String2MeshElemType(const std::string &s);
+/// Given the full name of an element type this, returns the corresponding MeshElemType.
+MeshElemType CompleteString2MeshElemType(const std::string &s);
 const std::string MeshQualityType2String(const MeshQualityType t);
 #endif //MESHENUMS_H