+++ date = "2018-02-26T11:00:13+01:00" title = "Third-party libraries" author = "Lars Bilke" weight = 1039 [menu] [menu.devguide] parent = "advanced" +++ ::: {.note} ### <i class="far fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Attention! We strongly recommend to simply use [Conan]({{< ref "conan.pandoc" >}}) for handling required third-party libraries. ::: ## Introduction The following libraries are required: - [Boost](http://www.boost.org/) >= {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.boost" >}} - [Eigen](http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/) >= {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.eigen" >}} - [VTK](https://www.vtk.org/) >= {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.vtk" >}} If you want to build the Data Explorer you need these too: - [Qt](https://www.qt.io/) >= {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.qt" >}} - [Shapelib](http://shapelib.maptools.org) >= 1.3.0 - [libgeotiff](https://trac.osgeo.org/geotiff/) >= 1.4.2 Please refer to the library documentation on how to build. If you struggle consider using [Conan]({{< ref "conan.pandoc" >}})! Once built CMake tries its best to find the libraries.