date = "2018-02-27T11:00:13+01:00"
title = "Eve / envinf1"
author = "Lars Bilke"
weight = 2

    parent = "basics"

## Introduction

Members of the Department Environmental Informatics of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ can use the `envinf1`, `frontend1` and `frontend2`-machines which are tightly connected to the Eve cluster system.

## Select OGS version

You select an OGS version by loading a module:

export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/global/apps/modulefiles

# Examples:
module load ogs            # Loads latest (maybe unstable) ogs in standard config
module load ogs/head/petsc # Loads latest (maybe unstable) petsc config
module load ogs/6.0.9      # Loads stable version 6.0.9 in standard config, not released yet

You can select only one version at a time. Run `module purge` to unload all previously loaded modules.

See [Quickstart]({{< ref "introduction.pandoc" >}}) for running instructions.