diff --git a/GeoLib/MinimalBoundingSphere.cpp b/GeoLib/MinimalBoundingSphere.cpp
index 115cc7facd20af4b668d8fac998322a486435f9b..64bac9e610f2a67888502bd13a7313495ae3f240 100644
--- a/GeoLib/MinimalBoundingSphere.cpp
+++ b/GeoLib/MinimalBoundingSphere.cpp
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ MinimalBoundingSphere::MinimalBoundingSphere(MathLib::Point3d const& p,
     if (!MathLib::isCoplanar(p, q, r, s))
-        double const denom = 2.0 * MathLib::scalarTriple(va, vb, vc);
+        double const denom = 2.0 * va.cross(vb).dot(vc);
         Eigen::Vector3d o =
             (vc.dot(vc) * va.cross(vb) + vb.dot(vb) * vc.cross(va) +
              va.dot(va) * vb.cross(vc)) /
diff --git a/MathLib/MathTools.cpp b/MathLib/MathTools.cpp
index 996c04d316c5b9b00a59829c5bfd5503871ca902..ba12e31768e97b348630d1809863e21419062e45 100644
--- a/MathLib/MathTools.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/MathTools.cpp
@@ -52,10 +52,4 @@ double getAngle(Point3d const& p0, Point3d const& p1, Point3d const& p2)
     return std::acos(v0.dot(v1) / (v0.norm() * v1.norm()));
-double scalarTriple(Eigen::Vector3d const& u, Eigen::Vector3d const& v,
-                    Eigen::Vector3d const& w)
-    return u.cross(v).dot(w);
 }  // namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/MathTools.h b/MathLib/MathTools.h
index 699d3ff7225ed3ea8c2368d25c29b90ad54060d2..812fb833fc922bb493594e4edd4392b05a58b889 100644
--- a/MathLib/MathTools.h
+++ b/MathLib/MathTools.h
@@ -91,8 +91,4 @@ double calcProjPntToLineAndDists(MathLib::Point3d const& pp,
  * @return the angle between the edges
 double getAngle(Point3d const& p0, Point3d const& p1, Point3d const& p2);
-/// Calculates the scalar triple (u x v) . w
-double scalarTriple(Eigen::Vector3d const& u, Eigen::Vector3d const& v,
-                    Eigen::Vector3d const& w);
 }  // namespace MathLib