From 6f74402e29dcee96ce9dae84ec5f9b955e930667 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitri Naumov <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 12:34:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove ThirdParty/logog folder.

 ThirdParty/logog/CMakeLists.txt         |   23 -
 ThirdParty/logog/doc/make-doxygen.bat   |    2 -
 ThirdParty/logog/doc/overview.dox       |  991 -------------
 ThirdParty/logog/doxyfile               | 1716 -----------------------
 ThirdParty/logog/include/api.hpp        |   47 -
 ThirdParty/logog/include/checkpoint.hpp |   31 -
 ThirdParty/logog/include/const.hpp      |   90 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/formatter.hpp  |   89 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/logog.hpp      |   36 -
 ThirdParty/logog/include/macro.hpp      |  240 ----
 ThirdParty/logog/include/message.hpp    |   45 -
 ThirdParty/logog/include/mutex.hpp      |   98 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/node.hpp       |  142 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/object.hpp     |  221 ---
 ThirdParty/logog/include/platform.hpp   |  195 ---
 ThirdParty/logog/include/socket.hpp     |  150 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/statics.hpp    |   74 -
 ThirdParty/logog/include/string.hpp     |  115 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/target.hpp     |  176 ---
 ThirdParty/logog/include/thread.hpp     |  121 --
 ThirdParty/logog/include/timer.hpp      |   42 -
 ThirdParty/logog/include/topic.hpp      |  203 ---
 ThirdParty/logog/include/unittest.hpp   |  151 --
 ThirdParty/logog/readme.txt             |   11 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/api.cpp            |   74 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/checkpoint.cpp     |   30 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/formatter.cpp      |  238 ----
 ThirdParty/logog/src/lobject.cpp        |  177 ---
 ThirdParty/logog/src/logog.vcproj       |  323 -----
 ThirdParty/logog/src/lstring.cpp        |  497 -------
 ThirdParty/logog/src/message.cpp        |   69 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/mutex.cpp          |   92 --
 ThirdParty/logog/src/node.cpp           |  351 -----
 ThirdParty/logog/src/platform.cpp       |   11 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/socket.cpp         |   10 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/statics.cpp        |   57 -
 ThirdParty/logog/src/target.cpp         |  345 -----
 ThirdParty/logog/src/timer.cpp          |   80 --
 ThirdParty/logog/src/topic.cpp          |  454 ------
 ThirdParty/logog/src/unittest.cpp       |  128 --
 ThirdParty/logog/test/CMakeLists.txt    |    2 -
 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.cpp          |  837 -----------
 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.sln          |   41 -
 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj       |  231 ---
 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj.lnt   |   11 -
 45 files changed, 9067 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/doc/make-doxygen.bat
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/doc/overview.dox
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/doxyfile
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/api.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/checkpoint.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/const.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/formatter.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/logog.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/macro.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/message.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/mutex.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/node.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/object.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/platform.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/socket.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/statics.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/string.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/target.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/thread.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/timer.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/topic.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/include/unittest.hpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/readme.txt
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/api.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/checkpoint.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/formatter.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/lobject.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/logog.vcproj
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/lstring.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/message.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/mutex.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/node.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/platform.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/socket.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/statics.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/target.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/timer.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/topic.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/src/unittest.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/test/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.cpp
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.sln
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj
 delete mode 100644 ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj.lnt

diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/CMakeLists.txt b/ThirdParty/logog/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c32fbf5676c..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# logog needs thread support on linux
-find_package( Threads )
-add_library( logog
-	src/api.cpp
-	src/checkpoint.cpp
-	src/formatter.cpp
-	src/lobject.cpp
-	src/lstring.cpp
-	src/message.cpp
-	src/mutex.cpp
-	src/node.cpp
-	src/platform.cpp
-	src/socket.cpp
-	src/statics.cpp
-	src/target.cpp
-	src/timer.cpp
-	src/topic.cpp
-	src/unittest.cpp
-target_include_directories(logog SYSTEM PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/doc/make-doxygen.bat b/ThirdParty/logog/doc/make-doxygen.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index ec6f2db2a28..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/doc/make-doxygen.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cd ..
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/doc/overview.dox b/ThirdParty/logog/doc/overview.dox
deleted file mode 100644
index 0baf43db1b9..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/doc/overview.dox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
-Online documentation is available at
-This is a documentation file for logog, written in doxygen format.  It's not
-intended to be read by a human; rather, it's intended to be read by the 
-doxygen formatting tool to generate help in a number of user-readable formats.
-If you wish to generate a local copy of the html documentation, then 
-install the doxygen utility from , and run the 
-utility from the root of the logog installation folder.  A folder
-named doc/html will be created with complete html documentation for the
-current release of logog.
-namespace logog {
-\mainpage logog - logger optimized for games
-<a href="">
-<img src="download.jpg" width=120 height=90 alt="Download logog" >
-\section introduction Introduction 
-logog is a portable C++ library to 
-facilitate logging of real-time events in performance-oriented 
-applications, such as games. It is especially appropriate for projects 
-that have constrained memory and constrained CPU requirements. 
-The latest documentation for logog is online at <a href="">
-</a>.  You can download the latest tarball or zipfile 
-<a href="">here</a>.
-For the impatient, you can add logging functionality into your program
-within five minutes by reading the \ref quickstart section.
-\subsection gettingstarted Getting started
-- \ref quickstart
-- \ref requirements
-- \ref supportedplatforms
-- \ref features
-\subsection basic Basic functionality
-- \ref loggingevents
-- \ref levels 
-\subsection advancedfeatures Advanced functionality
-- \ref categoriesgroups
-- \ref multipletargets
-- \ref deferredoutput
-- \ref addingnewtargets
-- \ref customformatting
-- \ref memorymanager
-- \ref unicodesupport
-- \ref performance
-- \ref leakdetection
-\subsection relatedtopics Related topics
-- \ref porting
-- \ref unittesting 
-- \ref othersystems
-- \ref license
-\subsection gettinghelp Getting help
-- \ref community
-<table border=0 style="background-color: #fff; padding: 5px;" cellspacing=0>
-  <tr><td>
-  <img src=""
-         height=30 width=140 alt="Google Groups">
-  </td></tr>
-  <tr><td style="padding-left: 5px">
-  <b>Subscribe to Logog</b>
-  </td></tr>
-  <form action="">
-  <input type=hidden name="hl" value="en">
-  <tr><td style="padding-left: 5px;">
-  Email: <input type=text name=email>
-  <input type=submit name="sub" value="Subscribe">
-  </td></tr>
-<tr><td align=right>
-  <a href="">Visit this group</a>
-\page features Features 
-Why yet another logging library?  Because professional games have
-very specific logging requirements that aren't met by any previous
-logging system.
-logog supports the following features: 
-- High performance. It is possible to disable all logging functionality 
-entirely within logog. In this case logog incurs zero performance 
-penalty on executing code. All logging functions compile to no-ops in 
-the case where the logging level is set to disabled. When logging is 
-enabled, the do-not-log control path requires exactly one boolean 
-comparison. All performance-critical operations have been constructed to 
-have constant time or near constant time performance. logog was designed 
-to assume that no memory or CPU time is available for logging on a final 
-release build of software. When compiling in final release mode, logog 
-is designed to compile completely away -- zero memory allocations, zero 
-CPU cycles spent.
-- Logging to arbitrary destinations. Log messages can be sent to stdout, 
-stderr, a log file or into memory, or any combination of these. Logging 
-classes are highly extensible, so logging to new destinations is easy to 
-- Multiple simultaneous logging criteria. Messages can be simultaneously 
-logged to different log targets with different requirements: by file, by 
-category, by log level, or by group. Substring matching permits 
-regexp-like behavior on logging criteria. 
-- Limited external dependencies. logog only requires a reasonably modern 
-standards-compliant C++ compiler (tr1 or later). logog has limited 
-dependencies on STL.  Those dependencies have been orchestrated to mitigate
-the negative performance impacts of the STL.  Additionally, those dependencies
-have been abstracted into macros so that STL can easily be replaced with a somewhat
-compatible template library of your own choosing.
-- Highly granular control over which message types are logged.  Control 
-over these messages may be determined at compile-time for maximal 
-performance, or at run-time for interactively enabling or disabling log 
-message types during execution. Messages may be logged by source file, 
-group, category, or message contents. 
-- Support for advanced logging requirements. logog's pub-sub 
-architecture means that logging can occur simultaneously to multiple log 
-targets, each with its own logging criteria. Stable base classes permit 
-new logging targets to be easily added. 
-- Extremely configurable memory usage and policy. All memory allocations 
-happen after initialization time via a user-supplied memory manager (or 
-the default std::allocator). In other words, you can configure ALL 
-memory allocations to occur from custom malloc() and free() style 
-functions of your own authorship. 
-- All allocated memory is freed after the shutdown -- logog does not 
-leak memory.  A special compilation flag (LOGOG_LEAK_DETECTION) audits
-every allocation and free within logog to discover and fix memory leaks therein.
-Additionally, if you don't trust logog's internal leak detector, support exists
-for auditing leaks with Microsoft's CRT library with LOGOG_LEAK_DETECTION_MICROSOFT.
-- Support for POSIX-type and Windows-type operating systems.
-Support for proprietary game consoles is implicit or latent; the system
-has been demonstrated to work on Xbox 360 and PS3 (with certain proprietary header
-files).  Support for other OSes is straightforward; all OS dependencies are encapsulated in 
-- Support for multithreading. Multiple thread sources are permitted to 
-send logging messages at the same time. 
-- Support for re-entrancy. If triggering a log message indirectly causes 
-another log message to be triggered, either through the memory allocator 
-or some other user-based policy, logog is not permitted to hang in a 
-multithreaded environment. 
-- Unicode (wide-character) support for all strings; define LOGOG_UNICODE 
-and all strings go from char-based to wchar-based. 
-- Verbose documentation.  By far the best documented logging system
-available.  logog uses doxygen comments throughout.
-- Extremely permissive license. logog is released under the MIT License, 
-so it may be used freely in commercial as well as open-source projects, 
-with proper attribution to logog's authors (Gigantic Software). 
-\page quickstart Quick start 
-The logog system is a set of C++ header files and C++ source files.
-To use them, compile all the C++ source files into a single library.
-The compiler will need to reference the files in the include directory
-when compiling the logog library.
-\par Build the logog library
-To make this easier, logog has been set up to compile using CMake, available 
-at .
-CMake is a free cross-platform build system, and executables are available for
-most major platforms and development environments.  Download and install CMake
-in order to generate a build for your platform.
-For example, to build the project and libraries on Visual Studio 2008, find and launch
-the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt at <b>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 / Visual Studio Tools /
-Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt.</b>
-Then, to create the appropriate project files, create an empty directory, make that 
-directory the current directory, and run the CMake command with the logog directory as 
-a parameter:
-mkdir logog-build
-cd logog-build
-cmake [path-to-logog-top-directory]
-At this point, your directory will contain appropriate project and solution files for your 
-platform.  Once the solution is building, the CMake program is no longer needed.
-Compile and link the library for your own platform using the makefile or project files generated
-for your platform.
-\par Your Hello, Logog! program
-Here is a working logog example that initializes logog, outputs some sample messages and then
-\snippet test.cpp HelloLogog
-The most common mistake when getting started with logog is creating a Cerr or Cout
-object and not destroying the object before LOGOG_SHUTDOWN().  This is a usage
-error and will be detected as heap corruption by most debuggers.
-\par Integrate logog into your own project
-To use the logging library in your own project, put the following line 
-at the top of your source file(s): 
-#include "logog.hpp"
-Additionally, make sure to add logog's /include path into the directories
-your build process searches.
-At the beginning of your program, initialize logog exactly once, with this
-\par Choose one or more output types
-To tell logog what type of output should be logged, you must first create a logog::Cerr,
-a logog::Cout, or a logog::LogFile object.  Once this object is instantiated,
-all messages will be routed to that target.  For example:
-logog::Cerr errOutput;
-logog::LogFile errFile("log.txt");
-It's only necessary to create one target per process, immediately after initializing
-logog; you don't need to instance a different Cout, Cerr or LogFile for each class or each file.
-\par Start logging events
-To log a message in your code, use one of the following macros, in order 
-of severity. Arguments are assumed to be sprintf-style varargs: 
-\snippet macro.hpp Shorthand
-Note the funny spellings on DBUG and ERR to avoid conflicting with existing macros
-on Windows platforms.
-If it turns out that the names of these macros conflict with your existing code,
-then before including the logog.hpp file, define the following constant:
-If you enable that prefix, you may log with the following macros instead:
-An example usage follows:
-int foo = 9001;
-int maxfoo = 9000;
-if ( foo > maxfoo )
-	WARN("Foo is over %d!  Current value is %d.", maxfoo, foo );
-	WARN("Since this is a warning, by default all builds will log this message!");
-const char *pMessage = "message"
-INFO( "This is an informational %s.", pMessage );
-At this point, your Target object (in this case, the errOutput object) should
-be destroyed.  Falling out of scope is the easiest way to achieve this.
-Then, terminate your program and logging with the following message:
-Lastly, compile and link with the logog library you created earlier.
-\page loggingevents Logging events in your code
-In order to log events in your code, it's important to first understand the logging
-levels that are available to you.  Out of the box, logog comes with these logging 
-levels, which are compatible with the syslog standard:
-\snippet const.hpp Level Constants
-So, the lower the level number is, the more important the logging message is.
-To log an event in your code, there exists macros for each of the logging
-levels.  So, for example, to log an event of level WARN3, you would use the 
-following macro in your code:
-LOGOG_WARN3("Disk reads are taking %d milliseconds to complete!", nMilliseconds );
-It can get laborious to type the LOGOG_ prefix on all log messages, so, if the
-LOGOG_USE_PREFIX macro is not defined, you may use these shorter alternate
-logging forms:
-\snippet macro.hpp Shorthand
-If you want to generate a log message of some user-specified level, check out
-Keep in mind that you must instantiate at least one Target object in your application
-for log messages to have any effect.
-\page levels Verbosity levels of logging
-During early stages of product development, you may want to spread DBUG()
-and INFO() type messages liberally across your code base in order to detect
-bugs earlier in the process.  However, as your code develops you will 
-want to omit these instructions entirely, as too many log messages will
-slow down your program.
-To omit all logging messages of lower than a specific level at compilation time,
-\#define the LOGOG_LEVEL constant to be some value from the following list:
-\snippet const.hpp Level Constants
-All logging macros of a lower level will be omitted.
-You may enable all logging messages in the following manner before loading 
-And you may disable all logging messages with this before logog.hpp:
-The standard warnings apply to incrementing or changing variables within a macro.
-For example:
-INFO("The core has exploded %d times", nExploded++);
-The nExploded variable will only be incremented if LOGOG_LEVEL is set to LOGOG_LEVEL_INFO
-or lower.
-\page filters Filters and their uses
-A Filter is a special type of Topic that accepts messages from a publisher
-and routes them forward to another Topic, based on criteria decided by the Filter.
-When logog is initialized, it creates one default filter that automatically forwards
-all messages to all Target objects.  This default behavior can be modified in 
-to generate more complicated logging behaviors.
-You can get a reference to the default filter with GetDefaultFilter().  You
-can also instantiate your own filters before you start logging messages
-and messages will automatically find and route through them as well.
-Messages attempt to publish themselves to all filters when the message is 
-instantiated.  Filters automatically attempt to publish themselves
-to all targets when the filter is instantiated.
-\page categoriesgroups Organizing and filtering log messages by types
-Areas of a program such as a game can be broken down into a set of functional
-areas.  Some areas might include AI, audio, graphics, input and the file system.
-The logog system allows you to store two dimensions of information with each message
-that further type the message.  These dimensions are referred to as the 
-<b>category</b> and the <b>group</b> of the message.  The ultimate meaning of 
-these fields is up to you.
-To define the current group for all messages following a certain point in your
-code, \#define the LOGOG_GROUP constant to the name of the group, surrounded
-by double quotes.  Likewise \#define the LOGOG_CATEGORY constant to the name 
-of the category surrounded by double quotes.
-Your compiler may need the \#undef macro to undefine the previous setting of 
-a constant before \#define'ing it to something else.
-If you wish to set further messages to no specific category or group, \#define
-either LOGOG_CATEGORY or LOGOG_GROUP to NULL as necessary.
-\snippet test.cpp GroupCategory1
-A Filter can be told to route only messages matching a specified category or 
-group.  To do this, call the Filter::Category() or Filter::Group() methods on
-a specific filter.  That filter will then only pass messages matching 
-the criteria you've set.
-\snippet test.cpp GroupCategory2
-\page multipletargets Logging to permutations of multiple targets
-It's possible to create multiple filters with multiple criteria on each filter
-and then route each filter to a separate target.  This permits advanced logging
-of different types of events to different log targets.
-A filter will automatically attempt to publish itself to all targets.  You can
-change this behavior by calling UnpublishToMultiple( AllTargets() ) on that filter,
-followed by PublishTo() to publish that filter to an output of your choice.
-\snippet test.cpp GroupCategory4
-\page deferredoutput Deferring logging output
-Writing debug output can take a lot of time on most platforms.  
-Especially in programs that produce copious debug output, logging can slow 
-a program's operation considerably.
-To get around this behavior, use the LogBuffer class.  To Create a LogBuffer,
-you provide a pointer to the ultimate Target you want to write to, such as 
-a Cerr or a LogFile, as well as the size of the LogBuffer.  Logging then occurs
-solely to the LogBuffer, and no output is written to the Target until the 
-LogBuffer is destroyed, or the LogBuffer::Dump() method is called.
-\page customformatting Custom formatting of log messages
-The Formatter object is responsible for rendering a particular Topic into a human-readable
-format.  A default Formatter is created by default for you based on the flavor of the compile 
-target.  See FormatterGCC and FormatterMSVC objects for examples.
-If you want log messages in your own custom format, subclass the Formatter::Format 
-method into your own custom class, and write your own formatting function for a topic.
-See FormatterMSVC::Format and FormatterGCC::Format for examples.
-If all you want to do is enable or disable a certain type of output on your formatter -- for example, to remove file and line number information from
-all your output lines -- then there's a very simple way of doing this.
-The Formatter class implements a Formatter::GetTopicFlags() function that
-in the default case queries the topic in order to find out which fields
-to render.  You can if you wish override this default behavior for a custom
-formatter in order to always or never render specific fields.
-The following example overrides the standard FormatterMSVC formatter in
-order to never show file and line number information on the output.
-\snippet test.cpp FormatterCustom1
-If you wish, you can force a formatter to output the current date and time as 
-part of their format.  You can do this by calling the Formatter::SetShowTimeOfDay function
-with a value of true, as follows:
-\snippet test.cpp DateAndTimeLogging
-\page addingnewtargets Adding new logging output targets
-To add a new type of logging output, such as a network socket or a printer,
-create a subclass of the Target class, and implement your own Output()
-function that renders the information to your output device.
-\snippet target.cpp Cout
-Then, instance your new class after your call to LOGOG_INITIALIZE() but 
-before messages are invoked.
-\page memorymanager Implementing a custom memory manager
-All memory allocated by logog, by default, goes through the system malloc()
-and free() routines.  However, many games prefer to implement their
-own memory management systems in order to track memory usage in detail.
-In this case, logog can be made to allocate memory via a callback into 
-your own custom code.  In order to implement this callback, 
-allocate an INIT_PARAMS structure on the stack, and then replace
-the m_pfMalloc and m_pfFree pointers to pointers to your own custom
-allocation and free routines.  (It's fine to allocate an INIT_PARAMS structure
-on the stack.)
-Then, when calling the LOGOG_INITIALIZE() macro, provide the address
-of the INIT_PARAMS structure as a parameter.  The INIT_PARAMS structure
-may then be freed.
-\snippet api.hpp INIT_PARAMS
-\page leakdetection Memory leak detection
-A memory leak detection mechanism has been built into logog that tracks all
-internal memory allocations and matches them with corresponding frees.
-The system also detects incorrect reallocations and double frees.  This 
-system only needs to be enabled if you suspect that logog is leaking memory.
-To enable this checking, \#define the LOGOG_LEAK_DETECTION constant at compilation
-time before \#include'ing logog.hpp, and then recompile both the logog library and your 
-code.  Additionally, if you want a detailed report about memory allocations
-and frees at the time they occur, enable the LOGOG_REPORT_ALLOCATIONS flag during
-compilation for an action-packed report during run time.
-If you don't trust logog's built-in leak detector and are using a Microsoft
-toolset, Microsoft may have enabled support for your platform to detect
-leaks using the CRT library.  If you want to try to use the Microsoft leak
-detector to find leaks in logog, then \#define the LOGOG_LEAK_DETECTION_MICROSOFT constant at 
-compile time before \#include'ing logog, and recompile both the logog library
-and your application.  See
-for more details on how Microsoft implements CRT leak detection.
-It's not recommended to leave either of these options on for general use.
-Memory leak detection will slow down logog; additionally, memory leak 
-detection avoids logog's custom memory manager, in order
-to avoid an infinite recursion.
-at the same time.
-\page unicodesupport Unicode support
-The logog library may be compiled either in ANSI mode or in Unicode mode.  By default,
-logog is compiled as an ANSI library.  In this case, multibyte characters are 
-not permitted in log messages.  To enable Unicode support, define the LOGOG_UNICODE
-flag in logog.hpp before compiling the logog library.
-Defining this flag sets wchar_t as the base type for all logog character operations.
-On Windows like platforms, a wchar_t is two bytes, and on Posix-like platforms this 
-may be two bytes or four bytes.
-Because Unicode support is based around wchar_t, the exact format of the Unicode 
-output depends on the endianness of the target platform as well as the size of 
-wchar_t.  If logog is creating a new output log file, logog tries to add a Unicode 
-BOM to the start of the file, if wchar_t is either two or four bytes in length.
-In this case, logog can write a UTF-16 or UTF-32 BOM, in either little or big 
-endian format.  See LogFile::WriteUnicodeBOM() for more information on how this 
-BOM is written.  More information on what a BOM does is available at 
- .
-Defining LOGOG_UNICODE has several effects on logog.  First, this forces all
-logging functions to expect to receive string parameters as arrays of the 
-local wchar_t type instead of char types.  In other words, the LOGOG_CHAR 
-base type is redefined to wchar_t instead of char.  Second, this forces logog to route all
-Cout messages to wcout, and all Cerr messages to wcerr.
-A convenience macro, _LG(), is available (if you haven't defined LOGOG_USE_PREFIX)
-for easily switching your constant strings from ANSI to Unicode, based on the compilation
-value of LOGOG_UNICODE.  To use this macro, and hence to have all your code compile
-in both ANSI and Unicode modes, log in the following fashion:
-INFO(_LG("This informational message is displayed in both ANSI and Unicode builds."));
-WARN(LOGOG_CONST_STRING("And this one works regardless of the LOGOG_USE_PREFIX setting."));
-Mixing and matching both Unicode and ANSI messages in one application is not currently
-supported, as most compilers do not implement this functionality.
-<b>Windows specific issues</b>
-Windows platforms have special considerations when logging to the console with 
-wide characters via wcout or wcerr.  Because logog shares the console with its
-host application, it does not initialize the console in any way.  On Windows
-flavored platforms, the console must be initialized in a Unicode-friendly way.
-See for details
-about how this might work.  
-One way of initializing a Windows console for Unicode support, which seems to 
-work, is as follows:
-\snippet test.cpp WindowsUnicodeSetup
-See also Microsoft's documentation at .
-\page pubsub Publisher-subscriber functionality
-Topic objects are a base class that provides publisher-subscriber
-features to subclasses.  Most classes in logog descend from the
-Topic class.
-Topics are capable of sending other topics (or themselves) to other
-subscribers, as well as receiving another topic from a publisher.
-See Topic::Send() and Topic::Receive() for more details.
-You can cause a Topic to send itself to its subscribers by calling
-Topics can publish, unpublish, subscribe and unsubscribe themselves
-from other topics.  See Topic::Publish(), Topic::Unpublish(),
-Topic::Subscribe(), Topic::Unsubscribe() for more details.
-Topics can also do all these tasks to lists of other topics.
-See Topic::PublishToMultiple(), Topic::UnpublishToMultiple(),
-Topic::SubscribeToMultiple(), Topic::UnsubscribeToMultiple().
-\snippet test.cpp Subscription
-\page architecture Internal architecture 
-The logog system uses a publisher-subscriber model in order to handle 
-message flow from source to destination. While the higher-level class 
-architecture takes care of typical message routing, the standard message 
-flow can be changed to support advanced logging models. 
-A key base class is the Topic class. Topics contain strings and numeric 
-information representing a file name, line number, a free-form group 
-name, a free-form category name, and a free-form message string. Topics 
-know how to transmit and receive themselves to and from other topics, 
-but they don't know how to discover those other topics. They do know how 
-to negotiate with another topic in order to discover whether they should 
-subscribe to that other topic -- see Topic::CanSubscribeCheckTopic() for 
-details. Topics implement the core functionality of subscribing and 
-publishing. Topics can subscribe to multiple other topics, and they can 
-publish to multiple other topics. 
-Some Topic behavior, especially the subscriber-publisher behavior and 
-cross-thread locking, is subsumed into the Node class. Nodes should 
-generally not be instanced by themselves, as they are not sufficiently 
-functional to be useful. 
-Topics are subclassed into TopicSource and TopicSink classes. 
-TopicSources can only publish, and TopicSinks can only subscribe. 
-A Target is a TopicSink that is capable of rendering its subscriptions 
-to a logical output device. Targets include the Cout, Cerr, and the 
-OutputDebug classes. To make logog send output to some arbitrary new 
-destination, create a new Target subclass and override the 
-Target::Output() method, and instance a new element of your class at the 
-top of your program. 
-A Filter is a Topic that functions basically as a subscriber and a 
-publisher. It's used to limit the scope of incoming messages to a 
-particular type, group, or category. For example, a Filter may be used 
-to permit only messages with a level of LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN or higher to be 
-logged. Other messages are dropped. By default a filter will attempt to 
-subscribe itself to all existing Targets; however, this behavior may be 
-changed by overriding the Initialize() method within your Target 
-subclass, or by manually calling Target::Unpublish() on each Target that 
-you want the Filter to not publish to. 
-This design permits more advanced logging models. For example, it's 
-possible to have two Filters, one which filters for error messages and 
-logs those to the console, versus informational and warning messages, 
-which are logged to a file. Note that the routing of any of the 
-higher-level classes such as Filter or Output by simply instantiating a 
-Topic and manually calling PublishTo() and SubscribeTo() to the desired 
-inputs and outputs. 
-A Message is a sub-sub-class of TopicSource that knows how to publish 
-itself automatically to any outstanding Filter objects. A program will 
-typically instance a set of static Message objects and use them to 
-indicate execution of a certain point in the program. 
-String types receive their own custom class. Since logog spends a lot of 
-time shuffling strings from class to class, this permits string copies 
-to be fast constant-time operations (a copy of pointers). 
-All statically allocated elements are stored inside the Statics class. 
-This permits all items to be tracked and freed, thus assuring no memory 
-In order to support cross-platform, multithread-safe support, logog 
-implements a Thread class, a Timer class, and a Mutex class. These of 
-course can be customized to support future platforms. 
-\page performance Performance topics
-Multiple memory allocations and frees are the bane of performance-oriented
-code.  STL is particularly naughty in this regard.
-To that end, logog attempts to do as few allocations as possible at run-time.
-Message objects are allocated exactly once, when a message macro is run for
-the first time.  Publisher-subscriber negotiation occurs at this time
-as well, which is when the pub-sub lists in the Filter objects get updated.
-This process happens only once per message, regardless of the number of times
-the message is invoked.  Therefore, messages that are never executed never
-allocate any memory, and the memory-allocation penalty for a message is incurred
-exactly once, the first time the message is transmitted.
-A platform-specific vsprintf() type function is used to convert the varargs
-in a message into a final destination string.  I looked at this problem
-for quite a while, and it seems that this method provides the best performance
-guarantees without relying on a large external library, such as Boost, or
-increasing the code size significantly.  A template-based approach for 
-running vsprintf type functions would theoretically be faster than calling
-vsprintf(); however, this would require the inclusion of a significant
-amount of template-based code to handle all the possible situations that
-vsprintf() must deal with.  This would likely double the existing code size;
-so I erred on the size of keeping logog smaller and more self-contained.
-If, after all that, you want to replace vsprintf() for your platform, it is
-called in only one place in the logog source code (in String.cpp).
-Because logog spends so much time passing strings around, logog provides a
-custom string class that internally represents strings as fixed buffers.
-This helps reduce the repeated allocations and frees that std::string is notorious
-Because most logging outputs can be slow, logog provides a LogBuffer class to
-help with \ref deferredoutput .
-\page locking Multithread locking and mutexes
-The Mutex object is responsible for multithread safety in logog.  All
-platforms support a Mutex object.  Only one thread may acquire
-a Mutex object at one time.  Other threads fall into a wait state until
-the locking thread releases the Mutex.
-The ScopedLock object is a convenient way to represent a Mutex lock
-as part of an object's auto scope.  To use a ScopedLock, create 
-a Mutex lock on a known thread, then create a ScopedLock with the
-previously defined Lock as a parameter.  Code is guaranteed to be
-single threaded within the scope of the ScopedLock.
-\snippet test.cpp SimpleLocking
-\page porting Porting logog 
-Porting logog should be a straightforward affair, if you follow these 
-First of all, you'll need to choose a flavor of operating system for 
-your platform. Nearly all OSes will fall into one of two flavors: 
-POSIX-like and Windows-like. platform.hpp tries to detect the local OS 
-and compile for it; you may need to change the detection logic for your 
-new platform.  You'll need to set either LOGOG_FLAVOR_POSIX or LOGOG_FLAVOR_WINDOWS
-before loading platform.hpp.
-The files containing platform dependent code are as follows. 
-- platform.hpp. In addition to detecting the build flavor, platform.hpp 
-also sets some macros for STL usage. All STL calls are routed through 
-the macros in platform.hpp. As of this writing, the STL templates are 
-available in tr1; you may need to tweak this if you're depending on a C++x11
-\snippet platform.hpp STLTypes
-- mutex.hpp. You'll need to write macros for your own LOGOG_MUTEX_* 
-\snippet mutex.hpp Mutex
-- thread.hpp.  Write macros for LOGOG_THREAD, LOGOG_THREAD_CREATE and 
-LOGOG_THREAD_JOIN.  Since logog does not actually initiate multiple threads,
-this step can technically be skipped; however, unless threads are implemented
-for a target platform, the unit tests will fail.
-\snippet thread.hpp Thread
-- timer.hpp. Add code for the Timer initializer and the Get() function. 
-\snippet timer.cpp TimerGet
-Lastly, verify that unittest.cpp compiles and executes with a zero 
-return code. 
-\page requirements Requirements 
-logog assumes the existence of a C99 compliant C++ compiler. It uses 
-variadic macros in the C99 style, so any compiler that does not understand
-__VA_ARGS__ style message passing will not work.  The vast majority of 
-semi-modern compilers do.
-logog also has limited dependencies on STL.  These dependencies are represented
-by \#defines in the file platform.hpp.  If your STL lacks support for any 
-of these containers, or if you're using another STL-like container system,
-you may replace these \#defines and they will be used as logog's standard
-\snippet platform.hpp STLTypes
-\page supportedplatforms Supported platforms
-logog has been demonstrated to work with the following platforms:
-- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
-- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (x64 and x86)
-- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
-- MacOS 10.7
-- Xbox 360
-- Sony PlayStation 3
-It is expected that logog should work on any reasonably
-POSIX-compliant or Windows-compliant operating system with minimal changes.
-Please see \ref porting for more information on support for alternative platforms.
-Since the console implementations are proprietary to the 
-platform holders, implementation details for these platforms have not been
-publicly provided.  However they may be provided to authorized and licensed
-platform developers if the platform holder permits; contact us if you're a
-licensed developer.
-\page license License agreement 
-logog is Copyright (c) 2011, Gigantic Software. 
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a 
-copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, 
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to 
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to 
-the following conditions: 
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included 
-in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 
-\page community Community and support
-Two mailing lists exist for general support and development discussion related to
-logog.  The first is for general logog questions and answers.  This mailing list is
-visible at 
-<a href=""></a>.
-All users of logog are invited to join this mailing list for general discussion and help.
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-The second mailing list is for those who wish to actively participate in the
-development of logog.  The mailing list is visible at 
-<a href=""></a>.
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-The best way to get help with a specific problem is to submit an issue
-on Github.  You can review a list of current issues, or submit your own,
-<a href="">here</a>.
-I'd REALLY like to get other developers involved in maintaining and further
-developing the code.  All sane developers encouraged to fork the <a href="">git repository</a> and 
-do bug fixing or new feature implementation.  Contact me at jbyrd at giganticsoftware dot com if you need administrative privileges on the master logog branch; I'm 
-actively looking to incorporate positive changes.
-\page othersystems Other logging frameworks and systems 
-Here are other logging and testing frameworks that have served as 
-inspiration (negative and/or positive) for logog. 
-\section pantheios Panetheios
-Pantheios claims to compile to nothing in the final release case. 
-However, the Pantheios library depends on STLSoft, xTests, b64, and 
-\section marginean Petru Margenian's library in Dr. Dobb's Journal 
-Another interesting effort at a portable logging implementation. 
-This library depends on an atomic_ops library from HP, and 
-it won't mention this fact until you try to compile it.  Logging can be 
-enabled or disabled based on a single dimension ("level") and all 
-logging output ends up at stderr (there is no support for alternative 
-\section glog glog, the Google logging library 
-Provides logging to stderr, a file or syslog. Their ostream-style 
-logging methodology creates two sets of macros: one for macros that 
-compile away in release mode, one for macros that don't. Interesting (if 
-non portable) support for stack walking. 
-\section rlog rlog
-Uses a publisher-subscriber model for all objects, and demonstrated that 
-this basic architecture was highly appropriate for logging. Does not 
-play nicely with custom allocators.
-\section loki Loki
-The loki library demonstrates how to abstract platform-specific features
-like mutexes and threads in remarkably few lines of code.
- ** Define this macro to enable Unicode support in logog.  The logog library works either in Unicode mode or not --
- ** attempting to mix the two log types will have unexpected results.
- **/
-#define LOGOG_UNICODE 1
- ** Define this macro to debug logog itself.  This setting enables sanity checks on many logog functions.  This setting
- ** is not very useful for end users of logog. */
- ** Define this macro to check all memory allocations and frees.  This setting will check against double allocations
- ** and double deletes as well.  Do not enable this on production code -- it'll slow down the performance considerably.
- **/
- ** Define this macro to report on ALL allocations and frees that happen through logog.
- ** Enable this if you get paid by lines of program output. */
-/** \def LOGOG_COUT 
- ** This is equivalent to std::wcout if LOGOG_UNICODE is defined, and std::cout otherwise.
- **/
-/** \def LOGOG_CERR
- ** This is equivalent to std::wcerr if LOGOG_UNICODE is defined, and std::cerr otherwise.
- **/
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/doxyfile b/ThirdParty/logog/doxyfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 371353e1c56..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/doxyfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1716 +0,0 @@
-# Doxyfile 1.7.4
-# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
-# doxygen ( for a project.
-# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored.
-# The format is:
-#       TAG = value [value, ...]
-# For lists items can also be appended using:
-#       TAG += value [value, ...]
-# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (" ").
-# Project related configuration options
-# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file
-# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all
-# text before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the
-# iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See
-# for the list of possible encodings.
-# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded
-# by quotes) that should identify the project.
-PROJECT_NAME           = logog
-# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number.
-# This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or
-# if some version control system is used.
-# Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
-# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer
-# a quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short.
-PROJECT_BRIEF          = "logger optimized for games"
-# With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify an logo or icon that is
-# included in the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not
-# exceed 55 pixels and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels.
-# Doxygen will copy the logo to the output directory.
-PROJECT_LOGO           =
-# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute)
-# base path where the generated documentation will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered, it will be relative to the location
-# where doxygen was started. If left blank the current directory will be used.
-# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create
-# 4096 sub-directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output
-# format and will distribute the generated files over these directories.
-# Enabling this option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of
-# source files, where putting all generated files in the same directory would
-# otherwise cause performance problems for the file system.
-# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all
-# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
-# information to generate all constant output in the proper language.
-# The default language is English, other supported languages are:
-# Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese-Traditional,
-# Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Farsi, Finnish, French, German,
-# Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English
-# messages), Korean, Korean-en, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Macedonian, Persian,
-# Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbian-Cyrillic, Slovak,
-# Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.
-OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
-# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# include brief member descriptions after the members that are listed in
-# the file and class documentation (similar to JavaDoc).
-# Set to NO to disable this.
-# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will prepend
-# the brief description of a member or function before the detailed description.
-# Note: if both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the
-# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
-REPEAT_BRIEF           = YES
-# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator
-# that is used to form the text in various listings. Each string
-# in this list, if found as the leading text of the brief description, will be
-# stripped from the text and the result after processing the whole list, is
-# used as the annotated text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is.
-# If left blank, the following values are used ("$name" is automatically
-# replaced with the name of the entity): "The $name class" "The $name widget"
-# "The $name file" "is" "provides" "specifies" "contains"
-# "represents" "a" "an" "the"
-# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then
-# Doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief
-# description.
-# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all
-# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those
-# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment
-# operators of the base classes will not be shown.
-# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then Doxygen will prepend the full
-# path before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set
-# to NO the shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used.
-# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then the STRIP_FROM_PATH tag
-# can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. Stripping is
-# only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand part of
-# the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list.
-# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the
-# path to strip.
-# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of
-# the path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells
-# the reader which header file to include in order to use a class.
-# If left blank only the name of the header file containing the class
-# definition is used. Otherwise one should specify the include paths that
-# are normally passed to the compiler using the -I flag.
-# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter
-# (but less readable) file names. This can be useful if your file system
-# doesn't support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
-SHORT_NAMES            = NO
-# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen
-# will interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a JavaDoc-style
-# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the JavaDoc
-# comments will behave just like regular Qt-style comments
-# (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief description.)
-# If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen will
-# interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style
-# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the comments
-# will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus requiring
-# an explicit \brief command for a brief description.)
-QT_AUTOBRIEF           = NO
-# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make Doxygen
-# treat a multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or ///
-# comments) as a brief description. This used to be the default behaviour.
-# The new default is to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed
-# description. Set this tag to YES if you prefer the old behaviour instead.
-# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then an undocumented
-# member inherits the documentation from any documented member that it
-# re-implements.
-INHERIT_DOCS           = YES
-# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce
-# a new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will
-# be part of the file/class/namespace that contains it.
-# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab.
-# Doxygen uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
-TAB_SIZE               = 8
-# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that acts
-# as commands in the documentation. An alias has the form "name=value".
-# For example adding "sideeffect=\par Side Effects:\n" will allow you to
-# put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the documentation, which
-# will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading "Side Effects:".
-# You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert newlines.
-ALIASES                =
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C
-# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C.
-# For instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list
-# of all members will be omitted, etc.
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java
-# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for
-# Java. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, qualified
-# scopes will look different, etc.
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran
-# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for
-# Fortran.
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL
-# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for
-# VHDL.
-# Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it
-# parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given extension.
-# Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it using this
-# tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and language
-# is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript, CSharp, C,
-# C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran, VHDL, C, C++. For instance to make
-# doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP), and .f files as C
-# (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C. Note that for custom extensions
-# you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise the files are not read by doxygen.
-# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want
-# to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should
-# set this tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and
-# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); v.s.
-# func(std::string) {}). This also makes the inheritance and collaboration
-# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate.
-# If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to
-# enable parsing support.
-# Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip sources only.
-# Doxygen will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public
-# instead of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present.
-SIP_SUPPORT            = NO
-# For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate getter
-# and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES (the default)
-# will make doxygen replace the get and set methods by a property in the
-# documentation. This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or
-# setting a simple type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the
-# methods anyway, you should set this option to NO.
-# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC
-# tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first
-# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default
-# all members of a group must be documented explicitly.
-# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES (the default) to allow class member groups of
-# the same type (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a
-# subgroup of that type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to
-# NO to prevent subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using
-# the \nosubgrouping command.
-SUBGROUPING            = YES
-# When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and
-# unions are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using
-# @ingroup) instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or
-# section (for LaTeX and RTF).
-# When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or enum
-# is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So
-# typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct
-# with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file,
-# namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically
-# be useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound
-# types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name.
-# The SYMBOL_CACHE_SIZE determines the size of the internal cache use to
-# determine which symbols to keep in memory and which to flush to disk.
-# When the cache is full, less often used symbols will be written to disk.
-# For small to medium size projects (<1000 input files) the default value is
-# probably good enough. For larger projects a too small cache size can cause
-# doxygen to be busy swapping symbols to and from disk most of the time
-# causing a significant performance penalty.
-# If the system has enough physical memory increasing the cache will improve the
-# performance by keeping more symbols in memory. Note that the value works on
-# a logarithmic scale so increasing the size by one will roughly double the
-# memory usage. The cache size is given by this formula:
-# 2^(16+SYMBOL_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range is 0..9, the default is 0,
-# corresponding to a cache size of 2^16 = 65536 symbols
-# Build related configuration options
-# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in
-# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available.
-# Private class members and static file members will be hidden unless
-# the EXTRACT_PRIVATE and EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES
-EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
-# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class
-# will be included in the documentation.
-# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file
-# will be included in the documentation.
-# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs)
-# defined locally in source files will be included in the documentation.
-# If set to NO only classes defined in header files are included.
-# This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. When set to YES local
-# methods, which are defined in the implementation section but not in
-# the interface are included in the documentation.
-# If set to NO (the default) only methods in the interface are included.
-# If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be
-# extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called
-# 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base
-# name of the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default
-# anonymous namespaces are hidden.
-# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
-# undocumented members of documented classes, files or namespaces.
-# If set to NO (the default) these members will be included in the
-# various overviews, but no documentation section is generated.
-# This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
-# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
-# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy.
-# If set to NO (the default) these classes will be included in the various
-# overviews. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
-# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
-# friend (class|struct|union) declarations.
-# If set to NO (the default) these declarations will be included in the
-# documentation.
-# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide any
-# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function.
-# If set to NO (the default) these blocks will be appended to the
-# function's detailed documentation block.
-# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation
-# that is typed after a \internal command is included. If the tag is set
-# to NO (the default) then the documentation will be excluded.
-# Set it to YES to include the internal documentation.
-INTERNAL_DOCS          = NO
-# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then Doxygen will only generate
-# file names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also
-# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ
-# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows
-# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO.
-# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO (the default) then Doxygen
-# will show members with their full class and namespace scopes in the
-# documentation. If set to YES the scope will be hidden.
-# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen
-# will put a list of the files that are included by a file in the documentation
-# of that file.
-# If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then Doxygen
-# will list include files with double quotes in the documentation
-# rather than with sharp brackets.
-# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES (the default) then a tag [inline]
-# is inserted in the documentation for inline members.
-INLINE_INFO            = YES
-# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then doxygen
-# will sort the (detailed) documentation of file and class members
-# alphabetically by member name. If set to NO the members will appear in
-# declaration order.
-# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
-# brief documentation of file, namespace and class members alphabetically
-# by member name. If set to NO (the default) the members will appear in
-# declaration order.
-# If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen
-# will sort the (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that
-# constructors and destructors are listed first. If set to NO (the default)
-# the constructors will appear in the respective orders defined by
-# This tag will be ignored for brief docs if SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO
-# and ignored for detailed docs if SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO.
-# If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
-# hierarchy of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO (the default)
-# the group names will appear in their defined order.
-# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be
-# sorted by fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to
-# NO (the default), the class list will be sorted only by class name,
-# not including the namespace part.
-# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES.
-# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the
-# alphabetical list.
-# If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to
-# do proper type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a
-# match between the prototype and the implementation of a member function even
-# if there is only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose
-# by doing a simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen
-# will still accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases.
-# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the todo list. This list is created by putting \todo
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the test list. This list is created by putting \test
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the bug list. This list is created by putting \bug
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the deprecated list. This list is created by putting
-# \deprecated commands in the documentation.
-# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional
-# documentation sections, marked by \if sectionname ... \endif.
-# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines
-# the initial value of a variable or macro consists of for it to appear in
-# the documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified
-# here it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely.
-# The appearance of the initializer of individual variables and macros in the
-# documentation can be controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer
-# command in the documentation regardless of this setting.
-# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated
-# at the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the
-# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
-# If the sources in your project are distributed over multiple directories
-# then setting the SHOW_DIRECTORIES tag to YES will show the directory hierarchy
-# in the documentation. The default is NO.
-# Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page.
-# This will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the
-# Folder Tree View (if specified). The default is YES.
-SHOW_FILES             = YES
-# Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the
-# Namespaces page.
-# This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index
-# and from the Folder Tree View (if specified). The default is YES.
-# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that
-# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from
-# the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via
-# popen()) the command <command> <input-file>, where <command> is the value of
-# the FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an input file
-# provided by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output
-# is used as the file version. See the manual for examples.
-# The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed
-# by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated
-# output files in an output format independent way. The create the layout file
-# that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option.
-# You can optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted
-# DoxygenLayout.xml will be used as the name of the layout file.
-LAYOUT_FILE            =
-# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
-# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated
-# by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
-QUIET                  = NO
-# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are
-# generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank
-# NO is used.
-WARNINGS               = YES
-# If WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED is set to YES, then doxygen will generate warnings
-# for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will
-# automatically be disabled.
-# If WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for
-# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some
-# parameters in a documented function, or documenting parameters that
-# don't exist or using markup commands wrongly.
-# The WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for
-# functions that are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters
-# or return value. If set to NO (the default) doxygen will only warn about
-# wrong or incomplete parameter documentation, but not about the absence of
-# documentation.
-# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that
-# doxygen can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text
-# tags, which will be replaced by the file and line number from which the
-# warning originated and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain
-# $version, which will be replaced by the version of the file (if it could
-# be obtained via FILE_VERSION_FILTER)
-WARN_FORMAT            = "$file($line) : $text"
-# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning
-# and error messages should be written. If left blank the output is written
-# to stderr.
-WARN_LOGFILE           =
-# configuration options related to the input files
-# The INPUT tag can be used to specify the files and/or directories that contain
-# documented source files. You may enter file names like "myfile.cpp" or
-# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
-# with spaces.
-INPUT                  = include doc test
-# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
-# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is
-# also the default input encoding. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv built
-# into libc) for the transcoding. See for
-# the list of possible encodings.
-# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
-# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
-# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left
-# blank the following patterns are tested:
-# *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.d *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh
-# *.hxx *.hpp *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs *.php *.php3 *.inc *.m *.mm *.dox *.py
-# *.f90 *.f *.for *.vhd *.vhdl
-FILE_PATTERNS          = *.dox *.c *.cpp *.hpp *.h 
-# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories
-# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO.
-# If left blank NO is used.
-RECURSIVE              = NO
-# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should
-# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a
-# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag.
-EXCLUDE                =
-# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used select whether or not files or
-# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded
-# from the input.
-# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
-# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude
-# certain files from those directories. Note that the wildcards are matched
-# against the file with absolute path, so to exclude all test directories
-# for example use the pattern */test/*
-# The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names
-# (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the
-# output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the
-# wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass,
-# AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test
-# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
-# directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see
-# the \include command).
-EXAMPLE_PATH           = test/ include/ src/
-# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
-# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
-# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left
-# blank all files are included.
-# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be
-# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude
-# commands irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag.
-# Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
-# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
-# directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see
-# the \image command).
-IMAGE_PATH             =
-# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should
-# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program
-# by executing (via popen()) the command <filter> <input-file>, where <filter>
-# is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an
-# input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter program writes
-# to standard output.
-# If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag will be
-# ignored.
-INPUT_FILTER           =
-# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern
-# basis.
-# Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the
-# filter if there is a match.
-# The filters are a list of the form:
-# pattern=filter (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further
-# info on how filters are used. If FILTER_PATTERNS is empty or if
-# non of the patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied.
-# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using
-# INPUT_FILTER) will be used to filter the input files when producing source
-# files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES).
-# The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file
-# pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any)
-# and it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern
-# using *.ext= (so without naming a filter). This option only has effect when
-# FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is enabled.
-# configuration options related to source browsing
-# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will
-# be generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources.
-# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure also
-# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body
-# of functions and classes directly in the documentation.
-# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES (the default) will instruct
-# doxygen to hide any special comment blocks from generated source code
-# fragments. Normal C and C++ comments will always remain visible.
-# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES
-# then for each documented function all documented
-# functions referencing it will be listed.
-# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES
-# then for each documented function all documented entities
-# called/used by that function will be listed.
-# If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES (the default)
-# and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES, then the hyperlinks from
-# link to the source code.
-# Otherwise they will link to the documentation.
-# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code
-# will point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen
-# built-in source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source
-# tagging system (see You
-# will need version 4.8.6 or higher.
-USE_HTAGS              = NO
-# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen
-# will generate a verbatim copy of the header file for each class for
-# which an include is specified. Set to NO to disable this.
-# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
-# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index
-# of all compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project
-# contains a lot of classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
-# If the alphabetical index is enabled (see ALPHABETICAL_INDEX) then
-# the COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns
-# in which this list will be split (can be a number in the range [1..20])
-# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all
-# classes will be put under the same header in the alphabetical index.
-# The IGNORE_PREFIX tag can be used to specify one or more prefixes that
-# should be ignored while generating the index headers.
-IGNORE_PREFIX          =
-# configuration options related to the HTML output
-# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate HTML output.
-# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `html' will be used as the default path.
-HTML_OUTPUT            = html
-# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for
-# each generated HTML page (for example: .htm,.php,.asp). If it is left blank
-# doxygen will generate files with .html extension.
-# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML header for
-# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard header. Note that when using a custom header you are responsible
-# for the proper inclusion of any scripts and style sheets that doxygen
-# needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used.
-# It is adviced to generate a default header using "doxygen -w html
-# header.html footer.html stylesheet.css YourConfigFile" and then modify
-# that header. Note that the header is subject to change so you typically
-# have to redo this when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen or when changing the value of configuration settings such as GENERATE_TREEVIEW!
-HTML_HEADER            =
-# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML footer for
-# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard footer.
-HTML_FOOTER            =
-# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading
-# style sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to
-# fine-tune the look of the HTML output. If the tag is left blank doxygen
-# will generate a default style sheet. Note that doxygen will try to copy
-# the style sheet file to the HTML output directory, so don't put your own
-# stylesheet in the HTML output directory as well, or it will be erased!
-# The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or
-# other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note
-# that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the
-# $relpath$ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these
-# files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that
-# the files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available.
-# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output.
-# Doxygen will adjust the colors in the stylesheet and background images
-# according to this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel,
-# see for more information.
-# For instance the value 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green,
-# 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300 purple, and 360 is red again.
-# The allowed range is 0 to 359.
-# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of
-# the colors in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use
-# grayscales only. A value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors.
-# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to
-# the luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below
-# 100 gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make
-# the output darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied,
-# so 80 represents a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2,
-# and 100 does not change the gamma.
-# If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML
-# page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting
-# this to NO can help when comparing the output of multiple runs.
-# If the HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, the members of classes,
-# files or namespaces will be aligned in HTML using tables. If set to
-# NO a bullet list will be used.
-# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML
-# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the
-# page has loaded. For this to work a browser that supports
-# JavaScript and DHTML is required (for instance Mozilla 1.0+, Firefox
-# Netscape 6.0+, Internet explorer 5.0+, Konqueror, or Safari).
-# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files
-# will be generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3
-# integrated development environment, introduced with OSX 10.5 (Leopard).
-# To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a Makefile in the
-# HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in that
-# directory and running "make install" will install the docset in
-# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find
-# it at startup.
-# See
-# for more information.
-# When GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, this tag determines the name of the
-# feed. A documentation feed provides an umbrella under which multiple
-# documentation sets from a single provider (such as a company or product suite)
-# can be grouped.
-DOCSET_FEEDNAME        = "Doxygen generated docs"
-# When GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, this tag specifies a string that
-# should uniquely identify the documentation set bundle. This should be a
-# reverse domain-name style string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen
-# will append .docset to the name.
-DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID       = com.giganticsoftware.logog
-# When GENERATE_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify
-# the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style
-# string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation.
-DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID    = org.doxygen.Publisher
-# The GENERATE_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher.
-DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME  = Gigantic Software
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files
-# will be generated that can be used as input for tools like the
-# Microsoft HTML help workshop to generate a compiled HTML help file (.chm)
-# of the generated HTML documentation.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_FILE tag can
-# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm file. You
-# can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be
-# written to the html output directory.
-CHM_FILE               =
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the HHC_LOCATION tag can
-# be used to specify the location (absolute path including file name) of
-# the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty doxygen will try to run
-# the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp.
-HHC_LOCATION           =
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the GENERATE_CHI flag
-# controls if a separate .chi index file is generated (YES) or that
-# it should be included in the master .chm file (NO).
-GENERATE_CHI           = NO
-# is used to encode HtmlHelp index (hhk), content (hhc) and project file
-# content.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the BINARY_TOC flag
-# controls whether a binary table of contents is generated (YES) or a
-# normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file.
-BINARY_TOC             = NO
-# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members
-# to the contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view.
-TOC_EXPAND             = NO
-# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and
-# QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated
-# that can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a
-# Qt Compressed Help (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation.
-GENERATE_QHP           = NO
-# If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can
-# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .qch file.
-# The path specified is relative to the HTML output folder.
-QCH_FILE               =
-# The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating
-# Qt Help Project output. For more information please see
-QHP_NAMESPACE          = com.giganticsoftware.logog
-# The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating
-# Qt Help Project output. For more information please see
-# If QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME is set, it specifies the name of a custom filter to
-# add. For more information please see
-# The QHP_CUST_FILT_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the
-# custom filter to add. For more information please see
-# <a href="">
-# Qt Help Project / Custom Filters</a>.
-# The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this
-# project's
-# filter section matches.
-# <a href="">
-# Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes</a>.
-# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES, the QHG_LOCATION tag can
-# be used to specify the location of Qt's qhelpgenerator.
-# If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the generated
-# .qhp file.
-QHG_LOCATION           =
-# If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files
-#  will be generated, which together with the HTML files, form an Eclipse help
-# plugin. To install this plugin and make it available under the help contents
-# menu in Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML
-# files needs to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of
-# the directory within the plugins directory should be the same as
-# the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value. After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before
-# the help appears.
-# A unique identifier for the eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin
-# the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have
-# this name.
-ECLIPSE_DOC_ID         = com.giganticsoftware.logog
-# The DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index at
-# top of each HTML page. The value NO (the default) enables the index and
-# the value YES disables it.
-DISABLE_INDEX          = NO
-# The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values
-# (range [0,1..20]) that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML
-# documentation. Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum
-# values from appearing in the overview section.
-# The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index
-# structure should be generated to display hierarchical information.
-# If the tag value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated
-# containing a tree-like index structure (just like the one that
-# is generated for HTML Help). For this to work a browser that supports
-# JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required (i.e. any modern browser).
-# Windows users are probably better off using the HTML help feature.
-# By enabling USE_INLINE_TREES, doxygen will generate the Groups, Directories,
-# and Class Hierarchy pages using a tree view instead of an ordered list.
-# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be
-# used to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree
-# is shown.
-TREEVIEW_WIDTH         = 250
-# When the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES doxygen will open
-# links to external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window.
-# Use this tag to change the font size of Latex formulas included
-# as images in the HTML documentation. The default is 10. Note that
-# when you change the font size after a successful doxygen run you need
-# to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML output directory
-# to force them to be regenerated.
-# Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images
-# generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are
-# not supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers.
-# Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files
-# in the HTML output before the changes have effect.
-# Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax
-# (see which uses client side Javascript for the
-# rendering instead of using prerendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not
-# have LaTeX installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML
-# output. When enabled you also need to install MathJax separately and
-# configure the path to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option.
-USE_MATHJAX            = NO
-# When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the
-# HTML output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination
-# directory should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax
-# directory is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then
-# MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the
-# site, so you can quickly see the result without installing
-# MathJax, but it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of MathJax
-# before deployment.
-# When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box
-# for the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript
-# and DHTML and should work on any modern browser. Note that when using
-# HTML help (GENERATE_HTMLHELP), Qt help (GENERATE_QHP), or docsets
-# (GENERATE_DOCSET) there is already a search function so this one should
-# typically be disabled. For large projects the javascript based search engine
-# can be slow, then enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution.
-# When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be
-# implemented using a PHP enabled web server instead of at the web client
-# using Javascript. Doxygen will generate the search PHP script and index
-# file to put on the web server. The advantage of the server
-# based approach is that it scales better to large projects and allows
-# full text search. The disadvantages are that it is more difficult to setup
-# and does not have live searching capabilities.
-# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
-# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate Latex output.
-# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default path.
-LATEX_OUTPUT           = latex
-# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be
-# invoked. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default command name.
-# Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for
-# generating bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the
-# Makefile that is written to the output directory.
-LATEX_CMD_NAME         = latex
-# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to
-# generate index for LaTeX. If left blank `makeindex' will be used as the
-# default command name.
-MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME     = makeindex
-# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact
-# LaTeX documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to
-# save some trees in general.
-COMPACT_LATEX          = NO
-# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used
-# by the printer. Possible values are: a4, letter, legal and
-# executive. If left blank a4wide will be used.
-PAPER_TYPE             = a4
-# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be to specify one or more names of LaTeX
-# packages that should be included in the LaTeX output.
-# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for
-# the generated latex document. The header should contain everything until
-# the first chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard header. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing!
-LATEX_HEADER           =
-# The LATEX_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX footer for
-# the generated latex document. The footer should contain everything after
-# the last chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard footer. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing!
-LATEX_FOOTER           =
-# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated
-# is prepared for conversion to pdf (using ps2pdf). The pdf file will
-# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references
-# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using a pdf viewer.
-# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, pdflatex will be used instead of
-# plain latex in the generated Makefile. Set this option to YES to get a
-# higher quality PDF documentation.
-USE_PDFLATEX           = YES
-# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \\batchmode.
-# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep
-# running if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help.
-# This option is also used when generating formulas in HTML.
-# If LATEX_HIDE_INDICES is set to YES then doxygen will not
-# include the index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.)
-# in the output.
-# If LATEX_SOURCE_CODE is set to YES then doxygen will include
-# source code with syntax highlighting in the LaTeX output.
-# Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings
-# such as SOURCE_BROWSER.
-# configuration options related to the RTF output
-# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate RTF output
-# The RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look very pretty with
-# other RTF readers or editors.
-GENERATE_RTF           = NO
-# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `rtf' will be used as the default path.
-RTF_OUTPUT             = rtf
-# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact
-# RTF documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to
-# save some trees in general.
-COMPACT_RTF            = YES
-# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated
-# will contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will
-# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references.
-# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using WORD or other
-# programs which support those fields.
-# Note: wordpad (write) and others do not support links.
-# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's
-# config file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide
-# replacements, missing definitions are set to their default value.
-# Set optional variables used in the generation of an rtf document.
-# Syntax is similar to doxygen's config file.
-# configuration options related to the man page output
-# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate man pages
-GENERATE_MAN           = NO
-# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `man' will be used as the default path.
-MAN_OUTPUT             = man
-# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to
-# the generated man pages (default is the subroutine's section .3)
-MAN_EXTENSION          = .3
-# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and Doxygen generates man output,
-# then it will generate one additional man file for each entity
-# documented in the real man page(s). These additional files
-# only source the real man page, but without them the man command
-# would be unable to find the correct page. The default is NO.
-MAN_LINKS              = NO
-# configuration options related to the XML output
-# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# generate an XML file that captures the structure of
-# the code including all documentation.
-GENERATE_XML           = NO
-# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `xml' will be used as the default path.
-XML_OUTPUT             = xml
-# The XML_SCHEMA tag can be used to specify an XML schema,
-# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the
-# syntax of the XML files.
-XML_SCHEMA             =
-# The XML_DTD tag can be used to specify an XML DTD,
-# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the
-# syntax of the XML files.
-XML_DTD                =
-# If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# dump the program listings (including syntax highlighting
-# and cross-referencing information) to the XML output. Note that
-# enabling this will significantly increase the size of the XML output.
-# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
-# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# generate an AutoGen Definitions (see file
-# that captures the structure of the code including all
-# documentation. Note that this feature is still experimental
-# and incomplete at the moment.
-# configuration options related to the Perl module output
-# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# generate a Perl module file that captures the structure of
-# the code including all documentation. Note that this
-# feature is still experimental and incomplete at the
-# moment.
-# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate
-# the necessary Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able
-# to generate PDF and DVI output from the Perl module output.
-PERLMOD_LATEX          = NO
-# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be
-# nicely formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader.
-# This is useful
-# if you want to understand what is going on.
-# On the other hand, if this
-# tag is set to NO the size of the Perl module output will be much smaller
-# and Perl will parse it just the same.
-# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file
-# are prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX.
-# This is useful so different doxyrules.make files included by the same
-# Makefile don't overwrite each other's variables.
-# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
-# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# evaluate all C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include
-# files.
-# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES Doxygen will expand all macro
-# names in the source code. If set to NO (the default) only conditional
-# compilation will be performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled
-# way by setting EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES.
-# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES
-# then the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the
-# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES (the default) the includes files
-# pointed to by INCLUDE_PATH will be searched when a #include is found.
-# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
-# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by
-# the preprocessor.
-INCLUDE_PATH           =
-# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard
-# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the
-# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will
-# be used.
-# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that
-# are defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of
-# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name
-# or name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the = are
-# omitted =1 is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being
-# undefined via #undef or recursively expanded use the := operator
-# instead of the = operator.
-# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then
-# this tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded.
-# The macro definition that is found in the sources will be used.
-# Use the PREDEFINED tag if you want to use a different macro definition that
-# overrules the definition found in the source code.
-# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES (the default) then
-# doxygen's preprocessor will remove all references to function-like macros
-# that are alone on a line, have an all uppercase name, and do not end with a
-# semicolon, because these will confuse the parser if not removed.
-# Configuration::additions related to external references
-# The TAGFILES option can be used to specify one or more tagfiles.
-# Optionally an initial location of the external documentation
-# can be added for each tagfile. The format of a tag file without
-# this location is as follows:
-# TAGFILES = file1 file2 ...
-# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows:
-# TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ...
-# where "loc1" and "loc2" can be relative or absolute paths or
-# URLs. If a location is present for each tag, the installdox tool
-# does not have to be run to correct the links.
-# Note that each tag file must have a unique name
-# (where the name does NOT include the path)
-# If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen
-# is run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here.
-TAGFILES               =
-# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create
-# a tag file that is based on the input files it reads.
-# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external classes will be listed
-# in the class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes
-# will be listed.
-ALLEXTERNALS           = NO
-# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed
-# in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will
-# be listed.
-# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
-# interpreter (i.e. the result of `which perl').
-PERL_PATH              = /usr/bin/perl
-# Configuration options related to the dot tool
-# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate a inheritance diagram (in HTML, RTF and LaTeX) for classes with base
-# or super classes. Setting the tag to NO turns the diagrams off. Note that
-# this option also works with HAVE_DOT disabled, but it is recommended to
-# install and use dot, since it yields more powerful graphs.
-# You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc
-# command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see
-# to produce the chart and insert it in the
-# documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where
-# the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the
-# default search path.
-MSCGEN_PATH            =
-# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide
-# inheritance and usage relations if the target is undocumented
-# or is not a class.
-# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is
-# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz, a graph visualization
-# toolkit from AT&T and Lucent Bell Labs. The other options in this section
-# have no effect if this option is set to NO (the default)
-HAVE_DOT               = NO
-# The DOT_NUM_THREADS specifies the number of dot invocations doxygen is
-# allowed to run in parallel. When set to 0 (the default) doxygen will
-# base this on the number of processors available in the system. You can set it
-# explicitly to a value larger than 0 to get control over the balance
-# between CPU load and processing speed.
-DOT_NUM_THREADS        = 0
-# By default doxygen will write a font called Helvetica to the output
-# directory and reference it in all dot files that doxygen generates.
-# When you want a differently looking font you can specify the font name
-# using DOT_FONTNAME. You need to make sure dot is able to find the font,
-# which can be done by putting it in a standard location or by setting the
-# DOTFONTPATH environment variable or by setting DOT_FONTPATH to the directory
-# containing the font.
-DOT_FONTNAME           = Helvetica
-# The DOT_FONTSIZE tag can be used to set the size of the font of dot graphs.
-# The default size is 10pt.
-DOT_FONTSIZE           = 10
-# By default doxygen will tell dot to use the output directory to look for the
-# FreeSans.ttf font (which doxygen will put there itself). If you specify a
-# different font using DOT_FONTNAME you can set the path where dot
-# can find it using this tag.
-DOT_FONTPATH           =
-# If the CLASS_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and
-# indirect inheritance relations. Setting this tag to YES will force the
-# the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO.
-CLASS_GRAPH            = YES
-# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and
-# indirect implementation dependencies (inheritance, containment, and
-# class references variables) of the class with other documented classes.
-# If the GROUP_GRAPHS and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will generate a graph for groups, showing the direct groups dependencies
-GROUP_GRAPHS           = YES
-# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and
-# collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling
-# Language.
-UML_LOOK               = NO
-# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will show the
-# relations between templates and their instances.
-# tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented
-# file showing the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with
-# other documented files.
-# HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each
-# documented header file showing the documented files that directly or
-# indirectly include this file.
-# If the CALL_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT options are set to YES then
-# doxygen will generate a call dependency graph for every global function
-# or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase
-# the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs
-# for selected functions only using the \callgraph command.
-CALL_GRAPH             = NO
-# If the CALLER_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then
-# doxygen will generate a caller dependency graph for every global function
-# or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase
-# the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable caller
-# graphs for selected functions only using the \callergraph command.
-CALLER_GRAPH           = NO
-# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will generate a graphical hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one.
-# then doxygen will show the dependencies a directory has on other directories
-# in a graphical way. The dependency relations are determined by the #include
-# relations between the files in the directories.
-# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images
-# generated by dot. Possible values are svg, png, jpg, or gif.
-# If left blank png will be used.
-DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT       = png
-# The tag DOT_PATH can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be
-# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path.
-DOT_PATH               =
-# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
-# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the
-# \dotfile command).
-DOTFILE_DIRS           =
-# The MSCFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
-# contain msc files that are included in the documentation (see the
-# \mscfile command).
-MSCFILE_DIRS           =
-# The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of
-# nodes that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph
-# becomes larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is
-# visualized by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the
-# number of direct children of the root node in a graph is already larger than
-# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note
-# that the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH.
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the
-# graphs generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable
-# from the root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes
-# that lay further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this
-# option to 1 or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large
-# code bases. Also note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by
-# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction.
-# Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent
-# background. This is disabled by default, because dot on Windows does not
-# seem to support this out of the box. Warning: Depending on the platform used,
-# enabling this option may lead to badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of
-# a graph (i.e. they become hard to read).
-# Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES allow dot to generate multiple output
-# files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This
-# makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10)
-# support this, this feature is disabled by default.
-# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate a legend page explaining the meaning of the various boxes and
-# arrows in the dot generated graphs.
-# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# remove the intermediate dot files that are used to generate
-# the various graphs.
-DOT_CLEANUP            = YES
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/api.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/api.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d98f4b343c..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/api.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * \file api.hpp Initialization and shutdown functions for logog.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_API_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_API_HPP__
-namespace logog
- * To initialize the memory manager with non-default values, allocate a temporary INIT_PARAMS structure, fill it with
- * zeros, and then change the individual entries in the INIT_PARAMS struct before passing as a parameter to Initialize().
- * \sa Initialize
- */
-    /** A pointer to a function that allocates memory.  By default logog allocates using malloc().  Change this pointer
-     ** before passing to Initialize() to use your own custom memory allocator.
-     * \sa logog::Initialize()
-     */
-    void *( *m_pfMalloc )( size_t );
-    /** A pointer to a function that frees memory.  By default logog frees using free().  Change this pointer
-     * before passing to Initialize() to use your own custom memory allocator.
-     * \sa logog::Initialize()
-     */
-    void ( *m_pfFree )( void * );
-/** Initializes the logog system.  No logog calls or allocations may be made before calling this function; expect
- * crashes if you haven't called this at the top of your program.
- * \param params The address of an INIT_PARAMS structure you have already allocated on the heap, or NULL to
- * use default values.
- */
-extern int Initialize( INIT_PARAMS *params = NULL );
-/** Shuts down the logog system and frees all memory allocated by logog.  Memory still allocated by the logog system after Shutdown() indicates
- ** a bug.
- **/
-extern int Shutdown( );
-#endif // __LOGOG_API_HPP
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/checkpoint.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/checkpoint.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c8ba1f7a4..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/checkpoint.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * \file checkpoint.hpp Representations of a program counter reaching a specific point in code.
- */
-namespace logog
-/** A checkpoint is a topic that fires when a specific section of code is executed.  The first time a bit of
- ** code is executed, a Checkpoint is instanced, and when the code is executed again, the Checkpoint is
- ** reused.
- **/
-class Checkpoint : public TopicSource
-    Checkpoint( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level = LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL,
-                const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName = NULL,
-                const int nLineNumber = 0,
-                const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup = NULL,
-                const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory = NULL,
-                const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage = NULL,
-                const double dTimestamp = 0.0f );
-    /** Sends the node in question.  Optionally updates the timestamp in this checkpoint before sending the node. */
-    virtual int Send( const Topic &node );
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/const.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/const.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2608447595d..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/const.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- * \file const.hpp Constants.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_CONST_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_CONST_HPP__
-/** The maximum length of a single line that a formatter may output, in LOGOG_CHAR units. */
-#define LOGOG_FORMATTER_MAX_LENGTH ( 1024 * 16 )
-/** The default size of a RingBuffer object for buffering outputs. */
-#define LOGOG_DEFAULT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 )
-/** \addtogroup levelsettings Level Settings
- ** These are level settings for logog.  These settings are valid for the LOGOG_LEVEL compilation flag.  To enable
- ** all logog messages, use the compilation flag -DLOGOG_LEVEL=LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL.  To disable all logog messages
- ** (and effectively remove logog code from your executable) use the compilation flag -DLOGOG_LEVEL=LOGOG_LEVEL_NONE.
- ** \sa LOGOG_LEVEL
- ** @{
- **/
-//! [Level Constants]
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_NONE		0
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_ALERT		16
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_ERROR		32
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN		40
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN1		48
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN2		56
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN3		64
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_INFO		72
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_DEBUG		80
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL			88
-//! [Level Constants]
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE		int
-#ifndef LOGOG_LEVEL
-/** @} */
-/** \addtogroup topicbitstype Topic Bits Type
-  * Bit flags representing whether a topic cares about a specific field or not.  1 = care, 0 = don't care.
-  * @{
-  */
-//! [Topic Bits]
-typedef enum
-	TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG =			0x01,
-	TOPIC_GROUP_FLAG =			0x08,
-	/** Bits 0 through TOPIC_COUNT turned on */
-	TOPIC_ALL = 0x7f
-} TopicBitsType;
-//! [Topic Bits]
-/** @} */
-typedef int TOPIC_FLAGS;
-//! [Topic Offsets]
-/** Offsets within the m_vIntProps and m_vStringProps arrays for this topic. */
-typedef enum
-	/** This must be the number of integer fields. */
-	/** This must be the number of string fields for this topic. */
-} TopicOffsetType;
-//! [Topic Offsets]
-#endif // __LOGOG_CONST_HPP__
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/formatter.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/formatter.hpp
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index b3b8378290a..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/formatter.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * \file formatter.hpp Formats a topic into human-readable, compiler lookalike format.
- */
-namespace logog
-/** A helper object for generating a current timestamp as a string. */
-class TimeStamp : public Object
-	/** Returns a pointer to a string representing the current time.  Note!  This pointer is only
-	 ** valid while this object is valid -- if you destroy this object, this pointer is no longer
-	 ** valid.
-	 */
-	const char *Get();
-	char cTimeString[ LOGOG_TIME_STRING_MAX ]; 
-/** Converts a topic into a human-readable string for printing or otherwise rendering to a target. */
-class Formatter : public Object
-	Formatter();
-    /** Causes this formatter to format a topic into its own m_sMessageBuffer field, and thence to
-     ** return a reference to that string.  This function must be written to be efficient; it will be called
-     ** for every logging operation.  It is strongly recommended not to allocate or free memory in this function.
-     **/
-    virtual LOGOG_STRING &Format( const Topic &topic, const Target &target ) = 0;
-	/** Causes the time of day to be rendered, if it needs to be rendered.  This function is only supported on
-	 ** ANSI builds, not Unicode, as the underlying functions are ANSI only.
-	 */
-	virtual void RenderTimeOfDay();
-	/** In the base case, this function calls GetTopicFlags() on the provided 
-	 ** topic in order to figure out which fields this formatter should render.
-	 ** However, subclasses of the Formatter class can override this function in order
-	 ** to change the default fields that the topic wants to be rendered.  For example,
-	 ** you can turn off the TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER_FLAG and the TOPIC_FILE_NAME_FLAG
-	 ** in order to disable these fields from being rendered in your own Formatter
-	 ** subclass.
-	 ** \param topic The topic whose flags are to be determined
-	 ** \return The set of flags representing the topics that really need to be rendered.
-	 **/
-	virtual TOPIC_FLAGS GetTopicFlags( const Topic &topic );
-	/** Should this formatter render the current time of day? */
-	bool GetShowTimeOfDay() const;
-	/** Sets whether this formatter renders the current time of day. */
-	void SetShowTimeOfDay(bool val);
-    const LOGOG_CHAR *ErrorDescription( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level );
-    LOGOG_STRING m_sMessageBuffer;
-    LOGOG_STRING m_sIntBuffer;
-	bool m_bShowTimeOfDay;
-class FormatterGCC : public Formatter
-    virtual LOGOG_STRING &Format( const Topic &topic, const Target &target );
-class FormatterMSVC : public Formatter
-    virtual LOGOG_STRING &Format( const Topic &topic, const Target &target );
-extern Formatter &GetDefaultFormatter();
-extern void DestroyDefaultFormatter();
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- * \file logog.hpp Main include file for logog logging functionality.  Include this file to enable logging for your application.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_HPP__
- ** Define this macro to enable Unicode support in logog.  The logog library works either in Unicode mode or not --
- ** attempting to mix the two log types will have unexpected results.
- **/
-// #define LOGOG_UNICODE 1
-#include "const.hpp"
-#include "platform.hpp"
-#include "statics.hpp"
-#include "object.hpp"
-#include "timer.hpp"
-#include "mutex.hpp"
-#include "string.hpp"
-#include "node.hpp"
-#include "topic.hpp"
-#include "formatter.hpp"
-#include "target.hpp"
-// #include "socket.hpp"
-#include "checkpoint.hpp"
-#include "api.hpp"
-#include "message.hpp"
-#include "macro.hpp"
-#include "thread.hpp"
-#include "unittest.hpp"
-#endif // __LOGOG_HPP_
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/macro.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/macro.hpp
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index 97b661f8a38..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/macro.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * \file macro.hpp Macros for instantiation of a message.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_MACRO_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_MACRO_HPP__
-namespace logog
-#ifndef LOGOG_GROUP
-/** This is the current group for created messages.  Set this to NULL if you
-  * want messages to not be part of any specific group.
-  */
-/** This is the current category for created messages.  Set this to NULL if you
-  * want messages to not be part of any specific group.
-  */
-/** When you have a macro replacement, the preprocessor will only expand the macros recursively
- * if neither the stringizing operator # nor the token-pasting operator ## are applied to it.
- * So, you have to use some extra layers of indirection, you can use the token-pasting operator
- * with a recursively expanded argument.
- */
-#define TOKENPASTE2(x, y) x ## y
-/** \sa TOKENPASTE2(x, y) */
-#define TOKENPASTE(x, y) TOKENPASTE2(x, y)
-/** This macro is used when a message is instantiated without any varargs
-  * provided by the user.  It locks a global mutex, creates the message,
-  * locks it, transmits it, and releases all locks.
-  */
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_GROUP_CATEGORY_MESSAGE_NO_VA( level, group, cat, msg ) \
-{ \
-	Mutex *___pMCM = &GetMessageCreationMutex(); \
-	___pMCM->MutexLock(); \
-	static logog::Message *TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__) = new logog::Message( level, \
-		__LINE__ , \
-		LOGOG_CONST_STRING( group ), \
-		msg; \
-	___pMCM->MutexUnlock(); \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->m_Transmitting.MutexLock(); \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->Transmit(); \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->m_Transmitting.MutexUnlock(); \
-/** This macro is used when a message is instantiated with varargs provided
-  * by the user.  It locks a global mutex, creates the message, locks it,
-  * formats the message string inside the message, transmits it, 
-  * and releases all locks.
-  * When logog is shut down, it may be started back up again later.  Therefore,
-  * logog needs a way to flag all static Message pointers that they need
-  * to be recreated.  We manually simulate a static Message pointer by 
-  * implementing it via a static bool.  The bool is turned on the first time
-  * this code is run.
-  * NOTE!  A subtle race condition exists in the following code, that will ONLY occur
-  * if logog is shut down at the same moment that a log message is processed from
-  * another thread than the one calling the shutdown.  The Message object could
-  * theoretically be destroyed from another thread just before it's locked
-  * in a thread that calls the Format() and Transmit() calls on it.  I'm not
-  * sure if this is really a bug -- technically, this race condition will
-  * occur only if you are calling log messages right on top of the SHUTDOWN
-  * call from the main thread.
-  */
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_GROUP_CATEGORY_MESSAGE( level, group, cat, formatstring, ... ) \
-{ \
-	::logog::Mutex *___pMCM = &::logog::GetMessageCreationMutex(); \
-	___pMCM->MutexLock(); \
-	static bool TOKENPASTE(_logog_static_bool_,__LINE__) = false; \
-	static logog::Message * TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__); \
-	if ( TOKENPASTE(_logog_static_bool_,__LINE__) == false ) \
-	{ \
-		TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__) = \
-			new logog::Message( level, \
-				__LINE__ , \
-				LOGOG_CONST_STRING( group ), \
-				LOGOG_CONST_STRING( cat ), \
-				LOGOG_CONST_STRING( "" ), \
-				0.0f, \
-				& (TOKENPASTE(_logog_static_bool_,__LINE__)) ); \
-	} \
-	___pMCM->MutexUnlock(); \
-	/* A race condition could theoretically occur here if you are shutting down at the same instant as sending log messages. */ \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->m_Transmitting.MutexLock(); \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->Format( formatstring, ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->Transmit(); \
-	TOKENPASTE(_logog_,__LINE__)->m_Transmitting.MutexUnlock(); \
-  * LOGOG_CATEGORY setting.
-  */
-#define LOGOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE( level, formatstring, ... ) \
-/** Calls LOGOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE with the current LOGOG_LEVEL setting. */
-#define LOGOG_MESSAGE( formatstring, ... ) \
-/** Logs a message at the DEBUG reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_DEBUG( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_DEBUG( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the INFO reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_INFO( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_INFO( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the WARN3 reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_WARN3( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_WARN3( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the WARN2 reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_WARN2( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_WARN2( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the WARN1 reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_WARN1( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_WARN1( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the WARN reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_WARN( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_WARN( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the ERROR reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_ERROR( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_ERROR( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the CRITICAL reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_CRITICAL( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_CRITICAL( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the ALERT reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_ALERT( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_ALERT( formatstring, ... ) {};
-/** Logs a message at the EMERGENCY reporting level. */
-#define LOGOG_EMERGENCY( formatstring, ... ) \
-#define LOGOG_EMERGENCY( formatstring, ... ) {};
-#define LOGOG_SET_LEVEL( level ) \
-	::logog::SetDefaultLevel( level );
-/** Define this compilation flag if your compilation environment conflicts with
-  * any of the shorthand logging macros in macro.hpp.
-  */
-/* If you get compilation errors in this section, then define the flag LOGOG_USE_PREFIX during compilation, and these
- * shorthand logging macros won't exist -- you'll need to use the LOGOG_* equivalents above.
- */
-/* We can't use DEBUG in Win32 unfortunately, so we use DBUG for shorthand here. */
-//! [Shorthand]
-/** \sa LOGOG_DEBUG */
-#define DBUG(...) LOGOG_DEBUG( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_INFO */
-#define INFO(...) LOGOG_INFO( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_WARN3 */
-#define WARN3(...) LOGOG_WARN3( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_WARN2 */
-#define WARN2(...) LOGOG_WARN2( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_WARN1 */
-#define WARN1(...) LOGOG_WARN1( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_WARN */
-#define WARN(...) LOGOG_WARN( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_ERROR */
-#define ERR(...) LOGOG_ERROR( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_ALERT */
-#define ALERT(...) LOGOG_ALERT( __VA_ARGS__ )
-/** \sa LOGOG_CRITICAL */
-//! [Shorthand]
-/** Call this function to initialize logog and prepare for logging. 
-  * \sa logog::Initialize()
-  */
-#define LOGOG_INITIALIZE(...)  logog::Initialize( __VA_ARGS__ );
-/** Call this function to shut down logog and release all memory allocated.
-  * \sa logog::Shutdown()
-  */
-#define LOGOG_SHUTDOWN()   logog::Shutdown();
-} // namespace logog
-#endif // __LOGOG_MACRO_HPP_
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * \file message.hpp Messages; items transmitted to a log.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_MESSAGE_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_MESSAGE_HPP__
-namespace logog
-/** A message is a piece of text that's actually transmitted to outputs.  Messages can be asked to 
- ** Transmit() themselves once they are created.
- **/
-class Message : public Checkpoint
-    Message( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level = LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName = NULL,
-             const int nLineNumber = 0,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup = NULL,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory = NULL,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage = NULL,
-             const double dTimestamp = 0.0f,
-			 bool *bIsCreated = NULL );
-	virtual ~Message();
-    /** Causes this checkpoint to republish itself to all existing filters after
-      * unpublishing itself.  This can be necessary if the message within this
-      * message has changed in such a way that the downstream Filter objects
-      * might react differently to it.
-      */
-    virtual bool Republish();
-	Mutex m_Transmitting;
-	bool *m_pbIsCreated;
-extern Mutex &GetMessageCreationMutex();
-extern void DestroyMessageCreationMutex();
-#endif // __LOGOG_MESSAGE_HPP_
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--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/mutex.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * \file mutex.hpp Defines a mutual exclusion object for the current platform.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_MUTEX_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_MUTEX_HPP__
-#include <pthread.h>
-namespace logog
-//! [Mutex]
-#ifndef LOGOG_MUTEX
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX(x)           CRITICAL_SECTION (x);
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_INIT(x)      InitializeCriticalSection (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_DELETE(x)    DeleteCriticalSection (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_LOCK(x)      EnterCriticalSection (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_UNLOCK(x)    LeaveCriticalSection (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_CTOR(x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX(x)           pthread_mutex_t (x);
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_INIT(x)      pthread_mutex_init(x, 0)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_DELETE(x)    pthread_mutex_destroy (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_LOCK(x)      pthread_mutex_lock (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_UNLOCK(x)    pthread_mutex_unlock (x)
-#define LOGOG_MUTEX_CTOR(x)
-#endif // LOGOG_MUTEX
-#ifndef LOGOG_MUTEX
-#error You need to define mutex macros for your platform; please see mutex.hpp
-//! [Mutex]
-/** An object that can only be locked by one thread at a time.  Implement the LOGOG_MUTEX_* functions for your platform
- * to support the Mutex object.
- * A mutex is intended to be used with the ScopedLock object to implement critical sections within logog.
- * \sa ScopedLock
- */
-class Mutex : public Object
-    Mutex();
-    ~Mutex();
-    /** Acquires a lock on the mutex.  Only one thread is permitted to lock the mutex at one time. */
-    void MutexLock();
-    /** Releases the lock on the mutex. */
-	void MutexUnlock();
-    Mutex(const Mutex &);
-    Mutex & operator = (const Mutex &);
-    LOGOG_MUTEX( m_Mutex )
-/** Asserts a lock while this object exists and is in scope.  A ScopedLock should be
- * declared in "auto" format, typically on the stack.
- */
-class ScopedLock : public Object
-public :
-    /** Instances and locks a ScopedLock.
-     * \param mutex The mutex to attempt to lock.  Program execution halts at this point until the lock can be obtained.
-     */
-    ScopedLock( Mutex &mutex );
-    ~ScopedLock();
-    /** A pointer to the lockable mutex. */
-    Mutex *m_pMutex;
-    /* no default constructor */
-    ScopedLock();
-    /* no copy constructor */
-    ScopedLock( const ScopedLock &other );
-extern Mutex s_AllocationsMutex;
-extern void LockAllocationsMutex();
-extern void UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-extern Mutex &GetStringSearchMutex();
-extern void DestroyStringSearchMutex();
-#endif // __LOGOG_MUTEX_HPP_
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--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/node.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * \file node.hpp Base class for higher-level logog objects.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_NODE_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_NODE_HPP__
-namespace logog
-/** The base class for most high-level logog objects.  Represents the publisher-subscriber
- ** model within logog. */
-class Node;
-/** An aggregation of nodes.  Internally, we choose a set representation because we want to be able to traverse
- ** the aggregation quickly while still looking up entries quickly.
- **/
-typedef LOGOG_SET< Node *, std::less< Node * >, Allocator< Node * > > NodesType;
-/** A type that double inherits from NodesType and Mutex.  A lockable NodesType.  Handles the copy
- ** case correctly.
- **/
-class LockableNodesType : public NodesType, public Mutex
-    /** A LockableNodesType shouldn't copy the internal Mutex when it is copied, but it
-     ** should copy all the internal nodes.
-     **/
-    LockableNodesType & operator = (const LockableNodesType &other);
-extern LockableNodesType &GetStaticNodes( void ** pvLocation );
-/** Returns a reference to the global nodes group.  Allocates a new global node group if one does not already
- ** exist.
- */
-extern LockableNodesType &AllNodes();
-/** Returns a reference to the group of nodes that are capable of subscribing.  Allocates a new global subscriber
- ** node group if one does not already exist.
- */
-extern LockableNodesType &AllSubscriberNodes();
-/** Returns a reference to the group of nodes that are capable of both subscribing as well as publishing.  Allocates a new global subscriber
- ** node group if one does not already exist.
- */
-extern LockableNodesType &AllFilters();
-/** Returns a reference to the group of nodes that represent terminals in the graph, i.e. nodes that can't publish. */
-extern LockableNodesType &AllTargets();
-class Node : public Object
-    /** All nodes self-register as part of the all-nodes database. */
-    Node();
-    ~Node();
-    /** Call this function immediately after creating a node (or any of the children of the node class.)  This function currently
-     ** registers the node as part of the list of subscriber nodes, if this node may in fact subscribe.
-     ** If this node is capable of subscribing at all, then this function registers this node as a possible subscriber.
-     ** Doing this helps to keep down the number of nodes we search, when we are determining which nodes a new node
-     ** might subscribe to.  We have to do this registration as a second step, after the node is completely
-     ** initialized, as subscriberness is determined late in initialization.
-     **/
-    virtual void Initialize();
-    /** Can a node send notifications?  By default they can; later subclasses may not be able to. */
-    virtual bool CanPublish() const;
-    /** Can a node receive notifications?  By default they can; later subclasses may not be able to. */
-    virtual bool CanSubscribe() const;
-    /** Is this node interested in receiving notifications from another topic? */
-    virtual bool CanSubscribeTo( const Node & );
-    /** In order to avoid bringing in a bunch of RTTI stuff, we permit nodes to be asked whether they're topics or not */
-    virtual bool IsTopic() const;
-    /** Causes this node to begin publishing events to the given subscriber.
-     ** \param subscriber The node to receive published events
-     ** \return true if the request was successful, false if the subscriber was already subscribed
-     **/
-    virtual bool PublishTo( Node &subscriber );
-    /** Causes this node to attempt to publish to some other nodes. */
-    virtual bool PublishToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes );
-    /** Causes this node to stop publishing events to this subscriber.
-     ** \param subscriber The node to stop receiving events
-     ** \return true if successful, false if the subscriber was not being published to in the first place
-     **/
-    virtual bool UnpublishTo( Node &subscriber );
-    /** Causes this node to attempt to unpublish to some other nodes. */
-    virtual bool UnpublishToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes );
-    /** Causes this node to start receiving events from the given publisher.
-     ** \param publisher The node to start receiving events from
-     ** \return true if successful, false if the publisher was already subscribed
-     **/
-    virtual bool SubscribeTo( Node &publisher );
-    /** Causes this node to attempt to subscribe to some other nodes. */
-    virtual bool SubscribeToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes );
-    /** Causes this node to unsubscribe from the given publisher's events.
-    ** \param publisher The publisher to unsubscribe from
-    ** \return true if successful, false if the node was already unsubscribed
-    **/
-    virtual bool UnsubscribeTo( Node &publisher );
-    /** Causes this node to attempt to unsubscribe to some other nodes. */
-    virtual bool UnsubscribeToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes );
-    void Clear();
-    /** A pointer to any custom data you need to store for a node. */
-    void *m_pUserData1;
-    /** A pointer to any custom data you need to store for a node. */
-    void *m_pUserData2;
-    /** A bunch of nodes that are interested in what this node has to report. */
-    LockableNodesType	m_Subscribers;
-    /** A bunch of nodes that this node interested in hearing from. */
-    LockableNodesType	m_Publishers;
-extern void DestroyNodesList( void **pvList );
-/** Destroys all nodes currently recorded.  This happens at shutdown time.  NOTE!  If you have allocated
- ** your own logog items and free them yourself AFTER this call, exciting crashes will occur.
- **/
-extern void DestroyAllNodes();
-#endif // __LOGOG_NODE_HPP_
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@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * \file object.hpp Base class for all allocated logog objects.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_OBJECT_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_OBJECT_HPP__
-namespace logog
-/** Iteration over an unordered map is slow, but we only do it at shutdown time.  Access to a lookup or insert
- ** is very fast.  Additionally, we do not allocate leak detection records from our own heap; it saves us from
- ** doing a recursive allocation.
- **/
-typedef void *PointerType;
-/** A type describing the currently outstanding memory allocations.  Note that this type does not inherit from
- ** Object, because to do so would create an infinite recursion when memory is allocated.
- **/
-typedef LOGOG_UNORDERED_MAP< PointerType, size_t > AllocationsType;
-/** All currently outstanding memory allocations, including their size.  */
-extern AllocationsType s_Allocations;
-/** A global function to lock the global allocations mutex.  We must do this as a static
- ** void because Mutexes depend on Objects.  This should probably belong in a class, but then
- ** we get recursive class definitions.
- ** */
-extern void LockAllocationsMutex();
-/** A global function to unlock the global allocations mutex.  We must do this as a static
- ** void because Mutexes depend on Objects. */
-extern void UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-#ifdef new
-#undef new
-#ifdef delete
-#undef delete
-#endif	//delete
-/** Base class for all objects allocated with logog. */
-class Object
-    Object();
-	/* Some builds complain about ~Object() being virtual... sorry lint :( */
-    virtual ~Object();
-    /** Initializes an object of size new. */
-    void *operator new( size_t nSize );
-    /** Initializes an array of size new. */
-    void *operator new[](size_t nSize);
-	/* There's a wonderful behavior in Windows MFC in debug builds that causes it 
-	 * to attempt to redefine NEW with a macro if we're compiling in debug mode
-	 * and we're using Gdiplus as well.  In that case, Windows attempts to redefine
-	 * new with a macro for everything that has a new.  This wonderful behavior 
-	 * is worked around here.  See
-	 * and
-	 * for more exciting information.
-	 */
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	void* operator new(size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine);
-	void* operator new[](size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine);
-	void  operator delete(void* ptr, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine);
-	void  operator delete[](void* ptr, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine);
-#endif // _DEBUG
-    /** Deletes an object pointed to by ptr. */
-    void operator delete( void *ptr );
-    /** Deletes an object array pointed to by ptr. */
-    void operator delete[]( void *ptr );
-    /** Allocates nSize bytes of memory.  You must call logog::Initialize() before calling this function.
-     * \sa Initialize()
-     */
-    static void *Allocate( size_t nSize );
-    /** Deallocate a pointer previously acquired by Allocate(). */
-    static void Deallocate( void *ptr );
- };
-/** An STL-compatible allocator which redirects all memory requests to the logog allocator.  Used for all STL-like classes within logog. */
-template <class T>
-class Allocator
-    /** Memory allocation size type. */
-    typedef size_t    size_type;
-    /** Memory allocation comparison type. */
-    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-    /** A pointer to T type. */
-    typedef T        *pointer;
-    /** A const pointer to T type. */
-    typedef const T  *const_pointer;
-    /** A reference to T type. */
-    typedef T        &reference;
-    /** A const reference to T type. */
-    typedef const T  &const_reference;
-    /** A value type (T itself). */
-    typedef T         value_type;
-    Allocator() {}
-    /** Not implemented here -- required by the STL standard though. */
-    Allocator( const Allocator & ) {}
-    /** Allocate and return n value_types of memory through this allocator.  Requires that logog::Initialize() has been called. */
-    pointer   allocate( size_type n, const void * = 0 )
-    {
-        T *t = ( T * ) Object::Allocate( n * sizeof( value_type ) );
-        return t;
-    }
-    /** Frees memory previously allocated by allocate(). */
-    void      deallocate( void *p, size_type )
-    {
-        if ( p )
-        {
-            Object::Deallocate( p );
-        }
-    }
-    /** Returns the address of a reference to T. */
-    pointer           address( reference x ) const
-    {
-        return &x;
-    }
-    /** Returns the address of a const reference to T. */
-    const_pointer     address( const_reference x ) const
-    {
-        return &x;
-    }
-    /** STL required override for = operator. */
-    Allocator<T>&  operator=( const Allocator & )
-    {
-        return *this;
-    }
-    /** Constructs a new T at location p with value val. */
-    void              construct( pointer p, const T &val )
-    {
-        new(( T * ) p ) T( val );
-    }
-    /** Destroys a T at location p. */
-    void              destroy( pointer p )
-    {
-        // MSVC tends to complain unless we reference this pointer here.
-        p;
-        p->~T();
-    }
-    /** The largest size of an object that can be allocated with this allocator. */
-    size_type         max_size() const
-    {
-        return size_t( -1 );
-    }
-    /** Rebinding to permit allocations of unknown types.  Part of std::allocator definition.
-     * \param other The other "unknown" type to be permitted access to this allocator */
-    template <class U>
-    struct rebind
-    {
-        /** The "other" class that will use this allocator for its allocation. */
-        typedef Allocator<U> other;
-    };
-    /** Required by STL -- unused here. */
-    template <class U>
-    Allocator( const Allocator<U>& ) {}
-    /** Permit this allocator to be used for assignment in other classes */
-    template <class U>
-    Allocator &operator=( const Allocator<U>& )
-    {
-        return *this;
-    }
-/* All specializations of this allocator are interchangeable. */
-template <class T1, class T2>
-bool operator== ( const Allocator<T1>&,
-                  const Allocator<T2>& )
-    return true;
-template <class T1, class T2>
-bool operator!= ( const Allocator <T1>&,
-                  const Allocator<T2>& )
-    return false;
-/** Returns the current number of outstanding memory allocations in logog.  Returns -1 iff LOGOG_LEAK_DETECTION
- ** has not been defined at compile time.
- **/
-extern int MemoryAllocations();
-/** Sends a report to cout describing the current memory allocations that exist.  Returns the outstanding number of
- ** memory allocations, or -1 iff LOGOG_LEAK_DETECTION is defined.
- **/
-extern int ReportMemoryAllocations();
-#endif // __LOGOG_OBJECT_HPP
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/platform.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/platform.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 67415bd85bd..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/platform.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- * \file platform.hpp Platform specific detection and defines, including STL overrides
- */
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
-/** Set this compilation flag to 1 to indicate that this is a Windows-like platform, e.g. Win32, Win64, Xbox 360, etc. */
-/**  Set this compilation flag to 1 to indicate that this is a Posix-like platform, e.g. Linux, PS3, etc. */
-/* The user hasn't told us which flavor we're running on, so we must make a guess as to which platform is valid. */
-/* If this is MSVC, then it's Windows like */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#endif // _MSC_VER
-/* gcc probably means Posix */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-#error LOGOG_UNICODE not supported on Cygwin platform because Cygwin does not support vsnwprintf
-/* Cygwin lacks vsnprintf support in headers but it's in the libraries.  First we
- * need to define the constants size_t and va_list, then define vsnprintf */
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstdarg>
-extern int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap);
-#define LOGOG_USE_TR1 1
-#endif // __CYGWIN__
-#ifdef __linux__
-#define LOGOG_USE_TR1 1
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#ifndef __clang__
-#define LOGOG_USE_TR1 1
-#if !(__has_include(<unordered_map>))
-#define LOGOG_USE_TR1 1
-#endif // !(__has_include(<unordered_map>))
-#endif // __clang
-#endif // __APPLE__
-/* Detect IBM's XL C++ */
-#ifdef __IBMCPP__
-// Enable use of TR1 unorderd_map etc.
-#define __IBMCPP_TR1__ 1
-#ifdef __PPC__
-#endif // __PPC__
-#endif // __IBMCPP__
-/* If we've recognized it already, it's a relatively modern compiler */
-#if defined( LOGOG_FLAVOR_WINDOWS ) || defined( LOGOG_FLAVOR_POSIX )
-#endif // defined(...)
-/* PS3 */
-#ifdef SN_TARGET_PS3
-#include "proprietary/ps3.hpp"
-/* Detect Xbox 360 */
-#if _XBOX_VER >= 200
-#include "proprietary/xbox360.hpp"
-/* Windows has been detected. */
-/** Microsoft's CRT library has its own leak detection mechanism.  If you don't trust logog's
- ** Microsoft's version.  This really doesn't belong in platform.hpp -- feel
- ** free to refactor this into a Windows-specific header.
- **/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#ifndef DBG_NEW
-#define DBG_NEW new ( _NORMAL_BLOCK , __FILE__ , __LINE__ )
-#define new DBG_NEW
-#endif  // _DEBUG
-#include "windows.h"
-#endif // _XBOX_VER
-#error Platform flavor not detected.  Please see platform.hpp to configure this platform.
-// For the FILE type.
-#include <cstdio>
-// For POSIX file access.
-#include <cstdlib>
-// For Ubuntu 11 and ptrdiff_t
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-// for uint64_t
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-// for strstr support
-#include <cstring>
-// For Unicode support
-#include <typeinfo>
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Here's the stuff your compiler may have a problem with...   */
-//! [STLTypes]
-/** The definition for a hash type in logog.  You can replace it here with your own set compatible class if needed. */
-#define LOGOG_HASH			std::tr1::hash
-/** The definition for an unordered map type in logog.  You can replace it here with your own unordered_map compatible class if needed. */
-#ifdef LOGOG_USE_TR1
-#include <tr1/unordered_map>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#endif // LOGOG_USE_TR1
-#define LOGOG_UNORDERED_MAP	std::unordered_map
-#define LOGOG_UNORDERED_MAP	std::tr1::unordered_map
-#include <hash_map>
-#define LOGOG_UNORDERED_MAP std::hash_map
-/** An internal consistency error has been detected in logog.  */
-#define LOGOG_INTERNAL_FAILURE	abort();
-/* ----------------------------------------------- */
-/* Here's the stuff that's pretty standard in STL by now. */
-/** The definition for a pair type in logog.  You can replace it here with your own pair compatible class if needed. */
-#define LOGOG_PAIR			std::pair
-#include <list>
-/** The definition for a list type in logog.  You can replace it here with your own list compatible class if needed. */
-#define LOGOG_LIST			std::list
-#include <vector>
-/** The definition for a vector type in logog.  You can replace it here with your own vector compatible class if needed. */
-#define LOGOG_VECTOR		std::vector
-#include <set>
-/** The definition for a set type in logog.  You can replace it here with your own set compatible class if needed. */
-#define LOGOG_SET			std::set
-/** The definition for STL "equal to" in logog.  You can replace it here with your own set compatible class if needed. */
-#define LOGOG_EQUAL_TO		std::equal_to
-//! [STLTypes]
-/** The default port number that logog uses to communicate via TCP/UDP */
-#define LOGOG_DEFAULT_PORT	9987
-/** We use va_list for formatting messages. */
-#include <cstdarg>
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/socket.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/socket.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8417eeb89f9..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/socket.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * \file socket.hpp Cross-platform socket abstractions
- */
- * \todo Socket support is unfinished and is not working yet.  Please review socket.hpp if you'd like to implement
- * a cross-platform socket abstraction.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_SOCKET_HPP_
-#define __LOGOG_SOCKET_HPP_
-#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
-#include <memory.h>
-namespace logog
-/** A sending or receiving socket to be used as a target. */
-class Socket : public Target
-    static int Initialize()
-    {
-        static bool bInitialized = false;
-        if ( !bInitialized )
-        {
-            WORD wVersionRequested;
-            WSADATA wsaData;
-            int err;
-            wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 );
-            err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
-            if ( err != 0 )
-            {
-                LOGOG_COUT << _LG("WSAStartup failed with error: ") <<  err << endl;
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        bInitialized = true;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    static void Shutdown()
-    {
-        WSACleanup();
-    }
-    static const int MAXHOSTNAME = 255;
-    Socket(
-        int type = SOCK_STREAM,
-        int port = LOGOG_DEFAULT_PORT
-    )
-    {
-        m_Socket = -1;
-        m_nType = type;
-        m_nPort = port;
-    }
-    virtual void Close()
-    {
-        closesocket( m_Socket );
-        close( m_Socket );
-    }
-#ifdef NYI
-    virtual int Create( int type,
-                        int port )
-    {
-        char myname[MAXHOSTNAME+1];
-        int err;
-        struct sockaddr_in sa;
-        struct hostent *hp;
-        memset( &sa, 0, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) ); /* clear our address */
-        gethostname( myname, MAXHOSTNAME );         /* who are we? */
-        hp= gethostbyname( myname );                /* get our address info */
-        if ( hp == NULL )                           /* we don't exist !? */
-            return -1;
-        sa.sin_family= hp->h_addrtype;              /* this is our host address */
-        sa.sin_port= (u_short)htons( (u_short)port );                /* this is our port number */
-        if (( m_Socket = socket( AF_INET, type, 0 ) ) < 0 ) /* create socket */
-            return -1;
-        if ( bind( m_Socket,  (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) ) < 0 )
-        {
-            Close();
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (( err = SetNonBlocking() ) != 0 )
-            return err;
-    }
-#endif // NYI
-    virtual int SetNonBlocking()
-    {
-        int err;
-        int flags;
-        flags = socket_fcntl( m_Socket, F_GETFL, 0 );
-        flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
-        err = socket_fcntl( m_Socket, F_SETFL, flags );
-        unsigned long parg;
-        parg = 1;
-        err = ioctlsocket( m_Socket, FIONBIO, &parg );
-        return err;
-    }
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &output ) = 0;
-    int m_Socket;
-    int m_nType;
-    int m_nPort;
-class SocketServer : Socket
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/statics.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/statics.hpp
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- * \file statics.hpp Static variables simultaneously assigned for all instances of logog.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_STATICS_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_STATICS_HPP__
-namespace logog
-class Timer;
-class Formatter;
-class Target;
-class Mutex;
-extern void DestroyAllNodes();
-extern void DestroyGlobalTimer();
-extern void DestroyDefaultFormatter();
-extern void DestroyStringSearchMutex();
-extern void DestroyMessageCreationMutex();
-/* Technically this information should be in node.hpp but statics is responsible for
- * this global list.
- */
-class Statics
-    /** A pointer to the malloc() compatible function used by logog.  See logog::Initialize()
-     ** for more details. */
-    void *(*s_pfMalloc)( size_t );
-    /** A pointer to the free() compatible function used by logog.  See logog::Initialize()
-     ** for more details. */
-    void (*s_pfFree)( void * );
-    /** Pointers to all the currently existing nodes in the network. */
-    void *s_pAllNodes;
-    /** Pointers to only those nodes that are capable of subscribing. */
-    void *s_pAllSubscriberNodes;
-    /** Pointers to only those nodes that are capable of subscribing and publishing. */
-    void *s_pAllFilterNodes;
-    /** Pointers to the group of all valid targets. */
-    void *s_pAllTargets;
-    /** Pointer to the default filter, if any. */
-    void *s_pDefaultFilter;
-    /** The default global shared timer.  All events are generally in reference to this timer, though yoy may create your own timers. */
-    Timer *s_pTimer;
-    /** A lock on the KMP search for all strings.  Prevents mutex explosions.  */
-    void *s_pStringSearchMutex;
-    /** A lock for creating messages.  Prevents dual message creation from multiple threads. */
-    Mutex *s_pMessageCreationMutex;
-    /** The default Formatter for all targets.  Targets may use their individual formatters as well if preferred. */
-    Formatter *s_pDefaultFormatter;
-    /** The number of sockets created. */
-    int s_nSockets;
-    /** A pointer to this object; used for final destruction. */
-    Statics *s_pSelf;
-    Statics();
-	~Statics();
-	/** Resets all statics to startup values.  Releases memory allocated by statics. */
-    void Reset();
-extern Statics &Static();
-/** Destroys the Static() structure.  Calls to Static() after calling DestroyStatic() will probably crash your
- ** program.
- */
-extern void DestroyStatic();
-#endif // __LOGOG_STATICS_HPP
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- * \file string.hpp Defines the logog string class.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_STRING_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_STRING_HPP__
- ** Define this typedef in order to support wide characters in all logog strings.
- ** \sa _LG
- ** */
-/** logog has detected Unicode; therefore a LOGOG_CHAR is a wide character. */
-typedef wchar_t LOGOG_CHAR;
-/** This is a naughty little hack.  If we're using Unicode, then we append an
- * L to your const string.  However, we have several situations in which that string will actually be a NULL or 0
- * value in code, and the string will be rendered as L0 or LNULL.  In that case, we catch it with yet another 
- * macro.  Hacky, but seems to do the trick.  Beware of conflicts with existing code though...!
- */
-#define L0 (const LOGOG_CHAR *)'\0'
-#define LNULL (const LOGOG_CHAR *)'\0'
-#define L__null (const LOGOG_CHAR *)'\0'
-/* Two indirect references are necessary in order to expand a string and append the L to it. */
-/* This macro will cause a const string to be stored as a Unicode string on a Unicode build. */
-#define LOGOG_COUT  std::wcout
-#define LOGOG_CERR  std::wcerr
-/** logog has not detected Unicode; therefore a LOGOG_CHAR is simply a char. */
-typedef char LOGOG_CHAR;
-/** This macro will cause a const string to be stored as an ANSI string on an ANSI build, and as a Unicode string
- * on a Unicode build.
- */
-#define LOGOG_CONST_STRING(x) (x)
-#define LOGOG_COUT  std::cout
-#define LOGOG_CERR  std::cerr
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-/** If this constant is defined, then you can use the shorthand macro _LG in your code to represent a constant
-  * string.
-  */
-/** The _LG() macro is defined only if LOGOG_USE_PREFIX is not defined.  _LG() can be used to describe 
- ** a const string that is compiled to either as Unicode
- * or ANSI, based on the setting of the LOGOG_UNICODE flag.
- * _LG() is not needed if you don't need Unicode support.  If you want your messages to work with both Unicode 
- * as well as ANSI builds of logog, preface them like this: _LG("This const string works on Unicode as well as ANSI.")
- */
-#define _LG( x ) LOGOG_CONST_STRING( x )
-namespace logog
-	class String : public Object
-	{
-	public:
-		static const size_t npos = (size_t) -1;
-		String();
-		virtual ~String();
-		virtual void Free();
-		static size_t Length( const LOGOG_CHAR *chars );
-		String( const String &other );
-		String( const LOGOG_CHAR *pstr );
-		String & operator =( const String & other);
-		String & operator =( const LOGOG_CHAR *pstr );
-		size_t size() const;
-		virtual void clear();
-		virtual size_t reserve( size_t nSize );
-		virtual size_t reserve_for_int();
-		virtual operator const LOGOG_CHAR *() const;
-		virtual size_t assign( const String &other );
-		virtual size_t append( const String &other );
-		virtual size_t append( const LOGOG_CHAR *other );
-		virtual void reverse( LOGOG_CHAR* pStart, LOGOG_CHAR* pEnd);
-		virtual size_t assign( const int value );
-		virtual size_t append( const LOGOG_CHAR c );
-		virtual bool is_valid() const;
-		virtual size_t assign( const LOGOG_CHAR *other, const LOGOG_CHAR *pEnd = NULL );
-		virtual size_t find( String &other ) const;
-		virtual void format( const LOGOG_CHAR *cFormatString, ... );
-		virtual void format_va( const LOGOG_CHAR *cFormatString, va_list args );
-		virtual const LOGOG_CHAR* c_str() const;
-	protected:
-		virtual void Initialize();
-		/* Code modified from */
-		void preKmp(size_t m);
-		size_t KMP( const LOGOG_CHAR *y, size_t n );
-#define LOGOG_MAX( a, b ) ( ( a > b ) ? a : b )
-		size_t BM(LOGOG_CHAR *y, size_t n);
-		LOGOG_CHAR *m_pBuffer;
-		LOGOG_CHAR *m_pOffset;
-		LOGOG_CHAR *m_pEndOfBuffer;
-		size_t *m_pKMP;
-		bool m_bIsConst;
-	};
-#define LOGOG_STRING ::logog::String
-#endif // __LOGOG_STRING_HPP_
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/target.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/target.hpp
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index a5844135013..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/target.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
- * \file target.hpp Abstractions representing logging outputs.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_TARGET_HPP_
-#define __LOGOG_TARGET_HPP_
-namespace logog
-/** A target is abstraction representing an output stream from logog.  cerr, cout, and syslog, and other logging formats are supported.
- ** Targets do not validate their received data.  Their only job is to render it on a call to Receive() to their supported target
- ** type.  Targets should generally make sure to handle calls on multiple threads -- they should make sure to avoid overlapping
- ** outputs from multiple threads correctly.  This base class handles this serialization in the Receive() function.
- ** Children of this class are expected to implement the Output() function to do the actual output.
- **/
-class Target : public TopicSink
-    friend class LogBuffer;
-public :
-    Target();
-	virtual ~Target();
-    /** Sets the current formatter for this target. */
-    void SetFormatter( Formatter &formatter );
-    /** Returns a reference to the current formatter for this target. */
-    Formatter &GetFormatter() const;
-    /** All targets must implement the Output function.  This function outputs the provided string to the
-      * output that the target represents.
-      * \return Zero if no error has occurred; an error code (generally propagated 
-      * from the operating system) if an error has occurred.
-      */
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data ) = 0;
-    /** Receives a topic on behalf of this target.  A mutex prevents race conditions from occurring when 
-     ** multiple threads attempt to write to this target at the same time.
-     ** \return Zero if no error has occurred; an error code (generally propagated from the operating
-     ** system) if an error has occurred.
-     */
-    virtual int Receive( const Topic &topic );
-	/** Does this target want its formatter to null terminate its strings? */
-	bool GetNullTerminatesStrings() const { return m_bNullTerminatesStrings; }
-	/** Tells this target whether to request its formatter to null terminate its strings. */
-	void SetNullTerminatesStrings(bool val) { m_bNullTerminatesStrings = val; }
-    /** A pointer to the formatter used for this output. */
-    Formatter *m_pFormatter;
-    /** A mutex on the Receive() function. */
-    Mutex m_MutexReceive;
-	/** Does this target cause its formatter to null-terminate its output strings?  File and buffer outputs 
-	 ** don't require null terminated strings, but line outputs do.
-	 **/
-	bool m_bNullTerminatesStrings;
-/** A target representing the cerr stream. */
-class Cerr : public Target
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data );
-/** A target representing the cout stream. */
-class Cout : public Target
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data );
-/** A target representing the debugger stream on Win32 targets.  This only logs information
-  * on Windows like platforms.
-  */
-class OutputDebug : public Target
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data );
-/** A LogFile renders received messages to a file.  Provide the name of the file to be rendered to as
- * a parameter to the construction of the LogFile() object.  Destroying a LogFile object will cause the
- * output file to be closed.  LogFile objects always append to the output file; they do not delete the previous
- * log file.
- */
-class LogFile : public Target
-    /** Creates a LogFile object.
-     * \param sFileName The name of the file to be created.
-     * Since file names do not support Unicode on most systems, there is no option to create 
-     * a filename with a LOGOG_CHAR. 
-     */
-    LogFile(const char *sFileName);
-    /** Closes the log file. */
-    virtual ~LogFile();
-    /** Opens the log file on first write. */
-    virtual int Open();
-	/** This function makes a guess as to the correct BOM for this file, and attempts
-	 ** to write it into the file.  It does this by considering the size of LOGOG_CHAR
-	 ** as well as considering the current endianness of this system.  This guess
-	 ** may be incorrect.
-	 **/
-	virtual void WriteUnicodeBOM();
-    /** Writes the message to the log file. */
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data );
-	/** Should a Unicode BOM be written to the beginning of this log file, if the log file
-	 * was previously empty?  By default a BOM is written to a log file if LOGOG_UNICODE
-	 * is enabled. */
-	bool m_bWriteUnicodeBOM;
-    char *m_pFileName;
-    bool m_bFirstTime;
-	bool m_bOpenFailed;
-    FILE *m_pFile;
-	/** Does the actual fwrite to the file.  Call Output() instead to handle error conditions better. */
-	virtual int InternalOutput( size_t nSize, const LOGOG_CHAR *pData );
-    LogFile();
-/** A buffering target.  Stores up to a fixed buffer size of output and then renders that output to another
-  * target.  Can be used for buffering log output in memory and then storing it to a log file upon program completion.
-  * To use, create another target (such as a LogFile) and then create a LogBuffer, providing the other target
-  * as a parameter to the creation function.
-  */
-class LogBuffer : public Target
-    LogBuffer( Target *pTarget = NULL,
-               size_t s = LOGOG_DEFAULT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE );
-    virtual ~LogBuffer();
-    /** Changes the current rendering target.  NOTE: This function does no locking on either the target or
-     * this object.  Program accordingly.
-     */
-    virtual void SetTarget( Target &t );
-    /** Inserts a range of LOGOG_CHAR objects into this buffer.  The characters should consist of a null-terminated
-     * string of length size.  Providing anything else as input creates undefined behavior.
-     */
-    virtual int Insert( const LOGOG_CHAR *pChars, size_t size );
-    /** Dumps the current contents of the buffer to the output target. */
-    virtual int Dump();
-    virtual int Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data );
-    virtual void Allocate( size_t size );
-    virtual void Deallocate();
-    /** The non-changing pointer to the basic buffer. */
-    LOGOG_CHAR *m_pStart;
-    /** The current write offset into the buffer. */
-    LOGOG_CHAR *m_pCurrent;
-    /** The position in the buffer after which no data may be written. */
-    LOGOG_CHAR *m_pEnd;
-    /** The size of the buffer in LOGOG_CHAR primitives. */
-    size_t m_nSize;
-    /** A pointer to the target to which the buffer will be rendered upon calling Dump(). */
-    Target *m_pOutputTarget;
-#endif // __LOGOG_TARGET_HPP_
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index c37e3045d46..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/thread.hpp
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@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * \file thread.hpp Defines a thread object for the current platform.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_THREAD_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_THREAD_HPP__
-//! [Thread]
-#include <process.h>
-typedef unsigned int (WINAPI * __logog_pThreadFn )(void *);
-#define LOGOG_THREAD_CREATE(handle, attr, pStartFn, arg) \
-	(int)((*handle=(HANDLE) _beginthreadex (NULL,  /* security */ \
-			0, /* stack size */ \
-			(__logog_pThreadFn)pStartFn, /* start address */ \
-			arg, /* pv argument */ \
-			0, /* init flag */ \
-			NULL /*thread addr */ ))==NULL)
-#define LOGOG_THREAD_JOIN( thread ) \
-	( (WaitForSingleObject(( thread ),INFINITE)!=WAIT_OBJECT_0) \
-				|| !CloseHandle(thread) \
-				)
-#define LOGOG_THREAD_SELF (LOGOG_THREAD)GetCurrentThreadId()
-#endif // defined(LOGOG_FLAVOR_WINDOWS)
-#if defined(LOGOG_FLAVOR_POSIX)
-#define LOGOG_THREAD \
-	pthread_t
-#define LOGOG_THREAD_CREATE(handle, attr, pStartFn, arg) \
-	pthread_create(handle, attr, pStartFn, arg)
-#define LOGOG_THREAD_JOIN(thread) \
-	pthread_join(thread, NULL)
-	pthread_self()
-#endif // LOGOG_THREAD
-#error You need to define mutex macros for your platform; please see mutex.hpp
-//! [Thread]
-namespace logog
-/** A thread abstraction.  Requires definition of macros to describe how to create, start, and wait for threads to terminate. */
-class Thread
-    /** A type describing the entry point of a function. */
-    typedef void* (*ThreadStartLocationType)(void *);
-    /** Creating a new thread requires the starting location as well as a single void pointer to the argument to a function. */
-    Thread(ThreadStartLocationType fnThreadStart, void* pvParams)
-    {
-        m_pFnThreadStart = fnThreadStart;
-        m_pvThreadParams = pvParams;
-    }
-    /** Cause the created thread to commence execution asynchronously. */
-    int Start()
-    {
-        return LOGOG_THREAD_CREATE(&m_Thread, NULL, m_pFnThreadStart, m_pvThreadParams);
-    }
-    /** Causes the current thread to wait for completion of the provided thread.
-     ** \param thread The thread object to wait for
-     */
-    static int WaitFor(const Thread& thread)
-    {
-        return LOGOG_THREAD_JOIN(thread.m_Thread);
-    }
-    static void Join(const std::vector<Thread*>& threads)
-    {
-        for(size_t i=0; i<threads.size(); i++)
-            WaitFor(*;
-    }
-    static void Delete(std::vector<Thread*>& threads)
-    {
-        for(size_t i=0; i<threads.size(); i++)
-            delete;
-        threads.clear();
-    }
-    /** Returns a LOGOG_THREAD representing the calling process. */
-    static LOGOG_THREAD GetCurrent()
-    {
-    }
-    /** A platform-specific identifier for the calling process. */
-    LOGOG_THREAD m_Thread;
-    /** The entry point for this thread. */
-    ThreadStartLocationType m_pFnThreadStart;
-    /** An arbitrary argument to the thread entry point. */
-    void* m_pvThreadParams;
-#endif // __LOGOG_THREAD_HPP_
\ No newline at end of file
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- * \file timer.hpp Time management.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_TIMER_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_TIMER_HPP__
-namespace logog
-/** A value for a high resolution timer on this platform.  Time representations are in seconds. */
-typedef double LOGOG_TIME;
-/** A high-resolution timer.  Reports in seconds. */
-class Timer : public Object
-    Timer();
-    /** Returns the offset from the time since the creation of the timer, or the time set by the most
-     ** recent Set() call.  Time is assumed to be a value in LOGOG_TIME seconds.
-     ** \sa LOGOG_TIME
-     **/
-    LOGOG_TIME Get();
-    /** Sets the current time for this timer. */
-    void Set( LOGOG_TIME time );
-    /** Windows only.  Stores the number of high resolution timer ticks per second. */
-    double m_fTicksPerMicrosecond;
-    /** Zero, if no calls to Set() have been made; else the value of the previous call to Set(). */
-    LOGOG_TIME m_fStartTime;
-extern Timer &GetGlobalTimer();
-extern void DestroyGlobalTimer();
-#endif // __LOGOG_TIMER_HPP_
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index ae3d6f3e5af..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/include/topic.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
- * \file topic.hpp Topics -- subjects of interests for publishers and
- * subscribers to communicate about
- */
-#ifndef __LOGOG_TOPIC_HPP__
-#define __LOGOG_TOPIC_HPP__
-namespace logog
-/** A subject that nodes can choose to discuss with one another.
- ** Subscribers generally have very general topics, while publishers generally have very specific topics.
- **/
-class Topic : public Node
-    friend class TopicLevel;
-    friend class TopicGroup;
-    /** Creates a topic.  Note the defaults for creating a topic -- these defaults are equivalent to "no setting"
-     ** for those fields.
-     **/
-    Topic( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level = LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL,
-           const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName = NULL,
-           const int nLineNumber = 0,
-           const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup = NULL,
-           const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory = NULL,
-           const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage = NULL,
-           const double dTimestamp = 0.0f );
-    /** Topics are always topics.  We use this to avoid any RTTI dependence. */
-    virtual bool IsTopic() const;
-    /** Causes this topic to publish another topic to all its subscribers.
-     ** \return 0 if successful, non-zero if this topic failed to send the publication to all subscribers */
-    virtual int Send( const Topic &node );
-    /** Causes this topic to publish itself to all its subscribers. */
-    virtual int Transmit();
-    /** Permits this node to receive a publication from another node, and act upon it.
-     ** \param node The node constituting the publication
-     ** \return 0 if successful, non-zero if this node failed to process the publication
-     **/
-    virtual int Receive( const Topic &node );
-    /** Is this topic interested in receiving notifications from another topic?  This function implements
-     ** a generic (slow) test that should work for all topic types.  This function only checks fields
-     ** that have previously been set on this topic -- fields that have not been set will not limit this
-     ** topic's ability to subscribe.  If any of the previously set fields does not "match" the other topic,
-     ** this function will return false.  The matching function behaves slightly differently from field to
-     ** field.
-     ** - In the topic level case, this function rejects a publisher with a lower topic level than our
-     ** own.
-     ** - In the group, category, file name and message case, this function rejects a publisher if our
-     ** own group/category/file name or message cannot be found as a substring in the possible publisher.
-     ** This functionality permits very simple pattern matching functionality (i.e. show me all the message
-     ** lines that have the word "upload" in them, regardless of their log level.)
-     ** - In the line number case, this function rejects a publisher unless the line number matches exactly.
-     ** - In the timestamp case, this function rejects a publisher if their timestamp is before our own.
-     ** \param otherNode The topic which we are considering subscribing to
-     **/
-    virtual bool CanSubscribeTo( const Node &otherNode );
-    virtual bool CanSubscribeCheckTopic( const Topic &other );
-    /** Causes this topic to begin publishing events to the given subscriber.
-     ** \param subscriber The node to receive published events
-     ** \return true if the request was successful, false if the subscriber was already subscribed
-     **/
-    virtual bool PublishTo( Node &subscriber );
-    /** Formats the message in this topic given a sprintf-style set of arguments.
-     ** This function can be used to set the current message in this topic to a string with a variable number of parameters.
-     **/
-    virtual void Format( const LOGOG_CHAR *cFormatMessage, ... );
-    const LOGOG_STRING &FileName() const;
-    void FileName( const LOGOG_STRING &s );
-    const LOGOG_STRING &Message() const;
-    void Message( const LOGOG_STRING &s );
-    const LOGOG_STRING &Category() const;
-    void Category( const LOGOG_STRING &s );
-    const LOGOG_STRING &Group() const;
-    void Group( const LOGOG_STRING &s );
-    int LineNumber() const;
-    void LineNumber( const int num );
-    LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE Level() const;
-    void Level( LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level );
-    LOGOG_TIME Timestamp() const;
-    void Timestamp( const LOGOG_TIME t );
-    TOPIC_FLAGS GetTopicFlags() const;
-    /** An array (not an STL vector) of string properties for this topic. */
-    /** An array (not an STL vector) of integer properties for this topic. */
-    int m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_INT_COUNT ];
-    /** The time associated with this topic.  Usually this field is updated when a topic is triggered.  Times need not be associated
-     ** with a particular topic, in which case this value is zero.
-     ** */
-    LOGOG_TIME m_tTime;
-    /** A bitfield representing the "important" fields in this topic.  Not all fields are considered to contain important information
-     ** all the time.  A logical OR of the TOPIC_*_FLAG fields.
-     ** \sa TopicBitsType
-     **/
-    TOPIC_FLAGS m_TopicFlags;
-/** A topic that permits both publishing as well as subscribing.  This class is functionally same as a Topic; we've added it
- ** as a class for clarity when referring to different topic types.  Filters should be instantiated only after outputs are
- ** instantiated, as they automatically search for and publish to targets.  If you instantiate a filter before you
- ** instantiate a target, you will need to call PublishTo( theTarget ) yourself before using the target.
- **/
-class Filter : public Topic
-    Filter( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level = LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL,
-            const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName = NULL,
-            const int nLineNumber = 0,
-            const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup = NULL,
-            const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory = NULL,
-            const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage = NULL,
-            const double dTimestamp = 0.0f );
-/** Returns a reference to the unique default filter instantiated with logog. */
-extern Filter &GetDefaultFilter();
-/** Sets the current reporting level for the default filter.  All messages
-  * connected to the filter after this point should obey this default
-  * level setting.
-  */
-void SetDefaultLevel( LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level );
-/** A topic with the group name being the only field of significance. */
-class TopicGroup : public Topic
-    TopicGroup( const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup = NULL );
-    virtual bool CanSubscribeCheckTopic( const Topic &other );
-/** A topic with the level being the only field of significance. */
-class TopicLevel : public Topic
-    TopicLevel( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level );
-    virtual bool CanSubscribeCheckTopic( const Topic &other );
-/** A topic that is also a source. */
-class TopicSource : public Topic
-    TopicSource( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level = LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL,
-                 const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName = NULL,
-                 const int nLineNumber = 0,
-                 const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup = NULL,
-                 const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory = NULL,
-                 const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage = NULL,
-                 const double dTimestamp = 0.0f );
-    /** Returns false.  Sources do not subscribe. */
-    virtual bool SubscribeTo( Node & );
-    /** Returns false.  Sources do not unsubscribe. */
-    virtual bool UnsubscribeTo( Node & );
-    virtual bool CanSubscribe() const;
-/** A topic that is also a sink. */
-class TopicSink : public Topic
-    virtual bool IsTopic() const;
-    /** Sinks do not add themselves to the list of interested subscribers.  That's up to intermediate topics to decide. */
-    virtual void Initialize();
-    /** Returns false.  Sinks do not publish. */
-    virtual bool PublishTo( Node & );
-    /** Returns false.  Sinks do not unpublish. */
-    virtual bool UnpublishTo( Node & );
-    /** Returns false.  Sinks do not publish. */
-    virtual bool CanPublish() const;
-#endif // __LOGOG_TOPIC_HPP_
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/include/unittest.hpp b/ThirdParty/logog/include/unittest.hpp
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- * \file unittest.hpp Unit testing interface; may be used for other programs as well.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-namespace logog
- * \page unittesting Unit test framework
- *
- * A unit test framework is included with logog.  This framework was intended specifically to exercise logog functionality, but it may also
- * be used as a general purpose test framework.
- *
- * A typical test program will look like this:
- * \code
- * int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- * {
- *     int nResult;
- *     nResult = RunAllTests();
- *     ShutdownTests();
- *     return nResult;
- * }
- * \endcode
- *
- * To define a unit test, create a function of the following form:
- *
- * \code
- * UNITTEST( AdditionTest )
- * {
- *     logog::Initialize();
- *
- *     int nResult = 0;
- *
- *     if ( 2 + 2 == 4 )
- *     {
- *        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Sane.") << endl;
- *     }
- *     else
- *     {
- *        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Insane!") << endl;
- *        nResult = 1;
- *     }
- *
- *     logog::Shutdown();
- *
- *     return nResult;
- *
- * };
- * \endcode
- *
- * The UNITTEST() macro defines a unique UnitTest object that encompasses your function.
- * Your function should take no parameters and return an integer value.  It should return
- * zero if the test was successful, and non-zero if the test was unsuccesful.  If any
- * of your tests fail, the stub main() program will propagate that error to the operating
- * system, which in turn can be used to halt an automated build system.
- *
- * The unit testing framework is known to leak memory.  However, the underlying logog macros are not known to leak memory (let us know
- * if you find any leaks).
- */
-/** A standard string type, used for labelling a test.  We don't use LOGOG_STRING here because that class is mutable
- ** and it allocates memory.
- **/
-typedef const char * TestNameType;
-class UnitTest;
-/** A registry for all tests.  All tests are instanced using the UNITTEST() macro and stored in the LogogTestRegistry.
- ** \ref UNITTEST
- **/
-typedef LOGOG_LIST< UnitTest * > TestRegistryType;
-/** All unit tests are registered in here at program initialization time. */
-extern TestRegistryType &LogogTestRegistry();
-/** A TestSignup is responsible for recording each instanced UnitTest in the test registry. */
-class TestSignup
-    /** Creates a new TestSignup.  Only called from constructor for UnitTest. */
-    TestSignup( UnitTest *pTest );
-    /** A pointer back to the UnitTest that created this TestSignup */
-    UnitTest *m_pTest;
-    TestSignup();
-/** The base class for unit testing.  Children of UnitTest are instanced by the UNITTEST() macro. */
-class UnitTest
-    /** Instances a test.  An instanced test is automatically executed when the RunAllTests() function is called.
-     * \param sTestName A string representing the name of this test.
-     */
-    UnitTest( const TestNameType &sTestName );
-	virtual ~UnitTest();
-    /** Returns the name of this UnitTest provided at construction time. */
-    virtual TestNameType &GetName();
-    /** Child classes of UnitTest() must provide a RunTest() function.  A RunTest() function must initialize logog, conduct its
-     ** tests, and return 0 if the test was successful, a non-0 value otherwise.  If any RunTest() function returns any value other than
-     ** zero, then the main RunAllTests() function will return non zero as well.
-     */
-    virtual int RunTest() = 0;
-	/** This function is called during ShutdownTests().  Its purpose is to free
-	 ** the internal structures allocated by the UnitTest without freeing 
-	 ** the UnitTest itself.  Microsoft's leak detector will flag the internals
-	 ** of a UnitTest as a leak unless these internals are explicitly destroyed
-	 ** prior to exit().
-	 **/
-	virtual void FreeInternals();
-    /** The name of this particular test. */
-    TestNameType m_sTestName;
-    /** A pointer to the TestSignup constructed by this UnitTest. */
-    TestSignup *m_pTestSignup;
-    UnitTest();
-/** Executes all currently registered tests and prints a report of success or failure. */
-extern int RunAllTests();
-/** Should remove all memory allocated during unit testing. */
-extern void ShutdownTests();
-/** This should be the function prefix for a unit test.  It defines a new class for the test inherited from UnitTest.  It instances
- ** a member of the class at run-time (before main() starts).  Lastly it provides the function definition for the actual test class.
- */
-#define UNITTEST( x ) class x : public UnitTest { \
-public: \
-	x( TestNameType name ) : \
-	  UnitTest( name ) \
-	  {} \
-	  virtual ~x() {}; \
-	  virtual int RunTest(); \
-	}; \
-	x __LogogTestInstance_ ## x ( #x ); \
-	int x::RunTest()
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-See or for more information and complete documentation.
-logog is a portable C++ library to facilitate logging of real-time events in performance-oriented applications, such as games. It is especially appropriate for projects that have constrained memory and constrained CPU requirements.
-General support and discussion is available at .  Development support and discussion is available at .
-This project can be built using CMake, available from .
-Local documentation can be generated with doxygen, available from .
-The license agreement for logog is viewable at .
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/api.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/api.cpp
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- /* 
- * \file api.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace logog {
-static Mutex s_mInitialization;
-static int s_nInitializations = 0;
-int Initialize( INIT_PARAMS *params )
-	s_mInitialization.MutexLock();
-	if ( s_nInitializations++ == 0 )
-	{
-		if ( params == NULL )
-		{
-			Static().s_pfMalloc = malloc;
-			Static().s_pfFree = free;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( params->m_pfMalloc != NULL )
-			{
-				Static().s_pfMalloc = params->m_pfMalloc;
-				Static().s_pfFree = params->m_pfFree;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				Static().s_pfMalloc = malloc;
-				Static().s_pfFree = free;
-			}
-		}
-		// Let's allocate a default filter here.
-		GetDefaultFilter();
-		// Socket::Initialize();
-	}
-	s_mInitialization.MutexUnlock();
-    return 0;
-int Shutdown( )
-	s_mInitialization.MutexLock();
-	if ( --s_nInitializations == 0 )
-	{
-		// Socket::Shutdown();
-		delete &( Static() );
-		Static().Reset();
-		ReportMemoryAllocations();
-	}
-	s_mInitialization.MutexUnlock();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/checkpoint.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/checkpoint.cpp
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- * \file checkpoint.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	Checkpoint::Checkpoint( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName ,
-		const int nLineNumber,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage,
-		const double dTimestamp ) :
-	TopicSource( level, sFileName, nLineNumber, sGroup, sCategory, sMessage, dTimestamp )
-	{
-	}
-	int Checkpoint::Send( const Topic &node )
-	{
-		/* Optionally update our own timestamp before we send on our information */
-		if (( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_TIMESTAMP_FLAG ) != 0 )
-			m_tTime = GetGlobalTimer().Get();
-		return TopicSource::Send( node );
-	}
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@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- * \file formatter.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	Formatter::Formatter() :
-		m_bShowTimeOfDay( false )
-	{
-		m_sMessageBuffer.reserve( LOGOG_FORMATTER_MAX_LENGTH );
-		m_sIntBuffer.reserve_for_int();
-	}
-	void Formatter::RenderTimeOfDay()
-	{
-		if ( m_bShowTimeOfDay )
-		{
-			TimeStamp stamp;
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( stamp.Get() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append(": ");
-		}
-	}
-	const LOGOG_CHAR * Formatter::ErrorDescription( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level )
-	{
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_NONE )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("none");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_EMERGENCY )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("emergency");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_ALERT )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("alert");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("critical");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_ERROR )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("error");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("warning");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_INFO )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("info");
-		if ( level <= LOGOG_LEVEL_DEBUG )
-			return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("debug");
-		return LOGOG_CONST_STRING("unknown");
-	}
-	bool Formatter::GetShowTimeOfDay() const
-	{
-		return m_bShowTimeOfDay;
-	}
-	void Formatter::SetShowTimeOfDay( bool val )
-	{
-		m_bShowTimeOfDay = val;
-	}
-	TOPIC_FLAGS Formatter::GetTopicFlags( const Topic &topic )
-	{
-		return topic.GetTopicFlags();
-	}
-	LOGOG_STRING &FormatterGCC::Format( const Topic &topic, const Target &target )
-	{
-		TOPIC_FLAGS flags;
-		flags = GetTopicFlags( topic );
-		m_sMessageBuffer.clear();
-		if ( flags & TOPIC_FILE_NAME_FLAG )
-		{
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.FileName() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( ':' );
-		}
-		if ( flags & TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER_FLAG )
-		{
-			m_sIntBuffer.assign( topic.LineNumber() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( m_sIntBuffer );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING(": "));
-		}
-		RenderTimeOfDay();
-		if ( flags & TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG )
-		{
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( ErrorDescription( topic.Level()));
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING(": "));
-		}
-		if ( flags & TOPIC_GROUP_FLAG )
-		{
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("{") );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.Group() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("} ") );
-		}
-		if ( flags & TOPIC_CATEGORY_FLAG )
-		{
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("["));
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.Category() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("] "));
-		}
-		if ( flags & TOPIC_MESSAGE_FLAG )
-		{
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.Message() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( (LOGOG_CHAR)'\n' );
-		}
-		if ( target.GetNullTerminatesStrings() )
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( (LOGOG_CHAR)NULL );
-		return m_sMessageBuffer;
-	}
-	LOGOG_STRING &FormatterMSVC::Format( const Topic &topic, const Target &target )
-    {
-        m_sMessageBuffer.clear();
-        TOPIC_FLAGS flags;
-        flags = GetTopicFlags( topic );
-        if ( flags & TOPIC_FILE_NAME_FLAG )
-        {
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.FileName() );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( '(' );
-        }
-        if ( flags & TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER_FLAG  )
-        {
-            m_sIntBuffer.assign( topic.LineNumber() );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( m_sIntBuffer );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING(") : ") );
-        }
-		RenderTimeOfDay();
-        if ( flags & TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG )
-        {
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( ErrorDescription( topic.Level() ) );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING(": "));
-        }
-        if ( flags & TOPIC_GROUP_FLAG )
-        {
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("{"));
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.Group() );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("} "));
-        }
-        if ( flags & TOPIC_CATEGORY_FLAG )
-        {
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("["));
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.Category() );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("] "));
-        }
-        if ( flags & TOPIC_MESSAGE_FLAG )
-        {
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( topic.Message() );
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("\r\n") );
-            m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CONST_STRING("\n") );
-        }
-		if ( target.GetNullTerminatesStrings() )
-			m_sMessageBuffer.append( LOGOG_CHAR( NULL ) );
-        return m_sMessageBuffer;
-    }
-	Formatter &GetDefaultFormatter()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		if ( pStatic->s_pDefaultFormatter == NULL )
-		{
-			pStatic->s_pDefaultFormatter = new FormatterMSVC();
-			pStatic->s_pDefaultFormatter = new FormatterGCC();
-		}
-		return *( pStatic->s_pDefaultFormatter );
-	}
-	void DestroyDefaultFormatter()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		Formatter *pDefaultFormatter = pStatic->s_pDefaultFormatter;
-		if ( pDefaultFormatter != NULL )
-			delete pDefaultFormatter;
-		pStatic->s_pDefaultFormatter = NULL;
-const char * TimeStamp::Get()
-	time_t tRawTime;
-	struct tm * tmInfo;
-	time ( &tRawTime );
-#pragma warning( push )
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
-	/* Microsoft is afraid of this function; I'm not sure this warning is sensible */
-	tmInfo = localtime ( &tRawTime );
-#pragma warning( pop )
-	strftime (cTimeString, LOGOG_TIME_STRING_MAX, "%c", tmInfo);
-	return cTimeString;
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/lobject.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/lobject.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fbce775556..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/lobject.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * \file object.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace logog {
-AllocationsType s_Allocations;
-	Object::Object() {}
-	Object::~Object()
-	{
-	}
-	void *Object::operator new( size_t nSize )
-	{
-		return Allocate( nSize );
-	}
-	void *Object::operator new[]( size_t nSize )
-	{
-		return Allocate( nSize );
-	}
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	void *Object::operator new(size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
-	{
-		/* avoid unref'd parameter warnings */
-		lpszFileName;
-		nLine;
-		return Allocate( nSize );
-	}
-	void *Object::operator new[](size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
-	{
-		/* avoid unref'd parameter warnings */
-		lpszFileName;
-		nLine;
-		return Allocate( nSize );
-	}
-	void Object::operator delete(void *ptr, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
-	{
-		lpszFileName;
-		nLine;
-		Deallocate( ptr );
-	}
-	void Object::operator delete[](void *ptr, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
-	{
-		lpszFileName;
-		nLine;
-		Deallocate( ptr );
-	}
-#endif // _DEBUG
-	    /** Deletes an object pointed to by ptr. */
-	void Object::operator delete( void *ptr )
-    {
-        Deallocate( ptr );
-    }
-    /** Deletes an object array pointed to by ptr. */
-	void Object::operator delete[]( void *ptr )
-    {
-        Deallocate( ptr );
-    }
-    /** Allocates nSize bytes of memory.  You must call logog::Initialize() before calling this function.
-     * \sa Initialize()
-     */
-	void *Object::Allocate( size_t nSize )
-    {
-        void *ptr = Static().s_pfMalloc( nSize );
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Allocated ") << nSize << _LG(" bytes of memory at ") << ptr << endl;
-        AllocationsType::iterator it;
-        LockAllocationsMutex();
-        it = s_Allocations.find( ptr );
-        if ( it != s_Allocations.end() )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Reallocation detected in memory manager!  We seem to have allocated the same address twice ")
-                 << _LG("without freeing it!  Address = ") << ptr << std::endl;
-            UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-        }
-        s_Allocations.insert( LOGOG_PAIR< const PointerType, size_t >( ptr, nSize ) );
-        UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-        return ptr;
-    }
-    /** Deallocate a pointer previously acquired by Allocate(). */
-	void Object::Deallocate( void *ptr )
-    {
-        LockAllocationsMutex();
-        AllocationsType::iterator it;
-        it = s_Allocations.find( ptr );
-        if ( it == s_Allocations.end() )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Freeing memory not previously allocated!  Address = ") << ptr << std::endl;
-            UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-        }
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Freeing ") << it->second << _LG(" bytes of memory at ") << it->first << endl;
-        s_Allocations.erase( ptr );
-        UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-        Static().s_pfFree( ptr );
-    }
-	int MemoryAllocations()
-	{
-		LockAllocationsMutex();
-		size_t nSize = s_Allocations.size();
-		if ( nSize != 0 )
-			LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Total active allocations: ") << nSize << std::endl;
-		UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-		return (int)nSize;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int ReportMemoryAllocations()
-	{
-		LockAllocationsMutex();
-		if ( s_Allocations.size() == 0 )
-		{
-			LOGOG_COUT << _LG("No memory allocations outstanding.") << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for ( AllocationsType::iterator it = s_Allocations.begin();
-				it != s_Allocations.end();
-				it++ )
-			{
-				LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Memory allocated at ") << it->first << 
-					_LG(" with size ") << it->second << 
-					_LG(" bytes ") << std::endl;
-			}
-		}
-		UnlockAllocationsMutex();
-		return MemoryAllocations();
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/logog.vcproj b/ThirdParty/logog/src/logog.vcproj
deleted file mode 100644
index f80a5d75e08..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/logog.vcproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
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-			</File>
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diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/lstring.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/lstring.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab7c03112a..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/lstring.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
- /* 
- * \file lstring.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	String::String()
-	{
-		Initialize();
-	}
-	String::~String()
-	{
-		Free();
-	}
-	void String::Free()
-	{
-		if ( m_pBuffer && ( m_bIsConst == false ))
-		{
-			Deallocate( (void *)m_pBuffer );
-			m_pBuffer = m_pEndOfBuffer = m_pOffset = NULL;
-		}
-		if ( m_pKMP )
-		{
-			Deallocate( (void *)m_pKMP );
-			m_pKMP = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	size_t String::Length( const LOGOG_CHAR *chars )
-	{
-		unsigned int len = 0;
-		while ( *chars++ )
-			len++;
-		return len;
-	}
-	String & String::operator=( const String & other )
-	{
-		Free();
-		Initialize();
-		assign( other );
-		return *this;
-	}
-	String & String::operator=( const LOGOG_CHAR *pstr )
-	{
-		Free();
-		Initialize();
-		assign( pstr );
-		return *this;
-	}
-	String::String( const String &other )
-	{
-		Initialize();
-		assign( other );
-	}
-	String::String( const LOGOG_CHAR *pstr )
-	{
-		Initialize();
-		assign( pstr );
-	}
-	size_t String::size() const
-	{
-		return ( m_pOffset - m_pBuffer );
-	}
-	void String::clear()
-	{
-		m_pOffset = m_pBuffer;
-	}
-	size_t String::reserve( size_t nSize )
-	{
-		if ( nSize == (unsigned int)( m_pOffset - m_pBuffer ))
-			return nSize;
-		if ( nSize == 0 )
-		{
-			if ( m_pBuffer && ( *m_pBuffer != (LOGOG_CHAR)NULL ))
-				Deallocate( (void *)m_pBuffer );
-			Initialize();
-			return 0;
-		}
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pNewBuffer = (LOGOG_CHAR *)Allocate( sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR ) * nSize );
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pNewOffset = pNewBuffer;
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pNewEnd = pNewBuffer + nSize;
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pOldOffset = m_pOffset;
-		if ( pOldOffset != NULL )
-		{
-			while (( pNewOffset < pNewEnd ) && ( *pOldOffset != (LOGOG_CHAR)NULL ))
-				*pNewOffset++ = *pOldOffset++;
-		}
-		if (( m_pBuffer != NULL ) && ( m_bIsConst == false ))
-			Deallocate( m_pBuffer );
-		m_pBuffer = pNewBuffer;
-		m_pOffset = pNewBuffer;
-		m_pEndOfBuffer = pNewEnd;
-		return ( m_pOffset - m_pBuffer );
-	}
-	size_t String::reserve_for_int()
-	{
-		reserve( 32 );
-		return 32;
-	}
-	String::operator const LOGOG_CHAR *() const
-	{
-		return m_pBuffer;
-	}
-	const LOGOG_CHAR* String::c_str() const
-	{
-		return m_pBuffer;
-	}
-	size_t String::assign( const String &other )
-	{
-		if ( m_bIsConst )
-			cout << "Can't reassign const string!" << endl;
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pOther = other.m_pBuffer;
-		if ( pOther == NULL )
-			return 0;
-		size_t othersize = other.size();
-		reserve( othersize + 1 );
-		m_pOffset = m_pBuffer;
-		for ( unsigned int t = 0; t <= othersize ; t++ )
-			*m_pOffset++ = *pOther++;
-		return this->size();
-	}
-	size_t String::assign( const int value )
-	{
-		if ( m_bIsConst )
-			cout << "Can't reassign const string!" << endl;
-		int number = value;
-		m_pOffset = m_pBuffer;
-		int bSign = value;
-		if (( bSign = number) < 0)
-			number = -number;
-		do
-		{
-			*m_pOffset++ = _LG("0123456789")[ number % 10 ];
-		}
-		while( number /= 10 );
-		if (bSign < 0)
-			*m_pOffset++ = '-';
-		*m_pOffset = (LOGOG_CHAR)'\0';
-		reverse( m_pBuffer, m_pOffset - 1 );
-		return ( m_pOffset - m_pBuffer );
-	}
-	size_t String::assign( const LOGOG_CHAR *other, const LOGOG_CHAR *pEnd /*= NULL */ )
-	{
-		size_t len;
-		if ( pEnd == NULL )
-			len = Length( other );
-		else
-			len = ( pEnd - other );
-		/** This constant decides whether assigning a LOGOG_CHAR * to a String will cause the String to use the previous buffer
-		* in place, or create a new buffer and copy the results.
-		*/
-		reserve( len + 1 );
-		for (unsigned int t = 0; t <= len; t++ )
-			*m_pOffset++ = *other++;
-		if ( m_bIsConst )
-			cout << "Can't reassign const string!" << endl;
-		/* In this case we don't copy the buffer, just reuse it */
-		m_pBuffer = const_cast< LOGOG_CHAR *>( other );
-		m_pOffset = m_pBuffer + len + 1;
-		m_pEndOfBuffer = m_pOffset;
-		m_bIsConst = true;
-		return (int) len;
-	}
-	size_t String::append( const String &other )
-	{
-		if ( m_bIsConst )
-			cout << "Can't reassign const string!" << endl;
-		return append( other.m_pBuffer );
-	}
-	size_t String::append( const LOGOG_CHAR *other )
-	{
-		if ( m_bIsConst )
-			cout << "Can't reassign const string!" << endl;
-		if ( other == NULL )
-			return 0;
-		while (( m_pOffset < m_pEndOfBuffer ) && ( *other != (LOGOG_CHAR)NULL ))
-			*m_pOffset++ = *other++;
-		return ( m_pOffset - m_pBuffer );
-	}
-	size_t String::append( const LOGOG_CHAR c )
-	{
-		if ( m_pOffset < m_pEndOfBuffer )
-			*m_pOffset++ = c;
-		return ( m_pOffset - m_pBuffer );
-	}
-	void String::reverse( LOGOG_CHAR* pStart, LOGOG_CHAR* pEnd )
-	{
-		LOGOG_CHAR temp;
-		while( pEnd > pStart)
-		{
-			temp=*pEnd, *pEnd-- =*pStart, *pStart++=temp;
-		}
-	}
-	bool String::is_valid() const
-	{
-		return ( m_pBuffer != NULL );
-	}
-	size_t String::find( String &other ) const
-	{
-		if ( is_valid() && other.is_valid())
-		{
-			// KMP solution
-			// String *pThis = const_cast< String *>(this);
-			// return pThis->KMP( other.m_pBuffer, other.size());
-			LOGOG_CHAR *pFound;
-			pFound = wcsstr( m_pBuffer, other.m_pBuffer );
-			pFound = strstr( m_pBuffer, other.m_pBuffer );
-			if ( pFound != NULL )
-			{
-				return ( pFound - m_pBuffer );
-			}
-			return npos;
-		}
-		return npos;
-	}
-	void String::format( const LOGOG_CHAR *cFormatString, ... )
-	{
-		va_list args;
-		va_start(args, cFormatString);
-		format_va( cFormatString, args );
-		va_end( args );
-	}
-	void String::format_va( const LOGOG_CHAR *cFormatString, va_list args )
-	{
-		int nActualSize = -1, nAttemptedSize;
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pszFormatted = NULL;
-		Free();
-		/* Estimate length of output; don't pull in strlen() if we can help it */
-		int nEstLength = 0;
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *pCurChar = cFormatString;
-		while ( *pCurChar++ )
-			nEstLength++;
-		if ( nEstLength == 0 )
-		{
-			clear();
-			return;
-		}
-		/** nAttemptedSize is now a guess at an appropriate size, which is about 
-		 ** two times the number of LOGOG_CHARs in the incoming format string.
-		 **/
-		nAttemptedSize = nEstLength * 2 * sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR );
-		/* Some *printf implementations, such as msvc's, return -1 on failure.  
-		 * Others, such as gcc, return the number
-		 * of characters actually formatted on failure.  Deal with either case here.
-		 */
-		for ( ; ; )
-		{
-			/** We'll allocate that number of bytes.  NOTE that this has less of a chance
-			 ** of working on a Unicode build.
-			 **/
-			pszFormatted = (LOGOG_CHAR *)Allocate( nAttemptedSize );
-			if ( !pszFormatted )
-			{
-			}
-			*pszFormatted = (LOGOG_CHAR)'\0';
-			va_list argsCopy;
-			/** The va_list structure is not standardized across all platforms; in particular
-			 ** Microsoft seems to have problem with the concept.
-			 **/
-#if defined( va_copy )
-			va_copy( argsCopy, args );
-#elif defined( __va_copy )
-			__va_copy( argsCopy, args );
-			memcpy( &argsCopy, &args, sizeof(va_list) );
-			/** At this point, nSizeInWords will contain the number of words permitted in the
-			 ** output buffer.  It takes into account space for appending a null character in the output
-			 ** buffer as well.
-			 **/
-			int nSizeInWords = (nAttemptedSize / sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR ));
-			/** The nActualSize value receives different things on different platforms.
-			 ** On some platforms it receives -1 on failure; on other platforms
-			 ** it receives the number of LOGOG_CHARs actually formatted (excluding
-			 ** the trailing NULL).
-			 **/
-			nActualSize = _vsnwprintf_s( pszFormatted, nSizeInWords, _TRUNCATE, cFormatString, argsCopy );
-			nActualSize = vsnprintf_s( pszFormatted, nAttemptedSize, _TRUNCATE, cFormatString, argsCopy );
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-			nActualSize = vswprintf( pszFormatted, nSizeInWords, cFormatString, argsCopy );
-			nActualSize = vsnprintf( pszFormatted, nAttemptedSize, cFormatString, argsCopy );
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-			va_end( argsCopy );
-			/** Convert the number of LOGOG_CHARs actually formatted into bytes.  This
-			 ** does NOT include the trailing NULL.
-			 **/
-			if ( nActualSize != -1 )
-				nActualSize *= sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR );
-			/** When we're doing the compare, we have to keep in mind that the nActualSize
-			 ** does not include a null.  We need to verify that the nAttemptedSize can hold all
-			 ** of nActualSize PLUS the size of one null on this platform.  A LOGOG_CHAR could
-			 ** be 1, 2, or 4 bytes long.  So nAttemptedSize must be greater or equal to nActualSize
-			 ** less the size of one (null) LOGOG_CHAR in bytes.  Also, the last
-			 ** allocation may have failed altogether.
-			 ** 
-			 **/
-			if (( nAttemptedSize >= (nActualSize - (int)sizeof(LOGOG_CHAR))) && ( nActualSize != -1))
-				break;
-			/** That attempted allocation failed */
-			Deallocate( pszFormatted );
-			/** If nActualSize has a positive value, it includes the number of bytes needed to hold
-			 ** the formatted string; we'll add a LOGOG_CHAR size to the end for the next
-			 ** allocation.  If nActualSize has no meaningful value, we'll double the previous
-			 ** size and try again.
-			 **/
-			if (nActualSize > 0)
-			{
-				nAttemptedSize = nActualSize + sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				nAttemptedSize *= 2;
-			}
-		}
-		m_bIsConst = false;
-		assign( pszFormatted );
-		/* We just allocated this string, which means it needs to be deallocated
-		 * at shutdown time.  The previous function may have changed the const
-		 * setting for this string, which means we may need to change it back here... 
-		 * */
-		m_bIsConst = false;
-	}
-	void String::Initialize()
-	{
-		m_pBuffer = NULL;
-		m_pOffset = NULL;
-		m_pEndOfBuffer = NULL;
-		m_pKMP = NULL;
-		m_bIsConst = false;
-	}
-	void String::preKmp( size_t m )
-	{
-		ScopedLock sl( GetStringSearchMutex() );
-		size_t i, j;
-		if ( m_pBuffer == NULL )
-			return;
-		if ( m_pKMP == NULL )
-		{
-			m_pKMP = (size_t *)Allocate( sizeof( size_t ) * ( m + 1) );
-		}
-		i = 0;
-		j = *m_pKMP = (size_t)-1;
-		while (i < m)
-		{
-			while (j > (size_t)-1 && m_pBuffer[i] != m_pBuffer[j])
-				j = m_pKMP[j];
-			i++;
-			j++;
-			if (m_pBuffer[i] == m_pBuffer[j])
-				m_pKMP[i] = m_pKMP[j];
-			else
-				m_pKMP[i] = j;
-		}
-	}
-	size_t String::KMP( const LOGOG_CHAR *y, size_t n )
-	{
-		size_t i, j;
-		size_t m = size() - 1; // ignore NULL char
-		/* Preprocessing */
-		if ( m_pKMP == NULL )
-			preKmp( m );
-		/* Searching */
-		i = j = 0;
-		while (j < n)
-		{
-			while (i > (size_t)-1 && m_pBuffer[i] != y[j])
-				i = m_pKMP[i];
-			i++;
-			j++;
-			if (i >= m)
-			{
-				return (j - i);
-				// We would do this if we cared about multiple substrings
-				// i = m_pKMP[i];
-			}
-		}
-		return npos;
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/message.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/message.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ffc38891a97..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/message.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- * \file message.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog
-	Message::Message( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName ,
-             const int nLineNumber,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory,
-             const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage,
-             const double dTimestamp,
-			 bool *pbIsCreated ) :
-        Checkpoint( level, sFileName, nLineNumber, sGroup, sCategory, sMessage, dTimestamp )
-    {
-		m_pbIsCreated = pbIsCreated;
-		if ( pbIsCreated != NULL )
-			*pbIsCreated = true;
-        /* Messages are always sources, so there's no need to call Initialize() here */
-        // Initialize();
-        /* NOTE!  The message is typically assigned to a checkpoint AFTER it's been published.
-         * Ergo a message needs to be unpublished from, and published to, all filters
-         * iff one of those filters is searching for a substring of that message.
-         */
-        PublishToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-    }
-	Message::~Message()
-	{
-		if ( m_pbIsCreated != NULL )
-			*m_pbIsCreated = false;
-	}
-	bool Message::Republish()
-	{
-		UnpublishToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-		return PublishToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-	}
-	Mutex &GetMessageCreationMutex()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		if ( pStatic->s_pMessageCreationMutex == NULL )
-			pStatic->s_pMessageCreationMutex = new Mutex();
-		return *( pStatic->s_pMessageCreationMutex );
-	}
-	void DestroyMessageCreationMutex()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		if ( pStatic->s_pMessageCreationMutex != NULL )
-		{
-			delete pStatic->s_pMessageCreationMutex;
-			pStatic->s_pMessageCreationMutex = NULL;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/mutex.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/mutex.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 730a5c42d88..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/mutex.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * \file mutex.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	Mutex::Mutex() LOGOG_MUTEX_CTOR( m_Mutex )
-	{
-		LOGOG_MUTEX_INIT(&m_Mutex);
-	}
-	Mutex::Mutex( const Mutex & )
-	{
-		LOGOG_MUTEX_INIT(&m_Mutex);
-	}
-	Mutex & Mutex::operator = (const Mutex &)
-	{
-		LOGOG_MUTEX_INIT(&m_Mutex);
-		return *this;
-	}
-	Mutex::~Mutex()
-	{
-	}
-	void Mutex::MutexLock()
-	{
-		LOGOG_MUTEX_LOCK(&m_Mutex);
-	}
-	void Mutex::MutexUnlock()
-	{
-	}
-	ScopedLock::ScopedLock( Mutex &mutex )
-	{
-		m_pMutex = &mutex;
-		m_pMutex->MutexLock();
-	}
-	ScopedLock::~ScopedLock()
-	{
-		m_pMutex->MutexUnlock();
-	}
-	Mutex s_AllocationsMutex;
-	void LockAllocationsMutex()
-	{
-		s_AllocationsMutex.MutexLock();
-	}
-	void UnlockAllocationsMutex()
-	{
-		s_AllocationsMutex.MutexUnlock();
-	}
-	Mutex &GetStringSearchMutex()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		Mutex **ppStringSearchMutex = (Mutex **)&( pStatic->s_pStringSearchMutex );
-		if ( pStatic == NULL )
-		if ( *ppStringSearchMutex == NULL )
-			*ppStringSearchMutex = new Mutex();
-		return *(( Mutex *)( *ppStringSearchMutex ));
-	}
-	void DestroyStringSearchMutex()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		Mutex **ppStringSearchMutex = (Mutex **)&( pStatic->s_pStringSearchMutex );
-		if ( *ppStringSearchMutex != NULL )
-		{
-			delete *ppStringSearchMutex;
-			*ppStringSearchMutex = NULL;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/node.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/node.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c161609be1..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/node.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
- * \file node.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	LockableNodesType & LockableNodesType::operator = (const LockableNodesType &other)
-	{
-		/* This function is only used at shutdown. */
-		LockableNodesType::const_iterator it;
-		it = other.begin();
-		while ( it != other.end())
-		{
-			this->insert( *it );
-			++it;
-		}
-		return *this;
-	}
-	LockableNodesType &GetStaticNodes( void ** pvLocation )
-	{
-		if ( *pvLocation == NULL )
-			*pvLocation = new LockableNodesType();
-		return *(( LockableNodesType *)( *pvLocation ));
-	}
-	LockableNodesType &AllNodes()
-	{
-	    return GetStaticNodes( &(Static().s_pAllNodes) );
-	}
-	LockableNodesType &AllSubscriberNodes()
-	{
-		return GetStaticNodes( &(Static().s_pAllSubscriberNodes ) );
-	}
-	LockableNodesType &AllFilters()
-	{
-		return GetStaticNodes( &(Static().s_pAllFilterNodes ) );
-	}
-	LockableNodesType &AllTargets()
-	{
-		return GetStaticNodes( &(Static().s_pAllTargets ) );
-	}
-	Node::Node()
-	{
-		AllNodes().insert( this );
-	}
-	Node::~Node()
-	{
-		Clear();
-		AllNodes().erase( this );
-	}
-	void Node::Initialize()
-	{
-		if ( CanSubscribe() )
-		{
-			LockableNodesType *pSubscriberNodes = &AllSubscriberNodes();
-			{
-				ScopedLock sl( *pSubscriberNodes );
-				pSubscriberNodes->insert( this );
-			}
-			/* This branch is taken iff this node can both subscribe and publish */
-			if ( CanPublish() )
-			{
-				LockableNodesType *pFilterNodes = &AllFilters();
-				{
-					ScopedLock sl( *pFilterNodes );
-					pFilterNodes->insert( this );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	bool Node::CanPublish() const
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-	bool Node::CanSubscribe() const
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-	bool Node::CanSubscribeTo( const Node & )
-	{
-		return CanSubscribe();
-	}
-	bool Node::IsTopic() const
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool Node::PublishTo( Node &subscriber )
-	{
-		if ( &subscriber == this )
-		bool bWasInserted;
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Subscribers );
-			bWasInserted = ( m_Subscribers.insert( &subscriber ) ).second;
-		}
-		if ( bWasInserted )
-			subscriber.SubscribeTo( *this );
-		return bWasInserted;
-	}
-	bool Node::PublishToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes )
-	{
-		LockableNodesType::iterator it;
-		bool bWasPublished = false;
-		nodes.MutexLock();
-		it = nodes.begin();
-		while ( it != nodes.end() )
-		{
-			if ( PublishTo( **it ) == true )
-				bWasPublished = true;
-			it++;
-		}
-		nodes.MutexUnlock();
-		return bWasPublished;
-	}
-	bool Node::UnpublishTo( Node &subscriber )
-	{
-		if ( &subscriber == this )
-		bool bWasRemoved = false;
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Subscribers );
-			NodesType::iterator it;
-			if ( ( it = m_Subscribers.find( &subscriber) ) != m_Subscribers.end() )
-			{
-				bWasRemoved = true;
-				m_Subscribers.erase( it );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( bWasRemoved )
-			subscriber.UnsubscribeTo( *this );
-		return bWasRemoved;
-	}
-	bool Node::UnpublishToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes )
-	{
-		LockableNodesType::iterator it;
-		bool bWasUnpublished = false;
-		nodes.MutexLock();
-		it = nodes.begin();
-		while ( it != nodes.end() )
-		{
-			if ( UnpublishTo( **it ) == true )
-				bWasUnpublished = true;
-			it++;
-		}
-		nodes.MutexUnlock();
-		return bWasUnpublished;
-	}
-	bool Node::SubscribeTo( Node &publisher )
-	{
-		if ( &publisher == this )
-		bool bWasInserted;
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Publishers );
-			bWasInserted = ( m_Publishers.insert( &publisher ) ).second;
-		}
-		if ( bWasInserted )
-			publisher.PublishTo( *this );
-		return bWasInserted;
-	}
-	bool Node::SubscribeToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes )
-	{
-		LockableNodesType::iterator it;
-		bool bWasSubscribed = false;
-		nodes.MutexLock();
-		it = nodes.begin();
-		while ( it != nodes.end() )
-		{
-			if ( SubscribeTo( **it ) == true )
-				bWasSubscribed = true;
-			it++;
-		}
-		nodes.MutexUnlock();
-		return bWasSubscribed;
-	}
-	bool Node::UnsubscribeTo( Node &publisher )
-	{
-		if ( &publisher == this )
-		bool bWasRemoved = false;
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Publishers );
-			NodesType::iterator it;
-			if ( ( it = m_Publishers.find( &publisher ) ) != m_Publishers.end() )
-			{
-				bWasRemoved = true;
-				m_Publishers.erase( it );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( bWasRemoved )
-			publisher.UnpublishTo( *this );
-		return bWasRemoved;
-	}
-	bool Node::UnsubscribeToMultiple( LockableNodesType &nodes )
-	{
-		LockableNodesType::iterator it;
-		bool bWasUnsubscribed = false;
-		nodes.MutexLock();
-		it = nodes.begin();
-		while ( it != nodes.end() )
-		{
-			if ( UnsubscribeTo( **it ) == true )
-				bWasUnsubscribed = true;
-			it++;
-		}
-		nodes.MutexUnlock();
-		return bWasUnsubscribed;
-	}
-	void Node::Clear()
-	{
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Publishers );
-			m_Publishers.clear();
-		}
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Subscribers );
-			m_Publishers.clear();
-		}
-	}
-	void DestroyNodesList( void **pvList )
-	{
-		LockableNodesType **ppNodesList = (LockableNodesType **)pvList;
-		if ( *ppNodesList == NULL )
-			return;
-		(*ppNodesList)->clear();
-		delete *ppNodesList;
-		*ppNodesList = NULL;
-	}
-	void DestroyAllNodes()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatics = &Static();
-		LockableNodesType *pAllNodes = ( LockableNodesType *)pStatics->s_pAllNodes;
-		if ( pAllNodes == NULL )
-			return;
-		/** Destroy all the node groups, but don't destroy their contents -- we'll do that as the next step. */
-		DestroyNodesList( &(pStatics->s_pAllSubscriberNodes ));
-		DestroyNodesList( &(pStatics->s_pAllFilterNodes ));
-		DestroyNodesList( &(pStatics->s_pAllTargets ));
-		/* We have to copy the AllNodes because destroying each node will remove it from AllNodes.  Fortunately
-		 * this only happens at shutdown, so we don't have to worry about efficiency.
-		 */
-		LockableNodesType nodes = *pAllNodes;
-		LockableNodesType::iterator it;
-		it = nodes.begin();
-		while ( it != nodes.end() )
-		{
-			delete *it;
-			it++;
-		}
-		nodes.clear();
-		if ( pAllNodes->size() != 0 )
-			cout << "Not all nodes were deleted at shutdown -- memory leak may have occurred" << endl;
-	#endif
-		pAllNodes->clear(); // just in case
-		delete pAllNodes;
-		pStatics->s_pAllNodes = NULL;
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/platform.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/platform.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d191d10560b..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/platform.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- /* 
- * \file platform.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	bool sb_AvoidLinkError4221_platform_cpp = false;
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/socket.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/socket.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 533de0b7d8d..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/socket.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- * \file socket.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	bool sb_AvoidLinkError4221_socket_cpp = false;
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/statics.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/statics.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ec6bdcfdd..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/statics.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- /* 
- * \file statics.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	Statics::Statics()
-	{
-		s_pAllNodes = NULL;
-		s_pAllSubscriberNodes = NULL;
-		s_pAllFilterNodes = NULL;
-		s_pAllTargets = NULL;
-		s_pTimer = NULL;
-		s_pDefaultFormatter = NULL;
-		s_pDefaultFilter = NULL;
-		s_pStringSearchMutex = NULL;
-		s_pMessageCreationMutex = NULL;
-		s_pfMalloc = NULL;
-		s_pfFree = NULL;
-		s_pSelf = this;
-		s_nSockets = 0;
-	}
-	void Statics::Reset()
-	{
-		DestroyGlobalTimer();
-		DestroyDefaultFormatter();
-		s_pDefaultFilter = NULL; // This will be destroyed on the next step
-		DestroyAllNodes();
-		DestroyStringSearchMutex();
-		DestroyMessageCreationMutex();
-		s_pfMalloc = NULL;
-		s_pfFree = NULL;
-		s_nSockets = 0;
-	}
-	Statics::~Statics()
-	{
-		Reset();
-	}
-	Statics s_Statics;
-	Statics &Static()
-	{
-		return s_Statics;
-	}
-	void DestroyStatic()
-	{
-		s_Statics.~Statics();
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/target.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/target.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index da9883e1feb..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/target.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- /*
- * \file target.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace logog {
-	Target::Target() :
-		m_bNullTerminatesStrings( true )
-	{
-		SetFormatter( GetDefaultFormatter() );
-		LockableNodesType *pAllTargets = &AllTargets();
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( *pAllTargets );
-			pAllTargets->insert( this );
-		}
-		SubscribeToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-	}
-	Target::~Target()
-	{
-		LockableNodesType *pAllTargets = &AllTargets();
-		UnsubscribeToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( *pAllTargets );
-			pAllTargets->erase( this );
-		}
-	}
-	void Target::SetFormatter( Formatter &formatter )
-	{
-		m_pFormatter = &formatter;
-	}
-	Formatter & Target::GetFormatter() const
-	{
-		return *m_pFormatter;
-	}
-	int Target::Receive( const Topic &topic )
-	{
-		ScopedLock sl( m_MutexReceive );
-		return Output( m_pFormatter->Format( topic, *this ) );
-	}
-	int Cerr::Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data )
-	{
-		LOGOG_CERR << (const LOGOG_CHAR *)data;
-		return 0;
-	}
-//! [Cout]
-	int Cout::Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data )
-	{
-		LOGOG_COUT << (const LOGOG_CHAR *)data;
-		return 0;
-	}
-//! [Cout]
-	int OutputDebug::Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data )
-	{
-		OutputDebugStringW( (const LOGOG_CHAR *)data );
-		OutputDebugStringA( (const LOGOG_CHAR *)data );
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-		(void)data;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	LogFile::LogFile(const char *sFileName) :
-		m_bFirstTime( true ),
-		m_bOpenFailed( false ),
-		m_pFile( NULL )
-	{
-		m_bNullTerminatesStrings = false;
-		m_bWriteUnicodeBOM = true;
-		m_bWriteUnicodeBOM = false;
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-		int nNameLength = 0;
-		const char *sNameCount = sFileName;
-		while ( *sNameCount++ != '\0' )
-			nNameLength++;
-		// add one for trailing null
-		nNameLength++;
-		m_pFileName = (char *)Object::Allocate( nNameLength );
-		char *m_pOut = m_pFileName;
-		while ( ( *m_pOut++ = *sFileName++) != '\0' )
-			;
-	}
-	LogFile::~LogFile()
-	{
-		if ( m_pFile )
-			fclose( m_pFile );
-		Object::Deallocate( m_pFileName );
-	}
-	int LogFile::Open()
-	{
-		int nError = 1; // preset this in case LOGOG_FLAVOR_WINDOWS is not defined
-		bool bFileAlreadyExists = false;
-		FILE *fpTest;
-		nError = fopen_s( &fpTest, m_pFileName, "r"); // ignore the error code
-		(void)nError; // Unused
-		fpTest = fopen( m_pFileName, "r");
-		if ( fpTest != NULL )
-		{
-			fclose( fpTest );
-			bFileAlreadyExists = true;
-		}
-		/** Windows tries to be clever and help us with converting line feeds
-		 ** to carriage returns when writing a text file.  This causes problems
-		 ** when writing a Unicode file as Windows helpfully inserts a single-byte
-		 ** 0x0D between the return and line feed on write.  So we open and operate
-		 ** the output in binary mode only.
-		 **/
-		nError = fopen_s( &m_pFile, m_pFileName, "ab, ccs=UNICODE" );
-		nError = fopen_s( &m_pFile, m_pFileName, "ab" );
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-		if ( nError != 0 )
-			return nError;
-		m_pFile = fopen( m_pFileName, "ab+" );
-		if ( m_pFile == NULL )
-			m_bOpenFailed = true; // and no further outputs will work
-		else
-		{
-			if ( !bFileAlreadyExists )
-			{
-				WriteUnicodeBOM();
-			}
-		}
-		return ( m_pFile ? 0 : -1 );
-	}
-	int LogFile::Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data )
-	{
-		if ( m_bOpenFailed )
-			return -1;
-		int result = 0;
-		if ( m_bFirstTime )
-		{
-			result = Open();
-			if ( result != 0 )
-				return result;
-			m_bFirstTime = false;
-		}
-		return InternalOutput( data.size(), data.c_str());
-	}
-	int LogFile::InternalOutput( size_t nSize, const LOGOG_CHAR *pData )
-		{
-        size_t result;
-		result = fwrite( pData, sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR ), nSize, m_pFile );
-		if ( (size_t)result != nSize )
-			return -1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	void LogFile::WriteUnicodeBOM()
-	{
-		static union {
-			int i;
-			char c[4];
-		} bDetectEndian = {0x01020304};
-		bool bIsLittleEndian = ( bDetectEndian.c[0] != 1 );
-		switch ( sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR ))
-		{
-		case 1:
-			// This could be a UTF-8 BOM but technically very few systems support
-			// sizeof( wchar_t ) == sizeof( char ).  So for now we're not going
-			// to write a BOM in these cases.
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			if ( bIsLittleEndian )
-				InternalOutput( 1, (const LOGOG_CHAR *)"\xFF\xFE" ); // little endian UTF-16LE
-			else
-				InternalOutput( 1, (const LOGOG_CHAR *)"\xFE\xFF" ); // big endian UTF-16BE
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			if ( bIsLittleEndian )
-				InternalOutput( 1, (const LOGOG_CHAR *)"\xFF\xFE\x00\x00" ); // little endian UTF-32LE
-			else
-				InternalOutput( 1, (const LOGOG_CHAR *)"\x00\x00\xFE\xFF" ); // big endian UTF-32BE
-			break;
-		default:
-			// No idea what that character size is; do nothing
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	LogBuffer::LogBuffer( Target *pTarget ,
-		size_t s  ) :
-	m_pStart( NULL ),
-		m_nSize( 0 )
-	{
-		m_pOutputTarget = pTarget;
-		Allocate( s );
-	}
-	LogBuffer::~LogBuffer()
-	{
-		Dump();
-		Deallocate();
-	}
-	void LogBuffer::SetTarget( Target &t )
-	{
-		m_pOutputTarget = &t;
-	}
-	int LogBuffer::Insert( const LOGOG_CHAR *pChars, size_t size )
-	{
-		if (( m_pCurrent + size ) >= m_pEnd )
-			Dump();
-		if ( size > (size_t)( m_pEnd - m_pStart ))
-		{
-			cerr << "Cannot insert string into buffer; string is larger than buffer.  Allocate a larger size for the LogBuffer." << endl;
-			return -1; // can't fit this into buffer; punt it
-		}
-		// Store the size of this string in the buffer
-		size_t *pSize;
-		pSize = ( size_t *)m_pCurrent;
-		*pSize = size;
-		m_pCurrent = (LOGOG_CHAR *)++pSize;
-		while ( size-- )
-			*m_pCurrent++ = *pChars++;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	int LogBuffer::Dump()
-	{
-		LOGOG_CHAR *pCurrent = m_pStart;
-		size_t *pSize;
-		int nError;
-		if ( m_pOutputTarget == NULL )
-			return -1;
-		// We have to lock the output target here, as we do an end run around its Receive() function */
-		ScopedLock sl( m_pOutputTarget->m_MutexReceive );
-		while ( pCurrent < m_pCurrent )
-		{
-			String sOut;
-			// Get the size of this entry
-			pSize = ( size_t * )pCurrent;
-			// Move past that entry into the data area
-			pCurrent = ( LOGOG_CHAR * )( pSize + 1 );
-			sOut.assign( pCurrent, pCurrent + *pSize - 1 );
-			if ( m_pOutputTarget )
-			{
-				nError = m_pOutputTarget->Output( sOut );
-				if ( nError != 0 )
-					return nError;
-			}
-			pCurrent += *pSize;
-		}
-		// reset buffer
-		m_pCurrent = m_pStart;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	int LogBuffer::Output( const LOGOG_STRING &data )
-	{
-		return Insert( &(*data), data.size() );
-	}
-	void LogBuffer::Allocate( size_t size )
-	{
-		m_nSize = size;
-		m_pCurrent = m_pStart = (LOGOG_CHAR *)Object::Allocate( size * sizeof( LOGOG_CHAR ));
-		m_pEnd = m_pStart + size;
-	}
-	void LogBuffer::Deallocate()
-	{
-		if ( m_pStart )
-			Object::Deallocate( m_pStart );
-		m_nSize = 0;
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/timer.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/timer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index accaacac1d6..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/timer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * \file timer.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	Timer::Timer()
-	{
-		m_fStartTime = 0.0f;
-		LARGE_INTEGER TicksPerSecond;
-		QueryPerformanceFrequency( &TicksPerSecond );
-		m_fTicksPerMicrosecond = (DOUBLE)TicksPerSecond.QuadPart * 0.000001;
-		Set( 0.0f );
-	}
-//! [TimerGet]
-	logog::LOGOG_TIME Timer::Get()
-	{
-		QueryPerformanceCounter( &liTime );
-		double dusec;
-		dusec =( liTime.QuadPart / m_fTicksPerMicrosecond );
-		return ( dusec / 1000000.0f ) - m_fStartTime;
-#else // LOGOG_TARGET_PS3
-		// General Posix implementation
-		timeval tv;
-		gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );
-		return ((double) (tv.tv_sec) + ((double)(tv.tv_usec ) / 1000000.0 ) - m_fStartTime);
-#endif // LOGOG_TARGET_PS3
-	}
-//! [TimerGet]
-	void Timer::Set( LOGOG_TIME time )
-	{
-		m_fStartTime = time + Get();
-	}
-	Timer &GetGlobalTimer()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		if ( pStatic == NULL )
-		if ( pStatic->s_pTimer == NULL )
-			pStatic->s_pTimer = new Timer();
-		return *(pStatic->s_pTimer );
-	}
-	void DestroyGlobalTimer()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		Timer *pGlobalTimer = pStatic->s_pTimer;
-		if ( pGlobalTimer != NULL )
-			delete pGlobalTimer;
-		pStatic->s_pTimer = NULL;
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/topic.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/topic.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 619aa305c74..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/topic.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
- * \file topic.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog {
-	void SetDefaultLevel( LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level )
-	{
-		Filter *pDefaultFilter = &GetDefaultFilter();
-		pDefaultFilter->Level( level );
-	}
-	Topic::Topic( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName ,
-		const int nLineNumber ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage ,
-		const double dTimestamp )
-	{
-		m_TopicFlags = 0;
-		if ( sFileName != NULL )
-		{
-			m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_FILE_NAME ] = sFileName;
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_FILE_NAME_FLAG;
-		}
-		if ( sGroup != NULL )
-		{
-			m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_GROUP ] = sGroup;
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_GROUP_FLAG;
-		}
-		if ( sCategory != NULL )
-		{
-			m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_CATEGORY ] = sCategory;
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_CATEGORY_FLAG;
-		}
-		if ( sMessage != NULL )
-		{
-			m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_MESSAGE ] = sMessage;
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_MESSAGE_FLAG;
-		}
-		m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] = level;
-		if ( level != LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL )
-		{
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG;
-		}
-		m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER ] = nLineNumber;
-		if ( nLineNumber != 0 )
-		{
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER_FLAG;
-		}
-		m_tTime = dTimestamp;
-		if ( dTimestamp != 0.0f ) //-V550
-			m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_TIMESTAMP_FLAG;
-	}
-	bool Topic::IsTopic() const
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-	int Topic::Send( const Topic &node )
-	{
-		LockableNodesType::iterator it;
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Subscribers );
-			it = m_Subscribers.begin();
-		}
-		/* Iterate over the subscribers, but only addressing the subscribers group while locking it */
-		Topic *pCurrentTopic;
-		Node *pCurrentNode;
-		m_Subscribers.MutexLock();
-		int nError = 0;
-		while ( it != m_Subscribers.end() )
-		{
-			pCurrentNode = *it;
-			if ( pCurrentNode->IsTopic() == false )
-				continue;
-			pCurrentTopic = ( Topic * )pCurrentNode;
-			if ( pCurrentTopic )
-				nError += pCurrentTopic->Receive( node );
-			it++;
-		}
-		m_Subscribers.MutexUnlock();
-		return nError;
-	}
-	int Topic::Transmit()
-	{
-		return Send( *this );
-	}
-	int Topic::Receive( const Topic &node )
-	{
-		/* Default implementation -- send it on to all children */
-		return Send( node );
-	}
-	bool Topic::CanSubscribeTo( const Node &otherNode )
-	{
-		if ( CanSubscribe() == false )
-			return false;
-		if ( otherNode.IsTopic() == false )
-			return false;
-		Topic *pTopic = ( Topic * )&otherNode;
-		/* This function will change from topic class to topic class. */
-		return CanSubscribeCheckTopic( *pTopic );
-	}
-	bool Topic::CanSubscribeCheckTopic( const Topic &other )
-	{
-		/* This is the generic comparison case.  We'll want to optimize this function for other types
-		* of topics.
-		*/
-		/* Check topics in likely order of disinterest */
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* Topic levels are less interesting the larger the numbers are. */
-			if ( other.m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] > m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] )
-				return false;
-		}
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_GROUP_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* If our topic is not a substring of the publisher's topic, ignore this */
-			if (( other.m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_GROUP ] ).find( m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_GROUP ] ) == LOGOG_STRING::npos )
-				return false;
-		}
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_CATEGORY_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* If our topic is not a substring of the publisher's topic, ignore this */
-			if (( other.m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_CATEGORY ] ).find( m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_CATEGORY ] ) == LOGOG_STRING::npos )
-				return false;
-		}
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_FILE_NAME_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* If our topic is not a substring of the publisher's file name, ignore this. */
-			if (( other.m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_FILE_NAME ] ).find( m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_FILE_NAME ] ) == LOGOG_STRING::npos )
-				return false;
-		}
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* If our line number doesn't equal theirs, ignore this */
-			if ( other.m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER ] != m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER ] )
-				return false;
-		}
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_MESSAGE_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* If our topic is not a substring of the publisher's file name, ignore this. */
-			if (( other.m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_MESSAGE ] ).find( m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_MESSAGE ] ) == LOGOG_STRING::npos )
-				return false;
-		}
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_TIMESTAMP_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* Timestamps are only interesting if they're greater than or equal to ours. */
-			if ( other.m_tTime < m_tTime )
-				return false;
-		}
-		/* all tests passed */
-		return true;
-	}
-	bool Topic::PublishTo( Node &subscriber )
-	{
-		if ( &subscriber == this )
-		bool bWasInserted;
-		/** Additional checking may be required first -- can the subscriber handle this publishing? */
-		if ( subscriber.IsTopic() )
-		{
-			Topic *pSubscriber = (Topic *)&subscriber;
-			if ( pSubscriber->CanSubscribeTo( *this ) == false )
-				return false;
-		}
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( m_Subscribers );
-			bWasInserted = ( m_Subscribers.insert( &subscriber ) ).second;
-		}
-		if ( bWasInserted )
-			subscriber.SubscribeTo( *this );
-		return bWasInserted;
-	}
-	void Topic::Format( const LOGOG_CHAR *cFormatMessage, ... )
-	{
-		va_list args;
-		va_start( args, cFormatMessage );
-		m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_MESSAGE ].format_va( cFormatMessage, args );
-		va_end( args );
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_MESSAGE_FLAG;
-	}
-	const LOGOG_STRING & Topic::FileName() const
-	{
-		return m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_FILE_NAME ];
-	}
-	void Topic::FileName( const LOGOG_STRING &s )
-	{
-		m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_FILE_NAME ] = s;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_FILE_NAME_FLAG;
-	}
-	const LOGOG_STRING & Topic::Message() const
-	{
-		return m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_MESSAGE ];
-	}
-	void Topic::Message( const LOGOG_STRING &s )
-	{
-		m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_MESSAGE ] = s;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_MESSAGE_FLAG;
-	}
-	const LOGOG_STRING & Topic::Category() const
-	{
-		return m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_CATEGORY ];
-	}
-	void Topic::Category( const LOGOG_STRING &s )
-	{
-		m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_CATEGORY ] = s;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_CATEGORY_FLAG;
-	}
-	const LOGOG_STRING & Topic::Group() const
-	{
-		return m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_GROUP ];
-	}
-	void Topic::Group( const LOGOG_STRING &s )
-	{
-		m_vStringProps[ TOPIC_GROUP ] = s;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_GROUP_FLAG;
-	}
-	int Topic::LineNumber() const
-	{
-		return m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER ];
-	}
-	void Topic::LineNumber( const int num )
-	{
-		m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER ] = num;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_LINE_NUMBER_FLAG;
-	}
-	LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE Topic::Level() const
-	{
-		return ( LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE )m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ];
-	}
-	void Topic::Level( LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level )
-	{
-		m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] = level;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG;
-	}
-	logog::LOGOG_TIME Topic::Timestamp() const
-	{
-		return m_tTime;
-	}
-	void Topic::Timestamp( const LOGOG_TIME t )
-	{
-		m_tTime = t;
-		m_TopicFlags |= TOPIC_TIMESTAMP_FLAG;
-	}
-	TOPIC_FLAGS Topic::GetTopicFlags() const
-	{
-		return m_TopicFlags;
-	}
-	Filter::Filter( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName ,
-		const int nLineNumber ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage ,
-		const double dTimestamp ) :
-	Topic( level, sFileName, nLineNumber, sGroup, sCategory, sMessage, dTimestamp )
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		if ( pStatic == NULL )
-		if ( pStatic->s_pDefaultFilter == NULL )
-			pStatic->s_pDefaultFilter = this;
-		PublishToMultiple( AllTargets() );
-		LockableNodesType *pFilterNodes = &AllFilters();
-		{
-			ScopedLock sl( *pFilterNodes );
-			pFilterNodes->insert( this );
-		}
-	}
-	Filter &GetDefaultFilter()
-	{
-		Statics *pStatic = &Static();
-		if ( pStatic == NULL )
-		if ( pStatic->s_pDefaultFilter == NULL )
-		{
-			pStatic->s_pDefaultFilter = new Filter( LOGOG_LEVEL );
-		}
-		return *((Filter *)(pStatic->s_pDefaultFilter));
-	}
-	TopicGroup::TopicGroup( const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup ) :
-		Topic( LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL, NULL, 0, sGroup )
-	{
-	}
-	bool TopicGroup::CanSubscribeCheckTopic( const Topic &other )
-	{
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* Topic levels are less interesting the larger the numbers are. */
-			if ( other.m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] > m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] )
-				return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	TopicLevel::TopicLevel( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level ) :
-	Topic( level )
-	{
-	}
-	bool TopicLevel::CanSubscribeCheckTopic( const Topic &other )
-	{
-		/* Check topics in likely order of disinterest */
-		if ( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_LEVEL_FLAG )
-		{
-			/* Topic levels are less interesting the larger the numbers are. */
-			if ( other.m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] > m_vIntProps[ TOPIC_LEVEL ] )
-				return false;
-		}
-		/* all tests passed */
-		return true;
-	}
-	TopicSource::TopicSource( const LOGOG_LEVEL_TYPE level ,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sFileName,
-		const int nLineNumber,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sGroup,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sCategory,
-		const LOGOG_CHAR *sMessage,
-		const double dTimestamp ) :
-	Topic( level, sFileName, nLineNumber, sGroup, sCategory, sMessage, dTimestamp )
-	{
-	}
-	bool TopicSource::SubscribeTo( Node & )
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool TopicSource::UnsubscribeTo( Node & )
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool TopicSource::CanSubscribe() const
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool TopicSink::IsTopic() const
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-	void TopicSink::Initialize()
-	{
-	}
-	bool TopicSink::PublishTo( Node & )
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool TopicSink::UnpublishTo( Node & )
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool TopicSink::CanPublish() const
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/src/unittest.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/src/unittest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c5863cff60d..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/src/unittest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- * \file unittest.cpp
- */
-#include "logog.hpp"
-namespace logog
-TestRegistryType &LogogTestRegistry()
-    static TestRegistryType *pRegistry = new TestRegistryType();
-    return *pRegistry;
-TestSignup::TestSignup( UnitTest *pTest )
-    m_pTest = pTest;
-    LogogTestRegistry().push_back( pTest );
-UnitTest::UnitTest( const TestNameType &sTestName )
-    m_sTestName = sTestName;
-    m_pTestSignup = new TestSignup( this );
-	FreeInternals();
-void UnitTest::FreeInternals()
-	if ( m_pTestSignup )
-		delete m_pTestSignup;
-	m_pTestSignup = NULL;
-/** Returns the name of this UnitTest provided at construction time. */
-TestNameType &UnitTest::GetName()
-	return m_sTestName;
-/** Executes all currently registered tests and prints a report of success or failure. */
-int RunAllTests()
-    using namespace std;
-    int nTests = 0, nTestsSucceeded = 0;
-    int nTestResult;
-    int nFailures = 0;
-    wostream *pOut;
-	ostream *pOut;	
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-	pOut = &(LOGOG_COUT);
-    nTests = (int) LogogTestRegistry().size();
-    if ( nTests == 0 )
-    {
-		*pOut << _LG("No tests currently defined.") << endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    for ( TestRegistryType::iterator it = LogogTestRegistry().begin();
-            it != LogogTestRegistry().end();
-            ++it )
-    {
-        (*pOut) << _LG("Test ") << (*it)->GetName() << _LG(" running... ") << endl;
-        nTestResult = (*it)->RunTest();
-        (*pOut) << _LG("Test ") << (*it)->GetName();
-        if ( nTestResult == 0 )
-        {
-            *pOut << _LG(" successful.") << endl;
-            nTestsSucceeded++;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            *pOut << _LG(" failed!") << endl;
-            nFailures++;
-        }
-        /* Validate that no allocations are currently outstanding.  Make sure to handle the case
-         * where leak detection is disabled */
-        int nMemoryTestResult = ReportMemoryAllocations();
-        if ( nMemoryTestResult != -1 )
-        {
-            (*pOut) << _LG("Test ") << (*it)->GetName() << _LG(" has ") << nMemoryTestResult <<
-				_LG(" memory allocations outstanding at end of test.") << endl;
-            nFailures += nMemoryTestResult;
-        }
-    }
-    *pOut << _LG("Testing complete, ")
-          << nTests << _LG(" total tests, ")
-          << nTestsSucceeded << _LG(" tests succeeded, ")
-          << ( nTests - nTestsSucceeded ) << _LG(" failed")
-          << endl;
-    return nFailures;
-/** Should remove all memory allocated during unit testing. */
-void ShutdownTests()
-	TestRegistryType::iterator it;
-	for ( it = LogogTestRegistry().begin(); it != LogogTestRegistry().end(); it++ )
-		(*it)->FreeInternals();
-    delete &LogogTestRegistry();
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/test/CMakeLists.txt b/ThirdParty/logog/test/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f818a2e4fb0..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-add_executable( test test.cpp )
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.cpp b/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bb34ebeb22..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,837 +0,0 @@
-/** Only define this macro in source files that create unit tests.  This setting brings in the std namespace, so its
- ** use is not recommended outside of unit tests. */
-/** Change this to higher constants to exponentially increase test difficulty. */
-const int TEST_STRESS_LEVEL = 1;
-#include "logog.hpp"
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <io.h>
-using namespace logog;
-using namespace std;
-UNITTEST( SimpleLocking )
-//! [SimpleLocking]
-    {
-        logog::Mutex m;
-        {
-            logog::ScopedLock s1( m );
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Lock is on") << endl;
-        }
-        logog::Mutex *pM = new logog::Mutex();
-        {
-            logog::ScopedLock s1( *pM );
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Lock is on") << endl;
-        }
-        delete pM;
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Lock unlocked") << endl;
-        logog::Message m1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-//! [SimpleLocking]
-int _s_ThreadLockingTest = 0;
-void LockingThread( void *pvMutex )
-    const int NUM_TRIALS = 10 * TEST_STRESS_LEVEL;
-    Mutex *pMutex = (Mutex *)pvMutex;
-    if ( pMutex == NULL )
-    {
-        _s_ThreadLockingTest = 1;
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("LockingThread received a NULL argument!") << endl;
-        return;
-    }
-    for ( int t = 0; t < NUM_TRIALS; t++ )
-    {
-        {
-            ScopedLock sl( *pMutex );
-            INFO( _LG("Thread acquired lock on trial %d"), t);
-        }
-        INFO( _LG("Thread released lock %d"), t );
-    }
-UNITTEST( Subscription )
-    int nResult = 0;
-//! [Subscription]
-    {
-        Topic n1, n2;
-        // should succeed
-        if ( n1.SubscribeTo( n2 ) != true )
-            nResult++;
-        // should indicate no insertion took place
-        if ( n2.PublishTo( n1 ) != false )
-            nResult++;
-        n2.Transmit();
-        if ( n2.UnpublishTo( n1 ) != true )
-            nResult++;
-        if ( n1.UnsubscribeTo( n2 ) != false )
-            nResult++;
-    }
-//! [Subscription]
-    return nResult;
-UNITTEST( GlobalNodelist )
-    const int MAX_NODES = 10 * TEST_STRESS_LEVEL;
-    LOGOG_VECTOR< Topic *> vTopics;
-    for (int t = 0; t < MAX_NODES; t++ )
-        vTopics.push_back( new Topic );
-    for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; i++ )
-        for ( int j = i + 1; j < MAX_NODES; j++ )
-   i )->SubscribeTo( * j ) );
-    LockableNodesType *pNodes = ( LockableNodesType * )Static().s_pAllNodes;
-    // For this test we assume that the default Filter has always been created.
-    if ( pNodes->size() != ( MAX_NODES + 1))
-    {
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Incorrect number of nodes!") << endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Try having that master node send a message to all other nodes!
- MAX_NODES - 1)->Transmit();
-    // Let's try leaving all the nodes allocated and let logog clean them all up.
-    if ( Static().s_pAllNodes != NULL )
-    {
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Could not delete all nodes!") << endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( TimerTest )
-    const int NUM_TRIALS = 10 * TEST_STRESS_LEVEL;
-    const int WAIT_TIME = 1000000 * TEST_STRESS_LEVEL;
-    Timer time;
-    LOGOG_TIME fCurrent = time.Get();
-    for ( int t = 0; t < NUM_TRIALS; t++  )
-    {
-        /* do busy work */
-        int k = 0;
-        for ( int i = 0; i < WAIT_TIME; i++ )
-            k = k + 1;  // fixes a lint warning
-        if ( time.Get() < fCurrent )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Timer error!  Non monotonic timer behavior") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        fCurrent = time.Get();
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Current reported time: ") << fCurrent << endl;
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( TopicTest1 )
-    {
-        Topic t1( LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN,
-                  _LG( "file1.cpp" ), 50 );
-        Topic t2( LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN );
-        Topic t3( LOGOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
-                  _LG( "file2.cpp" ), 100 );
-        Topic t4( LOGOG_LEVEL_WARN, NULL, 0,
-                  _LG( "Group" ),
-                  _LG( "Category" ),
-                  _LG( "Message" ),
-                  30.0f);
-        Topic t5( LOGOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, NULL, 0,
-                  _LG( "GroupGROUP" ),
-                  _LG( "Important Category" ),
-                  _LG( "Your Message Here"),
-                  150.0f);
-        if (t1.CanSubscribeTo( t2 ) == true)
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Subscription test failed; t1 can subscribe to t2") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if (t2.CanSubscribeTo( t1 ) == false )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Subscription test failed; t2 can't subscribe to t1") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if ( t1.CanSubscribeTo( t3 ) == true )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Subscription test failed; t1 can subscribe to t3") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if (t2.CanSubscribeTo( t3 ) == false )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Subscription test failed; t2 can't subscribe to t3") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if (t4.CanSubscribeTo( t5 ) == false )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Subscription test failed; t4 can't subscribe to t5") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if ( t5.CanSubscribeTo( t4 ) == true )
-        {
-            LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Subscription test failed; t5 can subscribe to t4") << endl;
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( Checkpoint1 )
-    {
-        Checkpoint check( LOGOG_LEVEL_ALL, _LG( __FILE__ ), __LINE__,
-                          _LG("Group"), _LG("Category"), _LG("Message"), 1.0f );
-        Topic t;
-        Cerr cerrobj;
-        Cerr cerrgnu;
-        OutputDebug outdebug;
-        FormatterGCC f;
-        cerrgnu.SetFormatter( f );
-        check.PublishTo( t );
-        t.PublishToMultiple( AllTargets() );
-        LOGOG_COUT << _LG("Setup complete; ready to transmit ") << endl;
-        check.Transmit();
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( FormatString1 )
-    {
-        String s;
-        s.format( _LG("This is a test message.\n"));
-        LOGOG_COUT << s.c_str();
-        s.format( _LG("This is a test message: %d %x %f\n"), 1234, 0xf00d, 1.234f );
-        LOGOG_COUT << s.c_str();
-        const LOGOG_CHAR *p = _LG("Here is a string");
-        s.format( _LG("Here are six strings: %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls \n"), p,p,p,p,p,p );
-        s.format( _LG("Here are six strings: %s %s %s %s %s %s \n"), p,p,p,p,p,p );
-        LOGOG_COUT << s.c_str();
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( FormatTopic1 )
-    {
-        Cout out;
-        LogFile f( "log.txt");
-        Message m;
-        m.PublishToMultiple( AllTargets() );
-        m.Format( _LG("This is a test message: %d %x %f"), 1234, 0xf00d, 1.234f );
-        m.Transmit();
-        const char *p = "Here is a string";
-        m.Format( _LG("Here are six strings: %s %s %s %s %s %s"), p,p,p,p,p,p );
-        m.Transmit();
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( ThreadLocking )
-    {
-        Cout out; // only one of these please
-        const int NUM_THREADS = 10 * TEST_STRESS_LEVEL;
-        LOGOG_VECTOR< Thread *> vpThreads;
-        Mutex mSharedMutex;
-        for ( int t = 0; t < NUM_THREADS; t++ )
-            vpThreads.push_back( new Thread( (Thread::ThreadStartLocationType) LockingThread,&mSharedMutex ));
-        for ( int t = 0; t < NUM_THREADS; t++ )
-            vpThreads[ t ]->Start();
-        for ( int t = 0; t < NUM_THREADS; t++ )
-            Thread::WaitFor( *vpThreads[ t ]);
-		for ( int t = 0; t < NUM_THREADS; t++ )
-			delete vpThreads[t];
-    }
-    return _s_ThreadLockingTest;
-//! [FormatterCustom1]
-class FormatterCustom : public FormatterMSVC
-    virtual TOPIC_FLAGS GetTopicFlags( const Topic &topic )
-    {
-        return ( Formatter::GetTopicFlags( topic ) &
-    }
-UNITTEST( CustomFormatter )
-    {
-        Cout out;
-        FormatterCustom customFormat;
-        out.SetFormatter( customFormat );
-        INFO( _LG( "No file and line number info is provided with this output.") );
-        /* The following output is produced:
-         * info: No file and line number info is provided with this output.
-         */
-    }
-    return 0;
-//! [FormatterCustom1]
-UNITTEST( HelloLogog )
-    //! [HelloLogog]
-    /* The LOGOG_INITIALIZE() function must be called before we call
-     * any other logog functions.
-     */
-    {
-        /* In order to see any output, we have to instance a Target object,
-         * such as a Cerr or a Cout.  Additionally, we have to destroy
-         * this object before calling LOGOG_SHUTDOWN().  This
-         * is why we have this object within these enclosing brackets.
-         */
-        Cout out;
-        /* Send some debugging information to any targets that have
-         * been instanced.
-         */
-        /* If you're just getting started, and you haven't defined
-         * LOGOG_UNICODE, then ASCII logging is easy and works
-         * out of the box.
-         */
-        INFO("Hello, logog!");
-        WARN("This is a warning");
-#endif // !LOGOG_UNICODE
-        /* The _LG() macro around static text permits the given text to
-         * display correctly in both Unicode and ASCII builds of the
-         * logog library.
-         */
-        ERR( _LG( "This is an error") );
-        DBUG( _LG( "This is debugging info") );
-        /* The Cout object is destroyed here because it falls out of
-         * scope. */
-    }
-    /* Call LOGOG_SHUTDOWN() at the termination of your program to free
-     * all memory allocated by logog.  Make sure no logog objects exist
-     * when you call LOGOG_SHUTDOWN().
-     */
-    /* Depending on your compiler, the output of the preceding code is
-     * something like:
-     *
-     * test.cpp(373) : info: Hello, logog!
-     * test.cpp(374) : warning: This is a warning
-     * test.cpp(375) : error: This is an error
-     * test.cpp(376) : debug: This is debugging info
-     */
-    //! [HelloLogog]
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( GroupCategory1 )
-//! [GroupCategory1]
-    /*
-    The following example produces something like:
-    .\test.cpp(364) : emergency: {Graphics} [Unrecoverable] The graphics card has been destroyed
-    .\test.cpp(368) : warning: {Graphics} [Recoverable] The graphics card has been replaced
-    .\test.cpp(372) : warning: {Audio} [Recoverable] The headphones are unplugged
-    .\test.cpp(377) : info: Everything's back to normal
-    */
-    {
-        Cerr err;
-#define LOGOG_GROUP  "Graphics"
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY "Unrecoverable"
-        EMERGENCY(_LG("The graphics card has been destroyed"));
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY	"Recoverable"
-        WARN(_LG("The graphics card has been replaced"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP "Audio"
-        WARN(_LG("The headphones are unplugged"));
-        INFO(_LG("Everything's back to... %s!"), _LG("normal"));
-    }
-    //! [GroupCategory1]
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( GroupCategory2 )
-//! [GroupCategory2]
-    {
-        GetDefaultFilter().Category(_LG("Unrecoverable"));
-        Cerr err;
-        WARN(_LG("Logging messages in the Unrecoverable category..."));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP  "Graphics"
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY "Unrecoverable"
-        EMERGENCY(_LG("The graphics card has been destroyed"));
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY	"Recoverable"
-        WARN(_LG("The graphics card has been replaced"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP "Audio"
-        WARN(_LG("The headphones are unplugged"));
-    }
-//! [GroupCategory2]
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( GroupCategory3 )
-    {
-		/* Assigning a group twice does not leak memory. */
-		GetDefaultFilter().Group( _LG( "Controller" ));
-        GetDefaultFilter().Group( _LG( "Graphics" ));
-        Cerr err;
-        WARN(_LG("This message won't happen because it's not in the Graphics group"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP  "Graphics"
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY "Unrecoverable"
-        EMERGENCY(_LG("The graphics card has been destroyed"));
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY	"Recoverable"
-        WARN(_LG("The graphics card has been replaced"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP "Audio"
-        WARN(_LG("The headphones are unplugged"));
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( GroupCategory4 )
-//! [GroupCategory4]
-    {
-        GetDefaultFilter().Group(_LG("Graphics"));
-        Filter filter;
-        filter.Group(_LG("Audio"));
-        Cerr err;
-        WARN(_LG("This message won't happen because it's not in the Graphics group"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP  "Graphics"
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY "Unrecoverable"
-        EMERGENCY(_LG("The graphics card has been destroyed"));
-#define LOGOG_CATEGORY	"Recoverable"
-        WARN(_LG("The graphics card has been replaced"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP "Audio"
-        WARN(_LG("The headphones are unplugged"));
-#define LOGOG_GROUP "Inputs"
-        WARN(_LG("The inputs have been yanked off but this fact won't be reported!"));
-    }
-//! [GroupCategory4]
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( Info1 )
-    {
-        Cout out;
-        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
-        {
-            for ( int t = 0; t < 10; t++ )
-            {
-                INFO( _LG("t is now: %d"), t );
-                if ( t > 8 )
-                    WARN(_LG("t is pretty high now!"));
-            }
-            DBUG(_LG("This warning isn't very interesting"));
-        }
-        LOGOG_DEBUG(_LG("Messages instantiated for the first time will be called now.  However, debug messages"));
-        LOGOG_DEBUG(_LG("instantiated before the LOGOG_SET_LEVEL won't be transmitted."));
-    }
-    return 0;
-void GeneratePseudoRandomErrorMessages()
-    int pr = 0xf8d92347;
-    int ps;
-    for ( int t = 0; t < TEST_STRESS_LEVEL * 10; t++ )
-    {
-        pr = pr * 0xd9381381 + 0x13d7b;
-        ps = pr % ( (1 << 19) - 1 );
-        ERR( _LG("We must inform you of this pseudo-random error code: %d"), ps );
-        // Do a non specific amount of busy work.
-        int swap1 = 0, swap2 = 1;
-        for ( int i = 0; i < ps; i++ )
-        {
-            int swap3 = swap1;
-            swap1 = swap2;
-            swap2 = swap3;
-        }
-    }
-UNITTEST( ImmediateLogging )
-    {
-        LogFile logFile( "log.txt" );
-        GeneratePseudoRandomErrorMessages();
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( UnicodeLogFile )
-    {
-        LogFile logFile( "unicode.txt" );
-        // see
-        INFO(L"\x043a\x043e\x0448\x043a\x0430 \x65e5\x672c\x56fd");
-        WARN(L"\x043a\x043e\x0448\x043a\x0430 \x65e5\x672c\x56fd");
-        ERR(L"\x043a\x043e\x0448\x043a\x0430 \x65e5\x672c\x56fd");
-    }
-    return 0;
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-UNITTEST( DeferredCoutLogging )
-    {
-        Cout out;
-        LogBuffer logBuffer( &out );
-        // Make sure that out does not receive messages via the general filter mechanism.
-        out.UnsubscribeToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-        for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
-        {
-            ERR(_LG("This is error %d of 10"), i);
-            int q = 27832;
-            for ( int j = 0; j < TEST_STRESS_LEVEL * 10000000; j++ )
-                q *= q;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( DeferredFileLogging )
-//! [DeferredFileLogging]
-    {
-        LogFile logFile( "log.txt" );
-        LogBuffer logBuffer( &logFile );
-        /* Because the LogBuffer is not writing to a line device a la stdout or stderr, it does not need to
-         * send null terminated strings to its destination (the LogFile).  This is a particular peculiarity
-         * of having a buffering target to a serial-type target, such as a socket or a file.
-         */
-        logBuffer.SetNullTerminatesStrings( false );
-        // Make sure that the log file does not receive messages via the general filter mechanism.
-        logFile.UnsubscribeToMultiple( AllFilters() );
-        for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; i++ )
-        {
-            WARN(_LG("This is warning %d of 20"), i);
-            int q = 27832;
-            for ( int j = 0; j < TEST_STRESS_LEVEL * 10000000; j++ )
-                q *= q;
-        }
-    }
-//! [DeferredFileLogging]
-    return 0;
-UNITTEST( DateAndTime )
-//! [DateAndTimeLogging]
-    {
-        Cerr err;
-        Formatter *pFormatter = &GetDefaultFormatter();
-        pFormatter->SetShowTimeOfDay( true );
-        for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; i++ )
-        {
-            WARN(_LG("This is warning %d of 20... but with time!"), i);
-            int q = 27832;
-            for ( int j = 0; j < TEST_STRESS_LEVEL * 10000000; j++ )
-                q *= q;
-        }
-    }
-//! [DateAndTimeLogging]
-    return 0;
-int DoPlatformSpecificTestInitialization()
-    return 0;
-int main( int , char ** )
-//! [WindowsUnicodeSetup]
-    _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
-    _setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_U16TEXT);
-#endif // LOGOG_UNICODE
-//! [WindowsUnicodeSetup]
-    int nPlatformSpecific;
-    nPlatformSpecific = DoPlatformSpecificTestInitialization();
-    if ( nPlatformSpecific != 0)
-        return nPlatformSpecific;
-    int nResult;
-    nResult = RunAllTests();
-    ShutdownTests();
-	_CrtMemState crtMemState;
-	_CrtMemCheckpoint( &crtMemState );
-	_CrtMemDumpStatistics( &crtMemState );
-	_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks();
-    return nResult;
diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.sln b/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.sln
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7b2d0feb6..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.sln
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
-# Visual Studio 2008
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-	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
-		{85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0} = {85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0}
-	EndProjectSection
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "logog", "..\src\logog.vcproj", "{85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0}"
-	GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) = preSolution
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-		SccProjectUniqueName0 = test.vcproj
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-		SccProvider0 = MSSCCI:Perforce\u0020SCM
-		SccProjectUniqueName1 = ..\\src\\logog.vcproj
-		SccProjectName1 = Perforce\u0020Project
-		SccLocalPath1 = ..
-		SccProvider1 = MSSCCI:Perforce\u0020SCM
-		SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection1 = src\\
-	EndGlobalSection
-	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
-		Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
-		Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
-	EndGlobalSection
-	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
-		{FFD188AD-0FE5-4808-90E0-EC528324FFAD}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
-		{FFD188AD-0FE5-4808-90E0-EC528324FFAD}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-		{FFD188AD-0FE5-4808-90E0-EC528324FFAD}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-		{FFD188AD-0FE5-4808-90E0-EC528324FFAD}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
-		{85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
-		{85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-		{85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-		{85857E80-2122-4DD8-9BA9-B90CC10D65B0}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
-	EndGlobalSection
-	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
-		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
-	EndGlobalSection
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8b14c91680c..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj
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-			/>
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-			/>
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-			/>
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-				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
-			/>
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-				Name="VCALinkTool"
-			/>
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-				Name="VCManifestTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
-				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
-				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
-				Name="VCFxCopTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
-				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
-			/>
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-				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
-			/>
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-			<FileConfiguration
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-					Description="Generating doxygen output"
-					CommandLine="$(InputDir)make-doxygen.bat&#x0D;&#x0A;"
-					Outputs="$(InputDir)html\index.html"
-				/>
-			</FileConfiguration>
-		</File>
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diff --git a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj.lnt b/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj.lnt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd30307fec..00000000000
--- a/ThirdParty/logog/test/test.vcproj.lnt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* -dConfiguration= ... none provided  */
--D_UNICODE                     //  27: CharacterSet = "1" 
--DUNICODE                      //  27: CharacterSet = "" 
--i"..\include"                 //  47: AdditionalIncludeDirectories = "..\include" 
--DWIN32                        //  48: PreprocessorDefinitions = "WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE" 
--D_DEBUG                       //  48: PreprocessorDefinitions = "" 
--D_CONSOLE                     //  48: PreprocessorDefinitions = "" 
--D_MT                          //  51: RuntimeLibrary = "3" 
--D_DEBUG                       //  51: RuntimeLibrary = "" 
--D_DLL                         //  51: RuntimeLibrary = "" 
-.\test.cpp                     // 180: RelativePath = ".\test.cpp" 