From 8d52068357faa57a3539da5d6228d6a0db957543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lars Bilke <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 09:16:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [web] Added page on Snakemake workflow usage.

 .../docs/devguide/testing/ | 53 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 web/content/docs/devguide/testing/

diff --git a/web/content/docs/devguide/testing/ b/web/content/docs/devguide/testing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f181f4c22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/content/docs/devguide/testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+date = "2021-03-05T10:49"
+title = "Workflow testing"
+author = "Lars Bilke"
+weight = 1024
+  [menu.devguide]
+    parent = "testing"
+## Introdution
+We use the workflow manager [Snakemake]( to test workflows which consist of the execution of several steps which are based on each other.
+## Requirements
+- [Snakemake]( >= {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.snakemake" >}}
+    - If you use [Poetry]({{< ref "" >}}) then `snakemake` is installed in your virtual environment in your build-directory automatically. You can then call it via `poetry run snakemake ...`.
+- On Windows only:
+    - The `tee`-utility in the `PATH` (can be installed from
+## Examples
+- [ExtractBoundary.smk](
+- [VoxelGridFromLayers.smk](
+These example workflows [are added to ctest]( as well:
+    add_test(NAME snakemake_ExtractBoundary
+        COMMAND ${SNAKEMAKE} -j 1
+            --configfile ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/buildinfo.yaml
+            -s ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ExtractBoundary.smk
+    )
+    add_test(NAME snakemake_VoxelGridFromLayers
+    # ...
+    )
+    add_dependencies(ctest ExtractBoundary Layers2Grid AddFaultToVoxelGrid)
+## Modularization
+We started on implementing modular rule definitions and tool wrapper in [`scripts/snakemake`](
+## Links
+- [Snakemake Documentation](
+- [Short tutorial](
+- [Software Carpentry Workshop](
+- [HPC Carpentry Workshop with Snakemake](