/** * \file * \author Karsten Rink * \date 2012-05-02 * \brief Implementation of the Element class. * * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2014, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license * */ #include "logog/include/logog.hpp" #include "Element.h" #include "Node.h" #include "Line.h" #include "MathTools.h" namespace MeshLib { Element::Element(unsigned value, std::size_t id) : _nodes(nullptr), _id(id), _value(value), _neighbors(nullptr) { } Element::~Element() { delete [] this->_nodes; delete [] this->_neighbors; } void Element::setNeighbor(Element* neighbor, unsigned const face_id) { if (neighbor == this) return; this->_neighbors[face_id] = neighbor; } boost::optional<unsigned> Element::addNeighbor(Element* e) { if (e == this || e == nullptr || e->getDimension() != this->getDimension()) return boost::optional<unsigned>(); if (this->hasNeighbor(e)) return boost::optional<unsigned>(); Node* face_nodes[3]; const unsigned nNodes (this->getNNodes()); const unsigned eNodes (e->getNNodes()); const Node* const* e_nodes = e->getNodes(); unsigned count(0); const unsigned dim (this->getDimension()); for (unsigned i(0); i<nNodes; i++) for (unsigned j(0); j<eNodes; j++) if (_nodes[i] == e_nodes[j]) { face_nodes[count] = _nodes[i]; // increment shared nodes counter and check if enough nodes are similar to be sure e is a neighbour of this if ((++count)>=dim) { _neighbors[ this->identifyFace(face_nodes) ] = e; return boost::optional<unsigned>(e->identifyFace(face_nodes)); } } return boost::optional<unsigned>(); } MeshLib::Node Element::getCenterOfGravity() const { const unsigned nNodes (this->getNNodes()); MeshLib::Node center(0,0,0); for (unsigned i=0; i<nNodes; ++i) { center[0] += (*_nodes[i])[0]; center[1] += (*_nodes[i])[1]; center[2] += (*_nodes[i])[2]; } center[0] /= nNodes; center[1] /= nNodes; center[2] /= nNodes; return center; } const Element* Element::getEdge(unsigned i) const { if (i < getNEdges()) { Node** nodes = new Node*[2]; nodes[0] = const_cast<Node*>(getEdgeNode(i,0)); nodes[1] = const_cast<Node*>(getEdgeNode(i,1)); return new Line(nodes); } ERR("Error in MeshLib::Element::getEdge() - Index does not exist."); return nullptr; } void Element::computeSqrEdgeLengthRange(double &min, double &max) const { min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); max = 0; const unsigned nEdges (this->getNEdges()); for (unsigned i=0; i<nEdges; i++) { const double dist (MathLib::sqrDist(*getEdgeNode(i,0), *getEdgeNode(i,1))); min = (dist<min) ? dist : min; max = (dist>max) ? dist : max; } } const Element* Element::getNeighbor(unsigned i) const { if (i < getNNeighbors()) return _neighbors[i]; ERR("Error in MeshLib::Element::getNeighbor() - Index does not exist."); return nullptr; } unsigned Element::getNodeIDinElement(const MeshLib::Node* node) const { const unsigned nNodes (this->getNNodes()); for (unsigned i(0); i<nNodes; i++) if (node == _nodes[i]) return i; return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); } const Node* Element::getNode(unsigned i) const { if (i < getNNodes()) return _nodes[i]; ERR("Error in MeshLib::Element::getNode() - Index %d in %s", i, MeshElemType2String(getGeomType()).c_str()); return nullptr; } void Element::setNode(unsigned idx, Node* node) { if (idx < getNNodes()) _nodes[idx] = node; } unsigned Element::getNodeIndex(unsigned i) const { if (i<getNNodes()) return _nodes[i]->getID(); ERR("Error in MeshLib::Element::getNodeIndex() - Index does not exist."); return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); } bool Element::hasNeighbor(Element* elem) const { unsigned nNeighbors (this->getNNeighbors()); for (unsigned i=0; i<nNeighbors; i++) if (this->_neighbors[i]==elem) return true; return false; } bool Element::isBoundaryElement() const { return std::any_of(_neighbors, _neighbors + this->getNNeighbors(), [](MeshLib::Element const*const e){ return e == nullptr; }); } }