# ---- OGS-6 Project ---- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) # Set CMake policies if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.15) cmake_policy(SET CMP0092 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0094 NEW) endif() project(OGS-6) include(scripts/cmake/CPM.cmake) include(scripts/cmake/CMakeSetup.cmake) include(ParseCMakeArgs) if(DEFINED ENV{CI}) message(STATUS "CMake arguments: ${CMAKE_ARGS}") endif() include(CTest) # ---- Preliminary Options ---- set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Create shared libraries?" OFF) option(OGS_BUILD_CLI "Should the OGS simulator be built?" ON) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Additional library installation path, e.g. /opt/local or C:/libs" ) set(OGS_CPU_ARCHITECTURE "native" CACHE STRING "Processor architecture, \ defaults to native (*nix) / blend (MSVC)." ) option(OGS_ENABLE_AVX2 "Enable the use of AVX2 instructions" OFF) option(OGS_USE_CONAN "Should Conan package manager be used?" ON) set(OGS_CONAN_BUILD "missing" CACHE STRING "Possible values: all, missing, \ never or list of libs to build" ) option(OGS_DISABLE_COMPILER_CACHE "Disables compiler cache." OFF) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.16) option(OGS_USE_UNITY_BUILDS "Enables Unity builds for faster compilation." ON ) endif() option(OGS_USE_PYTHON "Interface with Python" ON) option(OGS_USE_POETRY "Enables automatic Python virtual environment handling with poetry." ON ) if(WIN32) option(OGS_BUILD_SWMM "Should the SWMM interface be built?" ON) endif() if(NOT WIN32 AND OGS_BUILD_SWMM) message(FATAL_ERROR "OGS_BUILD_SWMM requires Windows!") endif() if(OGS_USE_PETSC) set(OGS_USE_MPI ON CACHE BOOL "Use MPI" FORCE) endif() set(OGS_PETSC_CONFIG_OPTIONS "" CACHE STRING "Additional PETSc configuration options." ) option(OGS_USE_CVODE "Use the Sundials CVODE module?" OFF) option(OGS_BUILD_UTILS "Should the utilities programs be built?" ON) option(OGS_BUILD_TESTING "Should the tests be built?" ON) # ---- CMake includes ---- include(GitSetup) include(Versions) include(PythonSetup) include(ProcessesSetup) include(ProjectSetup) include(Functions) include(ConanSetup) include(CompilerSetup) include(JobPools) include(Find) include(packaging/PackagingDependencies) include(DependenciesExternalProject) include(Dependencies) include(DocumentationSetup) include(test/Test) if(OGS_COVERAGE AND NOT _IS_SUBPROJECT) include(Coverage) endif() include(CppCheck) # ---- More Options ---- # Profiling if((CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) AND GPROF_PATH) option(OGS_PROFILE "Enables compiling with flags set for profiling with gprof." OFF ) endif() # GCC AND GPROF_PATH option(OGS_BUILD_GUI "Should the Data Explorer be built?" OFF) option(OGS_INSITU "Builds OGS with insitu visualization capabilities." OFF) option(OGS_USE_LIS "Use Lis" OFF) option(OGS_USE_PETSC "Use PETSc routines" OFF) if(OGS_USE_PETSC AND MSVC) message( FATAL_ERROR "OGS_USE_PETSC=ON is not supported on Windows Visual Studio! Use Linux or macOS." ) endif() option(OGS_USE_NETCDF "Add NetCDF support." OFF) # Eigen option(OGS_USE_EIGEN_UNSUPPORTED "Use Eigen unsupported modules" ON) option(OGS_EIGEN_INITIALIZE_MATRICES_BY_NAN "" ON) option(EIGEN_NO_DEBUG "Disables Eigen's assertions" OFF) # We assume that it's save to use vectorization with Eigen < 3.3 (strictly # smaller than 3.3.!). At least we only observed vectorization issues with Eigen # 3.3.x. If you want to use Eigen vectorization, make sure that you run all the # ctests several times, e.g.: $ ctest --repeat-until-fail 50 You might also want # to take a look at https://github.com/ufz/ogs/issues/1881. option(EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE "Disables explicit vectorization when defined." ON) set(OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES "Default" CACHE STRING "Use dynamically allocated shape matrices" ) set_property( CACHE OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES PROPERTY STRINGS "Default" "ON" "OFF" ) if(OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES STREQUAL "Default") if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release" OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "RelWithDebInfo" ) set(OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES_INTERNAL OFF) else() set(OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES_INTERNAL ON) endif() else() set(OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES_INTERNAL ${OGS_EIGEN_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_MATRICES} ) endif() # Eigen End option(OGS_USE_MKL "Use Intel MKL" OFF) # Debug option(OGS_FATAL_ABORT "Abort in OGS_FATAL" OFF) # Compiler flags set(OGS_CXX_FLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Additional C++ compiler flags.") option(STL_NO_DEBUG "Disable STL debug in debug build" OFF) # Print CMake variable values if(OGS_CMAKE_DEBUG) include(ListAllCMakeVariableValues) list_all_cmake_variable_values() endif() # Code coverage option(OGS_COVERAGE "Enables code coverage measurements with gcov/lcov." OFF) # Options controlling which FEM elements will be compiled set(OGS_MAX_ELEMENT_DIM 3 CACHE STRING "Maximum dimension of FEM elements to be built." ) set(OGS_MAX_ELEMENT_ORDER 2 CACHE STRING "Maximum order of FEM elements to be built." ) option(OGS_ENABLE_ELEMENT_SIMPLEX "Build FEM elements for simplices (triangles, tetrahedra)." ON ) option(OGS_ENABLE_ELEMENT_CUBOID "Build FEM elements for cuboids (quads, hexahedra)." ON ) option(OGS_ENABLE_ELEMENT_PRISM "Build FEM elements for prisms." ON) option(OGS_ENABLE_ELEMENT_PYRAMID "Build FEM elements for pyramids." ON) if(NOT OGS_MAX_ELEMENT_DIM MATCHES "^[0-3]$") message( FATAL_ERROR "OGS_MAX_ELEMENT_DIM must be an integer between 0 and 3." ) endif() if(NOT OGS_MAX_ELEMENT_ORDER MATCHES "^[0-9]$") message(FATAL_ERROR "OGS_MAX_ELEMENT_ORDER must be an integer.") endif() option(OGS_CHECK_HEADER_COMPILATION "Check header for standalone compilation." OFF ) option(OGS_USE_MFRONT "Enable solid material models by MFront (https://tfel.sourceforge.net)" OFF ) include(packaging/Pack) # ---- Subdirectories ---- include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) # xdmfdiff if(OGS_BUILD_TESTING AND TARGET OgsXdmf) add_subdirectory(Tests/xdmfdiff) endif() include(scripts/cmake/CheckHeaderCompilation.cmake) add_subdirectory(Applications) add_subdirectory(BaseLib) add_subdirectory(GeoLib) add_subdirectory(InfoLib) add_subdirectory(MathLib) add_subdirectory(MeshLib) add_subdirectory(MeshGeoToolsLib) add_subdirectory(NumLib) if(OGS_BUILD_PROCESS_ComponentTransport OR OGS_BUILD_PROCESS_RichardsComponentTransport ) add_subdirectory(ChemistryLib) endif() if(OGS_BUILD_CLI OR OGS_BUILD_UTILS OR OGS_BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory(ParameterLib) add_subdirectory(MaterialLib) add_subdirectory(ProcessLib) endif() if(OGS_BUILD_TESTING AND NOT _IS_SUBPROJECT) add_subdirectory(Tests) endif() include(UnityBuildSettings) if(POETRY) file(STRINGS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/.python_packages OGS_PYTHON_PACKAGES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES OGS_PYTHON_PACKAGES) # Hack for tespy requirement if(${Python3_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.10) set(_python_arg --python <3.9) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${_CMD_COMMAND} poetry add ${_python_arg} ${OGS_PYTHON_PACKAGES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) endif() file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/disabled-tests.log "${DISABLED_TESTS_LOG}") unset(DISABLED_TESTS_LOG CACHE) # Don't write to CMakeCache.txt check_header_compilation() include(scripts/cmake/MarkVariablesAdvanced.cmake) unset(PRE_INSTALL_RUN CACHE) include(Features)