diff --git a/web/content/docs/devguide/getting-started/prerequisites/index.md b/web/content/docs/devguide/getting-started/prerequisites/index.md
index 6583f4f8c6a1f4b808416512f227ef2be2e084a5..11f1a54b00100f82262762668179effb93006c54 100644
--- a/web/content/docs/devguide/getting-started/prerequisites/index.md
+++ b/web/content/docs/devguide/getting-started/prerequisites/index.md
@@ -57,33 +57,33 @@ On Debian-based (we recommend using Ubuntu {{< dataFile "versions.tested_version
 sudo apt install build-essential
-You need to have at least **GCC {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" >}}** which you can check with `gcc --version` (Ubuntu {{< dataFile "versions.tested_version.ubuntu" >}} has already version 11).
+You need to have at least **GCC {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" >}}** which you can check with `gcc --version`.
 <div class='note'>
 ### Install the required compiler on older Ubuntu versions
-If you are on an older Ubuntu version you can install a newer compiler from the `ubuntu-toolchain-r/test`-repository (with the following steps e.g. you can install GCC 10.3.0 on Ubuntu 20.04):
+If you are on an older Ubuntu version than {{< dataFile "versions.tested_version.ubuntu" >}} you can install a newer compiler from the `ubuntu-toolchain-r/test`-repository (with the following steps e.g. you can install GCC {{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}} on Ubuntu 20.04):
 sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
 sudo apt-get update
-sudo apt-get install gcc-10
-sudo apt-get install g++-10
+sudo apt-get install gcc-{{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}}
+sudo apt-get install g++-{{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}}
 To make the newly installed compiler the default one:
-sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 60 \
-  --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10
+sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-{{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}} 60 \
+  --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-{{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}}
 If you do not do this you have to specify the compiler during the first CMake run:
-CC=gcc-10 CXX=c++-10 cmake ../ogs [more CMake options]
+CC=gcc-{{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}} CXX=c++-{{< dataFile "versions.minimum_version.gcc" 1 >}} cmake ../ogs [more CMake options]
diff --git a/web/layouts/shortcodes/dataFile.html b/web/layouts/shortcodes/dataFile.html
index d47c61c71a2be7278b7c8d5d967c9cebc5b19fd1..19320fce93a9bd19314ca85e96642b228ebbb29c 100644
--- a/web/layouts/shortcodes/dataFile.html
+++ b/web/layouts/shortcodes/dataFile.html
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@
   {{- $map := split . "." }}
   {{- $url := index $.Site.Data $map -}}
   {{- if $url -}}
-{{- $url -}}
+    {{/*% Second parameter allows to get a version component, starting with index 1 % */}}
+    {{- with $.Get 1 -}}
+      {{/*% Start with index 1, subtract 1 to get zero-based index % */}}
+      {{- $index := math.Sub . 1 -}}
+      {{- $version_comps := split $url "." -}}
+      {{- $url = index $version_comps $index -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+    {{- $url -}}
   {{- else -}}
 {{- errorf "No data for key %s" . -}}
   {{- end -}}