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[BHE] Add server communication feature after each time step

Jakob Randow requested to merge jrandow/ogs:Server_Communication into master

Aim of the feature: OGS will be coupled with a SimulationX module called "GreenCity". With the values from OGS it will calculate a dynamic heat load demand which will delivera flowrate and and outflow temperature (which is the inflow temperature for OGS).

Server communication feature will be called after each time step. The current time, dt, Tin_value, Tout_value and flowrate will be given to a python script. Return values for Tin_value and flowrate are given back and will overwrite the current values for the next time step.

Two test cases have been added:

  1. Beier Sandbox with python script: Result values will be written to txt-files.
  2. BHE pipe network with python script: Existing python script for pipe network feature have been extended to handle both Tespy and Server Communication.
  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added?
  3. Any new feature or behavior change was documented?
Edited by HBShaoUFZ

Merge request reports