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[docs] Updated commands installing Qt to current syntax

  1. 'install' command is depreciated and will be removed in the future. It was replaced by 'install-qt'.
  2. Flag '--archives' instead of '-m' has to be used to install packages.
  3. Packages were renamed from 'xmlpatterns' and 'x11extras' to 'qtxmlpatterns' and 'qtx11extras' respectively.
  4. Main installation and package installation had to be split into separate commands. Appending '--archives qtxmlpatterns qtx11extras' to the first line will install only packages and file Qt5Config.cmake required to compile DataExplorer will not be available.

New commands were tested on Linux.

@bilke Those commands work on my system (Fedora 36) and allow me to successfully compile DataExplorer, but I am not familiar with Qt5 framework. Please, check if I am not missing something, that should be taken into consideration.

Edited by Feliks Kiszkurno

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