From 0f45333502001f0f21c283109cc89bf67dd20dbc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aheinri5 <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 21:50:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [docs] updated documentation for renamed classes

 man/OGS6.Rd                                   |  32 +--
 man/OGS6_Chain.Rd                             |  12 +-
 man/OGS6_Ensemble.Rd                          |   2 +-
 man/OGS6_pvd.Rd                               |   7 +-
 man/OGS6_vtu.Rd                               |  44 ++--
 man/examples/ex_prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R |   6 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_boundary_condition.R      |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_capillary_pressure.R      |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_chemical_system.R         |   6 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_com_property.R            |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_component.R               |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_constitutive_relation.R   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_convergence_criterion.R   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_curve.R                   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_deactivated_subdomain.R   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_eigen.R                   |   2 +-
 .../ex_prj_flow_and_temperature_control.R     |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_fluid.R                   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_model.R          |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_properties.R     |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_global_process_coupling.R |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_insitu.R                  |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_jacobian_assembler.R      |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_kinetic_reactant.R        |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_linear_solver.R           |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_local_coordinate_system.R |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_material_property.R       |  10 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_medium.R                  |  12 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_nonlinear_solver.R        |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_output.R                  |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_parameter.R               |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_ph_property.R             |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_phase.R                   |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_phase_component.R         |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_phasefield_parameters.R   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_pipes.R                   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_porous_medium.R           |   6 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_pr_property.R             |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_process.R                 |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_process_variable.R        |   4 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_rate.R                    |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_relative_permeability.R   |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_search_length_algorithm.R |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_solution.R                |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_source_term.R             |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_time_loop.R               |  10 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_time_stepping.R           |   2 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_tl_process.R              |   6 +-
 man/examples/ex_prj_vtkdiff.R                 |   2 +-
 man/get_benchmark_paths.Rd                    |   4 +-
 man/get_prj_top_level_tags.Rd                 |  14 +
 man/get_tag_from_class.Rd                     |   2 +-
 man/node_to_object.Rd                         |   2 +-
 man/node_to_prj_class_object.Rd               |  16 ++
 man/ogs6_call_ogs6.Rd                         |  23 ++
 man/ogs6_export_sim_files.Rd                  |  18 ++
 man/ogs6_generate_benchmark_script.Rd         |  33 +++
 man/ogs6_generate_structured_mesh.Rd          |  22 ++
 man/ogs6_get_combinations.Rd                  |  14 +
 man/ogs6_get_medium_property.Rd               |  19 ++
 man/ogs6_read_output_files.Rd                 |  14 +
 man/ogs6_run_simulation.Rd                    |  24 ++
 man/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.Rd            |  73 ++++++
 man/prj_boundary_condition.Rd                 |  94 +++++++
 man/prj_capillary_pressure.Rd                 |  48 ++++
 man/prj_chemical_system.Rd                    |  74 ++++++
 man/prj_com_property.Rd                       |  25 ++
 man/prj_component.Rd                          |  26 ++
 man/prj_constitutive_relation.Rd              | 140 ++++++++++
 man/prj_convergence_criterion.Rd              |  39 +++
 man/prj_curve.Rd                              |  24 ++
 man/prj_deactivated_subdomain.Rd              |  21 ++
 man/prj_eigen.Rd                              |  39 +++
 man/prj_flow_and_temperature_control.Rd       |  38 +++
 man/prj_fluid.Rd                              |  55 ++++
 man/prj_fracture_model.Rd                     |  53 ++++
 man/prj_fracture_properties.Rd                |  37 +++
 man/prj_global_process_coupling.Rd            |  30 +++
 man/prj_insitu.Rd                             |  17 ++
 man/prj_jacobian_assembler.Rd                 |  29 +++
 man/prj_kinetic_reactant.Rd                   |  29 +++
 man/prj_linear_solver.Rd                      |  32 +++
 man/prj_local_coordinate_system.Rd            |  27 ++
 man/prj_material_property.Rd                  |  60 +++++
 man/prj_medium.Rd                             |  46 ++++
 man/prj_nonlinear_solver.Rd                   |  30 +++
 man/prj_output.Rd                             |  57 +++++
 man/prj_parameter.Rd                          |  59 +++++
 man/prj_ph_property.Rd                        |  66 +++++
 man/prj_phase.Rd                              |  29 +++
 man/prj_phase_component.Rd                    |  25 ++
 man/prj_phasefield_parameters.Rd              |  37 +++
 man/prj_pipes.Rd                              |  47 ++++
 man/prj_porous_medium.Rd                      |  61 +++++
 man/prj_pr_property.Rd                        | 117 +++++++++
 man/prj_process.Rd                            | 240 ++++++++++++++++++
 man/prj_process_variable.Rd                   |  54 ++++
 man/prj_rate.Rd                               |  29 +++
 man/prj_relative_permeability.Rd              |  34 +++
 man/prj_search_length_algorithm.Rd            |  20 ++
 man/prj_solution.Rd                           |  34 +++
 man/prj_source_term.Rd                        |  39 +++
 man/prj_time_loop.Rd                          |  52 ++++
 man/prj_time_stepping.Rd                      |  67 +++++
 man/prj_tl_process.Rd                         |  51 ++++
 man/prj_vtkdiff.Rd                            |  34 +++
 man/run_all_benchmarks.Rd                     |  10 +-
 man/run_benchmark.Rd                          |   4 +-
 108 files changed, 2568 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 man/get_prj_top_level_tags.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/node_to_prj_class_object.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_call_ogs6.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_export_sim_files.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_generate_benchmark_script.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_generate_structured_mesh.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_get_combinations.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_get_medium_property.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_read_output_files.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/ogs6_run_simulation.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_boundary_condition.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_capillary_pressure.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_chemical_system.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_com_property.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_component.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_constitutive_relation.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_convergence_criterion.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_curve.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_deactivated_subdomain.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_eigen.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_flow_and_temperature_control.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_fluid.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_fracture_model.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_fracture_properties.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_global_process_coupling.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_insitu.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_jacobian_assembler.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_kinetic_reactant.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_linear_solver.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_local_coordinate_system.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_material_property.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_medium.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_nonlinear_solver.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_output.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_parameter.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_ph_property.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_phase.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_phase_component.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_phasefield_parameters.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_pipes.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_porous_medium.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_pr_property.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_process.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_process_variable.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_rate.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_relative_permeability.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_search_length_algorithm.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_solution.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_source_term.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_time_loop.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_time_stepping.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_tl_process.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/prj_vtkdiff.Rd

diff --git a/man/OGS6.Rd b/man/OGS6.Rd
index 14948b8..02a07ae 100644
--- a/man/OGS6.Rd
+++ b/man/OGS6.Rd
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path")
 ## ------------------------------------------------
 ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path")
-ogs6_obj$add(r2ogs6_parameter$new(name = "foo", type = "bar"))
+ogs6_obj$add(prj_parameter$new(name = "foo", type = "bar"))
 ## ------------------------------------------------
 ## Method `OGS6$add_gml`
@@ -64,43 +64,43 @@ ogs6_obj$get_status()
 \item{\code{python_script}}{\code{.prj} \code{python_script} tag. \code{value} must be string}
 \item{\code{search_length_algorithm}}{\code{.prj} \code{search_length_algorithm} tag. \code{value} must be
-\code{r2ogs6_search_length_algorithm} object}
+\code{prj_search_length_algorithm} object}
 \item{\code{processes}}{\code{.prj} \code{processes} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_process} objects}
+\code{prj_process} objects}
 \item{\code{time_loop}}{\code{.prj} \code{time_loop} tag. \code{value} must be
-\code{r2ogs6_time_loop} object}
+\code{prj_time_loop} object}
 \item{\code{local_coordinate_system}}{\code{.prj} \code{local_coordinate_system} tag. \code{value} must be
-\code{r2ogs6_local_coordinate_system} object}
+\code{prj_local_coordinate_system} object}
 \item{\code{media}}{\code{.prj} \code{media} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_medium} objects}
+\code{prj_medium} objects}
 \item{\code{parameters}}{\code{.prj} \code{parameters} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_parameter} objects}
+\code{prj_parameter} objects}
 \item{\code{chemical_system}}{\code{.prj} \code{chemical_system} tag. \code{value} must be
-\code{r2ogs6_chemical_system} object}
+\code{prj_chemical_system} object}
 \item{\code{curves}}{\code{.prj} \code{curves} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_curve} objects}
+\code{prj_curve} objects}
 \item{\code{process_variables}}{\code{.prj} \code{process_variables} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_process_variable} objects}
+\code{prj_process_variable} objects}
 \item{\code{nonlinear_solvers}}{\code{.prj} \code{nonlinear_solvers} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_nonlinear_solver} objects}
+\code{prj_nonlinear_solver} objects}
 \item{\code{linear_solvers}}{\code{.prj} \code{linear_solvers} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_linear_solver} objects}
+\code{prj_linear_solver} objects}
 \item{\code{test_definition}}{\code{.prj} \code{test_definition} tag. \code{value} must be list of
-\code{r2ogs6_vtkdiff} objects}
+\code{prj_vtkdiff} objects}
 \item{\code{insitu}}{\code{.prj} \code{insitu} tag. \code{value} must be
-\code{r2ogs6_insitu} object}
+\code{prj_insitu} object}
 \item{\code{pvds}}{\code{.pvd}s. \code{value} must be list of \code{OGS6_pvd} objects}
@@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ Adds a .prj simulation component
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="arguments">}}
-\item{\code{x}}{An object of any .prj `r2ogs6` class}
+\item{\code{x}}{An object of any .prj `prj` class}
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r example copy">}}
 \preformatted{ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path")
-ogs6_obj$add(r2ogs6_parameter$new(name = "foo", type = "bar"))
+ogs6_obj$add(prj_parameter$new(name = "foo", type = "bar"))
diff --git a/man/OGS6_Chain.Rd b/man/OGS6_Chain.Rd
index 27266e5..ce8ffed 100644
--- a/man/OGS6_Chain.Rd
+++ b/man/OGS6_Chain.Rd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Constructor for the OGS6_Chain base class
 \subsection{Public methods}{
 \item \href{#method-new}{\code{OGS6_Chain$new()}}
-\item \href{#method-ogs_run_simulation}{\code{OGS6_Chain$ogs_run_simulation()}}
+\item \href{#method-ogs6_run_simulation}{\code{OGS6_Chain$ogs6_run_simulation()}}
 \item \href{#method-print_log}{\code{OGS6_Chain$print_log()}}
 \item \href{#method-clone}{\code{OGS6_Chain$clone()}}
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Creates new OGS6_Chain object
-\if{html}{\out{<a id="method-ogs_run_simulation"></a>}}
-\subsection{Method \code{ogs_run_simulation()}}{
-Runs the simulation. This calls r2ogs6::ogs_run_simulation() internally.
+\if{html}{\out{<a id="method-ogs6_run_simulation"></a>}}
+\subsection{Method \code{ogs6_run_simulation()}}{
+Runs the simulation. This calls r2ogs6::ogs6_run_simulation() internally.
 For chains, output will be written to logfiles.
-\if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{OGS6_Chain$ogs_run_simulation()}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
+\if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{OGS6_Chain$ogs6_run_simulation()}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
diff --git a/man/OGS6_Ensemble.Rd b/man/OGS6_Ensemble.Rd
index 15b77c3..746a402 100644
--- a/man/OGS6_Ensemble.Rd
+++ b/man/OGS6_Ensemble.Rd
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Overrides default printing behaviour
 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-run_simulation"></a>}}
 \subsection{Method \code{run_simulation()}}{
-Runs the simulation. This calls r2ogs6::ogs_run_simulation()
+Runs the simulation. This calls r2ogs6::ogs6_run_simulation()
 internally. For ensembles, output will always be written to logfiles.
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{OGS6_Ensemble$run_simulation(parallel = FALSE, verbose = F)}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
diff --git a/man/OGS6_pvd.Rd b/man/OGS6_pvd.Rd
index 182a0a5..9427f76 100644
--- a/man/OGS6_pvd.Rd
+++ b/man/OGS6_pvd.Rd
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ Constructor for the OGS6_pvd base class
 \item{\code{vtu_paths}}{Getter for `datasets` `file`}
-\item{\code{abs_vtu_paths}}{Gets absolute .vtu paths, e.g. `dirname(pvd_path)` + `datasets` `file`}
+\item{\code{abs_vtu_paths}}{Gets absolute .vtu paths, e.g. `dirname(pvd_path)` + `datasets`
 \item{\code{last_timestep}}{Gets last timestep}
-\item{\code{timesteps}}{Gets timesteps from private parameter '.datasets'}
+\item{\code{timesteps}}{Gets timesteps from private parameter `datasets`}
-\item{\code{OGS6_vtus}}{Getter for private parameter '.OGS6_vtus'}
+\item{\code{OGS6_vtus}}{Getter for private parameter `.OGS6_vtus`}
diff --git a/man/OGS6_vtu.Rd b/man/OGS6_vtu.Rd
index 4cebb21..fb9077c 100644
--- a/man/OGS6_vtu.Rd
+++ b/man/OGS6_vtu.Rd
@@ -4,32 +4,32 @@
-Constructor for the OGS6_vtu base class
+Constructor for the `OGS6_vtu` base class
 \section{Active bindings}{
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r6-active-bindings">}}
-\item{\code{vtu_path}}{Getter for private parameter '.vtu_path'}
+\item{\code{vtu_path}}{Getter for private parameter `.vtu_path`}
-\item{\code{number_of_points}}{Getter for NumberOfPoints parameter of '.vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{number_of_points}}{Getter for NumberOfPoints parameter of `.vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{number_of_cells}}{Getter for NumberOfCells parameter of '.vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{number_of_cells}}{Getter for NumberOfCells parameter of `.vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{points}}{Getter for Points parameter of '.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{points}}{Getter for Points parameter of `.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{cells}}{Getter for Cells parameter of '.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{cells}}{Getter for Cells parameter of `.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{field_data}}{Getter for FieldData parameter of '.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{field_data}}{Getter for FieldData parameter of `.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{point_data}}{Getter for PointData parameter of '.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{point_data}}{Getter for PointData parameter of `.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{cell_data}}{Getter for CellData parameter of '.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{cell_data}}{Getter for CellData parameter of `.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{vtkPointLocator}}{Getter for private parameter '.vtkPointLocator'}
+\item{\code{vtkPointLocator}}{Getter for private parameter `.vtkPointLocator`}
-\item{\code{vtkUnstructuredGrid}}{Access to private parameter '.vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{vtkUnstructuredGrid}}{Access to private parameter `.vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
-\item{\code{dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid}}{Getter for private parameter '.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid'}
+\item{\code{dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid}}{Getter for private parameter `.dsa_vtkUnstructuredGrid`}
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Constructor for the OGS6_vtu base class
 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-new"></a>}}
 \subsection{Method \code{new()}}{
-Creates new OGS6_vtu object
+Creates new OGS6_vtu object.
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{OGS6_vtu$new(vtu_path)}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Creates new OGS6_vtu object
 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-print"></a>}}
 \subsection{Method \code{print()}}{
-Overrides default printing behaviour
+Overrides default printing behaviour.
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{OGS6_vtu$print()}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
@@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ Gets FieldData.
 \if{html}{\out{<div class="arguments">}}
 \item{\code{keys}}{character: Optional: `Name` attributes of `DataArray`
-elements, defaults to all in `FieldData`}
+elements, defaults to all in `FieldData`.}
-list: List of format list(value_a = 1, value_b = 2), where the
-names reference the `Name` attributes of the `DataArray` elements
+A list of format list(value_a = 1, value_b = 2), where
+the names reference the `Name` attributes of the `DataArray`
@@ -112,8 +113,9 @@ Gets coordinates of specific points by their IDs.
-If `point_ids` is a number, a coordinate array. If `point_ids`
-is a numeric vector with length > 1, a list of coordinate arrays.
+If `point_ids` is a number, a coordinate array. If
+point_ids` is a numeric vector with length > 1, a list of coordinate
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ elements, defaults to all in `PointData`}
-tibble: Tibble where each row represents a point.
+A tibble::tibble where each row represents a point.
@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ elements, defaults to all in `CellData`}
-tibble: Tibble where each row represents a cell.
+A tibble::tibble where each row represents a cell.
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R
index 4595951..8972a9a 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     type = "1U",
-    flow_and_temperature_control = r2ogs6_flow_and_temperature_control(
+    flow_and_temperature_control = prj_flow_and_temperature_control(
         type = "TemperatureCurveConstantFlow",
         flow_rate = 2e-04,
         temperature_curve = "inflow_temperature"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ r2ogs6_borehole_heat_exchanger(
         heat_capacity = "1735.160",
         thermal_conductivity = "0.806"
-    pipes = r2ogs6_pipes(
+    pipes = prj_pipes(
         longitudinal_dispersion_length = 0.001,
         inlet = list(
             diameter = " 0.013665",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_boundary_condition.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_boundary_condition.R
index f64d1c2..314556f 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_boundary_condition.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_boundary_condition.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "Neumann",
     parameter = "flux_in",
     geometrical_set = "cube_1x1x1_geometry",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_capillary_pressure.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_capillary_pressure.R
index 0e4a0a0..b676262 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_capillary_pressure.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_capillary_pressure.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "vanGenuchten",
     pd = 2e+06,
     sr = 0.4,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_chemical_system.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_chemical_system.R
index 72427ae..68cfe7d 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_chemical_system.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_chemical_system.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     chemical_solver = "Phreeqc",
     database = "PSINA_12_07_110615_DAV_s.dat",
-    solution = r2ogs6_solution(
+    solution = prj_solution(
         temperature = 25,
         pressure = 1,
         pe = 4,
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ r2ogs6_chemical_system(
         scaling = "0"
     equilibrium_reactants = list(
-        phase_component = r2ogs6_phase_component(
+        phase_component = prj_phase_component(
             name = "Calcite",
             saturation_index = 0,
             initial_amount = 0.000207
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_com_property.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_com_property.R
index 31b57e3..3bfa006 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_com_property.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_com_property.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-r2ogs6_com_property(name = "molecular_diffusion",
+prj_com_property(name = "molecular_diffusion",
                     type = "Constant",
                     value = 2e-09)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_component.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_component.R
index ee35ed0..49a2987 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_component.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_component.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     name = "concentration",
     properties = list(
-        property = r2ogs6_com_property(name = "molecular_diffusion",
+        property = prj_com_property(name = "molecular_diffusion",
                                        type = "Constant",
                                        value = 2e-09)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_constitutive_relation.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_constitutive_relation.R
index 206d6fa..95148a2 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_constitutive_relation.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_constitutive_relation.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
     youngs_modulus = "E",
     poissons_ratio = "nu"
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_convergence_criterion.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_convergence_criterion.R
index f34fbdd..8993abf 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_convergence_criterion.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_convergence_criterion.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "DeltaX",
     norm_type = "INFINITY_N",
     abstol = 1e-08,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_curve.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_curve.R
index 26f166a..92c1d7e 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_curve.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_curve.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-r2ogs6_curve(name = "Dirichlet_temporal",
+prj_curve(name = "Dirichlet_temporal",
              coords = "0 3",
              values = "200 200")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_deactivated_subdomain.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_deactivated_subdomain.R
index e67be0a..b47d693 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_deactivated_subdomain.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_deactivated_subdomain.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-r2ogs6_deactivated_subdomain(time_interval = list(start = "0",
+prj_deactivated_subdomain(time_interval = list(start = "0",
                                                   end = "1"),
                              material_ids = 1)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_eigen.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_eigen.R
index 29aa95b..ce08189 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_eigen.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_eigen.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     solver_type = "BiCGSTAB",
     precon_type = "ILUT",
     max_iteration_step = 10000,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_flow_and_temperature_control.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_flow_and_temperature_control.R
index ee98437..b1d9e60 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_flow_and_temperature_control.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_flow_and_temperature_control.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "TemperatureCurveConstantFlow",
     flow_rate = 2e-04,
     temperature_curve = "inflow_temperature"
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_fluid.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_fluid.R
index 4805e54..a044263 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_fluid.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_fluid.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     liquid_density = list(type = "Constant",
                           value = " 1.e3 "),
     gas_density = list(type = "IdealGasLaw",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_model.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_model.R
index 2e6c88c..3e1eb54 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_model.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_model.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-r2ogs6_fracture_model(type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
+prj_fracture_model(type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
                       normal_stiffness = "Kn",
                       shear_stiffness = "Ks",
                       penalty_aperture_cutoff = 1e-05,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_properties.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_properties.R
index 9c8c9a9..eb40a43 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_properties.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_fracture_properties.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     material_id = 0,
     initial_aperture = "aperture0",
     specific_storage = "S_f",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_global_process_coupling.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_global_process_coupling.R
index 9ae65ef..f917a55 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_global_process_coupling.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_global_process_coupling.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     max_iter = 100,
     convergence_criteria = list(
-        convergence_criterion = r2ogs6_convergence_criterion(
+        convergence_criterion = prj_convergence_criterion(
             type = "DeltaX",
             norm_type = "INFINITY_N",
             abstol = 1e-08,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_insitu.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_insitu.R
index 83ac5fd..d2c4430 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_insitu.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_insitu.R
@@ -1 +1 @@
-r2ogs6_insitu(scripts = c(script = ""))
+prj_insitu(scripts = c(script = ""))
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_jacobian_assembler.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_jacobian_assembler.R
index a1b80a2..0e068f0 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_jacobian_assembler.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_jacobian_assembler.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "CentralDifferences",
     component_magnitudes = 1,
     relative_epsilons = 1e-08
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_kinetic_reactant.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_kinetic_reactant.R
index 0a8e9cd..666fd91 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_kinetic_reactant.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_kinetic_reactant.R
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-r2ogs6_kinetic_reactant(name = "Productc",
+prj_kinetic_reactant(name = "Productc",
                         initial_amount = 1e-06)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_linear_solver.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_linear_solver.R
index e02ee09..42dceae 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_linear_solver.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_linear_solver.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     name = "general_linear_solver",
-    eigen = r2ogs6_eigen(
+    eigen = prj_eigen(
         solver_type = "BiCGSTAB",
         precon_type = "ILUT",
         max_iteration_step = 10000,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_local_coordinate_system.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_local_coordinate_system.R
index b2bb3f6..c64d86e 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_local_coordinate_system.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_local_coordinate_system.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-r2ogs6_local_coordinate_system(basis_vector_0 = "e0",
+prj_local_coordinate_system(basis_vector_0 = "e0",
                                basis_vector_1 = "e1",
                                basis_vector_2 = "e2")
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_material_property.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_material_property.R
index 744ea51..932d67b 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_material_property.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_material_property.R
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    fluid = r2ogs6_fluid(
+    fluid = prj_fluid(
         liquid_density = list(type = "Constant",
                               value = " 1.e3 "),
         gas_density = list(type = "IdealGasLaw",
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ r2ogs6_material_property(
                              value = " 2.8539e-13 ")
     porous_medium = list(
-        porous_medium = r2ogs6_porous_medium(
+        porous_medium = prj_porous_medium(
             id = 0,
             permeability = list(permeability_tensor_entries = "kappa1",
                                 type = "Constant"),
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ r2ogs6_material_property(
                             porosity_parameter = "constant_porosity_parameter"),
             storage = list(type = "Constant",
                            value = " 0.0 "),
-            capillary_pressure = r2ogs6_capillary_pressure(
+            capillary_pressure = prj_capillary_pressure(
                 type = "vanGenuchten",
                 pd = 2e+06,
                 sr = 0.4,
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ r2ogs6_material_property(
                 has_regularized = "true"
             relative_permeability = list(
-                relative_permeability = r2ogs6_relative_permeability(
+                relative_permeability = prj_relative_permeability(
                     type = "NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten",
                     sr = 0,
                     smax = 0.6,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_medium.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_medium.R
index 46f3444..40bae6b 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_medium.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_medium.R
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
     phases = list(
-        phase = r2ogs6_phase(
+        phase = prj_phase(
             type = "Gas",
             properties = list(
-                property = r2ogs6_ph_property(name = "viscosity",
+                property = prj_ph_property(name = "viscosity",
                                               type = "Constant",
                                               value = 1e-05)
-        phase = r2ogs6_phase(
+        phase = prj_phase(
             type = "Solid",
             properties = list(
-                property = r2ogs6_ph_property(name = "porosity",
+                property = prj_ph_property(name = "porosity",
                                               type = "Constant",
                                               value = 0.3)
     properties = list(
-        property = r2ogs6_pr_property(name = "reference_temperature",
+        property = prj_pr_property(name = "reference_temperature",
                                       type = "Constant",
                                       value = 293.15)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_nonlinear_solver.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_nonlinear_solver.R
index 2e1e62a..1e21e74 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_nonlinear_solver.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_nonlinear_solver.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     name = "basic_newton",
     type = "Newton",
     max_iter = 50,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_output.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_output.R
index ff4d8ec..fca911b 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_output.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_output.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "VTK",
     prefix = "flow_free_expansion",
     variables = list(
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_parameter.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_parameter.R
index 5265994..131671e 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_parameter.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_parameter.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-r2ogs6_parameter(name = "zero",
+prj_parameter(name = "zero",
                  type = "Constant",
                  value = 0)
-r2ogs6_parameter(name = "flux_in",
+prj_parameter(name = "flux_in",
                  type = "Constant",
                  value = 1e-04)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_ph_property.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_ph_property.R
index a400332..c3db218 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_ph_property.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_ph_property.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-r2ogs6_ph_property(name = "porosity",
+prj_ph_property(name = "porosity",
                    type = "Constant",
                    value = 0.3)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_phase.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_phase.R
index 9e5bebb..c91af32 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_phase.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_phase.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     type = "Solid",
     properties = list(
-        property = r2ogs6_ph_property(name = "porosity",
+        property = prj_ph_property(name = "porosity",
                                       type = "Constant",
                                       value = 0.3)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_phase_component.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_phase_component.R
index 6177a8b..57f1b8c 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_phase_component.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_phase_component.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     name = "Calcite",
     saturation_index = 0,
     initial_amount = 0.000207
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_phasefield_parameters.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_phasefield_parameters.R
index d70227d..7f1857c 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_phasefield_parameters.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_phasefield_parameters.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     residual_stiffness = "k",
     crack_resistance = "gc",
     crack_length_scale = "ls",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_pipes.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_pipes.R
index ae6fd21..6f5baf7 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_pipes.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_pipes.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     longitudinal_dispersion_length = 0.001,
     inlet = list(
         diameter = " 0.013665",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_porous_medium.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_porous_medium.R
index 0adf4d7..2a1abc3 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_porous_medium.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_porous_medium.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     id = 0,
     permeability = list(permeability_tensor_entries = "kappa1",
                         type = "Constant"),
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ r2ogs6_porous_medium(
                     porosity_parameter = "constant_porosity_parameter"),
     storage = list(type = "Constant",
                    value = " 0.0 "),
-    capillary_pressure = r2ogs6_capillary_pressure(
+    capillary_pressure = prj_capillary_pressure(
         type = "vanGenuchten",
         pd = 2e+06,
         sr = 0.4,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ r2ogs6_porous_medium(
         has_regularized = "true"
     relative_permeability = list(
-        relative_permeability = r2ogs6_relative_permeability(
+        relative_permeability = prj_relative_permeability(
             type = "NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten",
             sr = 0,
             smax = 0.6,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_pr_property.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_pr_property.R
index 341bc10..fa64494 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_pr_property.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_pr_property.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-r2ogs6_pr_property(name = "reference_temperature",
+prj_pr_property(name = "reference_temperature",
                    type = "Constant",
                    value = 293.15)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_process.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_process.R
index c615361..e8d5481 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_process.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_process.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     name = "HM",
     type = "HYDRO_MECHANICS",
     integration_order = 3,
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ r2ogs6_process(
     specific_body_force = c(0, 0, 0),
     dimension = 3,
-    constitutive_relation = r2ogs6_constitutive_relation(
+    constitutive_relation = prj_constitutive_relation(
         type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
         youngs_modulus = "E",
         poissons_ratio = "nu"
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_process_variable.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_process_variable.R
index 8aecaea..e27da5f 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_process_variable.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_process_variable.R
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
     name = "pressure",
     components = 1,
     order = 1,
     initial_condition = "pressure0",
     boundary_conditions = list(
-        boundary_condition = r2ogs6_boundary_condition(
+        boundary_condition = prj_boundary_condition(
             type = "Neumann",
             parameter = "flux_in",
             geometrical_set = "cube_1x1x1_geometry",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_rate.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_rate.R
index d9d9fcf..7f9fa12 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_rate.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_rate.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     kinetic_reactant = "Productc",
     expression = list(
         statement = "Km = 10",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_relative_permeability.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_relative_permeability.R
index 5353636..cf9fff6 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_relative_permeability.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_relative_permeability.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten",
     sr = 0,
     smax = 0.6,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_search_length_algorithm.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_search_length_algorithm.R
index 971cec4..1cae9de 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_search_length_algorithm.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_search_length_algorithm.R
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-r2ogs6_search_length_algorithm(type = "fixed",
+prj_search_length_algorithm(type = "fixed",
                                value = 1e-06)
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_solution.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_solution.R
index 58076b7..1f4e8fd 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_solution.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_solution.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     temperature = 25,
     pressure = 1,
     pe = 4,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_source_term.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_source_term.R
index 3113b84..fdc8e2c 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_source_term.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_source_term.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "Nodal",
     parameter = "sourceterm_heat_transfer_coefficient",
     geometrical_set = "geometry",
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_time_loop.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_time_loop.R
index 8befb8e..35cbcfb 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_time_loop.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_time_loop.R
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
     processes = list(
-        process = r2ogs6_tl_process(
+        process = prj_tl_process(
             ref = "HM",
             nonlinear_solver = "basic_newton",
-            convergence_criterion = r2ogs6_convergence_criterion(
+            convergence_criterion = prj_convergence_criterion(
                 type = "DeltaX",
                 norm_type = "NORM2",
                 reltol = 1e-08
             time_discretization = list(type = "BackwardEuler"),
-            time_stepping = r2ogs6_time_stepping(
+            time_stepping = prj_time_stepping(
                 type = "FixedTimeStepping",
                 t_initial = 0,
                 t_end = 10000,
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ r2ogs6_time_loop(
-    output = r2ogs6_output(
+    output = prj_output(
         type = "VTK",
         prefix = "flow_free_expansion",
         variables = list(
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_time_stepping.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_time_stepping.R
index 5c9a10f..084a5ea 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_time_stepping.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_time_stepping.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     type = "FixedTimeStepping",
     t_initial = 0,
     t_end = 10000,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_tl_process.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_tl_process.R
index 5a9cf5e..0e78559 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_tl_process.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_tl_process.R
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
     ref = "HM",
     nonlinear_solver = "basic_newton",
-    convergence_criterion = r2ogs6_convergence_criterion(
+    convergence_criterion = prj_convergence_criterion(
         type = "DeltaX",
         norm_type = "NORM2",
         reltol = 1e-08
     time_discretization = list(type = "BackwardEuler"),
-    time_stepping = r2ogs6_time_stepping(
+    time_stepping = prj_time_stepping(
         type = "FixedTimeStepping",
         t_initial = 0,
         t_end = 10000,
diff --git a/man/examples/ex_prj_vtkdiff.R b/man/examples/ex_prj_vtkdiff.R
index 8029098..9d3c05f 100644
--- a/man/examples/ex_prj_vtkdiff.R
+++ b/man/examples/ex_prj_vtkdiff.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-r2ogs6_vtkdiff(field = "displacement",
+prj_vtkdiff(field = "displacement",
                absolute_tolerance = 1e-15,
                relative_tolerance = 0,
                regex = "gravity_pcs_0_ts_.*_t_.*.vtu")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/man/get_benchmark_paths.Rd b/man/get_benchmark_paths.Rd
index af0609c..112419d 100644
--- a/man/get_benchmark_paths.Rd
+++ b/man/get_benchmark_paths.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
-\item{ogs_processlib_path}{string: Path to OpenGeoSys 6 ProcessLib folder
+\item{ogs6_processlib_path}{string: Path to OpenGeoSys 6 ProcessLib folder
 which contains relevant Tests.cmake files}
diff --git a/man/get_prj_top_level_tags.Rd b/man/get_prj_top_level_tags.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c8ea40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_prj_top_level_tags.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
+list: List of lists.
+Gets top level .prj tags along with info if they are required.
diff --git a/man/get_tag_from_class.Rd b/man/get_tag_from_class.Rd
index 6e4c93d..e546c8a 100644
--- a/man/get_tag_from_class.Rd
+++ b/man/get_tag_from_class.Rd
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ string: The tag name corresponding to \code{class_name}
 Utility function, returns the tag name of a r2ogs6 class
-  get_tag_from_class("r2ogs6_process")
+  get_tag_from_class("prj_process")
diff --git a/man/node_to_object.Rd b/man/node_to_object.Rd
index 141f78e..3a44763 100644
--- a/man/node_to_object.Rd
+++ b/man/node_to_object.Rd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ node_to_object(xml_node, xpath = "")
 Returns representation of an XML node. This is a recursive
-1) Leaf nodes will never be r2ogs6_* objects
+1) Leaf nodes will never be prj_* objects
 2) Wrapper nodes are represented as lists
 3) Parent nodes whose children have no children are represented as lists
diff --git a/man/node_to_prj_class_object.Rd b/man/node_to_prj_class_object.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e92a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/node_to_prj_class_object.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/read_in_utils.R
+node_to_prj_class_object(xml_node, xpath)
+\item{xml_node}{xml2::xml_node: XML node}
+\item{xpath}{string: XPath expression (for subclass differentiation)}
+Takes an XML node and turns it into a class object
diff --git a/man/ogs6_call_ogs6.Rd b/man/ogs6_call_ogs6.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab4c915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_call_ogs6.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/sim_utils.R
+ogs6_call_ogs6(ogs6_obj, write_logfile = TRUE, ogs6_bin_path, verbose = F)
+\item{ogs6_obj}{OGS6: Simulation object}
+\item{write_logfile}{flag: Should output be written to a logfile? If
+\code{FALSE}, output will be written to console. If \code{TRUE}, logfile
+directory will be created in \code{ogs6$sim_path} directory}
+\item{ogs6_bin_path}{string: Optional: OpenGeoSys 6 bin folder path. Defaults
+to \code{options("r2ogs6.default_ogs6_bin_path")}}
+Makes system call to OpenGeoSys 6 and retrieves exit code.
diff --git a/man/ogs6_export_sim_files.Rd b/man/ogs6_export_sim_files.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28d6294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_export_sim_files.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/sim_utils.R
+ogs6_export_sim_files(ogs6_obj, test_mode = FALSE)
+\item{ogs6_obj}{OGS6: Simulation object}
+\item{test_mode}{flag: If \code{TRUE}, Will not check status of
+\code{ogs6_obj} before exporting files. Defaults to \code{FALSE}}
+Creates \code{ogs6$sim_path} directory if it does not exist yet
+  and exports and / or copies all simulation files to it.
diff --git a/man/ogs6_generate_benchmark_script.Rd b/man/ogs6_generate_benchmark_script.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f2ea5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_generate_benchmark_script.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/generate_benchmark_script.R
+  prj_path,
+  sim_path,
+  ogs6_bin_path,
+  script_path,
+  read_in_gml,
+  read_in_vtu = FALSE
+\item{prj_path}{string: \code{.prj} file the script will be based on}
+\item{sim_path}{string: Path where all simulation files will be saved}
+\item{ogs6_bin_path}{string: OpenGeoSys bin folder path}
+\item{script_path}{string: Path where benchmark script will be saved}
+\item{read_in_gml}{flag: Optional: Should \code{.gml} file just be copied or
+read in too?}
+\item{read_in_vtu}{flag: Optional: Should \code{.vtu} file(s) just be copied
+or read in too?}
+Generates a benchmark script from an existing \code{.prj} file.
diff --git a/man/ogs6_generate_structured_mesh.Rd b/man/ogs6_generate_structured_mesh.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40166ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_generate_structured_mesh.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ogs6_vtu.R
+ogs6_generate_structured_mesh(args_str, ogs6_bin_path)
+\item{args_str}{string: The arguments the script will be called with}
+\item{ogs6_bin_path}{string: Optional: Path to OpenGeoSys6 bin folder.
+Defaults to options("r2ogs6.default_ogs6_bin_path")}
+string: .vtu file path
+Wrapper function to call generateStructuredMesh.exe
+  (VTK mesh generator). For full documentation see
diff --git a/man/ogs6_get_combinations.Rd b/man/ogs6_get_combinations.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bec1b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_get_combinations.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ogs6_ensemble.R
+Gets possible combinations from supplied vectors
diff --git a/man/ogs6_get_medium_property.Rd b/man/ogs6_get_medium_property.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7793a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_get_medium_property.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+ogs6_get_medium_property(medium, name)
+\item{name}{string: The property name}
+Returns a medium property based on the property name
diff --git a/man/ogs6_read_output_files.Rd b/man/ogs6_read_output_files.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9386a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_read_output_files.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/sim_utils.R
+\item{ogs6_obj}{OGS6: Simulation object}
+Read in generated \code{.pvd} files and add it to ogs6_obj
diff --git a/man/ogs6_run_simulation.Rd b/man/ogs6_run_simulation.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7ec431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ogs6_run_simulation.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/sim_utils.R
+ogs6_run_simulation(ogs6_obj, write_logfile = TRUE, ogs6_bin_path, verbose = F)
+\item{ogs6_obj}{OGS6: Simulation object}
+\item{write_logfile}{flag: Should output be written to a logfile? If
+\code{FALSE}, output will be written to console. If \code{TRUE}, logfile
+directory will be created in \code{ogs6$sim_path} directory}
+\item{ogs6_bin_path}{string: Optional: OpenGeoSys 6 bin folder path. Defaults
+to \code{options("r2ogs6.default_ogs6_bin_path")}}
+Wrapper function that calls \code{ogs6_export_sim_files()},
+  \code{ogs6_call_ogs6()} and \code{ogs6_read_output_files()}.
diff --git a/man/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.Rd b/man/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d13a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R
+  type,
+  flow_and_temperature_control,
+  borehole,
+  grout,
+  pipes,
+  refrigerant,
+  use_bhe_pipe_network = NULL
+\item{use_bhe_pipe_network}{Optional: string ("true" | "false"):}
+tag: borehole_heat_exchanger
+    type = "1U",
+    flow_and_temperature_control = prj_flow_and_temperature_control(
+        type = "TemperatureCurveConstantFlow",
+        flow_rate = 2e-04,
+        temperature_curve = "inflow_temperature"
+    ),
+    borehole = list(length = "18.0",
+                    diameter = "0.13"),
+    grout = list(
+        density = "2190.0",
+        porosity = "0.0",
+        heat_capacity = "1735.160",
+        thermal_conductivity = "0.806"
+    ),
+    pipes = prj_pipes(
+        longitudinal_dispersion_length = 0.001,
+        inlet = list(
+            diameter = " 0.013665",
+            wall_thickness = "0.003035",
+            wall_thermal_conductivity = "0.39"
+        ),
+        outlet = list(
+            diameter = "0.013665",
+            wall_thickness = "0.003035",
+            wall_thermal_conductivity = "0.39"
+        ),
+        distance_between_pipes = 0.053
+    ),
+    refrigerant = list(
+        density = "992.92",
+        viscosity = "0.00067418",
+        specific_heat_capacity = "4068",
+        thermal_conductivity = "0.62863",
+        reference_temperature = "298.15"
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_boundary_condition.Rd b/man/prj_boundary_condition.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a60e5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_boundary_condition.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process_variable.R
+  type,
+  parameter = NULL,
+  geometrical_set = NULL,
+  geometry = NULL,
+  component = NULL,
+  mesh = NULL,
+  alpha = NULL,
+  u_0 = NULL,
+  constraint_type = NULL,
+  constraining_process_variable = NULL,
+  constraint_threshold = NULL,
+  constraint_direction = NULL,
+  area_parameter = NULL,
+  bc_object = NULL,
+  flush_stdout = NULL,
+  property_name = NULL,
+  initial_value_parameter = NULL,
+  constant_name = NULL,
+  coefficient_current_variable_name = NULL,
+  coefficient_other_variable_name = NULL,
+  coefficient_mixed_variables_name = NULL,
+  threshold_parameter = NULL,
+  comparison_operator = NULL,
+  time_interval = NULL
+\item{geometrical_set}{Optional: string:}
+\item{geometry}{Optional: string:}
+\item{component}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{mesh}{Optional: string:}
+\item{alpha}{Optional: string:}
+\item{u_0}{Optional: string:}
+\item{constraint_type}{Optional: string:}
+\item{constraining_process_variable}{Optional: string:}
+\item{constraint_threshold}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{constraint_direction}{Optional: string:}
+\item{area_parameter}{Optional: string:}
+\item{bc_object}{Optional: string:}
+\item{flush_stdout}{Optional: string:}
+\item{property_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{initial_value_parameter}{Optional: string:}
+\item{constant_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{coefficient_current_variable_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{coefficient_other_variable_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{coefficient_mixed_variables_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{threshold_parameter}{Optional: string:}
+\item{comparison_operator}{Optional: string:}
+\item{time_interval}{Optional: list of 2, character:}
+tag: boundary_condition
+    type = "Neumann",
+    parameter = "flux_in",
+    geometrical_set = "cube_1x1x1_geometry",
+    geometry = "left",
+    component = 0
diff --git a/man/prj_capillary_pressure.Rd b/man/prj_capillary_pressure.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8618b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_capillary_pressure.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_porous_medium.R
+  type,
+  pd = NULL,
+  sr = NULL,
+  smax = NULL,
+  m = NULL,
+  pc_max = NULL,
+  has_regularized = NULL,
+  curve = NULL
+\item{pd}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{sr}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{smax}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{m}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{pc_max}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{has_regularized}{Optional: string, "true" | "false":}
+\item{curve}{Optional: list:}
+tag: capillary_pressure
+    type = "vanGenuchten",
+    pd = 2e+06,
+    sr = 0.4,
+    smax = 1,
+    m = 0.3288590604,
+    pc_max = 2e+07,
+    has_regularized = "true"
diff --git a/man/prj_chemical_system.Rd b/man/prj_chemical_system.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbd563b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_chemical_system.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_chemical_system.R
+  chemical_solver,
+  database,
+  solution,
+  mesh = NULL,
+  knobs = NULL,
+  kinetic_reactants = NULL,
+  rates = NULL,
+  equilibrium_reactants = NULL,
+  surface = NULL,
+  user_punch = NULL
+\item{mesh}{Optional: string:}
+\item{knobs}{Optional: list:}
+\item{kinetic_reactants}{Optional: list, prj_kinetic_reactant:}
+\item{rates}{Optional: list, prj_rate:}
+\item{equilibrium_reactants}{Optional: list, prj_phase_component:}
+tag: chemical_system
+    chemical_solver = "Phreeqc",
+    database = "PSINA_12_07_110615_DAV_s.dat",
+    solution = prj_solution(
+        temperature = 25,
+        pressure = 1,
+        pe = 4,
+        components = list(
+            component = "C(4)",
+            component = "Ca"
+        ),
+        charge_balance = "pH"
+    ),
+    mesh = "calcite_ReactiveDomain",
+    knobs = list(
+        max_iter = "100",
+        relative_convergence_tolerance = "1e-12",
+        tolerance = "1e-15",
+        step_size = "100",
+        scaling = "0"
+    ),
+    equilibrium_reactants = list(
+        phase_component = prj_phase_component(
+            name = "Calcite",
+            saturation_index = 0,
+            initial_amount = 0.000207
+        )
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_com_property.Rd b/man/prj_com_property.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21bb8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_com_property.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+prj_com_property(name, type, value = NULL, parameter_name = NULL)
+\item{name}{string: Property name}
+\item{type}{string: Property type}
+\item{value}{Optional: string | double: ...}
+tag: property
+prj_com_property(name = "molecular_diffusion",
+                    type = "Constant",
+                    value = 2e-09)
diff --git a/man/prj_component.Rd b/man/prj_component.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..727376b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_component.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+prj_component(name, properties)
+\item{properties}{list, prj_com_property:}
+tag: component
+    name = "concentration",
+    properties = list(
+        property = prj_com_property(name = "molecular_diffusion",
+                                       type = "Constant",
+                                       value = 2e-09)
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_constitutive_relation.Rd b/man/prj_constitutive_relation.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b3af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_constitutive_relation.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process.R
+  type,
+  id = NULL,
+  youngs_modulus = NULL,
+  poissons_ratio = NULL,
+  nonlinear_solver = NULL,
+  behaviour = NULL,
+  material_properties = NULL,
+  shear_modulus = NULL,
+  bulk_modulus = NULL,
+  kappa = NULL,
+  beta = NULL,
+  gamma = NULL,
+  hardening_modulus = NULL,
+  alpha = NULL,
+  delta = NULL,
+  eps = NULL,
+  m = NULL,
+  alphap = NULL,
+  deltap = NULL,
+  epsp = NULL,
+  mp = NULL,
+  betap = NULL,
+  gammap = NULL,
+  tangent_type = NULL,
+  damage_properties = NULL,
+  youngs_moduli = NULL,
+  shear_moduli = NULL,
+  poissons_ratios = NULL,
+  a = NULL,
+  n = NULL,
+  sigma0 = NULL,
+  q = NULL,
+  kelvin_shear_modulus = NULL,
+  kelvin_viscosity = NULL,
+  maxwell_shear_modulus = NULL,
+  maxwell_bulk_modulus = NULL,
+  maxwell_viscosity = NULL,
+  dependency_parameter_mk = NULL,
+  dependency_parameter_mvk = NULL,
+  dependency_parameter_mvm = NULL
+tag: constitutive_relation
+    type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
+    youngs_modulus = "E",
+    poissons_ratio = "nu"
diff --git a/man/prj_convergence_criterion.Rd b/man/prj_convergence_criterion.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae2911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_convergence_criterion.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_time_loop.R
+  type,
+  norm_type,
+  abstol = NULL,
+  reltol = NULL,
+  abstols = NULL,
+  reltols = NULL
+\item{type}{string: Type}
+\item{norm_type}{string: ...}
+\item{abstol}{string | double: Absolute tolerance}
+\item{reltol}{string | double: Relative tolerance}
+\item{abstols}{string | numeric: Absolute tolerances}
+\item{reltols}{string | numeric: Relative tolerances}
+tag: convergence_criterion
+    type = "DeltaX",
+    norm_type = "INFINITY_N",
+    abstol = 1e-08,
+    reltol = 1e-10
diff --git a/man/prj_curve.Rd b/man/prj_curve.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaf6f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_curve.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_curve.R
+prj_curve(name, coords, values)
+\item{name}{string: Name of the curve}
+\item{coords}{string | numeric: Coordinates at which the curve's values
+are given}
+\item{values}{string | numeric: Values of the curve at the given coordinates}
+tag: curve, a curve
+prj_curve(name = "Dirichlet_temporal",
+             coords = "0 3",
+             values = "200 200")
diff --git a/man/prj_deactivated_subdomain.Rd b/man/prj_deactivated_subdomain.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6442863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_deactivated_subdomain.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process_variable.R
+prj_deactivated_subdomain(time_interval, material_ids)
+\item{time_interval}{list, numeric:}
+\item{material_ids}{string | double:}
+tag: deactivated_subdomain
+prj_deactivated_subdomain(time_interval = list(start = "0",
+                                                  end = "1"),
+                             material_ids = 1)
diff --git a/man/prj_eigen.Rd b/man/prj_eigen.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da17edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_eigen.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_linear_solver.R
+  solver_type,
+  precon_type = NULL,
+  max_iteration_step = NULL,
+  error_tolerance = NULL,
+  scaling = NULL,
+  restart = NULL
+\item{precon_type}{Optional: string:}
+\item{max_iteration_step}{Optional: string | double: ...}
+\item{error_tolerance}{Optional: string | double: ...}
+\item{scaling}{Optional: string | double: ...}
+\item{restart}{Optional: string | double: ...}
+tag: eigen
+    solver_type = "BiCGSTAB",
+    precon_type = "ILUT",
+    max_iteration_step = 10000,
+    error_tolerance = 1e-16
diff --git a/man/prj_flow_and_temperature_control.Rd b/man/prj_flow_and_temperature_control.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d24e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_flow_and_temperature_control.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R
+  type,
+  flow_rate = NULL,
+  temperature_curve = NULL,
+  power = NULL,
+  power_curve = NULL,
+  flow_rate_curve = NULL
+\item{flow_rate}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{temperature_curve}{Optional: string:}
+\item{power}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{power_curve}{Optional: string:}
+\item{flow_rate_curve}{Optional: string:}
+tag: flow_and_temperature_control
+    type = "TemperatureCurveConstantFlow",
+    flow_rate = 2e-04,
+    temperature_curve = "inflow_temperature"
diff --git a/man/prj_fluid.Rd b/man/prj_fluid.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04b57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_fluid.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_material_property.R
+  liquid_density,
+  gas_density,
+  liquid_viscosity,
+  gas_viscosity,
+  specific_heat_capacity_solid = NULL,
+  specific_heat_capacity_water = NULL,
+  specific_heat_capacity_air = NULL,
+  specific_heat_capacity_water_vapor = NULL,
+  thermal_conductivity_dry_solid = NULL,
+  thermal_conductivity_wet_solid = NULL
+tag: fluid
+    liquid_density = list(type = "Constant",
+                          value = " 1.e3 "),
+    gas_density = list(type = "IdealGasLaw",
+                       molar_mass = " 0.002 "),
+    liquid_viscosity = list(type = "Constant",
+                            value = " 3.171e-11 "),
+    gas_viscosity = list(type = "Constant",
+                         value = " 2.8539e-13 ")
diff --git a/man/prj_fracture_model.Rd b/man/prj_fracture_model.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b2819c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_fracture_model.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process.R
+  type,
+  normal_stiffness,
+  shear_stiffness,
+  penalty_aperture_cutoff,
+  tension_cutoff,
+  fracture_toughness = NULL,
+  peak_normal_traction = NULL,
+  friction_angle = NULL,
+  dilatancy_angle = NULL,
+  cohesion = NULL,
+  nonlinear_solver = NULL
+\item{penalty_aperture_cutoff}{string | double:}
+\item{tension_cutoff}{string | double:}
+\item{fracture_toughness}{Optional: string:}
+\item{peak_normal_traction}{Optional: string:}
+\item{friction_angle}{Optional: string:}
+\item{dilatancy_angle}{Optional: string:}
+\item{cohesion}{Optional: string:}
+\item{nonlinear_solver}{Optional: list:}
+tag: fracture_model
+prj_fracture_model(type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
+                      normal_stiffness = "Kn",
+                      shear_stiffness = "Ks",
+                      penalty_aperture_cutoff = 1e-05,
+                      tension_cutoff = 1)
diff --git a/man/prj_fracture_properties.Rd b/man/prj_fracture_properties.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c7cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_fracture_properties.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process.R
+  material_id,
+  initial_aperture,
+  specific_storage = NULL,
+  biot_coefficient = NULL,
+  permeability_model = NULL
+\item{material_id}{string | double:}
+\item{specific_storage}{Optional: string:}
+\item{biot_coefficient}{Optional: string:}
+\item{permeability_model}{Optional: list:}
+tag: fracture_properties
+    material_id = 0,
+    initial_aperture = "aperture0",
+    specific_storage = "S_f",
+    biot_coefficient = "biot_f",
+    permeability_model = list(type = "CubicLaw")
diff --git a/man/prj_global_process_coupling.Rd b/man/prj_global_process_coupling.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f496725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_global_process_coupling.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_time_loop.R
+prj_global_process_coupling(max_iter, convergence_criteria)
+\item{max_iter}{string | double: Maximal number of iterations}
+\item{convergence_criteria}{list, prj_convergence_criterion:
+Convergence criteria}
+tag: global_process_coupling
+    max_iter = 100,
+    convergence_criteria = list(
+        convergence_criterion = prj_convergence_criterion(
+            type = "DeltaX",
+            norm_type = "INFINITY_N",
+            abstol = 1e-08,
+            reltol = 1e-10
+        )
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_insitu.Rd b/man/prj_insitu.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cfd068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_insitu.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_insitu.R
+\item{scripts}{character: Script names}
+tag: insitu
+prj_insitu(scripts = c(script = ""))
diff --git a/man/prj_jacobian_assembler.Rd b/man/prj_jacobian_assembler.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffd4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_jacobian_assembler.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process.R
+  type,
+  component_magnitudes = NULL,
+  relative_epsilons = NULL
+\item{component_magnitudes}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{relative_epsilons}{Optional: string | double:}
+tag: jacobian_assembler
+    type = "CentralDifferences",
+    component_magnitudes = 1,
+    relative_epsilons = 1e-08
diff --git a/man/prj_kinetic_reactant.Rd b/man/prj_kinetic_reactant.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958dbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_kinetic_reactant.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_chemical_system.R
+  name,
+  initial_amount = NULL,
+  chemical_formula = NULL,
+  fix_amount = NULL
+\item{name}{The component name}
+\item{initial_amount}{The initial amount of the component}
+\item{chemical_formula}{The chemical formula of the component}
+\item{fix_amount}{Should the amount be fixed or not?}
+S3 class describing .prj kinetic_reactant
+prj_kinetic_reactant(name = "Productc",
+                        initial_amount = 1e-06)
diff --git a/man/prj_linear_solver.Rd b/man/prj_linear_solver.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f2c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_linear_solver.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_linear_solver.R
+prj_linear_solver(name, eigen = NULL, lis = NULL, petsc = NULL)
+\item{name}{string: The name of the linear solver}
+\item{eigen}{Optional: list: ...}
+\item{lis}{Optional: string: ...}
+\item{petsc}{Optional: character: ...}
+tag: linear_solver
+    name = "general_linear_solver",
+    eigen = prj_eigen(
+        solver_type = "BiCGSTAB",
+        precon_type = "ILUT",
+        max_iteration_step = 10000,
+        error_tolerance = 1e-16
+    ),
+    lis = "-i bicgstab -p ilu -tol 1e-16 -maxiter 10000"
diff --git a/man/prj_local_coordinate_system.Rd b/man/prj_local_coordinate_system.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c21341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_local_coordinate_system.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_local_coordinate_system.R
+  basis_vector_0,
+  basis_vector_1,
+  basis_vector_2 = NULL
+\item{basis_vector_0}{string | double: A basis vector}
+\item{basis_vector_1}{string | double: A basis vector}
+\item{basis_vector_2}{Optional: string | double: A basis vector}
+tag: local_coordinate_system
+prj_local_coordinate_system(basis_vector_0 = "e0",
+                               basis_vector_1 = "e1",
+                               basis_vector_2 = "e2")
diff --git a/man/prj_material_property.Rd b/man/prj_material_property.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c9bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_material_property.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_material_property.R
+prj_material_property(fluid, porous_medium)
+tag: material_property
+    fluid = prj_fluid(
+        liquid_density = list(type = "Constant",
+                              value = " 1.e3 "),
+        gas_density = list(type = "IdealGasLaw",
+                           molar_mass = " 0.002 "),
+        liquid_viscosity = list(type = "Constant",
+                                value = " 3.171e-11 "),
+        gas_viscosity = list(type = "Constant",
+                             value = " 2.8539e-13 ")
+    ),
+    porous_medium = list(
+        porous_medium = prj_porous_medium(
+            id = 0,
+            permeability = list(permeability_tensor_entries = "kappa1",
+                                type = "Constant"),
+            porosity = list(type = "Constant",
+                            porosity_parameter = "constant_porosity_parameter"),
+            storage = list(type = "Constant",
+                           value = " 0.0 "),
+            capillary_pressure = prj_capillary_pressure(
+                type = "vanGenuchten",
+                pd = 2e+06,
+                sr = 0.4,
+                smax = 1,
+                m = 0.3288590604,
+                pc_max = 2e+07,
+                has_regularized = "true"
+            ),
+            relative_permeability = list(
+                relative_permeability = prj_relative_permeability(
+                    type = "NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten",
+                    sr = 0,
+                    smax = 0.6,
+                    m = 0.3288590604,
+                    krel_min = 0,
+                    id = "0"
+                )
+            )
+        )
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_medium.Rd b/man/prj_medium.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9783a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_medium.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+prj_medium(phases = NULL, properties = NULL, id = NULL)
+\item{phases}{list, prj_phase: Optional: Medium phases}
+\item{properties}{list, prj_pr_property: Optional: Medium properties}
+\item{id}{string | double: Optional: ID corresponding to the MaterialIDs}
+tag: medium, a specific medium with optional id corresponding
+  to the MaterialIDs
+    phases = list(
+        phase = prj_phase(
+            type = "Gas",
+            properties = list(
+                property = prj_ph_property(name = "viscosity",
+                                              type = "Constant",
+                                              value = 1e-05)
+            )
+        ),
+        phase = prj_phase(
+            type = "Solid",
+            properties = list(
+                property = prj_ph_property(name = "porosity",
+                                              type = "Constant",
+                                              value = 0.3)
+            )
+        )
+    ),
+    properties = list(
+        property = prj_pr_property(name = "reference_temperature",
+                                      type = "Constant",
+                                      value = 293.15)
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_nonlinear_solver.Rd b/man/prj_nonlinear_solver.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83390f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_nonlinear_solver.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_nonlinear_solver.R
+prj_nonlinear_solver(name, type, max_iter, linear_solver, damping = NULL)
+\item{name}{string: Name}
+\item{type}{string: Type}
+\item{max_iter}{string | double: Maximal number of iterations}
+\item{linear_solver}{string: Name of corresponding linear_solver}
+\item{damping}{Optional: string | double: Damping}
+tag: nonlinear_solver
+    name = "basic_newton",
+    type = "Newton",
+    max_iter = 50,
+    linear_solver = "general_linear_solver"
diff --git a/man/prj_output.Rd b/man/prj_output.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74c78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_output.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_time_loop.R
+  type,
+  prefix,
+  variables,
+  suffix = NULL,
+  timesteps = NULL,
+  compress_output = NULL,
+  data_mode = NULL,
+  output_iteration_results = NULL,
+  meshes = NULL,
+  fixed_output_times = NULL
+\item{suffix}{Optional: string:}
+\item{compress_output}{Optional: string: Should the output be compressed?
+Either "true" or "false"}
+\item{data_mode}{Optional: string:}
+\item{output_iteration_results}{Optional: string: Either "true" or "false"}
+\item{meshes}{Optional: character: A vector of mesh names}
+\item{fixed_output_times}{Optional: string | numeric:}
+tag: output
+    type = "VTK",
+    prefix = "flow_free_expansion",
+    variables = list(
+        variable = "displacement",
+        variable = "pressure"
+    ),
+    suffix = "_ts_{:timestep}_t_{:time}",
+    timesteps = list(pair = list(1,
+                                 each_steps = 1000))
diff --git a/man/prj_parameter.Rd b/man/prj_parameter.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd5611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_parameter.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_parameter.R
+  name,
+  type,
+  value = NULL,
+  values = NULL,
+  curve = NULL,
+  parameter = NULL,
+  group_id_property = NULL,
+  field_name = NULL,
+  mesh = NULL,
+  time_series = NULL,
+  use_local_coordinate_system = NULL,
+  ...
+\item{value}{Optional: string | double: Parameter value}
+\item{values}{Optional: string | double: Parameter values}
+\item{curve}{Optional: string:}
+\item{parameter}{Optional: string:}
+\item{group_id_property}{Optional: string:}
+\item{field_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{mesh}{Optional: string:}
+\item{time_series}{Optional: list:}
+\item{use_local_coordinate_system}{Optional: string, "true" | "false":}
+\item{...}{Optional: for index_values and expression tags (since there can be
+tag: parameter
+prj_parameter(name = "zero",
+                 type = "Constant",
+                 value = 0)
+prj_parameter(name = "flux_in",
+                 type = "Constant",
+                 value = 1e-04)
diff --git a/man/prj_ph_property.Rd b/man/prj_ph_property.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4377a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_ph_property.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+  name,
+  type,
+  value = NULL,
+  reference_value = NULL,
+  initial_porosity = NULL,
+  minimal_porosity = NULL,
+  maximal_porosity = NULL,
+  parameter_name = NULL,
+  exponents = NULL,
+  offset = NULL,
+  exponent = NULL,
+  swelling_pressures = NULL,
+  lower_saturation_limit = NULL,
+  upper_saturation_limit = NULL,
+  intrinsic_permeabilities = NULL,
+  ...
+\item{name}{string: Property name}
+\item{type}{string: Property type}
+\item{value}{Optional: string | double: ...}
+\item{reference_value}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{initial_porosity}{Optional: string:}
+\item{minimal_porosity}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{maximal_porosity}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{parameter_name}{Optional: string:}
+\item{exponents}{Optional: string | numeric:}
+\item{offset}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{exponent}{Optional: list:}
+\item{swelling_pressures}{Optional: string | numeric:}
+\item{lower_saturation_limit}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{upper_saturation_limit}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{intrinsic_permeabilities}{Optional: string | numeric:}
+tag: property
+prj_ph_property(name = "porosity",
+                   type = "Constant",
+                   value = 0.3)
diff --git a/man/prj_phase.Rd b/man/prj_phase.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7406df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_phase.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+prj_phase(type, properties = NULL, components = NULL)
+\item{type}{string: Phase type
+(get valid types with get_valid_phase_types())}
+\item{properties}{list, prj_pr_property: Properties}
+\item{components}{list, components}
+tag: phase, a coherent material with homogeneous properties
+    type = "Solid",
+    properties = list(
+        property = prj_ph_property(name = "porosity",
+                                      type = "Constant",
+                                      value = 0.3)
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_phase_component.Rd b/man/prj_phase_component.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5306014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_phase_component.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_chemical_system.R
+prj_phase_component(name, saturation_index, initial_amount = NULL)
+\item{name}{The component name}
+\item{saturation_index}{The saturation index of the component}
+\item{initial_amount}{optional: The initial amount of the component}
+S3 class describing .prj phase_component
+    name = "Calcite",
+    saturation_index = 0,
+    initial_amount = 0.000207
diff --git a/man/prj_phasefield_parameters.Rd b/man/prj_phasefield_parameters.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98d927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_phasefield_parameters.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process.R
+  residual_stiffness,
+  crack_resistance,
+  crack_length_scale,
+  kinetic_coefficient,
+  history_field = NULL
+\item{history_field}{Optional: string:}
+tag: phasefield_parameters
+    residual_stiffness = "k",
+    crack_resistance = "gc",
+    crack_length_scale = "ls",
+    kinetic_coefficient = "M",
+    history_field = "H"
diff --git a/man/prj_pipes.Rd b/man/prj_pipes.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9d4287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_pipes.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_borehole_heat_exchanger.R
+  longitudinal_dispersion_length,
+  inlet = NULL,
+  outlet = NULL,
+  distance_between_pipes = NULL,
+  outer = NULL,
+  inner = NULL
+\item{longitudinal_dispersion_length}{string | double:}
+\item{inlet}{Optional: list:}
+\item{outlet}{Optional: list:}
+\item{distance_between_pipes}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{outer}{Optional: list:}
+\item{inner}{Optional: list:}
+tag: pipes
+    longitudinal_dispersion_length = 0.001,
+    inlet = list(
+        diameter = " 0.013665",
+        wall_thickness = "0.003035",
+        wall_thermal_conductivity = "0.39"
+    ),
+    outlet = list(
+        diameter = "0.013665",
+        wall_thickness = "0.003035",
+        wall_thermal_conductivity = "0.39"
+    ),
+    distance_between_pipes = 0.053
diff --git a/man/prj_porous_medium.Rd b/man/prj_porous_medium.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd632cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_porous_medium.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_porous_medium.R
+  id,
+  permeability,
+  porosity,
+  storage,
+  capillary_pressure,
+  relative_permeability
+\item{id}{string | double:}
+tag: porous_medium
+    id = 0,
+    permeability = list(permeability_tensor_entries = "kappa1",
+                        type = "Constant"),
+    porosity = list(type = "Constant",
+                    porosity_parameter = "constant_porosity_parameter"),
+    storage = list(type = "Constant",
+                   value = " 0.0 "),
+    capillary_pressure = prj_capillary_pressure(
+        type = "vanGenuchten",
+        pd = 2e+06,
+        sr = 0.4,
+        smax = 1,
+        m = 0.3288590604,
+        pc_max = 2e+07,
+        has_regularized = "true"
+    ),
+    relative_permeability = list(
+        relative_permeability = prj_relative_permeability(
+            type = "NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten",
+            sr = 0,
+            smax = 0.6,
+            m = 0.3288590604,
+            krel_min = 0,
+            id = "0"
+        )
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_pr_property.Rd b/man/prj_pr_property.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45abbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_pr_property.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_medium.R
+  name,
+  type,
+  value = NULL,
+  parameter_name = NULL,
+  exponent = NULL,
+  residual_liquid_saturation = NULL,
+  residual_gas_saturation = NULL,
+  p_b = NULL,
+  independent_variable = NULL,
+  curve = NULL,
+  minimum_relative_permeability_liquid = NULL,
+  initial_permeability = NULL,
+  maximum_permeability = NULL,
+  lambda = NULL,
+  cutoff_value = NULL,
+  intrinsic_permeability = NULL,
+  initial_aperture = NULL,
+  mean_frac_distance = NULL,
+  threshold_strain = NULL,
+  fracture_normal = NULL,
+  reference_permeability = NULL,
+  fitting_factor = NULL,
+  cohesion = NULL,
+  friction_angle = NULL,
+  tensile_strength_parameter = NULL,
+  b1 = NULL,
+  b2 = NULL,
+  b3 = NULL,
+  minimum_permeability = NULL,
+  initial_porosity = NULL,
+  entry_pressure = NULL,
+  min_relative_permeability_liquid = NULL,
+  min_relative_permeability_gas = NULL
+tag: property
+prj_pr_property(name = "reference_temperature",
+                   type = "Constant",
+                   value = 293.15)
diff --git a/man/prj_process.Rd b/man/prj_process.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19de933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_process.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process.R
+  name,
+  type,
+  integration_order,
+  process_variables,
+  secondary_variables = NULL,
+  specific_body_force = NULL,
+  solid_density = NULL,
+  dimension = NULL,
+  coupling_scheme = NULL,
+  reference_solid_density = NULL,
+  linear_thermal_expansion_coefficient = NULL,
+  specific_heat_capacity = NULL,
+  thermal_conductivity = NULL,
+  darcy_gravity = NULL,
+  reference_temperature = NULL,
+  fracture_model = NULL,
+  jacobian_assembler = NULL,
+  internal_length = NULL,
+  mass_lumping = NULL,
+  porosity = NULL,
+  calculatesurfaceflux = NULL,
+  intrinsic_permeability = NULL,
+  specific_storage = NULL,
+  fluid_viscosity = NULL,
+  biot_coefficient = NULL,
+  fluid_density = NULL,
+  initial_effective_stress = NULL,
+  initial_fracture_effective_stress = NULL,
+  phasefield_parameters = NULL,
+  deactivate_matrix_in_flow = NULL,
+  borehole_heat_exchangers = NULL,
+  temperature = NULL,
+  reactive_system = NULL,
+  fluid_specific_heat_source = NULL,
+  fluid_specific_isobaric_heat_capacity = NULL,
+  solid_hydraulic_permeability = NULL,
+  solid_specific_heat_source = NULL,
+  solid_heat_conductivity = NULL,
+  solid_specific_isobaric_heat_capacity = NULL,
+  tortuosity = NULL,
+  diffusion_coefficient = NULL,
+  solid_density_dry = NULL,
+  solid_density_initial = NULL,
+  characteristic_pressure = NULL,
+  characteristic_temperature = NULL,
+  characteristic_vapour_mass_fraction = NULL,
+  output_element_matrices = NULL,
+  material_property = NULL,
+  diffusion_coeff_component_b = NULL,
+  diffusion_coeff_component_a = NULL,
+  hydro_crack_scheme = NULL,
+  at_num = NULL,
+  initial_stress = NULL,
+  split_method = NULL,
+  reg_param = NULL,
+  thermal_parameters = NULL,
+  non_advective_form = NULL,
+  fluid = NULL,
+  porous_medium = NULL,
+  decay_rate = NULL,
+  fluid_reference_density = NULL,
+  retardation_factor = NULL,
+  solute_dispersivity_longitudinal = NULL,
+  solute_dispersivity_transverse = NULL,
+  molecular_diffusion_coefficient = NULL,
+  density_solid = NULL,
+  latent_heat_evaporation = NULL,
+  pf_irrv = NULL,
+  ...
+\item{integration_order}{string | double:}
+\item{process_variables}{list, character:}
+\item{...}{Optional: fracture_properties, constitutive_relation}
+tag: process (parent tag: processes)
+    name = "HM",
+    type = "HYDRO_MECHANICS",
+    integration_order = 3,
+    process_variables = list(displacement = "displacement",
+                             pressure = "pressure"),
+    secondary_variables = list(
+        secondary_variable = c(internal_name = "sigma_xx", output_name = "sigma_xx"),
+        secondary_variable = c(internal_name = "sigma_yy", output_name = "sigma_yy")
+    ),
+    specific_body_force = c(0, 0, 0),
+    dimension = 3,
+    constitutive_relation = prj_constitutive_relation(
+        type = "LinearElasticIsotropic",
+        youngs_modulus = "E",
+        poissons_ratio = "nu"
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_process_variable.Rd b/man/prj_process_variable.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c7764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_process_variable.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process_variable.R
+  name,
+  components,
+  order,
+  initial_condition,
+  boundary_conditions = NULL,
+  source_terms = NULL,
+  mesh = NULL,
+  deactivated_subdomains = NULL
+\item{name}{string: The name of the process variable}
+\item{components}{string | double:}
+\item{order}{string | double:}
+\item{boundary_conditions}{list, prj_boundary_condition:}
+\item{source_terms}{Optional: list, prj_source_term:}
+\item{mesh}{Optional: string: list:}
+\item{deactivated_subdomains}{Optional: list, prj_deactivated_subdomain:}
+tag: process_variable
+    name = "pressure",
+    components = 1,
+    order = 1,
+    initial_condition = "pressure0",
+    boundary_conditions = list(
+        boundary_condition = prj_boundary_condition(
+            type = "Neumann",
+            parameter = "flux_in",
+            geometrical_set = "cube_1x1x1_geometry",
+            geometry = "left",
+            component = 0
+        )
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_rate.Rd b/man/prj_rate.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86c2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_rate.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_chemical_system.R
+prj_rate(kinetic_reactant, expression)
+\item{kinetic_reactant}{string: References a kinetic_reactant object}
+\item{expression}{character: Statements}
+S3 class describing .prj rate
+    kinetic_reactant = "Productc",
+    expression = list(
+        statement = "Km = 10",
+        statement = "U = 1e-3",
+        statement =
+            "rate = U * TOT(\"Synthetica\") / (Km + TOT(\"Syntheticb\"))",
+        statement = "moles = - rate * TIME",
+        statement = "save moles"
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_relative_permeability.Rd b/man/prj_relative_permeability.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b1bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_relative_permeability.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_porous_medium.R
+prj_relative_permeability(type, sr, smax, m, krel_min, id = NULL)
+\item{sr}{string | number:}
+\item{smax}{string | number:}
+\item{m}{string | number:}
+\item{krel_min}{string | number:}
+\item{id}{string: Optional:}
+tag: relative_permeability
+    type = "NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten",
+    sr = 0,
+    smax = 0.6,
+    m = 0.3288590604,
+    krel_min = 0,
+    id = "0"
diff --git a/man/prj_search_length_algorithm.Rd b/man/prj_search_length_algorithm.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517a604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_search_length_algorithm.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_search_length_algorithm.R
+prj_search_length_algorithm(type, value = NULL)
+\item{type}{string: The type}
+\item{value}{string | double: The value}
+tag: search_length_algorithm
+prj_search_length_algorithm(type = "fixed",
+                               value = 1e-06)
diff --git a/man/prj_solution.Rd b/man/prj_solution.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7a195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_solution.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_chemical_system.R
+prj_solution(temperature, pressure, pe, components, charge_balance = NULL)
+\item{temperature}{string | double: Temperature}
+\item{pressure}{string | double: Pressure}
+\item{pe}{string | double: pe}
+\item{components}{list: Components}
+\item{charge_balance}{Optional: string: Charge balance}
+tag: solution
+    temperature = 25,
+    pressure = 1,
+    pe = 4,
+    components = list(
+        component = "C(4)",
+        component = "Ca"
+    ),
+    charge_balance = "pH"
diff --git a/man/prj_source_term.Rd b/man/prj_source_term.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfdf35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_source_term.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_process_variable.R
+  type,
+  parameter = NULL,
+  geometrical_set = NULL,
+  geometry = NULL,
+  mesh = NULL,
+  source_term_object = NULL
+\item{parameter}{Optional: string:}
+\item{geometrical_set}{Optional: string:}
+\item{geometry}{Optional: string:}
+\item{mesh}{Optional: string:}
+\item{source_term_object}{Optional: string:}
+tag: source_term
+    type = "Nodal",
+    parameter = "sourceterm_heat_transfer_coefficient",
+    geometrical_set = "geometry",
+    geometry = "po0"
diff --git a/man/prj_time_loop.Rd b/man/prj_time_loop.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4f307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_time_loop.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_time_loop.R
+prj_time_loop(processes, output, global_process_coupling = NULL)
+\item{processes}{list, prj_tl_process:}
+\item{global_process_coupling}{Optional: prj_global_process_coupling:}
+tag: time_loop
+    processes = list(
+        process = prj_tl_process(
+            ref = "HM",
+            nonlinear_solver = "basic_newton",
+            convergence_criterion = prj_convergence_criterion(
+                type = "DeltaX",
+                norm_type = "NORM2",
+                reltol = 1e-08
+            ),
+            time_discretization = list(type = "BackwardEuler"),
+            time_stepping = prj_time_stepping(
+                type = "FixedTimeStepping",
+                t_initial = 0,
+                t_end = 10000,
+                timesteps = list(pair = list(1000,
+                                             delta_t = 10))
+            )
+        )
+    ),
+    output = prj_output(
+        type = "VTK",
+        prefix = "flow_free_expansion",
+        variables = list(
+            variable = "displacement",
+            variable = "pressure"
+        ),
+        suffix = "_ts_{:timestep}_t_{:time}",
+        timesteps = list(pair = list(1,
+                                     each_steps = 1000))
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_time_stepping.Rd b/man/prj_time_stepping.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03ffdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_time_stepping.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_time_loop.R
+  type,
+  t_initial = NULL,
+  t_end = NULL,
+  timesteps = NULL,
+  initial_dt = NULL,
+  minimum_dt = NULL,
+  maximum_dt = NULL,
+  number_iterations = NULL,
+  multiplier = NULL,
+  dt_guess = NULL,
+  dt_min = NULL,
+  dt_max = NULL,
+  rel_dt_min = NULL,
+  rel_dt_max = NULL,
+  tol = NULL
+\item{t_initial}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{t_end}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{timesteps}{Optional: list:}
+\item{initial_dt}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{minimum_dt}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{maximum_dt}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{number_iterations}{Optional: string | numeric:}
+\item{multiplier}{Optional: string | numeric:}
+\item{dt_guess}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{dt_min}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{dt_max}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{rel_dt_min}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{rel_dt_max}{Optional: string | double:}
+\item{tol}{Optional: string | double:}
+tag: time_stepping
+    type = "FixedTimeStepping",
+    t_initial = 0,
+    t_end = 10000,
+    timesteps = list(pair = list(1000,
+                                 delta_t = 10))
diff --git a/man/prj_tl_process.Rd b/man/prj_tl_process.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586aa90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_tl_process.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_time_loop.R
+  ref,
+  nonlinear_solver,
+  convergence_criterion,
+  time_discretization,
+  time_stepping,
+  compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum = NULL
+\item{ref}{string: References a prj_process object by name}
+\item{compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum}{string: Optional: Either
+"true" or "false"}
+tag: process (parent: time_loop, NOT processes!)
+    ref = "HM",
+    nonlinear_solver = "basic_newton",
+    convergence_criterion = prj_convergence_criterion(
+        type = "DeltaX",
+        norm_type = "NORM2",
+        reltol = 1e-08
+    ),
+    time_discretization = list(type = "BackwardEuler"),
+    time_stepping = prj_time_stepping(
+        type = "FixedTimeStepping",
+        t_initial = 0,
+        t_end = 10000,
+        timesteps = list(pair = list(1000,
+                                     delta_t = 10))
+    )
diff --git a/man/prj_vtkdiff.Rd b/man/prj_vtkdiff.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..252f975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prj_vtkdiff.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prj_vtkdiff.R
+  field,
+  absolute_tolerance,
+  relative_tolerance,
+  file = NULL,
+  regex = NULL
+\item{field}{string: ...}
+\item{absolute_tolerance}{string | double: Absolute tolerance}
+\item{relative_tolerance}{string | double: Relative tolerance}
+\item{file}{string: Optional: File}
+\item{regex}{string: Optional: A regular expression}
+tag: vtkdiff
+prj_vtkdiff(field = "displacement",
+               absolute_tolerance = 1e-15,
+               relative_tolerance = 0,
+               regex = "gravity_pcs_0_ts_.*_t_.*.vtu")
diff --git a/man/run_all_benchmarks.Rd b/man/run_all_benchmarks.Rd
index caac9a4..67d157b 100644
--- a/man/run_all_benchmarks.Rd
+++ b/man/run_all_benchmarks.Rd
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-  ogs_processlib_path,
-  ogs_bin_path,
+  ogs6_processlib_path,
+  ogs6_bin_path,
   starting_from_prj_path = "",
   print_results = TRUE
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ run_all_benchmarks(
 \item{path}{string: Path to benchmark folder}
-\item{ogs_processlib_path}{string: Path to OpenGeoSys 6 ProcessLib folder
+\item{ogs6_processlib_path}{string: Path to OpenGeoSys 6 ProcessLib folder
 which contains relevant Tests.cmake files}
 \item{sim_path}{string: Path where simulation files will be saved}
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ which contains relevant Tests.cmake files}
 Utility function, for quick benchmark runs. Calls
-run_benchmark internally.
+  run_benchmark internally.
diff --git a/man/run_benchmark.Rd b/man/run_benchmark.Rd
index 06c0d44..c05e535 100644
--- a/man/run_benchmark.Rd
+++ b/man/run_benchmark.Rd
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
-run_benchmark(prj_path, ogs_bin_path, sim_path)
+run_benchmark(prj_path, ogs6_bin_path, sim_path)
 \item{sim_path}{string: Path where simulation files will be saved}