From c1ad501ee46b252e23b72b4a10f424e199a9f191 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aheinri5 <>
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 22:03:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [base] Added delay_load flags for python libraries to zzz.R

 R/zzz.R | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index 0ae89a4..6cf2d9a 100644
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -1,23 +1,64 @@
+# global Python references (will be initialized in .onLoad)
+vtk <- NULL
+zlib <- NULL
 .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
     op <- options()
     op.r2ogs6 <- list(
         # Default paths
-        r2ogs6.default_sim_path = "D:/OGS_sims/",
-        r2ogs6.default_script_path = "D:/OGS_scripts/",
-        r2ogs6.default_benchmark_path =
-            "D:/Programme/OpenGeoSys/ogs-master-Tests-Data/Tests/Data/",
-        r2ogs6.default_ogs_bin_path =
-            paste0("D:/Programme/OpenGeoSys/",
-                   "ogs-6.3.2-Windows-10.0.14393-x64-python-3.7.2-de-utils",
-                   "/bin/")
+        r2ogs6.default_sim_path = "",
+        r2ogs6.default_script_path = "",
+        r2ogs6.default_benchmark_path = "",
+        r2ogs6.default_ogs_bin_path = "",
+        r2ogs6.max_lines_gml = 300,
         # External file reference tags
+        # Reticulate setting for reading in VTK
+        r2ogs6.use_python = ""
     toset <- !(names(op.r2ogs6) %in% names(op))
     if (any(toset)) options(op.r2ogs6[toset])
+    # use superassignments to update global Python references
+    vtk <<- reticulate::import("vtk", delay_load = TRUE)
+    vtk_dsa <<- reticulate::import("vtk.numpy_interface.dataset_adapter",
+                                   delay_load = TRUE)
+    zlib <<- reticulate::import("zlib", delay_load = TRUE)
+    test_config <- TRUE
+    if (test_config) {
+        options(
+            r2ogs6.default_sim_path = "D:/OGS_sims/",
+            r2ogs6.default_script_path = "D:/OGS_scripts/",
+            r2ogs6.default_benchmark_path =
+                "D:/Programme/OpenGeoSys/ogs-master-Tests-Data/",
+            r2ogs6.default_ogs_bin_path =
+                paste0(
+                    "D:/Programme/OpenGeoSys/",
+                    "ogs-6.3.2-Windows-10.0.14393-x64-python-3.7.2-de-utils",
+                    "/bin/"
+                ),
+            r2ogs6.use_python = "D:/Programme/anaconda3/envs/rtest/python.exe",
+            r2ogs6.max_lines_gml = 300
+        )
+        reticulate::use_virtualenv(unlist(options("r2ogs6.use_python")))
+    }
+    cat("Loaded package r2ogs6. Your options are set as follows:\n\n",
+        paste(
+            names(options()[grepl("r2ogs6.", names(options()), fixed = TRUE)]),
+            options()[grepl("r2ogs6.", names(options()), fixed = TRUE)],
+            sep = " = ",
+            collapse = "\n"),
+        "\n\nTo change them, type options(\"<option_name>\" = <option_value>).",
+        sep = "")
\ No newline at end of file