From c755b9952f44dcf4f2a16ee984f0f81092de5606 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aheinri5 <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 17:14:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [feature] (WIP) experimenting with a recursive function to
 compare XML files

 R/compare_xml.R | 122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 R/compare_xml.R

diff --git a/R/compare_xml.R b/R/compare_xml.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115a4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/compare_xml.R
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#'@description Helper function to check if 2 XML documents have the same
+#' content. This is a recursive function. Strictly WIP!
+#'@param xml_node_x xml2::xml_node: Node to compare
+#'@param xml_node_y xml2::xml_node: Node to compare to
+compare_xml <- function(xml_node_x, xml_node_y){
+    assertthat::assert_that("xml_node" %in% class(xml_node_x))
+    assertthat::assert_that("xml_node" %in% class(xml_node_y))
+    x_node_name <- xml2::xml_name(xml_node_x)
+    y_node_name <- xml2::xml_name(xml_node_y)
+    ret_str <- ""
+    # Recursion stops here
+    if(length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node_x)) == 0 ||
+       length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node_y)) == 0 ){
+        if(length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node_x)) !=
+           length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node_y))){
+            ret_str <- paste0("Child mismatch: <",
+                              x_node_name, "> in x has ",
+                              length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node_x)),
+                              " children while <",
+                              y_node_name, " in y has ",
+                              length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node_y)), ".\n")
+        }
+        if(x_node_name != y_node_name){
+            ret_str <- paste0(ret_str,
+                              "Name mismatch: <", x_node_name, "> in x, <",
+                              y_node_name, " in y.\n")
+        }
+        if(xml2::xml_text(xml_node_x) != xml2::xml_text(xml_node_y)){
+            ret_str <- paste0(ret_str,
+                              "Text mismatch: \"", xml2::xml_text(xml_node_x),
+                              "\" in x, \"",
+                              xml2::xml_text(xml_node_x), "\" in y.\n")
+        }
+        if(xml2::xml_attrs(xml_node_x) != xml2::xml_attrs(xml_node_y)){
+            x_node_attrs <- paste(names(xml2::xml_attrs(xml_node_x)),
+                             xml2::xml_attrs(xml_node_x),
+                             sep = " = ", collapse = ",\n")
+            y_node_attrs <- paste(names(xml2::xml_attrs(xml_node_y)),
+                                  xml2::xml_attrs(xml_node_y),
+                                  sep = " = ", collapse = ",\n")
+            ret_str <- paste0(ret_str,
+                              "Attribute mismatch: (", x_node_attrs,
+                              ") in x, (",
+                              y_node_attrs, ") in y.\n")
+        }
+        return(invisible(ret_str))
+    }
+    y_children_ordered <- xml2::xml_children(xml_node_y)
+    y_child_names <- get_nodeset_names(y_children_ordered)
+    x_children_ordered <- xml2::xml_children(xml_node_x)
+    if(0){
+        cat("Children of <", x_node_name, "> tags are not the same ",
+            "for x and y. compare_xml() may not yield all differences. ",
+            "Continuing iteration based on first parameter (x).", sep = "")
+    }
+    for(i in seq_len(length(x_children_ordered))){
+        x_child <- x_children_ordered[[i]]
+        # If x has a child y doesn't have
+        if(xml2::xml_name(x_child) %in% y_child_names){
+            ret_str <- paste0(ret_str, compare_xml(x_child))
+        }else{
+            ret_str <- paste0(ret_str,
+                              "<", xml2::xml_name(x_child),
+                              "> is a child of <",
+                              x_node_name,
+                              "> in x but not of <",
+                              y_node_name, "> in y.")
+        }
+    }
+    return(invisible(ret_str))
+# order_nodeset <- function(nodeset){
+#     nodeset_names <- sort(get_nodeset_names(nodeset))
+#     ordered_nodeset <- rep(NULL, length(nodeset_names))
+#     for(){
+#     }
+# }
+get_nodeset_names <- function(nodeset){
+    nodeset_names <- c()
+    for(i in seq_along(nodeset)){
+        nodeset_names <- c(nodeset_names, xml2::xml_name(nodeset[[i]]))
+    }
+    return(invisible(nodeset_names))