#===== OGS6 ===== #' OGS6 #' @description Constructor for the \code{OGS6} base class #' @export OGS6 <- R6::R6Class("OGS6", public = list( #' @description #' Creates new OGS6 object #' @param sim_name string: Simulation name #' @param sim_path string: Path where all files for the simulation will be #' saved #' @examples #' ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path") initialize = function(sim_name, sim_path) { # Basic validation self$sim_name <- sim_name if(missing(sim_path)){ sim_path <- unlist(options("r2ogs6.default_sim_path")) } self$sim_path <- sim_path }, #===== Adding components ===== #' @description #' Adds a .prj simulation component #' @param x An object of any .prj `prj` class #' @examples #' ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path") #' ogs6_obj$add(prj_parameter(name = "foo", type = "bar")) add = function(x){ # Assert that class name is in implemented .prj classes for OGS6 ogs6_prj_classes <- ogs6_prj_top_level_classes() assertthat::assert_that(class(x) %in% ogs6_prj_classes) # Get name of corresponding OGS6 component component_name <- names(ogs6_prj_classes)[ogs6_prj_classes == class(x)] component_class <- eval(parse(text = paste0("class(self$", component_name, ")"))) active_field_call <- ifelse(component_class == "list", paste0("self$", component_name, " <- c(self$", component_name, ", list(x))"), paste0("self$", component_name, " <- x")) eval(parse(text = active_field_call)) # If class has `name` variable, make it accessable by name if(component_class == "list" && "name" %in% names(as.list(formals(class(x))))){ name_call <- paste0("names(self$", component_name, ")[[length(self$", component_name, ")]] <- x$name") eval(parse(text = name_call)) } invisible(self) }, #' @description #' Adds a reference to a file with ending .gml and optionally, a #' \code{OGS6_gml} object #' @param gml string | OGS6_gml: Either a path to a file with extension #' .gml or a OGS6_gml object. #' @examples #' ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path") #' ogs6_obj$add_gml("this_works.gml") #' \dontrun{ogs6_obj$add_gml("this_doesnt.oops")} add_gml = function(gml){ if(assertthat::is.string(gml)){ assertthat::assert_that(grepl("\\.gml$", gml)) private$.geometry <- gml }else{ assertthat::assert_that(inherits(gml, "OGS6_gml")) private$.gml <- gml #private$.geometry <- paste0(self$sim_name, ".gml") } invisible(self) }, #' @description #' Adds a reference to a \code{.vtu} file and optionally, a \code{OGS6_vtu} #' object #' @param path string: A path #' @param axisym flag: Is the mesh axially symmetrical? #' @param read_in_vtu flag: Optional: Should \code{.vtu} file just be #' copied or read in too? #' @examples #' ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path") #' ogs6_obj$add_mesh("this_works.vtu") #' \dontrun{ogs6_obj$add_mesh("this_doesnt.oops")} add_mesh = function(path, axisym = FALSE, read_in_vtu = FALSE){ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(path)) assertthat::assert_that(grepl("\\.vtu$|\\.msh$", path)) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(axisym)) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(read_in_vtu)) self$meshes <- c(self$meshes, list(mesh = list(path = path, axially_symmetric = axisym))) if(grepl("\\.vtu$", path) & read_in_vtu){ private$.vtus <- c(private$.vtus, list(OGS6_vtu$new(path))) } if(grepl("\\.msh", path)){ private$.mshs <- c(private$.mshs, list(OGS6_msh$new(path))) } invisible(self) }, #' @description #' Update a component of the \code{OGS6} object. #' @param cmpts list(sublist, length(sublist) == 2): The first element #' of a sublist is a character that calls an \code{OGS6} component, the #' second one is the corresponding value. #' @examples #' \dontrun{ogs6_obj$update_component(list( #' list("ogs6_obj$parameters[[1]]$value", 2.3), #' list("ogs6_obj$media[[1]]$properties[[2]]$value", #' 1.0e-3)))} update_component = function(cmpts){#cmpts=list(list(call_str, value)) assertthat::assert_that(is.list(cmpts)) for (i in seq_along(cmpts)){ # check sublists assertthat::assert_that(is.list(cmpts[[i]])) assertthat::assert_that(length(cmpts[[i]])==2) assertthat::assert_that(is.character(cmpts[[i]][[1]])) # update component via call call_str <- cmpts[[i]][[1]] value <- cmpts[[i]][[2]] call_str <- gsub("^[A-Za-z_0-9]*\\$", "self$", call_str) assertthat::assert_that(!is.null(eval(parse(text = call_str))), msg = paste(call_str, "not found in ogs6_obj", self$sim_name)) set_call <- paste0(call_str, " <- ", value) eval(parse(text = set_call)) } invisible(self) }, #===== Utility ===== #' @description #' Checks if the \code{OGS6} object has all necessary parameters for #' starting a simulation #' @param print_status flag: Should the status be printed to the console? #' @examples #' ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "my_sim", sim_path = "my/path") #' ogs6_obj$get_status() get_status = function(print_status = TRUE){ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(print_status)) flag <- TRUE status_strs <- character() tag_names <- lapply(get_prj_top_level_tags(), `[[`, 1) required <- lapply(get_prj_top_level_tags(), `[[`, 2) for(i in seq_len(length(tag_names))){ is_required <- required[[i]] prj_obj_call <- paste0("private$.", tag_names[[i]]) prj_obj <- eval(parse(text = prj_obj_call)) if(length(prj_obj) == 0){ if(is_required){ status_str <- crayon::red("\u2717 ") flag <- FALSE }else{ status_str <- crayon::yellow("\u2717 ") } }else{ status_str <- crayon::green("\u2713 ") } status_str <- paste0(status_str, "'", tag_names[[i]], ifelse(!class(prj_obj) == "list", "' is defined", "' has at least one element")) status_strs <- c(status_strs, status_str) } status <- paste(status_strs, collapse = "\n") if(print_status){ cat(status) if(flag){ cat(paste0("Your OGS6 object has all necessary components.\n", "You can try calling ogs6_run_simulation().", "Note that this calls more validation functions, ", "so you may not be done just yet.\n")) } } return(invisible(flag)) }, #' @description #' Overrides default printing behaviour print = function(){ cat("OGS6\n") cat("simulation name: ", self$sim_name, "\n", sep = "") cat("simulation path: ", self$sim_path, "\n", sep = "") cat("\n----- geometry: ", self$geometry, "\n", sep = "") cat("associated OGS6_gml:\n") print(self$gml) cat("\n----- meshes -----\n", paste(self$meshes, collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "") prj_tags <- lapply(get_prj_top_level_tags(), function(x){x[["tag_name"]]}) prj_tags <- prj_tags[!prj_tags %in% c("geometry", "mesh", "meshes")] for(i in seq_len(length(prj_tags))){ tag_name <- prj_tags[[i]] prj_param_call <- paste0("print(self$", tag_name, ")") cat("\n----- ", tag_name, " -----\n", sep = "") eval(parse(text = prj_param_call)) cat("\n", sep = "") } invisible(self) }, #' print_log #' @description Prints logfile to console (if it exists) print_log = function(){ if(!is.null(self$logfile)){ writeLines(readLines(self$logfile)) }else{ cat("There is no logfile associated with this OGS6 object.\n") } invisible(self) }, #' @description #' Clears components from the \code{OGS6} object #' @param which character: The names of the components (all by default). #' If you want to delete only some components, run #' \code{names(ogs6_prj_top_level_classes())} for the available options. clear = function(which){ if(missing(which)){ which <- names(ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()) } valid_input = names(ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()) null_it <- c("geometry", "time_loop") for(i in seq_len(length(which))){ if(!which[[i]] %in% valid_input){ warning(paste0("Parameter '", which[[i]], "' not recognized by OGS6$clear(). ", "Valid parameters are:\n'", paste(valid_input, sep = "", collapse = "', '"), "'\nSkipping."), call. = FALSE) next }else{ call_str <- "" if(which[[i]] %in% null_it){ call_str <- paste0("private$.", which[[i]], " <- NULL") }else{ call_str <- paste0("private$.", which[[i]], " <- list()") } eval(parse(text = call_str)) } } invisible(self) } ), #===== Active fields ===== active = list( #' @field sim_name #' Simulation name. \code{value} must be string sim_name = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.sim_name }else{ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(value)) private$.sim_name <- value } }, #' @field sim_path #' Simulation path. \code{value} must be string sim_path = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.sim_path }else{ private$.sim_path <- as_dir_path(value) } }, #' @field logfile #' Logfile path. \code{value} must be string logfile = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.logfile }else{ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(value)) private$.logfile <- value } }, #' @field gml #' \code{.gml}. read-only gml = function() { private$.gml }, #' @field geometry #' \code{.prj} \code{geometry} tag. \code{value} must be string geometry = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.geometry }else{ assertthat::assert_that(is.string(value)) private$.geometry <- value } }, #' @field meshes #' \code{.prj} \code{meshes} tag. \code{value} must be list of strings meshes = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.meshes }else{ assertthat::assert_that(is.list(value)) lapply(value, function(x){ assertthat::assert_that(is.list(x), length(x) == 2) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(x[[1]])) assertthat::assert_that(grepl("\\.vtu$|\\.msh$", x[[1]])) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.flag(x[[2]])) }) private$.meshes <- value } }, #' @field vtus #' \code{.vtu}s. \code{value} must be list of \code{OGS6_vtu} objects vtus = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.vtus }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["vtus"]]) private$.vtus <- value } }, #' @field python_script #' \code{.prj} \code{python_script} tag. \code{value} must be string python_script = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.python_script }else{ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(value)) private$.python_script <- value } }, #' @field search_length_algorithm #' \code{.prj} \code{search_length_algorithm} tag. \code{value} must be #' \code{prj_search_length_algorithm} object search_length_algorithm = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.search_length_algorithm }else{ assertthat::assert_that( ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["search_length_algorithm"]] %in% class(value)) private$.search_length_algorithm <- value } }, #' @field processes #' \code{.prj} \code{processes} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_process} objects processes = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.processes }else{ # If there already is a process element if(length(private$.processes) > 0){ if(ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["processes"]] %in% class(private$.processes[[1]])){ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["processes"]]) }else{ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(value)) value <- list(include = c(file = value)) } }else{ if(assertthat::is.string(value)){ value <- list(include = c(file = value)) }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["processes"]]) } } private$.processes <- value } }, #' @field time_loop #' \code{.prj} \code{time_loop} tag. \code{value} must be #' \code{prj_time_loop} object time_loop = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.time_loop }else{ assertthat::assert_that( ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["time_loop"]] %in% class(value)) private$.time_loop <- value } }, #' @field local_coordinate_system #' \code{.prj} \code{local_coordinate_system} tag. \code{value} must be #' \code{prj_local_coordinate_system} object local_coordinate_system = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.local_coordinate_system }else{ assertthat::assert_that( ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["local_coordinate_system"]] %in% class(value)) private$.local_coordinate_system <- value } }, #' @field media #' \code{.prj} \code{media} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_medium} objects media = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.media }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["media"]]) private$.media <- value } }, #' @field parameters #' \code{.prj} \code{parameters} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_parameter} objects parameters = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.parameters }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["parameters"]]) private$.parameters <- value } }, #' @field chemical_system #' \code{.prj} \code{chemical_system} tag. \code{value} must be #' \code{prj_chemical_system} object chemical_system = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.chemical_system }else{ assertthat::assert_that( ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["chemical_system"]] %in% class(value)) private$.chemical_system <- value } }, #' @field curves #' \code{.prj} \code{curves} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_curve} objects curves = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.curves }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["curves"]]) private$.curves <- value } }, #' @field process_variables #' \code{.prj} \code{process_variables} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_process_variable} objects process_variables = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.process_variables }else{ is_wrapper_list( value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["process_variables"]]) private$.process_variables <- value } }, #' @field nonlinear_solvers #' \code{.prj} \code{nonlinear_solvers} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_nonlinear_solver} objects nonlinear_solvers = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.nonlinear_solvers }else{ is_wrapper_list( value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["nonlinear_solvers"]]) private$.nonlinear_solvers <- value } }, #' @field linear_solvers #' \code{.prj} \code{linear_solvers} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_linear_solver} objects linear_solvers = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.linear_solvers }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["linear_solvers"]]) private$.linear_solvers <- value } }, #' @field test_definition #' \code{.prj} \code{test_definition} tag. \code{value} must be list of #' \code{prj_vtkdiff} objects test_definition = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.test_definition }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["test_definition"]]) private$.test_definition <- value } }, #' @field insitu #' \code{.prj} \code{insitu} tag. \code{value} must be #' \code{prj_insitu} object insitu = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.insitu }else{ assertthat::assert_that( ogs6_prj_top_level_classes()[["insitu"]] %in% class(value)) private$.insitu <- value } }, #' @field pvds #' \code{.pvd}s. \code{value} must be list of \code{OGS6_pvd} objects pvds = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.pvds }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, "OGS6_pvd") private$.pvds <- value } }, #' @field h5s #' \code{h5s} \code{value} must be of class \code{H5IdComponent} #' as returned by \code{rhdf5::h5read()}. h5s = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.h5s }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, element_class = "OGS6_h5") private$.h5s <- value } }, #' @field mshs #' \code{mshs} \code{value} must be an object of class \code{OGS6_msh}. mshs = function(value) { if(missing(value)) { private$.mshs }else{ is_wrapper_list(value, element_class = "OGS6_msh") private$.mshs <- value } } ), #===== Private parameters ===== private = list( # general parameters .sim_name = NULL, .sim_path = NULL, .logfile = NULL, # .gml object .gml = NULL, # .vtu objects .vtus = NULL, # .prj parameters # .gml reference .geometry = NULL, # .vtu reference(s) .meshes = list(), .python_script = NULL, .search_length_algorithm = NULL, .processes = list(), .time_loop = NULL, .local_coordinate_system = NULL, .media = list(), .parameters = list(), .chemical_system = NULL, .curves = list(), .process_variables = list(), .nonlinear_solvers = list(), .linear_solvers = list(), .test_definition = list(), .insitu = NULL, # .pvd objects (output) .pvds = NULL, .h5s = NULL, .mshs = NULL ) ) #===== ogs6_prj_top_level_classes ===== #' ogs6_prj_top_level_classes #' @description Returns named character vector of \code{OGS6} top level #' \code{.prj} tags (names) represented by \code{r2ogs6} classes along with #' their class names (values). #' @return character #' @export ogs6_prj_top_level_classes <- function(){ xpaths_for_classes <- xpaths_for_classes flattened_xpaths <- unlist(xpaths_for_classes) names(flattened_xpaths) <- NULL prj_components <- character() seen <- character() for(i in seq_len(length(flattened_xpaths))){ split_xpath <- unlist(strsplit(flattened_xpaths[[i]], "/", fixed = TRUE)) if(!split_xpath[[1]] %in% seen){ if(!is.null(get_class_from_xpath(split_xpath[[1]]))){ prj_components <- c(prj_components, get_class_from_xpath(split_xpath[[1]])) }else{ xpath <- paste(split_xpath[[1]], split_xpath[[2]], sep = "/") prj_components <- c(prj_components, get_class_from_xpath(xpath)) } names(prj_components)[[length(prj_components)]] <- split_xpath[[1]] seen <- c(seen, split_xpath[[1]]) } } return(prj_components) }