#===== r2ogs6_curve ===== #'r2ogs6_curve #'@description tag: curve, a curve #'@param name string: Name of the curve #'@param coords string | numeric: Coordinates at which the curve's values #' are given #'@param values string | numeric: Values of the curve at the given coordinates #'@export r2ogs6_curve <- function(name, coords, values){ #Coerce input coords <- coerce_string_to_numeric(coords) values <- coerce_string_to_numeric(values) new_r2ogs6_curve(name, coords, values) } new_r2ogs6_curve <- function(name, coords, values){ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(name)) assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(coords)) assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(values)) structure(list(name = name, coords = coords, values = values, xpath = "curves/curve", attr_names = character(), flatten_on_exp = c("coords", "values") ), class = "r2ogs6_curve" ) }