diff --git a/.codespellrc b/.codespellrc
index 397f4386053bea9f26f49fe6e38414650ada731b..9d57e040fb0e155cbfc5815b0fb543e95a39b018 100644
--- a/.codespellrc
+++ b/.codespellrc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-skip = *.bib,*.css,*.pdf,*.yaml,*.yml,*/.vale,./.git,./GeoLib/IO/XmlIO/OpenGeoSysSTN.xsd,./Tests/Data,./ThirdParty,./web/content/imprint.md,./web/node_modules,./web/public/imprint/index.html,./web/resources,
+skip = *.bib,*.css,*.pdf,*.yaml,*.yml,*/.vale,./.git,./GeoLib/IO/XmlIO/OpenGeoSysSTN.xsd,./Tests/Data,./ThirdParty,./web/content/imprint.md,./web/node_modules,./web/public/imprint/index.html,./web/resources,CITATION.cff,
 ignore-words-list = ba,bu,ket,nd,pris,strat,sur,theis,
 exclude-file = .codespellexclude
 uri-ignore-words-list = *
diff --git a/CITATION.cff b/CITATION.cff
index 4b6dba669d4977ad6d333971eb98775a62772566..b78b5f7bfc5f836cfbdafb1ae3ab1a5676933ac1 100644
--- a/CITATION.cff
+++ b/CITATION.cff
@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@ authors:
     - given-names: Luca
       family-names: Urpi
+    - type: doi
+      value: 10.5281/zenodo.10890088
+      description: Zenodo DOI for 6.5.1
     - type: doi
       value: 10.5281/zenodo.2600042
       description: Zenodo DOI for 6.5.0
diff --git a/web/content/publications/_index.md b/web/content/publications/_index.md
index 6e2cc2f10c38a991591ceae935e29abf57f28a4c..80035448b844dc1d9ee3a78efef4f4fc1ecd3279 100644
--- a/web/content/publications/_index.md
+++ b/web/content/publications/_index.md
@@ -12,37 +12,29 @@ weight = 3
 ### Cite the software
-  author       = {Naumov, Dmitri and
-                  Bilke, Lars and
+  author       = {Bilke, Lars and
+                  Naumov, Dmitri and
+                  Wang, Wenqing and
                   Fischer, Thomas and
                   Lehmann, Christoph and
-                  Wang, Wenqing and
-                  Heinze, Julian and
-                  Chen, Chaofan and
-                  Silbermann, Christian and
-                  Kiszkurno, Feliks K. and
                   Buchwald, Jörg and
-                  Rink, Karsten and
-                  Nagel, Thomas and
-                  Meisel, Tobias and
-                  Gerasimov, Tymofiy and
-                  Loer, Frieder and
-                  Mollaali, Mostafa and
-                  You, Tao and
-                  Brato Shil, Joy and
-                  Chen, Shuang and
-                  Selzer, Philipp and
                   Shao, Haibing and
+                  Kiszkurno, Feliks K. and
+                  Chen, Chaofan and
+                  Silbermann, Christian and
+                  Radeisen, Eike and
+                  Zill, Florian and
+                  Frieder, Loer and
                   Kessler, Kristof and
                   Ghasabeh, Mehran},
   title        = {OpenGeoSys},
-  month        = nov,
-  year         = 2023,
+  month        = mar,
+  year         = 2024,
   publisher    = {Zenodo},
-  version      = {6.5.0},
-  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2600042},
-  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2600042}
+  version      = {6.5.1},
+  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10890088},
+  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10890088}