From 8594d7388029fa28c9a5c074a99189942f648e74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitri Naumov <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:20:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [PL] Extract parsing of initial stress.

Adding a new function for parameter lookup of optional tags.
 ParameterLib/Utils.h                          | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp         | 25 ++++----------
 .../CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp          | 24 ++++---------
 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ParameterLib/Utils.h b/ParameterLib/Utils.h
index a2a4dcebadd..a65f7469d47 100644
--- a/ParameterLib/Utils.h
+++ b/ParameterLib/Utils.h
@@ -142,4 +142,38 @@ Parameter<ParameterDataType>& findParameter(
     return findParameter<ParameterDataType>(name, parameters, num_components,
+/// Find a parameter of specific type for a name given in the process
+/// configuration under the optional tag.
+/// If the tag is not present, a nullptr will be returned.
+/// The parameter must have the specified number of components.
+/// In the process config a parameter is referenced by a name. For example it
+/// will be looking for a parameter named "K" in the list of parameters
+/// when the tag is "hydraulic_conductivity":
+/// \code
+///     <process>
+///         ...
+///         <hydraulic_conductivity>K</hydraulic_conductivity>
+///     </process>
+/// \endcode
+/// and return a pointer to that parameter. Additionally it checks for the
+/// type of the found parameter.
+template <typename ParameterDataType>
+Parameter<ParameterDataType>* findOptionalTagParameter(
+    BaseLib::ConfigTree const& process_config, std::string const& tag,
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ParameterBase>> const& parameters,
+    int const num_components, MeshLib::Mesh const* const mesh = nullptr)
+    // Find parameter name in process config.
+    auto const name =
+        //! \ogs_file_special
+        process_config.getConfigParameterOptional<std::string>(tag);
+    if (!name)
+    {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    return &findParameter<ParameterDataType>(*name, parameters, num_components,
+                                             mesh);
 }  // namespace ParameterLib
diff --git a/ProcessLib/SmallDeformation/CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp b/ProcessLib/SmallDeformation/CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp
index 24d6e9a4083..21a03970930 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/SmallDeformation/CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp
+++ b/ProcessLib/SmallDeformation/CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include <cassert>
 #include "MaterialLib/SolidModels/CreateConstitutiveRelation.h"
-#include "MathLib/KelvinVector.h"
 #include "ParameterLib/Utils.h"
 #include "ProcessLib/Output/CreateSecondaryVariables.h"
 #include "ProcessLib/Utils/ProcessUtils.h"
@@ -104,24 +103,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<Process> createSmallDeformationProcess(
             "reference_temperature", std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
     // Initial stress conditions
-    ParameterLib::Parameter<double> const* initial_stress = nullptr;
-    auto const initial_stress_parameter_name =
-        //! \ogs_file_param{prj__processes__process__SMALL_DEFORMATION__initial_stress}
-        config.getConfigParameterOptional<std::string>("initial_stress");
-    if (initial_stress_parameter_name)
-    {
-        initial_stress = ParameterLib::findParameterOptional<double>(
-            *initial_stress_parameter_name, parameters,
-            // Symmetric tensor size, 4 or 6, not a Kelvin vector.
-            MathLib::KelvinVector::KelvinVectorDimensions<
-                DisplacementDim>::value,
-            &mesh);
-    }
-    if (initial_stress != nullptr)
-    {
-        DBUG("Use '%s' as initial stress parameter.",
-             initial_stress->name.c_str());
-    }
+    auto const initial_stress = ParameterLib::findOptionalTagParameter<double>(
+        //! \ogs_file_param_special{prj__processes__process__SMALL_DEFORMATION__initial_stress}
+        config, "initial_stress", parameters,
+        // Symmetric tensor size, 4 or 6, not a Kelvin vector.
+        MathLib::KelvinVector::KelvinVectorDimensions<DisplacementDim>::value,
+        &mesh);
     SmallDeformationProcessData<DisplacementDim> process_data{
         materialIDs(mesh),   std::move(solid_constitutive_relations),
diff --git a/ProcessLib/ThermoMechanics/CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp b/ProcessLib/ThermoMechanics/CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp
index deaf6f9c047..383570020b0 100644
--- a/ProcessLib/ThermoMechanics/CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp
+++ b/ProcessLib/ThermoMechanics/CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp
@@ -168,24 +168,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<Process> createThermoMechanicsProcess(
     // Initial stress conditions
-    ParameterLib::Parameter<double> const* initial_stress = nullptr;
-    auto const initial_stress_parameter_name =
-        //! \ogs_file_param{prj__processes__process__THERMO_MECHANICS__initial_stress}
-        config.getConfigParameterOptional<std::string>("initial_stress");
-    if (initial_stress_parameter_name)
-    {
-        initial_stress = ParameterLib::findParameterOptional<double>(
-            *initial_stress_parameter_name, parameters,
-            // Symmetric tensor size, 4 or 6, not a Kelvin vector.
-            MathLib::KelvinVector::KelvinVectorDimensions<
-                DisplacementDim>::value,
-            &mesh);
-    }
-    if (initial_stress != nullptr)
-    {
-        DBUG("Use '%s' as initial stress parameter.",
-             initial_stress->name.c_str());
-    }
+    auto const initial_stress = ParameterLib::findOptionalTagParameter<double>(
+        //! \ogs_file_param_special{prj__processes__process__THERMO_MECHANICS__initial_stress}
+        config, "initial_stress", parameters,
+        // Symmetric tensor size, 4 or 6, not a Kelvin vector.
+        MathLib::KelvinVector::KelvinVectorDimensions<DisplacementDim>::value,
+        &mesh);
     ThermoMechanicsProcessData<DisplacementDim> process_data{