From f8560f56814541062aee56bd1988a5c3eda7321b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitri Naumov <>
Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 17:52:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [MaL] Tabs to whitespaces.

 MathLib/CMakeLists.txt                        |  28 +-
 MathLib/ConstantFunction.h                    |  18 +-
 .../LinearIntervalInterpolation.h             |  64 +-
 .../PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.cpp          |  40 +-
 .../PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.h            |  66 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix-impl.h       | 362 ++++-----
 MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix.h            |  64 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.cpp           |   4 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.h             |  16 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/FinalizeMatrixAssembly.h       |   2 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisMatrix.h                |   4 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisOption.h                |  26 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.cpp               | 112 +--
 MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.h                 |   4 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.cpp              |  44 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.h                | 176 ++---
 .../Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.cpp    | 104 +--
 .../Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.h      |   6 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/RowColumnIndices.h             |  12 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/BiCGStab.cpp           | 242 +++---
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.cpp                 | 154 ++--
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.h                   |   4 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CGParallel.cpp         | 208 ++---
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GMRes.cpp              | 264 +++----
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm-impl.h  | 104 +--
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm.h       | 110 +--
 .../LinAlg/Solvers/IterativeLinearSolver.h    |   4 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/TriangularSolve-impl.h |  58 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/blas.h                 | 466 +++++------
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrix.h             | 724 +++++++++---------
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixDiagPrecond.h  | 100 +--
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixOpenMP.h       |  38 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixPThreads.h     | 142 ++--
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSSymMatrix.h          |  76 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools-impl.h         |  80 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools.h              |   4 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTranspose.h          |   2 +-
 .../LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.cpp   |  10 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.h |  32 +-
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.cpp    | 330 ++++----
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.h      |  64 +-
 .../CRSMatrixReordered.cpp                    |  86 +--
 .../CRSMatrixReordered.h                      |   8 +-
 .../CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.cpp              |   4 +-
 .../CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.h                |   6 +-
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.cpp   | 304 ++++----
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.h     |  88 +--
 .../ClusterBase.cpp                           |  68 +-
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.h | 138 ++--
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.cpp |   6 +-
 .../NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.h   |  50 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/SparseMatrixBase.h      |  66 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.cpp             | 238 +++---
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.h               |  52 +-
 MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/sparse.h                |  52 +-
 MathLib/LinearFunction.h                      |  40 +-
 MathLib/MathTools.cpp                         |  38 +-
 MathLib/MathTools.h                           |  44 +-
 MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.cpp                   | 400 +++++-----
 MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.h                     |  36 +-
 MathLib/ODE/ConcreteODESolver.h               | 110 +--
 MathLib/ODE/FunctionHandles.h                 | 120 +--
 MathLib/ODE/ODESolver.h                       | 186 ++---
 MathLib/ODE/ODESolverBuilder.h                |  14 +-
 MathLib/Point3d.h                             |   6 +-
 MathLib/Point3dWithID.h                       |  66 +-
 MathLib/TemplatePoint.h                       | 212 ++---
 MathLib/TemplateWeightedPoint.h               |  16 +-
 MathLib/Vector3.h                             | 268 +++----
 MathLib/vector_io.h                           | 104 +--
 70 files changed, 3597 insertions(+), 3597 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MathLib/CMakeLists.txt b/MathLib/CMakeLists.txt
index bf640b887ab..cc22a818570 100644
--- a/MathLib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/MathLib/CMakeLists.txt
 endif ()
-	include_directories(${METIS_INCLUDE_DIR})
+    include_directories(${METIS_INCLUDE_DIR})
 # Create the library
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ target_link_libraries(MathLib
-	target_link_libraries(MathLib ${CVODE_LIBRARIES})
+    target_link_libraries(MathLib ${CVODE_LIBRARIES})
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ if (OGS_USE_PETSC)
 if(TARGET Boost)
-	add_dependencies(MathLib Boost)
+    add_dependencies(MathLib Boost)
 if(TARGET Eigen)
-	add_dependencies(MathLib Eigen)
+    add_dependencies(MathLib Eigen)
diff --git a/MathLib/ConstantFunction.h b/MathLib/ConstantFunction.h
index a411a882fd8..4c99eaf9603 100644
--- a/MathLib/ConstantFunction.h
+++ b/MathLib/ConstantFunction.h
@@ -22,23 +22,23 @@ namespace MathLib
  * A constant function.
  * \f[
- * 	f(x_1,...,x_k)=a_0
+ *     f(x_1,...,x_k)=a_0
  * \f]
 template <typename T_TYPE>
 class ConstantFunction
-	explicit ConstantFunction(T_TYPE const& value)
-	: _value(value)
-	{}
+    explicit ConstantFunction(T_TYPE const& value)
+    : _value(value)
+    {}
-	T_TYPE operator()() const
-	{
-		return _value;
-	}
+    T_TYPE operator()() const
+    {
+        return _value;
+    }
-	T_TYPE const _value;
+    T_TYPE const _value;
diff --git a/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/LinearIntervalInterpolation.h b/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/LinearIntervalInterpolation.h
index 342aeb1e744..08c94b4fa85 100644
--- a/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/LinearIntervalInterpolation.h
+++ b/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/LinearIntervalInterpolation.h
@@ -32,50 +32,50 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template <typename NUMERIC_TYPE>
 class LinearIntervalInterpolation {
-	/**
-	 * Constructor of class template for a linear map \f$y = m \cdot x + n\f$.
-	 * Under the prerequisite \f$a \neq b\f$ it initializes the coefficients
-	 * \f$m\f$ and \f$n\f$ in a correct way.
-	 * @param a first endpoint of the first interval
-	 * @param b second endpoint of the first interval
-	 * @param c first endpoint of the second interval
-	 * @param d second endpoint of the second interval
-	 */
-	LinearIntervalInterpolation(NUMERIC_TYPE a, NUMERIC_TYPE b, NUMERIC_TYPE c, NUMERIC_TYPE d);
-	/**
-	 * Method computes the value at point \f$x\f$ obtained by linear interpolation.
-	 * @param x the point the interpolation value is searched for
-	 * @return the interpolation value at point \f$x\f$
-	 */
-	inline NUMERIC_TYPE operator() (NUMERIC_TYPE x) const;
+    /**
+     * Constructor of class template for a linear map \f$y = m \cdot x + n\f$.
+     * Under the prerequisite \f$a \neq b\f$ it initializes the coefficients
+     * \f$m\f$ and \f$n\f$ in a correct way.
+     * @param a first endpoint of the first interval
+     * @param b second endpoint of the first interval
+     * @param c first endpoint of the second interval
+     * @param d second endpoint of the second interval
+     */
+    LinearIntervalInterpolation(NUMERIC_TYPE a, NUMERIC_TYPE b, NUMERIC_TYPE c, NUMERIC_TYPE d);
+    /**
+     * Method computes the value at point \f$x\f$ obtained by linear interpolation.
+     * @param x the point the interpolation value is searched for
+     * @return the interpolation value at point \f$x\f$
+     */
+    inline NUMERIC_TYPE operator() (NUMERIC_TYPE x) const;
-	/**
-	 * the slope of the linear map
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * the offset of the linear map for \f$x\f$ equals zero
-	 */
+    /**
+     * the slope of the linear map
+     */
+    /**
+     * the offset of the linear map for \f$x\f$ equals zero
+     */
 template <typename NUMERIC_TYPE>
 LinearIntervalInterpolation<NUMERIC_TYPE>::LinearIntervalInterpolation(NUMERIC_TYPE a, NUMERIC_TYPE b,
-	_m (d-c), _n(0.0)
+                NUMERIC_TYPE c, NUMERIC_TYPE d) :
+    _m (d-c), _n(0.0)
-	if (b == a) {
-		throw std::runtime_error("LinearIntervalInterpolation::LinearIntervalInterpolation: a == b, empty interval");
-	}
-	_m /= (b-a);
-	_n = c - _m * a;
+    if (b == a) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("LinearIntervalInterpolation::LinearIntervalInterpolation: a == b, empty interval");
+    }
+    _m /= (b-a);
+    _n = c - _m * a;
 template <typename NUMERIC_TYPE>
 inline NUMERIC_TYPE LinearIntervalInterpolation<NUMERIC_TYPE>::operator() (NUMERIC_TYPE x) const
-	return _m * x + _n;
+    return _m * x + _n;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.cpp b/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.cpp
index 6444ca85d27..79c8c0cd939 100644
--- a/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.cpp
@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ PiecewiseLinearInterpolation::PiecewiseLinearInterpolation(
     : _supp_pnts(std::move(supporting_points)),
-	if (!supp_pnts_sorted) {
-		BaseLib::quicksort<double, double>(_supp_pnts, static_cast<std::size_t> (0),
-		                                   _supp_pnts.size(), _values_at_supp_pnts);
-	}
+    if (!supp_pnts_sorted) {
+        BaseLib::quicksort<double, double>(_supp_pnts, static_cast<std::size_t> (0),
+                                           _supp_pnts.size(), _values_at_supp_pnts);
+    }
 double PiecewiseLinearInterpolation::getValue(double pnt_to_interpolate) const
-	// search interval that has the point inside
-	std::size_t interval_idx(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-	if (pnt_to_interpolate <= _supp_pnts.front()) {
-		interval_idx = 0;
-	} else {
-		if (_supp_pnts.back() <= pnt_to_interpolate) {
-			interval_idx = _supp_pnts.size() - 2;
-		} else {
-			auto const& it(std::lower_bound(_supp_pnts.begin(), _supp_pnts.end(), pnt_to_interpolate));
-			interval_idx = std::distance(_supp_pnts.begin(), it) - 1;
-		}
-	}
+    // search interval that has the point inside
+    std::size_t interval_idx(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
+    if (pnt_to_interpolate <= _supp_pnts.front()) {
+        interval_idx = 0;
+    } else {
+        if (_supp_pnts.back() <= pnt_to_interpolate) {
+            interval_idx = _supp_pnts.size() - 2;
+        } else {
+            auto const& it(std::lower_bound(_supp_pnts.begin(), _supp_pnts.end(), pnt_to_interpolate));
+            interval_idx = std::distance(_supp_pnts.begin(), it) - 1;
+        }
+    }
-	// compute linear interpolation polynom: y = m * (x - support[i]) + value[i]
-	const double m((_values_at_supp_pnts[interval_idx + 1] - _values_at_supp_pnts[interval_idx])
-					/ (_supp_pnts[interval_idx + 1] - _supp_pnts[interval_idx]));
+    // compute linear interpolation polynom: y = m * (x - support[i]) + value[i]
+    const double m((_values_at_supp_pnts[interval_idx + 1] - _values_at_supp_pnts[interval_idx])
+                    / (_supp_pnts[interval_idx + 1] - _supp_pnts[interval_idx]));
-	return m * (pnt_to_interpolate - _supp_pnts[interval_idx]) + _values_at_supp_pnts[interval_idx];
+    return m * (pnt_to_interpolate - _supp_pnts[interval_idx]) + _values_at_supp_pnts[interval_idx];
 } // end MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.h b/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.h
index 81136e6eb73..f0bdbb08568 100644
--- a/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.h
+++ b/MathLib/InterpolationAlgorithms/PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.h
@@ -25,42 +25,42 @@ namespace MathLib
 class PiecewiseLinearInterpolation final
-	/**
-	 * The constructor copies the entries of the vector of supporting points
-	 * \f$(x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n)\f$ and the entries of the vector of values at
-	 * the supporting points \f$(y_0, y_1, \dots, y_n)\f$ where \f$n\f$
-	 * is the number of entries of the vector. The number of supporting
-	 * points must be the same like the number of values at the supporting
-	 * points. It is assumed that \f$x_j\f$ corresponds to
-	 * \f$y_j\f$ for all \f$j \in [0, n]\f$.
-	 *
-	 * It is not assumed that the supporting points are sorted, i.e.
-	 * \f$x_0 < x_1 < \dots < x_n\f$. It is assumed, that the supporting points
-	 * are pairwise different. The user can set the flag supp_pnts_sorted to
-	 * true, if the supporting points are sorted. This will save some setup
-	 * time.
-	 * @param supporting_points vector of supporting points
-	 * @param values_at_supp_pnts vector of values at the supporting points
-	 * @param supp_pnts_sorted false (default), if it is sure the supporting points are sorted
-	 * one can set the switch to true
-	 */
-	PiecewiseLinearInterpolation(std::vector<double>&& supporting_points,
-	                             std::vector<double>&& values_at_supp_pnts,
-	                             bool supp_pnts_sorted = false);
+    /**
+     * The constructor copies the entries of the vector of supporting points
+     * \f$(x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n)\f$ and the entries of the vector of values at
+     * the supporting points \f$(y_0, y_1, \dots, y_n)\f$ where \f$n\f$
+     * is the number of entries of the vector. The number of supporting
+     * points must be the same like the number of values at the supporting
+     * points. It is assumed that \f$x_j\f$ corresponds to
+     * \f$y_j\f$ for all \f$j \in [0, n]\f$.
+     *
+     * It is not assumed that the supporting points are sorted, i.e.
+     * \f$x_0 < x_1 < \dots < x_n\f$. It is assumed, that the supporting points
+     * are pairwise different. The user can set the flag supp_pnts_sorted to
+     * true, if the supporting points are sorted. This will save some setup
+     * time.
+     * @param supporting_points vector of supporting points
+     * @param values_at_supp_pnts vector of values at the supporting points
+     * @param supp_pnts_sorted false (default), if it is sure the supporting points are sorted
+     * one can set the switch to true
+     */
+    PiecewiseLinearInterpolation(std::vector<double>&& supporting_points,
+                                 std::vector<double>&& values_at_supp_pnts,
+                                 bool supp_pnts_sorted = false);
-	/**
-	 * \brief Calculates the interpolation value.
-	 * @param pnt_to_interpolate The point should be located within the range
-	 * \f$[x_{\min}, x_{\max}]\f$, where \f$x_{\min} = \min_{1 \le j \le n} x_j\f$ and
-	 * \f$x_{\max} = \max_{1 \le j \le n} x_j\f$. Points outside of this interval are
-	 * extrapolated.
-	 * @return The interpolated value.
-	 */
-	double getValue(double pnt_to_interpolate) const;
+    /**
+     * \brief Calculates the interpolation value.
+     * @param pnt_to_interpolate The point should be located within the range
+     * \f$[x_{\min}, x_{\max}]\f$, where \f$x_{\min} = \min_{1 \le j \le n} x_j\f$ and
+     * \f$x_{\max} = \max_{1 \le j \le n} x_j\f$. Points outside of this interval are
+     * extrapolated.
+     * @return The interpolated value.
+     */
+    double getValue(double pnt_to_interpolate) const;
-	std::vector<double> _supp_pnts;
-	std::vector<double> _values_at_supp_pnts;
+    std::vector<double> _supp_pnts;
+    std::vector<double> _values_at_supp_pnts;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix-impl.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix-impl.h
index 0a91b3053a8..10665c5c157 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix-impl.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix-impl.h
@@ -17,35 +17,35 @@ namespace MathLib
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::DenseMatrix(IDX_TYPE rows, IDX_TYPE cols) :
-		_n_rows(rows), _n_cols(cols), _data(new FP_TYPE[_n_rows * _n_cols])
+        _n_rows(rows), _n_cols(cols), _data(new FP_TYPE[_n_rows * _n_cols])
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::DenseMatrix(IDX_TYPE rows, IDX_TYPE cols,
-		FP_TYPE const& initial_value) :
-		_n_rows(rows), _n_cols(cols), _data(new FP_TYPE[_n_rows * _n_cols])
+        FP_TYPE const& initial_value) :
+        _n_rows(rows), _n_cols(cols), _data(new FP_TYPE[_n_rows * _n_cols])
-	const IDX_TYPE n(_n_rows * _n_cols);
-	for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < n; k++)
-		_data[k] = initial_value;
+    const IDX_TYPE n(_n_rows * _n_cols);
+    for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < n; k++)
+        _data[k] = initial_value;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::DenseMatrix (const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>& src) :
-		_n_rows(src.getNRows ()), _n_cols(src.getNCols ()), _data (new FP_TYPE[_n_rows * _n_cols])
+        _n_rows(src.getNRows ()), _n_cols(src.getNCols ()), _data (new FP_TYPE[_n_rows * _n_cols])
-	std::copy(src._data, src._data+_n_rows*_n_cols, _data);
+    std::copy(src._data, src._data+_n_rows*_n_cols, _data);
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::DenseMatrix (DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> &&src) :
-	   _n_rows(src.getNRows()), _n_cols(src.getNCols())
+       _n_rows(src.getNRows()), _n_cols(src.getNCols())
-	src._n_rows = 0;
-	src._n_cols = 0;
-	_data = src._data;
-	src._data = nullptr;
+    src._n_rows = 0;
+    src._n_cols = 0;
+    _data = src._data;
+    src._data = nullptr;
@@ -59,245 +59,245 @@ template <typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>&
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator=(DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> const& rhs)
-	if (this == &rhs)
-		return *this;
-	if (_n_rows != rhs.getNRows() || _n_cols != rhs.getNCols()) {
-		std::string msg("DenseMatrix::operator=(DenseMatrix const& rhs), Dimension mismatch, ");
-		msg += " left hand side: " + std::to_string(_n_rows) + " x "
-				+ std::to_string(_n_cols);
-		msg += " right hand side: " + std::to_string(rhs.getNRows()) + " x "
-				+ std::to_string(rhs.getNCols());
-		throw std::range_error(msg);
-		return *this;
-	}
-	std::copy(rhs._data, rhs._data + _n_rows * _n_cols, _data);
-	return *this;
+    if (this == &rhs)
+        return *this;
+    if (_n_rows != rhs.getNRows() || _n_cols != rhs.getNCols()) {
+        std::string msg("DenseMatrix::operator=(DenseMatrix const& rhs), Dimension mismatch, ");
+        msg += " left hand side: " + std::to_string(_n_rows) + " x "
+                + std::to_string(_n_cols);
+        msg += " right hand side: " + std::to_string(rhs.getNRows()) + " x "
+                + std::to_string(rhs.getNCols());
+        throw std::range_error(msg);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    std::copy(rhs._data, rhs._data + _n_rows * _n_cols, _data);
+    return *this;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>&
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator=(DenseMatrix && rhs)
-	_n_rows = rhs._n_rows;
-	_n_cols = rhs._n_cols;
-	_data = rhs._data;
-	rhs._n_rows = 0;
-	rhs._n_cols = 0;
-	rhs._data = nullptr;
-	return *this;
+    _n_rows = rhs._n_rows;
+    _n_cols = rhs._n_cols;
+    _data = rhs._data;
+    rhs._n_rows = 0;
+    rhs._n_cols = 0;
+    rhs._data = nullptr;
+    return *this;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>&
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator=(FP_TYPE const& v)
-	std::fill(this->_data, this->_data + this->_n_rows * this->_n_cols, v);
-	return *this;
+    std::fill(this->_data, this->_data + this->_n_rows * this->_n_cols, v);
+    return *this;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 void DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::axpy(FP_TYPE alpha, const FP_TYPE* x, FP_TYPE beta,
-		FP_TYPE* y) const
+        FP_TYPE* y) const
-	for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		y[i] += beta * y[i];
-		for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			y[i] += alpha * _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
-		}
-	}
+    for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        y[i] += beta * y[i];
+        for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            y[i] += alpha * _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
+        }
+    }
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 FP_TYPE* DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator* (FP_TYPE* const& x) const
-	return this->operator*(static_cast<FP_TYPE const*>(x));
+    return this->operator*(static_cast<FP_TYPE const*>(x));
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 FP_TYPE* DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator* (FP_TYPE const* const& x) const
-	FP_TYPE *y(new FP_TYPE[_n_rows]);
-	for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		y[i] = 0.0;
-		for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			y[i] += _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    FP_TYPE *y(new FP_TYPE[_n_rows]);
+    for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        y[i] = 0.0;
+        for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            y[i] += _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 template <typename V>
 V DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator* (V const& x) const
-	V y(_n_rows);
-	for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		y[i] = 0.0;
-		for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			y[i] += _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    V y(_n_rows);
+    for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        y[i] = 0.0;
+        for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            y[i] += _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator*(MathLib::Vector3 const& x) const
-	assert(_n_rows>2);
+    assert(_n_rows>2);
-	MathLib::Vector3 y;
-	for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		y[i] = 0.0;
-		for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			y[i] += _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
-		}
-	}
+    MathLib::Vector3 y;
+    for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        y[i] = 0.0;
+        for (IDX_TYPE j(0); j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            y[i] += _data[address(i, j)] * x[j];
+        }
+    }
-	return y;
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>*
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator+(const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>& mat) const
-	// make sure the two matrices have the same dimension.
-	if (_n_rows != mat.getNRows() || _n_cols != mat.getNCols())
-		throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::operator+, illegal matrix size!");
-	DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_rows, _n_cols));
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			(*y)(i, j) = _data[address(i, j)] + mat(i, j);
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    // make sure the two matrices have the same dimension.
+    if (_n_rows != mat.getNRows() || _n_cols != mat.getNCols())
+        throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::operator+, illegal matrix size!");
+    DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_rows, _n_cols));
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            (*y)(i, j) = _data[address(i, j)] + mat(i, j);
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>*
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator-(const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>& mat) const
-	// make sure the two matrices have the same dimension.
-	if (_n_rows != mat.getNRows() || _n_cols != mat.getNCols())
-		throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::operator-, illegal matrix size!");
-	DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_rows, _n_cols));
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			(*y)(i, j) = _data[address(i, j)] - mat(i, j);
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    // make sure the two matrices have the same dimension.
+    if (_n_rows != mat.getNRows() || _n_cols != mat.getNCols())
+        throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::operator-, illegal matrix size!");
+    DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_rows, _n_cols));
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            (*y)(i, j) = _data[address(i, j)] - mat(i, j);
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>*
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator*(const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>& mat) const
-	// make sure the two matrices have the same dimension.
-	if (_n_cols != mat.getNRows())
-		throw std::range_error(
-				"DenseMatrix::operator*, number of rows and cols should be the same!");
-	IDX_TYPE y_cols(mat.getNCols());
-	DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(
-			new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_rows, y_cols, FP_TYPE(0)));
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < y_cols; j++) {
-			for (IDX_TYPE k = 0; k < _n_cols; k++)
-				(*y)(i, j) += _data[address(i, k)] * mat(k, j);
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    // make sure the two matrices have the same dimension.
+    if (_n_cols != mat.getNRows())
+        throw std::range_error(
+                "DenseMatrix::operator*, number of rows and cols should be the same!");
+    IDX_TYPE y_cols(mat.getNCols());
+    DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(
+            new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_rows, y_cols, FP_TYPE(0)));
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < y_cols; j++) {
+            for (IDX_TYPE k = 0; k < _n_cols; k++)
+                (*y)(i, j) += _data[address(i, k)] * mat(k, j);
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>*
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::transpose() const
-	DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_cols, _n_rows));
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			(*y)(j, i) = _data[address(i, j)];
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(_n_cols, _n_rows));
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            (*y)(j, i) = _data[address(i, j)];
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::transposeInPlace()
-	if (_n_rows==_n_cols) { // square matrix
-		for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++)
-			for (IDX_TYPE j = i+1; j < _n_cols; j++)
-				std::swap(_data[address(i, j)], _data[address(j, i)]);
-	} else { // non-square matrix
-		const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> org(*this);
-		std::swap(_n_rows, _n_cols);
-		for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
-			for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
-				_data[address(i, j)] = org(j, i);
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    if (_n_rows==_n_cols) { // square matrix
+        for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++)
+            for (IDX_TYPE j = i+1; j < _n_cols; j++)
+                std::swap(_data[address(i, j)], _data[address(j, i)]);
+    } else { // non-square matrix
+        const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> org(*this);
+        std::swap(_n_rows, _n_cols);
+        for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
+            for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
+                _data[address(i, j)] = org(j, i);
+            }
+        }
+    }
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>*
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::getSubMatrix(
-		IDX_TYPE b_row, IDX_TYPE b_col,
-		IDX_TYPE e_row, IDX_TYPE e_col) const
+        IDX_TYPE b_row, IDX_TYPE b_col,
+        IDX_TYPE e_row, IDX_TYPE e_col) const
-	if (b_row >= e_row | b_col >= e_col)
-		throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::getSubMatrix() illegal sub matrix");
-	if (e_row > _n_rows | e_col > _n_cols)
-		throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::getSubMatrix() illegal sub matrix");
-	DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(
-			new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(e_row - b_row, e_col - b_col));
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = b_row; i < e_row; i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = b_col; j < e_col; j++) {
-			(*y)(i - b_row, j - b_col) = _data[address(i, j)];
-		}
-	}
-	return y;
+    if (b_row >= e_row | b_col >= e_col)
+        throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::getSubMatrix() illegal sub matrix");
+    if (e_row > _n_rows | e_col > _n_cols)
+        throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::getSubMatrix() illegal sub matrix");
+    DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* y(
+            new DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(e_row - b_row, e_col - b_col));
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = b_row; i < e_row; i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = b_col; j < e_col; j++) {
+            (*y)(i - b_row, j - b_col) = _data[address(i, j)];
+        }
+    }
+    return y;
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::setSubMatrix(IDX_TYPE b_row, IDX_TYPE b_col,
-		const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>& sub_mat)
+        const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>& sub_mat)
-	if (b_row + sub_mat.getNRows() > _n_rows | b_col + sub_mat.getNCols() > _n_cols)
-		throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::setSubMatrix() sub matrix to big");
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < sub_mat.getNRows(); i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < sub_mat.getNCols(); j++) {
-			_data[address(i + b_row, j + b_col)] = sub_mat(i, j);
-		}
-	}
+    if (b_row + sub_mat.getNRows() > _n_rows | b_col + sub_mat.getNCols() > _n_cols)
+        throw std::range_error("DenseMatrix::setSubMatrix() sub matrix to big");
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < sub_mat.getNRows(); i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < sub_mat.getNCols(); j++) {
+            _data[address(i + b_row, j + b_col)] = sub_mat(i, j);
+        }
+    }
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator() (IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col)
-	assert((row < _n_rows) && (col < _n_cols));
-	return _data [address(row,col)];
+    assert((row < _n_rows) && (col < _n_cols));
+    return _data [address(row,col)];
@@ -305,44 +305,44 @@ template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 FP_TYPE const&
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::operator() (IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col) const
-	assert((row < _n_rows) && (col < _n_cols));
-	return _data[address(row, col)];
+    assert((row < _n_rows) && (col < _n_cols));
+    return _data[address(row, col)];
 template <typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::write (std::ostream &out) const
-	out << _n_rows << " " << _n_cols << "\n";
-	for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
-		for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
-			out << _data[address(i, j)] << "\t";
-		}
-		out << "\n";
-	}
+    out << _n_rows << " " << _n_cols << "\n";
+    for (IDX_TYPE i = 0; i < _n_rows; i++) {
+        for (IDX_TYPE j = 0; j < _n_cols; j++) {
+            out << _data[address(i, j)] << "\t";
+        }
+        out << "\n";
+    }
 template <typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::setIdentity()
-	(*this) = 0.0;
-	const IDX_TYPE n_square_rows = std::min(_n_rows, _n_cols);
-	for (IDX_TYPE i=0; i<n_square_rows; i++)
-		_data[address(i,i)] = 1.0;
+    (*this) = 0.0;
+    const IDX_TYPE n_square_rows = std::min(_n_rows, _n_cols);
+    for (IDX_TYPE i=0; i<n_square_rows; i++)
+        _data[address(i,i)] = 1.0;
 template <typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 sqrFrobNrm (const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> &mat)
-	FP_TYPE nrm(static_cast<FP_TYPE>(0));
-	IDX_TYPE i, j;
-	for (j = 0; j < mat.getNCols(); j++)
-		for (i = 0; i < mat.getNRows(); i++)
-			nrm += mat(i, j) * mat(i, j);
+    FP_TYPE nrm(static_cast<FP_TYPE>(0));
+    IDX_TYPE i, j;
+    for (j = 0; j < mat.getNCols(); j++)
+        for (i = 0; i < mat.getNRows(); i++)
+            nrm += mat(i, j) * mat(i, j);
-	return nrm;
+    return nrm;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix.h
index 096a3c92611..0b80dc1e3f4 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Dense/DenseMatrix.h
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template <typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE = std::size_t> class DenseMatrix
-	typedef FP_TYPE FP_T;
-	typedef IDX_TYPE IDX_T;
+    typedef FP_TYPE FP_T;
+    typedef IDX_TYPE IDX_T;
    /// Dense square matrix constructor.
@@ -144,36 +144,36 @@ public:
    void write (std::ostream& out) const;
-	/**
-	 * get the number of rows
-	 * @return the number of rows
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE getNRows () const { return _n_rows; }
-	/**
-	 * get the number of columns
-	 * @return the number of columns
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE getNCols () const { return _n_cols; }
-	/**
-	 * get the number of entries in the matrix
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE size() const { return _n_rows*_n_cols; }
-	/**
-	 * set the identity matrix
-	 */
-	void setIdentity();
+    /**
+     * get the number of rows
+     * @return the number of rows
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE getNRows () const { return _n_rows; }
+    /**
+     * get the number of columns
+     * @return the number of columns
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE getNCols () const { return _n_cols; }
+    /**
+     * get the number of entries in the matrix
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE size() const { return _n_rows*_n_cols; }
+    /**
+     * set the identity matrix
+     */
+    void setIdentity();
-	/**
-	 * the number of rows
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE _n_rows;
-	/**
-	 * the number of columns
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE _n_cols;
+    /**
+     * the number of rows
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE _n_rows;
+    /**
+     * the number of columns
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE _n_cols;
    // zero based addressing, but Fortran storage layout
    //inline IDX_TYPE address(IDX_TYPE i, IDX_TYPE j) const { return j*rows+i; }
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ protected:
 template <typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DenseMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> &mat)
-	mat.write (os);
-	return os;
+    mat.write (os);
+    return os;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.cpp
index 0f4b6a73e54..bdef51d706b 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.cpp
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ namespace MathLib
 void applyKnownSolution(EigenMatrix &A_, EigenVector &b_, EigenVector &/*x*/,
-		const std::vector<EigenMatrix::IndexType> &vec_knownX_id,
-		const std::vector<double> &vec_knownX_x, double /*penalty_scaling*/)
+        const std::vector<EigenMatrix::IndexType> &vec_knownX_id,
+        const std::vector<double> &vec_knownX_x, double /*penalty_scaling*/)
     using SpMat = EigenMatrix::RawMatrixType;
     static_assert(SpMat::IsRowMajor, "matrix is assumed to be row major!");
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.h
index cd5f936a610..9d533e70de4 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenTools.h
@@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ class EigenVector;
  * entries to enforce some conditions
 void applyKnownSolution(EigenMatrix &A, EigenVector &b, EigenVector &/*x*/,
-		const std::vector<EigenMatrix::IndexType> &_vec_knownX_id,
-		const std::vector<double> &_vec_knownX_x, double penalty_scaling = 1e+10);
+        const std::vector<EigenMatrix::IndexType> &_vec_knownX_id,
+        const std::vector<double> &_vec_knownX_x, double penalty_scaling = 1e+10);
 void applyKnownSolution(Eigen::MatrixXd &A, Eigen::VectorXd &b, Eigen::VectorXd &/*x*/,
-		const std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index> &_vec_knownX_id,
-		const std::vector<double> &_vec_knownX_x, double penalty_scaling = 1e+10)
+        const std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index> &_vec_knownX_id,
+        const std::vector<double> &_vec_knownX_x, double penalty_scaling = 1e+10)
-	(void) A; (void) b; (void) _vec_knownX_id; (void) _vec_knownX_x;
-	(void) penalty_scaling;
+    (void) A; (void) b; (void) _vec_knownX_id; (void) _vec_knownX_x;
+    (void) penalty_scaling;
-	ERR("Method not implemented."); // TODO implement
-	std::abort();
+    ERR("Method not implemented."); // TODO implement
+    std::abort();
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/FinalizeMatrixAssembly.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/FinalizeMatrixAssembly.h
index 5a292dcafc4..6b80284b819 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/FinalizeMatrixAssembly.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/FinalizeMatrixAssembly.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace MathLib
 template <typename MAT_T>
 bool finalizeMatrixAssembly(MAT_T &)
-	return true;
+    return true;
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisMatrix.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisMatrix.h
index 15e0092102c..ae32fb5cd9d 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisMatrix.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisMatrix.h
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ private:
     LIS_VECTOR _diag;
     bool _is_assembled;
-    IndexType _is;	///< location where the partial matrix _AA starts in global matrix.
-    IndexType _ie;	///< location where the partial matrix _AA ends in global matrix.
+    IndexType _is;    ///< location where the partial matrix _AA starts in global matrix.
+    IndexType _ie;    ///< location where the partial matrix _AA ends in global matrix.
     bool _use_external_arrays;
     // friend function
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisOption.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisOption.h
index c67421c268a..37e3822f133 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisOption.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisOption.h
@@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ namespace MathLib
 struct LisOption
-	LisOption(BaseLib::ConfigTree const* const options)
-	{
-		if (options) {
-			ignoreOtherLinearSolvers(*options, "lis");
-			if (auto s = options->getConfParamOptional<std::string>("lis")) {
-				if (!s->empty()) {
-					_option_string += " " + *s;
-					INFO("Lis options: \"%s\"", _option_string.c_str());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    LisOption(BaseLib::ConfigTree const* const options)
+    {
+        if (options) {
+            ignoreOtherLinearSolvers(*options, "lis");
+            if (auto s = options->getConfParamOptional<std::string>("lis")) {
+                if (!s->empty()) {
+                    _option_string += " " + *s;
+                    INFO("Lis options: \"%s\"", _option_string.c_str());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-	std::string _option_string = "-initxzeros 0";
+    std::string _option_string = "-initxzeros 0";
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.cpp
index 2439b3163a9..8a3e024ccc4 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.cpp
@@ -36,77 +36,77 @@ namespace detail
 /// sorts the columns and values, accordingly.
 MathLib::CRSMatrix<double, typename LisMatrix::IndexType>* lis2crs(LisMatrix &a)
-	using IndexType = LisMatrix::IndexType;
-	LIS_MATRIX &A = a.getRawMatrix();
-	IndexType const n_rows(A->n); // number of rows
-	IndexType *iA(new IndexType[n_rows+1]); // row ptr array
-	iA[0] = 0;
-	for (LIS_INT k=1; k<n_rows+1; ++k) {
-		iA[k] = iA[k-1] + A->w_row[k-1 - A->is];
-	}
-	IndexType *jA(new IndexType[iA[n_rows]]); // column indices array
-	double *entries(new double[iA[n_rows]]);
-	for (IndexType r(0); r<n_rows; ++r) {
-		IndexType const beg_idx(iA[r]);
-		IndexType const end_idx(iA[r+1]);
-		for (IndexType j(beg_idx); j<end_idx; ++j) {
-			jA[j] = A->w_index[r-A->is][j-beg_idx];
-			entries[j] = A->w_value[r-A->is][j-beg_idx];
-		}
-	}
-	for (IndexType r(0); r<n_rows; ++r) {
-		IndexType const beg_idx(iA[r]);
-		IndexType const end_idx(iA[r+1]);
-		// sort the column entries of the row
-		BaseLib::quicksort(jA, beg_idx, end_idx, entries);
-	}
-	return new MathLib::CRSMatrix<double,IndexType>(A->n, iA, jA, entries);
+    using IndexType = LisMatrix::IndexType;
+    LIS_MATRIX &A = a.getRawMatrix();
+    IndexType const n_rows(A->n); // number of rows
+    IndexType *iA(new IndexType[n_rows+1]); // row ptr array
+    iA[0] = 0;
+    for (LIS_INT k=1; k<n_rows+1; ++k) {
+        iA[k] = iA[k-1] + A->w_row[k-1 - A->is];
+    }
+    IndexType *jA(new IndexType[iA[n_rows]]); // column indices array
+    double *entries(new double[iA[n_rows]]);
+    for (IndexType r(0); r<n_rows; ++r) {
+        IndexType const beg_idx(iA[r]);
+        IndexType const end_idx(iA[r+1]);
+        for (IndexType j(beg_idx); j<end_idx; ++j) {
+            jA[j] = A->w_index[r-A->is][j-beg_idx];
+            entries[j] = A->w_value[r-A->is][j-beg_idx];
+        }
+    }
+    for (IndexType r(0); r<n_rows; ++r) {
+        IndexType const beg_idx(iA[r]);
+        IndexType const end_idx(iA[r+1]);
+        // sort the column entries of the row
+        BaseLib::quicksort(jA, beg_idx, end_idx, entries);
+    }
+    return new MathLib::CRSMatrix<double,IndexType>(A->n, iA, jA, entries);
 // This function resets the the column indices and the entries, respectively.
 // The LIS_MATRIX must have reserved enough memory for each row already!
 void crs2lis(
-	MathLib::CRSMatrix<double, typename LisMatrix::IndexType> const& mat,
+    MathLib::CRSMatrix<double, typename LisMatrix::IndexType> const& mat,
-	LisMatrix::IndexType const*const jA(mat.getColIdxArray());
-	double * entries(const_cast<double*>(mat.getEntryArray()));
-	// reset the entries in the lis matrix
-	LisMatrix::IndexType cnt(0);
-	for (LIS_INT row_i = 0; row_i < A->n; ++row_i) {
-		for (LIS_INT j = 0; j < A->w_row[row_i - A->is]; ++j) {
-			A->w_index[row_i-A->is][j] = jA[cnt];
-			A->w_value[row_i-A->is][j] = entries[cnt];
-			cnt++;
-		}
-	}
+    LisMatrix::IndexType const*const jA(mat.getColIdxArray());
+    double * entries(const_cast<double*>(mat.getEntryArray()));
+    // reset the entries in the lis matrix
+    LisMatrix::IndexType cnt(0);
+    for (LIS_INT row_i = 0; row_i < A->n; ++row_i) {
+        for (LIS_INT j = 0; j < A->w_row[row_i - A->is]; ++j) {
+            A->w_index[row_i-A->is][j] = jA[cnt];
+            A->w_value[row_i-A->is][j] = entries[cnt];
+            cnt++;
+        }
+    }
 } // end namespace detail
 void applyKnownSolution(LisMatrix &eqsA, LisVector &eqsRHS, LisVector &/*eqsX*/,
-	const std::vector<LisMatrix::IndexType> &input_rows,
-	const std::vector<double> &input_vals)
+    const std::vector<LisMatrix::IndexType> &input_rows,
+    const std::vector<double> &input_vals)
-	// unfortunatly the input is not sorted => copy and sort
-	std::vector<LisMatrix::IndexType> rows(input_rows);
-	std::vector<double> vals(input_vals);
-	BaseLib::quicksort(rows, 0, rows.size(), vals);
+    // unfortunatly the input is not sorted => copy and sort
+    std::vector<LisMatrix::IndexType> rows(input_rows);
+    std::vector<double> vals(input_vals);
+    BaseLib::quicksort(rows, 0, rows.size(), vals);
-	MathLib::CRSMatrix<double, typename LisMatrix::IndexType> *crs_mat(
-		MathLib::detail::lis2crs(eqsA));
+    MathLib::CRSMatrix<double, typename LisMatrix::IndexType> *crs_mat(
+        MathLib::detail::lis2crs(eqsA));
-	// The following function is defined in CRSTools-impl.h
-	applyKnownSolution(crs_mat, eqsRHS, input_rows, input_vals);
+    // The following function is defined in CRSTools-impl.h
+    applyKnownSolution(crs_mat, eqsRHS, input_rows, input_vals);
-	detail::crs2lis(*crs_mat, eqsA.getRawMatrix());
+    detail::crs2lis(*crs_mat, eqsA.getRawMatrix());
-	delete crs_mat;
+    delete crs_mat;
 }  // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.h
index c5c8ec49bc0..c20b6f85def 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisTools.h
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ class LisVector;
  * @param vals a vector of known solutions
 void applyKnownSolution(LisMatrix &eqsA, LisVector &eqsRHS, LisVector &/*eqsX*/,
-	const std::vector<LisMatrix::IndexType> &rows,
-	const std::vector<double> &vals);
+    const std::vector<LisMatrix::IndexType> &rows,
+    const std::vector<double> &vals);
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.cpp
index 7649a2f1d5f..b841046e29f 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.cpp
@@ -21,64 +21,64 @@ namespace MathLib
 LisVector::LisVector(std::size_t length)
-	lis_vector_create(0, &_vec);
-	lis_vector_set_size(_vec, 0, length);
+    lis_vector_create(0, &_vec);
+    lis_vector_set_size(_vec, 0, length);
 LisVector::LisVector(std::size_t length, double* data)
-	lis_vector_create(0, &_vec);
-	lis_vector_set_size(_vec, 0, length);
-	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
-		lis_vector_set_value(LIS_INS_VALUE, i, data[i], _vec);
+    lis_vector_create(0, &_vec);
+    lis_vector_set_size(_vec, 0, length);
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
+        lis_vector_set_value(LIS_INS_VALUE, i, data[i], _vec);
 LisVector::LisVector(LisVector const& src)
-	lis_vector_duplicate(src._vec, &_vec);
-	lis_vector_copy(src._vec, _vec);
+    lis_vector_duplicate(src._vec, &_vec);
+    lis_vector_copy(src._vec, _vec);
-	lis_vector_destroy(_vec);
+    lis_vector_destroy(_vec);
 LisVector& LisVector::operator=(const LisVector& src)
-	lis_vector_copy(src._vec, _vec);
-	return *this;
+    lis_vector_copy(src._vec, _vec);
+    return *this;
 void LisVector::operator+=(const LisVector& v)
-	lis_vector_axpy(1.0, v._vec, _vec);
+    lis_vector_axpy(1.0, v._vec, _vec);
 void LisVector::operator-=(const LisVector& v)
-	lis_vector_axpy(-1.0, v._vec, _vec);
+    lis_vector_axpy(-1.0, v._vec, _vec);
 LisVector& LisVector::operator=(double v)
-	lis_vector_set_all(v, _vec);
-	return *this;
+    lis_vector_set_all(v, _vec);
+    return *this;
 std::size_t LisVector::size() const
-	IndexType dummy;
-	IndexType size;
-	int const ierr = lis_vector_get_size(_vec, &dummy, &size);
-	checkLisError(ierr);
-	assert(size >= 0);  // For safe implicit conversion to std::size_t.
-	return size;
+    IndexType dummy;
+    IndexType size;
+    int const ierr = lis_vector_get_size(_vec, &dummy, &size);
+    checkLisError(ierr);
+    assert(size >= 0);  // For safe implicit conversion to std::size_t.
+    return size;
 void LisVector::write(const std::string& filename) const
-	lis_output_vector(_vec, LIS_FMT_PLAIN, const_cast<char*>(filename.c_str()));
+    lis_output_vector(_vec, LIS_FMT_PLAIN, const_cast<char*>(filename.c_str()));
 }  // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.h
index f98333cac3f..202674ee0bb 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Lis/LisVector.h
@@ -28,97 +28,97 @@ namespace MathLib
 class LisVector
-	using IndexType = LIS_INT;
+    using IndexType = LIS_INT;
-	/**
-	 * Constructor for initialization of the number of rows
-	 * @param length number of rows
-	 */
-	explicit LisVector(std::size_t length);
-	/**
-	 * Constructor using the given raw data
-	 * @param length the length of the vector
-	 * @param data   the raw data
-	 */
-	LisVector(std::size_t length, double* data);
-	/// copy constructor
-	LisVector(LisVector const& src);
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	virtual ~LisVector();
-	/// return a vector length
-	std::size_t size() const;
-	/// return a start index of the active data range
-	std::size_t getRangeBegin() const { return 0; }
-	/// return an end index of the active data range
-	std::size_t getRangeEnd() const { return this->size(); }
-	/// set all values in this vector
-	LisVector& operator=(double v);
-	// TODO preliminary
-	void setZero() { *this = 0.0; }
-	/// access entry
-	double operator[](IndexType rowId) const { return get(rowId); }
-	/// get entry
-	double get(IndexType rowId) const
-	{
-		double v = .0;
-		lis_vector_get_value(_vec, rowId, &v);
-		return v;
-	}
-	/// set entry
-	void set(IndexType rowId, double v)
-	{
-		lis_vector_set_value(LIS_INS_VALUE, rowId, v, _vec);
-	}
-	/// add entry
-	void add(IndexType rowId, double v)
-	{
-		lis_vector_set_value(LIS_ADD_VALUE, rowId, v, _vec);
-	}
-	/// printout this equation for debugging
-	void write(const std::string& filename) const;
-	/// return a raw Lis vector object
-	LIS_VECTOR& getRawVector() { return _vec; }
-	/// vector operation: set data
-	LisVector& operator=(const LisVector& src);
-	/// vector operation: add
-	void operator+=(const LisVector& v);
-	/// vector operation: subtract
-	void operator-=(const LisVector& v);
-	///
-	template <class T_SUBVEC>
-	void add(const std::vector<IndexType>& pos, const T_SUBVEC& sub_vec)
-	{
-		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pos.size(); ++i)
-		{
-			this->add(pos[i], sub_vec[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	/// Copy vector values.
-	void copyValues(std::vector<double>& u) const
-	{
-		assert(u.size() == size());
-		lis_vector_get_values(_vec, 0, size(),;
-	}
+    /**
+     * Constructor for initialization of the number of rows
+     * @param length number of rows
+     */
+    explicit LisVector(std::size_t length);
+    /**
+     * Constructor using the given raw data
+     * @param length the length of the vector
+     * @param data   the raw data
+     */
+    LisVector(std::size_t length, double* data);
+    /// copy constructor
+    LisVector(LisVector const& src);
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    virtual ~LisVector();
+    /// return a vector length
+    std::size_t size() const;
+    /// return a start index of the active data range
+    std::size_t getRangeBegin() const { return 0; }
+    /// return an end index of the active data range
+    std::size_t getRangeEnd() const { return this->size(); }
+    /// set all values in this vector
+    LisVector& operator=(double v);
+    // TODO preliminary
+    void setZero() { *this = 0.0; }
+    /// access entry
+    double operator[](IndexType rowId) const { return get(rowId); }
+    /// get entry
+    double get(IndexType rowId) const
+    {
+        double v = .0;
+        lis_vector_get_value(_vec, rowId, &v);
+        return v;
+    }
+    /// set entry
+    void set(IndexType rowId, double v)
+    {
+        lis_vector_set_value(LIS_INS_VALUE, rowId, v, _vec);
+    }
+    /// add entry
+    void add(IndexType rowId, double v)
+    {
+        lis_vector_set_value(LIS_ADD_VALUE, rowId, v, _vec);
+    }
+    /// printout this equation for debugging
+    void write(const std::string& filename) const;
+    /// return a raw Lis vector object
+    LIS_VECTOR& getRawVector() { return _vec; }
+    /// vector operation: set data
+    LisVector& operator=(const LisVector& src);
+    /// vector operation: add
+    void operator+=(const LisVector& v);
+    /// vector operation: subtract
+    void operator-=(const LisVector& v);
+    ///
+    template <class T_SUBVEC>
+    void add(const std::vector<IndexType>& pos, const T_SUBVEC& sub_vec)
+    {
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pos.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            this->add(pos[i], sub_vec[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    /// Copy vector values.
+    void copyValues(std::vector<double>& u) const
+    {
+        assert(u.size() == size());
+        lis_vector_get_values(_vec, 0, size(),;
+    }
-	LIS_VECTOR _vec;
+    LIS_VECTOR _vec;
 }  // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.cpp
index bbbc5609444..eda88c34bb4 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.cpp
@@ -19,70 +19,70 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 bool generateDiagPrecond (unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, unsigned const*const jA,
-				double const*const A, double* diag)
+                double const*const A, double* diag)
-	unsigned idx; // first idx of next row
-	unsigned c; // column
-	unsigned j;
-	bool has_no_diag;
+    unsigned idx; // first idx of next row
+    unsigned c; // column
+    unsigned j;
+    bool has_no_diag;
-	for (unsigned r(0); r<n; ++r) {
-		idx=iA[r+1];
-		has_no_diag=true;
-		for (j=iA[r]; j<idx && has_no_diag; ++j) {
-			c=jA[j];
-			if (c==r) {
-				has_no_diag=false;
-				diag[r] = 1.0/A[j];
-			}
-		}
-		if (j==idx && has_no_diag) {
-			std::cout << "row " << r << " has no diagonal element " << std::endl;
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
+    for (unsigned r(0); r<n; ++r) {
+        idx=iA[r+1];
+        has_no_diag=true;
+        for (j=iA[r]; j<idx && has_no_diag; ++j) {
+            c=jA[j];
+            if (c==r) {
+                has_no_diag=false;
+                diag[r] = 1.0/A[j];
+            }
+        }
+        if (j==idx && has_no_diag) {
+            std::cout << "row " << r << " has no diagonal element " << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
 bool generateDiagPrecondRowSum(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, double const*const A, double* diag)
-	unsigned idx; // first idx of next row
-	unsigned j;
+    unsigned idx; // first idx of next row
+    unsigned j;
-	for (unsigned r(0); r<n; ++r) {
-		diag[r] = 0.0;
-		idx=iA[r+1];
-		for (j=iA[r]; j<idx; ++j) {
-			diag[r] += fabs(A[j]);
-		}
-		if (fabs(diag[r]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
-			std::cout << "row " << r << " has only very small entries" << std::endl;
-			return false;
-		}
-		diag[r] = 1.0/diag[r];
-	}
-	return true;
+    for (unsigned r(0); r<n; ++r) {
+        diag[r] = 0.0;
+        idx=iA[r+1];
+        for (j=iA[r]; j<idx; ++j) {
+            diag[r] += fabs(A[j]);
+        }
+        if (fabs(diag[r]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
+            std::cout << "row " << r << " has only very small entries" << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        diag[r] = 1.0/diag[r];
+    }
+    return true;
 bool generateDiagPrecondRowMax(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, double const*const A, double* diag)
-	unsigned idx; // first idx of next row
-	unsigned j;
+    unsigned idx; // first idx of next row
+    unsigned j;
-	for (unsigned r(0); r<n; ++r) {
-		idx=iA[r+1];
-		diag[r] = A[idx];
-		for (j=iA[r]; j<idx; ++j) {
-			if (A[j] > diag[r])
-				diag[r] = A[j];
-		}
-		if (fabs(diag[r]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
-			std::cout << "the maximum entry of row " << r << " has only very small value" << std::endl;
-			return false;
-		}
-		diag[r] = 1.0/diag[r];
-	}
-	return true;
+    for (unsigned r(0); r<n; ++r) {
+        idx=iA[r+1];
+        diag[r] = A[idx];
+        for (j=iA[r]; j<idx; ++j) {
+            if (A[j] > diag[r])
+                diag[r] = A[j];
+        }
+        if (fabs(diag[r]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
+            std::cout << "the maximum entry of row " << r << " has only very small value" << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        diag[r] = 1.0/diag[r];
+    }
+    return true;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.h
index 2dd4412f54e..99747a8a2c8 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Preconditioner/generateDiagPrecond.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace MathLib {
  * @return true, if all diagonal entries are distinct from zero, else false
 bool generateDiagPrecond(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, unsigned const*const jA,
-				double const*const A, double* diag);
+                double const*const A, double* diag);
  * diagonal preconditioner \f$P_{ii} = \left(\sum_{j} |a_{ij}|\right)^{-1}\f$ associated with \f$n \times n\f$ matrix \f$A\f$
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ bool generateDiagPrecond(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, unsigned const*con
  * @return true, if all row sums are distinct from zero, else false
 bool generateDiagPrecondRowSum(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, double const*const A,
-				double* diag);
+                double* diag);
  * diagonal preconditioner \f$P_{ii} = \left(\max_{j} a_{ij}\right)^{-1}\f$ associated with \f$n \times n\f$ matrix \f$A\f$
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ bool generateDiagPrecondRowSum(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, double const
  * @return true, if all row sums are distinct from zero, else false
 bool generateDiagPrecondRowMax(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, double const*const A,
-				double* diag);
+                double* diag);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/RowColumnIndices.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/RowColumnIndices.h
index 8baeaad80e2..756b1f83356 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/RowColumnIndices.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/RowColumnIndices.h
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ namespace MathLib
 template <typename IDX_TYPE>
 struct RowColumnIndices
-	typedef typename std::vector<IDX_TYPE> LineIndex;
-	RowColumnIndices(LineIndex const& rows_, LineIndex const& columns_)
-		: rows(rows_), columns(columns_)
-	{ }
+    typedef typename std::vector<IDX_TYPE> LineIndex;
+    RowColumnIndices(LineIndex const& rows_, LineIndex const& columns_)
+        : rows(rows_), columns(columns_)
+    { }
-	LineIndex const& rows;
-	LineIndex const& columns;
+    LineIndex const& rows;
+    LineIndex const& columns;
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/BiCGStab.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/BiCGStab.cpp
index a29b12e3fbd..a7013bc1d98 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/BiCGStab.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/BiCGStab.cpp
@@ -22,130 +22,130 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 unsigned BiCGStab(CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> const& A, double* const b, double* const x,
-		double& eps, unsigned& nsteps)
+        double& eps, unsigned& nsteps)
-	const unsigned N(A.getNRows());
-	double *v (new double[8* N]);
-	double *p (v + N);
-	double *phat (p + N);
-	double *s (phat + N);
-	double *shat (s + N);
-	double *t (shat + N);
-	double *r (t + N);
-	double *r0 (r + N);
-	double resid;
-	// normb = |b|
-	double nrmb = blas::nrm2(N, b);
-	if (nrmb < D_PREC) nrmb = D_ONE;
-	// r = r0 = b - A x0
-	blas::copy(N, b, r0);
-	A.amux(D_MONE, x, r0);
-	blas::copy(N, r0, r);
-	resid = blas::nrm2(N, r) / nrmb;
-	if (resid < eps) {
-		eps = resid;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] v;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	double alpha = D_ZERO, omega = D_ZERO, rho2 = D_ZERO;
-	for (unsigned l = 1; l <= nsteps; ++l) {
-		// rho1 = r0 * r
-		const double rho1 = blas::scpr(N, r0, r);
-		if (fabs(rho1) < D_PREC) {
-			eps = blas::nrm2(N, r) / nrmb;
-			delete[] v;
-			return 2;
-		}
-		if (l == 1)
-			blas::copy(N, r, p); // p = r
-		else {
-//			blas::axpy(N, -omega, v, p); // p = (p-omega v)*beta+r
-			const double beta = rho1 * alpha / (rho2 * omega);
-//			blas::scal(N, beta, p);
-//			blas::axpy(N, D_ONE, r, p);
-			// p = (p-omega v)*beta+r
-			for (unsigned k(0); k<N; k++) {
-				p[k] = (p[k] - omega * v[k]) * beta + r[k];
-			}
-		}
-		// p^ = C p
-		blas::copy(N, p, phat);
-		A.precondApply(phat);
-		// v = A p^
-		blas::setzero(N, v);
-		A.amux(D_ONE, phat, v);
-		alpha = rho1 / blas::scpr(N, r0, v);
-		// s = r - alpha v
-//		blas::copy(N, r, s);
-//		blas::axpy(N, -alpha, v, s);
-		for (unsigned k(0); k<N; k++) {
-			s[k] = r[k] - alpha * v[k];
-		}
-		resid = blas::nrm2(N, s) / nrmb;
+    const unsigned N(A.getNRows());
+    double *v (new double[8* N]);
+    double *p (v + N);
+    double *phat (p + N);
+    double *s (phat + N);
+    double *shat (s + N);
+    double *t (shat + N);
+    double *r (t + N);
+    double *r0 (r + N);
+    double resid;
+    // normb = |b|
+    double nrmb = blas::nrm2(N, b);
+    if (nrmb < D_PREC) nrmb = D_ONE;
+    // r = r0 = b - A x0
+    blas::copy(N, b, r0);
+    A.amux(D_MONE, x, r0);
+    blas::copy(N, r0, r);
+    resid = blas::nrm2(N, r) / nrmb;
+    if (resid < eps) {
+        eps = resid;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] v;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    double alpha = D_ZERO, omega = D_ZERO, rho2 = D_ZERO;
+    for (unsigned l = 1; l <= nsteps; ++l) {
+        // rho1 = r0 * r
+        const double rho1 = blas::scpr(N, r0, r);
+        if (fabs(rho1) < D_PREC) {
+            eps = blas::nrm2(N, r) / nrmb;
+            delete[] v;
+            return 2;
+        }
+        if (l == 1)
+            blas::copy(N, r, p); // p = r
+        else {
+//            blas::axpy(N, -omega, v, p); // p = (p-omega v)*beta+r
+            const double beta = rho1 * alpha / (rho2 * omega);
+//            blas::scal(N, beta, p);
+//            blas::axpy(N, D_ONE, r, p);
+            // p = (p-omega v)*beta+r
+            for (unsigned k(0); k<N; k++) {
+                p[k] = (p[k] - omega * v[k]) * beta + r[k];
+            }
+        }
+        // p^ = C p
+        blas::copy(N, p, phat);
+        A.precondApply(phat);
+        // v = A p^
+        blas::setzero(N, v);
+        A.amux(D_ONE, phat, v);
+        alpha = rho1 / blas::scpr(N, r0, v);
+        // s = r - alpha v
+//        blas::copy(N, r, s);
+//        blas::axpy(N, -alpha, v, s);
+        for (unsigned k(0); k<N; k++) {
+            s[k] = r[k] - alpha * v[k];
+        }
+        resid = blas::nrm2(N, s) / nrmb;
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-		std::cout << "Step " << l << ", resid=" << resid << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "Step " << l << ", resid=" << resid << std::endl;
-		if (resid < eps) {
-			// x += alpha p^
-			blas::axpy(N, alpha, phat, x);
-			eps = resid;
-			nsteps = l;
-			delete[] v;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		// s^ = C s
-		blas::copy(N, s, shat);
-		A.precondApply(shat);
-		// t = A s^
-		blas::setzero(N, t);
-		A.amux(D_ONE, shat, t);
-		// omega = t*s / t*t
-		omega = blas::scpr(N, t, s) / blas::scpr(N, t, t);
-		// x += alpha p^ + omega s^
-		blas::axpy(N, alpha, phat, x);
-		blas::axpy(N, omega, shat, x);
-		// r = s - omega t
-		blas::copy(N, s, r);
-		blas::axpy(N, -omega, t, r);
-		rho2 = rho1;
-		resid = blas::nrm2(N, r) / nrmb;
-		if (resid < eps) {
-			eps = resid;
-			nsteps = l;
-			delete[] v;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (fabs(omega) < D_PREC) {
-			eps = resid;
-			delete[] v;
-			return 3;
-		}
-	}
-	eps = resid;
-	delete[] v;
-	return 1;
+        if (resid < eps) {
+            // x += alpha p^
+            blas::axpy(N, alpha, phat, x);
+            eps = resid;
+            nsteps = l;
+            delete[] v;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        // s^ = C s
+        blas::copy(N, s, shat);
+        A.precondApply(shat);
+        // t = A s^
+        blas::setzero(N, t);
+        A.amux(D_ONE, shat, t);
+        // omega = t*s / t*t
+        omega = blas::scpr(N, t, s) / blas::scpr(N, t, t);
+        // x += alpha p^ + omega s^
+        blas::axpy(N, alpha, phat, x);
+        blas::axpy(N, omega, shat, x);
+        // r = s - omega t
+        blas::copy(N, s, r);
+        blas::axpy(N, -omega, t, r);
+        rho2 = rho1;
+        resid = blas::nrm2(N, r) / nrmb;
+        if (resid < eps) {
+            eps = resid;
+            nsteps = l;
+            delete[] v;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (fabs(omega) < D_PREC) {
+            eps = resid;
+            delete[] v;
+            return 3;
+        }
+    }
+    eps = resid;
+    delete[] v;
+    return 1;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.cpp
index 41249ed5d08..e93f6db443c 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.cpp
@@ -36,86 +36,86 @@ namespace MathLib {
 unsigned CG(CRSMatrix<double,unsigned> const * mat, double const * const b,
-		double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps)
+        double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps)
-	unsigned N = mat->getNRows();
-	double *p, *q, *r, *rhat, rho, rho1 = 0.0;
-	p = new double[4* N];
-	q = p + N;
-	r = q + N;
-	rhat = r + N;
-	double nrmb = sqrt(scalarProduct(b, b, N));
-	if (nrmb < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
-		blas::setzero(N, x);
-		eps = 0.0;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] p;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	// r0 = b - Ax0
-	mat->amux(D_MONE, x, r);
-	for (unsigned k(0); k < N; k++) {
-		r[k] = b[k] - r[k];
-	}
-	double resid = blas::nrm2(N, r);
-	if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
-		eps = resid / nrmb;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] p;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	for (unsigned l = 1; l <= nsteps; ++l) {
+    unsigned N = mat->getNRows();
+    double *p, *q, *r, *rhat, rho, rho1 = 0.0;
+    p = new double[4* N];
+    q = p + N;
+    r = q + N;
+    rhat = r + N;
+    double nrmb = sqrt(scalarProduct(b, b, N));
+    if (nrmb < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
+        blas::setzero(N, x);
+        eps = 0.0;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] p;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // r0 = b - Ax0
+    mat->amux(D_MONE, x, r);
+    for (unsigned k(0); k < N; k++) {
+        r[k] = b[k] - r[k];
+    }
+    double resid = blas::nrm2(N, r);
+    if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
+        eps = resid / nrmb;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] p;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    for (unsigned l = 1; l <= nsteps; ++l) {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-		std::cout << "Step " << l << ", resid=" << resid / nrmb << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "Step " << l << ", resid=" << resid / nrmb << std::endl;
-		// r^ = C r
-		blas::copy(N, r, rhat);
-		mat->precondApply(rhat);
-		// rho = r * r^;
-		rho = scalarProduct(r, rhat, N); // num_threads);
-		if (l > 1) {
-			double beta = rho / rho1;
-			// p = r^ + beta * p
-			unsigned k;
-			for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-				p[k] = rhat[k] + beta * p[k];
-			}
-		} else blas::copy(N, rhat, p);
-		// q = Ap
-		blas::setzero(N, q);
-		mat->amux(D_ONE, p, q);
-		// alpha = rho / p*q
-		double alpha = rho / scalarProduct(p, q, N);
-		// x += alpha * p
-		blas::axpy(N, alpha, p, x);
-		// r -= alpha * q
-		blas::axpy(N, -alpha, q, r);
-		resid = sqrt(scalarProduct(r, r, N));
-		if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
-			eps = resid / nrmb;
-			nsteps = l;
-			delete[] p;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		rho1 = rho;
-	}
-	eps = resid / nrmb;
-	delete[] p;
-	return 1;
+        // r^ = C r
+        blas::copy(N, r, rhat);
+        mat->precondApply(rhat);
+        // rho = r * r^;
+        rho = scalarProduct(r, rhat, N); // num_threads);
+        if (l > 1) {
+            double beta = rho / rho1;
+            // p = r^ + beta * p
+            unsigned k;
+            for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
+                p[k] = rhat[k] + beta * p[k];
+            }
+        } else blas::copy(N, rhat, p);
+        // q = Ap
+        blas::setzero(N, q);
+        mat->amux(D_ONE, p, q);
+        // alpha = rho / p*q
+        double alpha = rho / scalarProduct(p, q, N);
+        // x += alpha * p
+        blas::axpy(N, alpha, p, x);
+        // r -= alpha * q
+        blas::axpy(N, -alpha, q, r);
+        resid = sqrt(scalarProduct(r, r, N));
+        if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
+            eps = resid / nrmb;
+            nsteps = l;
+            delete[] p;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        rho1 = rho;
+    }
+    eps = resid / nrmb;
+    delete[] p;
+    return 1;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.h
index 37c37aa0cb8..aed3d6eebc3 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CG.h
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template <typename PF_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE> class CRSMatrix;
 unsigned CG(CRSMatrix<double,unsigned> const * mat, double const * const b,
-		double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps);
+        double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps);
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 unsigned CGParallel(CRSMatrix<double,unsigned> const * mat, double const * const b,
-		double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps);
+        double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CGParallel.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CGParallel.cpp
index 786b61558b4..1ba30c35f3e 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CGParallel.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/CGParallel.cpp
@@ -40,122 +40,122 @@ namespace MathLib {
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 unsigned CGParallel(CRSMatrix<double,unsigned> const * mat, double const * const b,
-		double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps)
+        double* const x, double& eps, unsigned& nsteps)
 #ifdef WIN32
 #pragma warning ( push )
 #pragma warning ( disable: 4018 )
-	const unsigned N(mat->getNRows());
-	double * __restrict__ p(new double[N]);
-	double * __restrict__ q(new double[N]);
-	double * __restrict__ r(new double[N]);
-	double * __restrict__ rhat(new double[N]);
-	double rho, rho1 = 0.0;
-	double nrmb = sqrt(scalarProduct(b, b, N));
-	if (nrmb < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
-		blas::setzero(N, x);
-		eps = 0.0;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] p;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	// r0 = b - Ax0
-	mat->amux(D_MONE, x, r);
-	for (unsigned k(0); k < N; k++) {
-		r[k] = b[k] - r[k];
-	}
-	double resid = blas::nrm2(N, r);
-	if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
-		eps = resid / nrmb;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] p;
-		delete[] q;
-		delete[] r;
-		delete[] rhat;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	for (unsigned l = 1; l <= nsteps; ++l) {
+    const unsigned N(mat->getNRows());
+    double * __restrict__ p(new double[N]);
+    double * __restrict__ q(new double[N]);
+    double * __restrict__ r(new double[N]);
+    double * __restrict__ rhat(new double[N]);
+    double rho, rho1 = 0.0;
+    double nrmb = sqrt(scalarProduct(b, b, N));
+    if (nrmb < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
+        blas::setzero(N, x);
+        eps = 0.0;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] p;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // r0 = b - Ax0
+    mat->amux(D_MONE, x, r);
+    for (unsigned k(0); k < N; k++) {
+        r[k] = b[k] - r[k];
+    }
+    double resid = blas::nrm2(N, r);
+    if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
+        eps = resid / nrmb;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] p;
+        delete[] q;
+        delete[] r;
+        delete[] rhat;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    for (unsigned l = 1; l <= nsteps; ++l) {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-		std::cout << "Step " << l << ", resid=" << resid / nrmb << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "Step " << l << ", resid=" << resid / nrmb << std::endl;
-		// r^ = C r
-		// rhat = r
-//		blas::copy(N, r, rhat);
+        // r^ = C r
+        // rhat = r
+//        blas::copy(N, r, rhat);
 #pragma omp parallel for
-		for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-			rhat[k] = r[k];
-		}
-		mat->precondApply(rhat);
+        for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
+            rhat[k] = r[k];
+        }
+        mat->precondApply(rhat);
-		// rho = r * r^;
-		rho = scalarProduct(r, rhat, N);
+        // rho = r * r^;
+        rho = scalarProduct(r, rhat, N);
-		if (l > 1) {
-			double beta = rho / rho1;
-			// p = r^ + beta * p
+        if (l > 1) {
+            double beta = rho / rho1;
+            // p = r^ + beta * p
 #pragma omp parallel for
-			for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-				p[k] = rhat[k] + beta * p[k];
-			}
-		} else {
-//				blas::copy(N, rhat, p);
-			#pragma omp parallel for
-			for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-				p[k] = rhat[k];
-			}
-		}
-		// q = Ap
-		mat->amux(D_ONE, p, q);
-		// alpha = rho / p*q
-		double alpha = rho / scalarProduct(p, q, N);
-		#pragma omp parallel
-		{
-			// x += alpha * p
-			#pragma omp for nowait
-			for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-				x[k] += alpha * p[k];
-			}
-			// r -= alpha * q
-			#pragma omp for nowait
-			for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
-				r[k] -= alpha * q[k];
-			}
-			#pragma omp barrier
-		} // end #pragma omp parallel
-		resid = sqrt(scalarProduct(r, r, N));
-		if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
-			eps = resid / nrmb;
-			nsteps = l;
-			delete[] p;
-			delete[] q;
-			delete[] r;
-			delete[] rhat;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		rho1 = rho;
-	}
-	eps = resid / nrmb;
-	delete[] p;
-	delete[] q;
-	delete[] r;
-	delete[] rhat;
-	return 1;
+            for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
+                p[k] = rhat[k] + beta * p[k];
+            }
+        } else {
+//                blas::copy(N, rhat, p);
+            #pragma omp parallel for
+            for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
+                p[k] = rhat[k];
+            }
+        }
+        // q = Ap
+        mat->amux(D_ONE, p, q);
+        // alpha = rho / p*q
+        double alpha = rho / scalarProduct(p, q, N);
+        #pragma omp parallel
+        {
+            // x += alpha * p
+            #pragma omp for nowait
+            for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
+                x[k] += alpha * p[k];
+            }
+            // r -= alpha * q
+            #pragma omp for nowait
+            for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
+                r[k] -= alpha * q[k];
+            }
+            #pragma omp barrier
+        } // end #pragma omp parallel
+        resid = sqrt(scalarProduct(r, r, N));
+        if (resid <= eps * nrmb) {
+            eps = resid / nrmb;
+            nsteps = l;
+            delete[] p;
+            delete[] q;
+            delete[] r;
+            delete[] rhat;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        rho1 = rho;
+    }
+    eps = resid / nrmb;
+    delete[] p;
+    delete[] q;
+    delete[] r;
+    delete[] rhat;
+    return 1;
 #ifdef WIN32
 #pragma warning ( pop )
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GMRes.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GMRes.cpp
index c4e59484ae1..21208584704 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GMRes.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GMRes.cpp
@@ -22,153 +22,153 @@ namespace MathLib {
 static void genPlRot(double dx, double dy, double& cs, double& sn)
-	if (dy <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
-		cs = 1.0;
-		sn = 0.0;
-	} else if (fabs(dy) > fabs(dx)) {
-		const double tmp = dx / dy;
-		sn = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + tmp * tmp);
-		cs = tmp * sn;
-	} else {
-		const double tmp = dy / dx;
-		cs = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + tmp * tmp);
-		sn = tmp * cs;
-	}
+    if (dy <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
+        cs = 1.0;
+        sn = 0.0;
+    } else if (fabs(dy) > fabs(dx)) {
+        const double tmp = dx / dy;
+        sn = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + tmp * tmp);
+        cs = tmp * sn;
+    } else {
+        const double tmp = dy / dx;
+        cs = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + tmp * tmp);
+        sn = tmp * cs;
+    }
 inline void applPlRot(double& dx, double& dy, double cs, double sn)
-	const double tmp = cs * dx + sn * dy;
-	dy = cs * dy - sn * dx;
-	dx = tmp;
+    const double tmp = cs * dx + sn * dy;
+    dy = cs * dy - sn * dx;
+    dx = tmp;
 // solve H y = s and update x += MVy
 static void update(const CRSMatrix<double,unsigned>& A, unsigned k, double* H,
-		unsigned ldH, double* s, double* V, double* x)
+        unsigned ldH, double* s, double* V, double* x)
-	const unsigned n(static_cast<unsigned>(A.getNRows()));
-	double *y = new double[k];
-	double *xh = new double[n];
-	blas::copy(k, s, y);
-	int inf;
-	dtrtrs_(JOB_STR + 5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &k, &N_ONE, H, &ldH, y, &k, &inf);
-	assert(inf == 0);
-	// x += M V y
-	blas::setzero(n, xh);
-	blas::gemva(n, k, D_ONE, V, y, xh);
-	A.precondApply(xh);
-	blas::add(n, xh, x);
-	delete[] xh;
-	delete[] y;
+    const unsigned n(static_cast<unsigned>(A.getNRows()));
+    double *y = new double[k];
+    double *xh = new double[n];
+    blas::copy(k, s, y);
+    int inf;
+    dtrtrs_(JOB_STR + 5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &k, &N_ONE, H, &ldH, y, &k, &inf);
+    assert(inf == 0);
+    // x += M V y
+    blas::setzero(n, xh);
+    blas::gemva(n, k, D_ONE, V, y, xh);
+    A.precondApply(xh);
+    blas::add(n, xh, x);
+    delete[] xh;
+    delete[] y;
 unsigned GMRes(const CRSMatrix<double,unsigned>& A, double* const b, double* const x,
-		double& eps, unsigned m, unsigned& nsteps)
+        double& eps, unsigned m, unsigned& nsteps)
-	double resid;
-	unsigned j = 1;
-	const unsigned n (static_cast<unsigned>(A.getNRows()));
-	double *r = new double[2*n + (n + m + 4) * (m + 1)]; // n
-	double *V = r + n; // n x (m+1)
-	double *H = V + n * (m + 1); // m+1 x m
-	double *cs = H + (m + 1) * m; // m+1
-	double *sn = cs + m + 1; // m+1
-	double *s = sn + m + 1; // m+1
-	double *xh = s + m + 1; // m+1
-	// normb = norm(b)
-	double normb = blas::nrm2(n, b);
-	if (normb == 0.0) {
-		blas::setzero(n, x);
-		eps = 0.0;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] r;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	// r = b - Ax
-	blas::copy(n, b, r);
-	A.amux(D_MONE, x, r);
-	double beta = blas::nrm2(n, r);
-	if ((resid = beta / normb) <= eps) {
-		eps = resid;
-		nsteps = 0;
-		delete[] r;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	while (j <= nsteps) {
-		blas::copy(n, r, V); // v0 first orthonormal vector
-		blas::scal(n, 1.0 / beta, V);
-		s[0] = beta;
-		blas::setzero(m, s + 1);
-		for (unsigned i = 0; i < m && j <= nsteps; i++, j++) {
-			// w = A M * v[i];
-			blas::copy(n, V + i * n, xh);
-			A.precondApply(xh);
-			blas::setzero(n, V + (i + 1) * n);
-			A.amux(D_ONE, xh, V + (i + 1) * n);
-			for (unsigned k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
-				H[k + i * (m + 1)] = blas::scpr(n, V + (i + 1) * n, V + k * n);
-				blas::axpy(n, -H[k + i * (m + 1)], V + k * n, V + (i + 1) * n);
-			}
-			H[i * (m + 2) + 1] = blas::nrm2(n, V + (i + 1) * n);
-			blas::scal(n, 1.0 / H[i * (m + 2) + 1], V + (i + 1) * n);
-			// apply old Givens rotations to the last column in H
-			for (unsigned k = 0; k < i; k++)
-				applPlRot(H[k + i * (m + 1)], H[k + 1 + i * (m + 1)], cs[k],
-						sn[k]);
-			// generate new Givens rotation which eleminates H[i*(m+2)+1]
-			genPlRot(H[i * (m + 2)], H[i * (m + 2) + 1], cs[i], sn[i]);
-			// apply it to H and s
-			applPlRot(H[i * (m + 2)], H[i * (m + 2) + 1], cs[i], sn[i]);
-			applPlRot(s[i], s[i + 1], cs[i], sn[i]);
-			if ((resid = fabs(s[i + 1] / normb)) < eps) {
-				update(A, i + 1, H, m + 1, s, V, x);
-				eps = resid;
-				nsteps = j;
-				delete[] r;
-				return 0;
-			}
+    double resid;
+    unsigned j = 1;
+    const unsigned n (static_cast<unsigned>(A.getNRows()));
+    double *r = new double[2*n + (n + m + 4) * (m + 1)]; // n
+    double *V = r + n; // n x (m+1)
+    double *H = V + n * (m + 1); // m+1 x m
+    double *cs = H + (m + 1) * m; // m+1
+    double *sn = cs + m + 1; // m+1
+    double *s = sn + m + 1; // m+1
+    double *xh = s + m + 1; // m+1
+    // normb = norm(b)
+    double normb = blas::nrm2(n, b);
+    if (normb == 0.0) {
+        blas::setzero(n, x);
+        eps = 0.0;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] r;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // r = b - Ax
+    blas::copy(n, b, r);
+    A.amux(D_MONE, x, r);
+    double beta = blas::nrm2(n, r);
+    if ((resid = beta / normb) <= eps) {
+        eps = resid;
+        nsteps = 0;
+        delete[] r;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    while (j <= nsteps) {
+        blas::copy(n, r, V); // v0 first orthonormal vector
+        blas::scal(n, 1.0 / beta, V);
+        s[0] = beta;
+        blas::setzero(m, s + 1);
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m && j <= nsteps; i++, j++) {
+            // w = A M * v[i];
+            blas::copy(n, V + i * n, xh);
+            A.precondApply(xh);
+            blas::setzero(n, V + (i + 1) * n);
+            A.amux(D_ONE, xh, V + (i + 1) * n);
+            for (unsigned k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
+                H[k + i * (m + 1)] = blas::scpr(n, V + (i + 1) * n, V + k * n);
+                blas::axpy(n, -H[k + i * (m + 1)], V + k * n, V + (i + 1) * n);
+            }
+            H[i * (m + 2) + 1] = blas::nrm2(n, V + (i + 1) * n);
+            blas::scal(n, 1.0 / H[i * (m + 2) + 1], V + (i + 1) * n);
+            // apply old Givens rotations to the last column in H
+            for (unsigned k = 0; k < i; k++)
+                applPlRot(H[k + i * (m + 1)], H[k + 1 + i * (m + 1)], cs[k],
+                        sn[k]);
+            // generate new Givens rotation which eleminates H[i*(m+2)+1]
+            genPlRot(H[i * (m + 2)], H[i * (m + 2) + 1], cs[i], sn[i]);
+            // apply it to H and s
+            applPlRot(H[i * (m + 2)], H[i * (m + 2) + 1], cs[i], sn[i]);
+            applPlRot(s[i], s[i + 1], cs[i], sn[i]);
+            if ((resid = fabs(s[i + 1] / normb)) < eps) {
+                update(A, i + 1, H, m + 1, s, V, x);
+                eps = resid;
+                nsteps = j;
+                delete[] r;
+                return 0;
+            }
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-			std::cout << "Step " << j << ", resid=" << resid << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "Step " << j << ", resid=" << resid << std::endl;
-		}
-		update(A, m, H, m + 1, s, V, x);
-		// r = b - A x;
-		blas::copy(n, b, r);
-		A.amux(D_MONE, x, r);
-		beta = blas::nrm2(n, r);
-		if ((resid = beta / normb) < eps) {
-			eps = resid;
-			nsteps = j;
-			delete[] r;
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	eps = resid;
-	delete[] r;
-	return 1;
+        }
+        update(A, m, H, m + 1, s, V, x);
+        // r = b - A x;
+        blas::copy(n, b, r);
+        A.amux(D_MONE, x, r);
+        beta = blas::nrm2(n, r);
+        if ((resid = beta / normb) < eps) {
+            eps = resid;
+            nsteps = j;
+            delete[] r;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    eps = resid;
+    delete[] r;
+    return 1;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm-impl.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm-impl.h
index 2d7bab3545f..b6c94348af4 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm-impl.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm-impl.h
@@ -22,36 +22,36 @@ namespace MathLib
 template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T>
 void GaussAlgorithm<MAT_T, VEC_T>::performLU(MAT_T& A)
-	IDX_T const nr(A.getNRows());
-	IDX_T const nc(A.getNCols());
+    IDX_T const nr(A.getNRows());
+    IDX_T const nc(A.getNCols());
-	for (IDX_T k=0; k<nc; k++) {
-		// search pivot
-		FP_T t = std::abs(A(k, k));
-		_perm[k] = k;
-		for (IDX_T i=k+1; i<nr; i++) {
-			FP_T const s = std::abs(A(i,k));
-			if (s > t) {
-				t = s;
-				_perm[k] = i;
-			}
-		}
+    for (IDX_T k=0; k<nc; k++) {
+        // search pivot
+        FP_T t = std::abs(A(k, k));
+        _perm[k] = k;
+        for (IDX_T i=k+1; i<nr; i++) {
+            FP_T const s = std::abs(A(i,k));
+            if (s > t) {
+                t = s;
+                _perm[k] = i;
+            }
+        }
-		// exchange rows
-		if (_perm[k] != k) {
-			for (IDX_T j=0; j<nc; j++)
-				std::swap (A(_perm[k],j), A(k,j));
-		}
+        // exchange rows
+        if (_perm[k] != k) {
+            for (IDX_T j=0; j<nc; j++)
+                std::swap (A(_perm[k],j), A(k,j));
+        }
-		// eliminate
-		for (IDX_T i=k+1; i<nr; i++) {
-			FP_T const l = A(i,k)/A(k,k);
-			for (IDX_T j=k; j<nc; j++) {
-				A(i,j) -= A(k,j) * l;
-			}
-			A(i,k) = l;
-		}
-	}
+        // eliminate
+        for (IDX_T i=k+1; i<nr; i++) {
+            FP_T const l = A(i,k)/A(k,k);
+            for (IDX_T j=k; j<nc; j++) {
+                A(i,j) -= A(k,j) * l;
+            }
+            A(i,k) = l;
+        }
+    }
 template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T>
@@ -59,55 +59,55 @@ template <typename V>
 void GaussAlgorithm<MAT_T, VEC_T>::
 solve (MAT_T& A, V& b, bool decompose)
-	_perm.resize(A.getNRows());
+    _perm.resize(A.getNRows());
-	if (decompose)
-		performLU(A);
-	permuteRHS (b);
-	forwardSolve (A, b); // L z = b, b will be overwritten by z
-	backwardSolve (A, b); // U x = z, b (z) will be overwritten by x
+    if (decompose)
+        performLU(A);
+    permuteRHS (b);
+    forwardSolve (A, b); // L z = b, b will be overwritten by z
+    backwardSolve (A, b); // U x = z, b (z) will be overwritten by x
 template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T>
 void GaussAlgorithm<MAT_T, VEC_T>::
 solve (MAT_T& A, FP_T* & b, bool decompose)
-	_perm.resize(A.getNRows());
+    _perm.resize(A.getNRows());
-	if (decompose)
-		performLU(A);
-	permuteRHS (b);
-	forwardSolve (A, b); // L z = b, b will be overwritten by z
-	backwardSolve (A, b); // U x = z, b (z) will be overwritten by x
+    if (decompose)
+        performLU(A);
+    permuteRHS (b);
+    forwardSolve (A, b); // L z = b, b will be overwritten by z
+    backwardSolve (A, b); // U x = z, b (z) will be overwritten by x
 template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T>
 void GaussAlgorithm<MAT_T, VEC_T>::solve (
-		MAT_T& A, VEC_T const& b, VEC_T & x,
-		bool decompose)
+        MAT_T& A, VEC_T const& b, VEC_T & x,
+        bool decompose)
-	for (std::size_t k(0); k<A.getNRows(); k++)
-		x[k] = b[k];
-	solve(A, x, decompose);
+    for (std::size_t k(0); k<A.getNRows(); k++)
+        x[k] = b[k];
+    solve(A, x, decompose);
 template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T>
 template <typename V>
 void GaussAlgorithm<MAT_T, VEC_T>::permuteRHS (V & b) const
-	for (IDX_T i=0; i<_perm.size(); i++) {
-		if (_perm[i] != i)
-			std::swap(b[i], b[_perm[i]]);
-	}
+    for (IDX_T i=0; i<_perm.size(); i++) {
+        if (_perm[i] != i)
+            std::swap(b[i], b[_perm[i]]);
+    }
 template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T>
 void GaussAlgorithm<MAT_T, VEC_T>::permuteRHS (VEC_T& b) const
-	for (IDX_T i=0; i<_perm.size(); i++) {
-		if (_perm[i] != i)
-			std::swap(b[i], b[_perm[i]]);
-	}
+    for (IDX_T i=0; i<_perm.size(); i++) {
+        if (_perm[i] != i)
+            std::swap(b[i], b[_perm[i]]);
+    }
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm.h
index 618a468c05a..5c2555a4832 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/GaussAlgorithm.h
@@ -36,65 +36,65 @@ template <typename MAT_T, typename VEC_T = typename MAT_T::FP_T*>
 class GaussAlgorithm
-	typedef typename MAT_T::FP_T FP_T;
-	typedef typename MAT_T::IDX_T IDX_T;
+    typedef typename MAT_T::FP_T FP_T;
+    typedef typename MAT_T::IDX_T IDX_T;
-	/**
-	 * A direct solver for the (dense) linear system \f$A x = b\f$.
-	 * @param solver_name A name used as a prefix for command line options
-	 *                    if there are such options available.
-	 * @param option For some solvers the user can give parameters to the
-	 * algorithm. GaussAlgorithm has to fulfill the common interface
-	 * of all solvers of systems of linear equations. For this reason the
-	 * second argument was introduced.
-	 */
-	GaussAlgorithm(const std::string solver_name = "",
-	               BaseLib::ConfigTree const*const option = nullptr)
-	{
-		(void) solver_name; (void) option; // silence both compiler and doxygen warnings.
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Method solves the linear system \f$A x = b\f$ (based on the LU factorization)
-	 * using forward solve and backward solve.
-	 * @param A the coefficient matrix
-	 * @param b at the beginning the right hand side, at the end the solution
-	 * @param decompose Flag that signals if the LU decomposition should be
-	 *        performed or not. If the matrix \f$A\f$ does not change, the LU
-	 *        decomposition needs to be performed once only!
-	 * @attention The entries of the given matrix will be changed!
-	 */
-	template <typename V>
-	void solve (MAT_T& A, V & b, bool decompose = true);
-	void solve(MAT_T& A, FP_T* & b, bool decompose = true);
-	/**
-	 * Method solves the linear system \f$A x = b\f$ (based on the LU factorization)
-	 * using forward solve and backward solve.
-	 * @param A (input) the coefficient matrix
-	 * @param b (input) the right hand side
-	 * @param x (output) the solution
-	 * @param decompose see documentation of the other solve methods.
-	 * @attention The entries of the given matrix will be changed!
-	 */
-	void solve(MAT_T& A, VEC_T const& b, VEC_T & x, bool decompose = true);
+    /**
+     * A direct solver for the (dense) linear system \f$A x = b\f$.
+     * @param solver_name A name used as a prefix for command line options
+     *                    if there are such options available.
+     * @param option For some solvers the user can give parameters to the
+     * algorithm. GaussAlgorithm has to fulfill the common interface
+     * of all solvers of systems of linear equations. For this reason the
+     * second argument was introduced.
+     */
+    GaussAlgorithm(const std::string solver_name = "",
+                   BaseLib::ConfigTree const*const option = nullptr)
+    {
+        (void) solver_name; (void) option; // silence both compiler and doxygen warnings.
+    }
+    /**
+     * Method solves the linear system \f$A x = b\f$ (based on the LU factorization)
+     * using forward solve and backward solve.
+     * @param A the coefficient matrix
+     * @param b at the beginning the right hand side, at the end the solution
+     * @param decompose Flag that signals if the LU decomposition should be
+     *        performed or not. If the matrix \f$A\f$ does not change, the LU
+     *        decomposition needs to be performed once only!
+     * @attention The entries of the given matrix will be changed!
+     */
+    template <typename V>
+    void solve (MAT_T& A, V & b, bool decompose = true);
+    void solve(MAT_T& A, FP_T* & b, bool decompose = true);
+    /**
+     * Method solves the linear system \f$A x = b\f$ (based on the LU factorization)
+     * using forward solve and backward solve.
+     * @param A (input) the coefficient matrix
+     * @param b (input) the right hand side
+     * @param x (output) the solution
+     * @param decompose see documentation of the other solve methods.
+     * @attention The entries of the given matrix will be changed!
+     */
+    void solve(MAT_T& A, VEC_T const& b, VEC_T & x, bool decompose = true);
-	// void solve (MAT_T& A, VEC_T const& b, bool decompose);
-	void performLU(MAT_T& A);
-	/**
-	 * permute the right hand side vector according to the
-	 * row permutations of the LU factorization
-	 * @param b the entries of the vector b are permuted
-	 */
-	template <typename V> void permuteRHS(V & b) const;
-	void permuteRHS (VEC_T& b) const;
-	//! the permutation of the rows
-	std::vector<IDX_T> _perm;
+    // void solve (MAT_T& A, VEC_T const& b, bool decompose);
+    void performLU(MAT_T& A);
+    /**
+     * permute the right hand side vector according to the
+     * row permutations of the LU factorization
+     * @param b the entries of the vector b are permuted
+     */
+    template <typename V> void permuteRHS(V & b) const;
+    void permuteRHS (VEC_T& b) const;
+    //! the permutation of the rows
+    std::vector<IDX_T> _perm;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/IterativeLinearSolver.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/IterativeLinearSolver.h
index 67aa4ae3110..e3de3943c6c 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/IterativeLinearSolver.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/IterativeLinearSolver.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ namespace MathLib {
 class IterativeLinearSolver: public MathLib::LinearSolver {
-	IterativeLinearSolver() {};
-	virtual ~IterativeLinearSolver() {};
+    IterativeLinearSolver() {};
+    virtual ~IterativeLinearSolver() {};
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/TriangularSolve-impl.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/TriangularSolve-impl.h
index 56e48e1c241..4ec9bbfbea3 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/TriangularSolve-impl.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/TriangularSolve-impl.h
@@ -17,47 +17,47 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template <typename FP_T, typename VEC_T>
 void forwardSolve (const DenseMatrix <FP_T> &L, VEC_T& b)
-	typedef typename DenseMatrix<FP_T>::IDX_T IDX_T;
-	IDX_T m (L.getNRows());
-	FP_T t;
+    typedef typename DenseMatrix<FP_T>::IDX_T IDX_T;
+    IDX_T m (L.getNRows());
+    FP_T t;
-	for (IDX_T r=0; r<m; r++) {
-		t = 0.0;
-		for (IDX_T c=0; c<r; c++) {
-			t += L(r,c)*b[c];
-		}
-		b[r] = b[r]-t;
-	}
+    for (IDX_T r=0; r<m; r++) {
+        t = 0.0;
+        for (IDX_T c=0; c<r; c++) {
+            t += L(r,c)*b[c];
+        }
+        b[r] = b[r]-t;
+    }
 template <typename FP_T, typename VEC_T>
 void backwardSolve (const DenseMatrix <FP_T> &mat, VEC_T& b)
-	FP_T t;
-	typedef typename DenseMatrix<FP_T>::IDX_T IDX_T;
-	IDX_T m (mat.getNRows()), n(mat.getNCols());
-	for (int r=m-1; r>=0; r--) {
-		t = 0.0;
-		for (IDX_T c=r+1; c<n; c++) {
-			t += mat(r,c)*b[c];
-		}
-		b[r] = (b[r]-t) / mat(r,r);
-	}
+    FP_T t;
+    typedef typename DenseMatrix<FP_T>::IDX_T IDX_T;
+    IDX_T m (mat.getNRows()), n(mat.getNCols());
+    for (int r=m-1; r>=0; r--) {
+        t = 0.0;
+        for (IDX_T c=r+1; c<n; c++) {
+            t += mat(r,c)*b[c];
+        }
+        b[r] = (b[r]-t) / mat(r,r);
+    }
 template <typename FP_T, typename VEC_T>
 void backwardSolve ( DenseMatrix<FP_T> const& mat, VEC_T& x, VEC_T const& b)
-	typedef typename DenseMatrix<FP_T>::IDX_T IDX_T;
-	IDX_T n_cols (mat.getNCols());
-	for (int r = (n_cols - 1); r >= 0; r--) {
-		FP_T t = 0.0;
+    typedef typename DenseMatrix<FP_T>::IDX_T IDX_T;
+    IDX_T n_cols (mat.getNCols());
+    for (int r = (n_cols - 1); r >= 0; r--) {
+        FP_T t = 0.0;
-		for (IDX_T c = r+1; c < n_cols; c++) {
-			t += mat(r,c) * b[c];
-		}
-		x[r] = (b[r] - t) / mat(r, r);
-	}
+        for (IDX_T c = r+1; c < n_cols; c++) {
+            t += mat(r,c) * b[c];
+        }
+        x[r] = (b[r] - t) / mat(r, r);
+    }
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/blas.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/blas.h
index 1e1503e10ae..77298c12192 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/blas.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Solvers/blas.h
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ extern "C"
               unsigned *, unsigned *, const double *, double *, unsigned *,
               double *, unsigned *);
   void dswap_(const unsigned*, double*, const unsigned*, double*,
-	      const unsigned*);
+          const unsigned*);
   //single precision real
@@ -185,36 +185,36 @@ extern "C"
   void stpmv_(const char*, const char*, const char*, const unsigned*,
               const float*, float*, const unsigned*);
   void sswap_(const unsigned*, float*, const unsigned*, float*,
-	      const unsigned*);
+          const unsigned*);
 namespace blas
   inline void swap(const unsigned n, double* x, const unsigned incx,
-		   double* y, const unsigned incy )
+           double* y, const unsigned incy )
     dswap_(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy);
   inline void swap(const unsigned n, float* x, const unsigned incx,
-		   float* y, const unsigned incy )
+           float* y, const unsigned incy )
     sswap_(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy);
   inline void laset(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const double a,
-		    const double b, double* A, unsigned ldA)
+            const double b, double* A, unsigned ldA)
     dlaset_(JOB_STR, &m, &n, &a, &b, A, &ldA);
   inline void lasetu(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const double a,
-		     const double b, double* A, unsigned ldA)
+             const double b, double* A, unsigned ldA)
     dlaset_(JOB_STR+5, &m, &n, &a, &b, A, &ldA);
   inline void lasetl(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const double a,
-		     const double b, double* A, unsigned ldA)
+             const double b, double* A, unsigned ldA)
     dlaset_(JOB_STR+6, &m, &n, &a, &b, A, &ldA);
@@ -268,24 +268,24 @@ namespace blas
   inline void lacpy(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double* A,
-		    const unsigned ldA, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
+            const unsigned ldA, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
     dlacpy_(JOB_STR, &m, &n, A, &ldA, B, &ldB);
   inline void lacpyu(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double* A,
-		     const unsigned ldA, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
+             const unsigned ldA, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
     dlacpy_(JOB_STR+5, &m, &n, A, &ldA, B, &ldB);
   inline void copy(const unsigned n, double* orig, const unsigned inco,
-		   double* dest, const unsigned incd)
+           double* dest, const unsigned incd)
     dcopy_(&n, orig, &inco, dest, &incd);
   inline void copy(const unsigned n, float* orig, const unsigned inco,
-		   float* dest, const unsigned incd)
+           float* dest, const unsigned incd)
     scopy_(&n, orig, &inco, dest, &incd);
@@ -304,12 +304,12 @@ namespace blas
   // Scalar product conj(x)*y
   inline double scpr(const unsigned n, const double* const v1,
-		     const double* const v2)
+             const double* const v2)
     return ddot_(&n, v1, &N_ONE, v2, &N_ONE);
   inline float scpr(const unsigned n, const float* const v1,
-		    const float* const v2)
+            const float* const v2)
     return sdot_(&n, v1, &N_ONE, v2, &N_ONE);
@@ -334,12 +334,12 @@ namespace blas
   inline void axpy(const unsigned n, const double d, const double* const x,
-		   double* const y)
+           double* const y)
     daxpy_(&n, &d, x, &N_ONE, y, &N_ONE);
   inline void axpy(const unsigned n, const float d, const float* const x,
-		   float* const y)
+           float* const y)
     saxpy_(&n, &d, x, &N_ONE, y, &N_ONE);
@@ -376,319 +376,319 @@ namespace blas
   // y = d Ax
   inline void gemv(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double d,
-		   const double* A, double *x, double *y)
+           const double* A, double *x, double *y)
     dgemv_(JOB_STR, &m, &n, &d, A, &m, x, &N_ONE, &D_ZERO, y, &N_ONE);
   inline void gemv(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float d, const float* A,
-		   float *x, float *y)
+           float *x, float *y)
     sgemv_(JOB_STR, &m, &n, &d, A, &m, x, &N_ONE, &S_ZERO, y, &N_ONE);
   // y += d Ax
   inline void gemva(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double d, const double* A,
-		    const double *x, double *y)
+            const double *x, double *y)
     dgemv_(JOB_STR, &m, &n, &d, A, &m, x, &N_ONE, &D_ONE, y, &N_ONE);
   inline void gemva(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float d, const float* A,
-		    const float *x, float *y)
+            const float *x, float *y)
     sgemv_(JOB_STR, &m, &n, &d, A, &m, x, &N_ONE, &S_ONE, y, &N_ONE);
   // y = d A^H x
   inline void gemhv(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double d, const double* A,
-		    const double *x, double *y)
+            const double *x, double *y)
     dgemv_(JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &d, A, &m, x, &N_ONE, &D_ZERO, y, &N_ONE);
   inline void gemhv(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float d, const float* A,
-		    const float *x, float *y)
+            const float *x, float *y)
     sgemv_(JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &d, A, &m, x, &N_ONE, &S_ZERO, y, &N_ONE);
   // y += d A^H x
   inline void gemhva(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double d,
-		     const double* A, unsigned ldA, const double *x, unsigned incx,
-		     double *y, unsigned incy)
+             const double* A, unsigned ldA, const double *x, unsigned incx,
+             double *y, unsigned incy)
     dgemv_(JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &d, A, &ldA, x, &incx, &D_ONE, y, &incy);
   inline void gemhva(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float d,
-		     const float* A, unsigned ldA, const float *x, unsigned incx,
-		     float *y, unsigned incy)
+             const float* A, unsigned ldA, const float *x, unsigned incx,
+             float *y, unsigned incy)
     sgemv_(JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &d, A, &ldA, x, &incx, &S_ONE, y, &incy);
   inline void gemhva(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double d, const double* A,
-		     const double *x, double *y)
+             const double *x, double *y)
   { gemhva(m, n, d, A, m, x, N_ONE, y, N_ONE); }
   inline void gemhva(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float d, const float* A,
-		     const float *x, float *y)
+             const float *x, float *y)
   { gemhva(m, n, d, A, m, x, N_ONE, y, N_ONE); }
   // y += d A x (A symm. dense in packed format)
   inline void gemsva(const unsigned n, double d, double* A,
-		     double *x, double *y)
+             double *x, double *y)
     dspmv_(JOB_STR+5, &n, &d, A, x, &N_ONE, &D_ONE, y, &N_ONE);
   inline void gemsva(const unsigned n, float d, float* A,
-		     float *x, float *y)
+             float *x, float *y)
     sspmv_(JOB_STR+5, &n, &d, A, x, &N_ONE, &S_ONE, y, &N_ONE);
   // sovles Ax=B, A is a triangluar Matrix
   inline void gtsv(const unsigned* n, const double* DiagLower,
-		   const double* Diag, const double* DiagUpper,
-		   const double* B, const int* INFO)
+           const double* Diag, const double* DiagUpper,
+           const double* B, const int* INFO)
     dgtsv_(n, &N_ONE, DiagLower, Diag, DiagUpper, B, n, INFO);
   inline void gtsv(const unsigned* n, const float* DiagLower,
-		   const float* Diag, const float* DiagUpper,
-		   const float* B, const int* INFO)
+           const float* Diag, const float* DiagUpper,
+           const float* B, const int* INFO)
     sgtsv_(n, &N_ONE, DiagLower, Diag, DiagUpper, B, n, INFO);
   // C = d A B, A is m x p, B is p x n
   inline void gemm(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		   const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		   const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		   double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+           const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+           const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+           double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemm(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		   const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		   const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		   float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+           const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+           const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+           float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   // C += d A B, A is m x p, B is p x n
   inline void gemma(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		    const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		    const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		    double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+            const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+            const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+            double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemma(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		    const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		    const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		    float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+            const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+            const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+            float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
   // C = d A^H B, A is m x p, B is m x n
   inline void gemhm(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		    const double d, const double* A, const unsigned ldA,
-		    const double *B, const unsigned ldB,
-		    double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+            const double d, const double* A, const unsigned ldA,
+            const double *B, const unsigned ldB,
+            double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &p, &n, &m, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemhm(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		    const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		    const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		    float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+            const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+            const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+            float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &p, &n, &m, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   // C += d A^H B, A is m x p, B is m x n
   inline void gemhma(unsigned m, unsigned p, unsigned n, double d,
-		     const double* const A, const unsigned ldA, const double* const B,
-		     const unsigned ldB, double* C, unsigned ldC)
+             const double* const A, const unsigned ldA, const double* const B,
+             const unsigned ldB, double* C, unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &p, &n, &m, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemhma(unsigned m, unsigned p, unsigned n, float d,
-		     const float* const A, const unsigned ldA, const float* const B,
-		     const unsigned ldB, float* C, unsigned ldC)
+             const float* const A, const unsigned ldA, const float* const B,
+             const unsigned ldB, float* C, unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &p, &n, &m, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
   // C = d A B^H, A is m x p, B is n x p
   inline void gemmh(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		    const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		    const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		    double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+            const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+            const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+            double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemmh(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		    const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		    const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		    float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+            const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+            const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+            float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   // C += d A B^H, A is m x p, B is n x p
   inline void gemmha(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		     const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		     const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		     double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+             const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+             const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+             double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemmha(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		     const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		     const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		     float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+             const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+             const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+             float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemmha(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		     const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		     const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		     double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+             const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+             const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+             double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &D_ONE, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ONE, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemmha(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		     const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		     const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		     float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+             const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+             const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+             float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &S_ONE, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ONE, C, &ldC);
   // C = d A^H B^H, A is p x m, B is n x p
   inline void gemhmh(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		     const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		     const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		     double* C, const unsigned ldC)
+             const double d, const double* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+             const double* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+             double* C, const unsigned ldC)
     dgemm_(JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &D_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   inline void gemhmh(const unsigned m, const unsigned p, const unsigned n,
-		     const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
-		     const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
-		     float* C, const unsigned ldC)
+             const float d, const float* const A, const unsigned ldA,
+             const float* const B, const unsigned ldB,
+             float* C, const unsigned ldC)
     sgemm_(JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, &d, A, &ldA, B, &ldB,
-	   &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
+       &S_ZERO, C, &ldC);
   //C += d*AB, A is mxm (packed upper half is stored), B is mxn and regular matrix
   inline void sygemma(const unsigned m, const unsigned n,
-		      const double* const A, const double* const B,
-		      const double d, double* const C)
+              const double* const A, const double* const B,
+              const double d, double* const C)
     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++){
       for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++){
-	for(unsigned k=i;k<m;k++){
-	  if(i==k){
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
-	  }else{
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
-	    C[j*m+k] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[i+j*m];
-	  }
-	}
+    for(unsigned k=i;k<m;k++){
+      if(i==k){
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
+      }else{
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
+        C[j*m+k] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[i+j*m];
+      }
+    }
   inline void sygemma(const unsigned m, const unsigned n,
-		      const float* const A, const float* const B,
-		      const float d, float* const C)
+              const float* const A, const float* const B,
+              const float d, float* const C)
     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++){
       for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++){
-	for(unsigned k=i;k<m;k++){
-	  if(i==k){
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
-	  }else{
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
-	    C[j*m+k] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[i+j*m];
-	  }
-	}
+    for(unsigned k=i;k<m;k++){
+      if(i==k){
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
+      }else{
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[k+j*m];
+        C[j*m+k] += d*A[i+k*(k+1)/2]*B[i+j*m];
+      }
+    }
   //C += d*AB, A is mxn and regular matrix, B is nxn (packed upper half is stored)
   inline void gesymma(const unsigned m, const unsigned n,
-		      const double* const A, const double* const B,
-		      const double d, double* const C)
+              const double* const A, const double* const B,
+              const double d, double* const C)
     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++){
       for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++){
-	for(unsigned k=j;k<n;k++){
-	  if(j==k)
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[k+j*(j+1)/2];
-	  else{
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
-	    C[k*m+i] += d*A[i+j*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
-	  }
-	}
+    for(unsigned k=j;k<n;k++){
+      if(j==k)
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[k+j*(j+1)/2];
+      else{
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
+        C[k*m+i] += d*A[i+j*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
+      }
+    }
   inline void gesymma(const unsigned m, const unsigned n,
-		      const float* const A, const float* const B,
-		      const float d, float* const C)
+              const float* const A, const float* const B,
+              const float d, float* const C)
     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++){
       for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++){
-	for(unsigned k=j;k<n;k++){
-	  if(j==k)
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[k+j*(j+1)/2];
-	  else{
-	    C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
-	    C[k*m+i] += d*A[i+j*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
-	  }
-	}
+    for(unsigned k=j;k<n;k++){
+      if(j==k)
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[k+j*(j+1)/2];
+      else{
+        C[j*m+i] += d*A[i+k*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
+        C[k*m+i] += d*A[i+j*m]*B[j+k*(k+1)/2];
+      }
+    }
   // C += d A^H A, C is a symm. matrix (packed upper half is stored), A is mxn
   inline void symhm(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const double* const A,
-		    const double d, double* C)
+            const double d, double* C)
     for (unsigned j=0; j<n; ++j) {
       for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) {
-	double sum = 0.0;
-	for (unsigned k=0; k<m; ++k) sum += A[k+i*m] * A[k+j*m];
-	C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += d * sum;
+    double sum = 0.0;
+    for (unsigned k=0; k<m; ++k) sum += A[k+i*m] * A[k+j*m];
+    C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += d * sum;
   inline void symhm(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const float* const A,
-		    const float d, float* C)
+            const float d, float* C)
     for (unsigned j=0; j<n; ++j) {
       for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) {
-	float sum = 0.0;
-	for (unsigned k=0; k<m; ++k) sum += A[k+i*m] * A[k+j*m];
-	C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += d * sum;
+    float sum = 0.0;
+    for (unsigned k=0; k<m; ++k) sum += A[k+i*m] * A[k+j*m];
+    C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += d * sum;
@@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ namespace blas
     for (unsigned k=0; k<n; ++k) {
       for (unsigned j=0; j<=n; ++j) {
-	double e = d * A[j+k*m];
-	for (unsigned i=0; i<j; ++i) C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * A[i+k*m];
+    double e = d * A[j+k*m];
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<j; ++i) C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * A[i+k*m];
@@ -707,59 +707,59 @@ namespace blas
     for (unsigned k=0; k<n; ++k) {
       for (unsigned j=0; j<n; ++j) {
-	float e = d * A[j+k*m];
-	for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * A[i+k*m];
+    float e = d * A[j+k*m];
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) C[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * A[i+k*m];
   // Singular Value Decomposition
   inline int gesvdS(unsigned m, unsigned n, double* A, double* S,
-		    double* U, unsigned ldU, double* VT, unsigned ldVT,
-		    unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+            double* U, unsigned ldU, double* VT, unsigned ldVT,
+            unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dgesvd_(JOB_STR+3, JOB_STR+3, &m, &n, A, &m, S, U, &ldU, VT, &ldVT,
-	    wk, &nwk, &INF);
+        wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int gesvd(unsigned m, unsigned n, double* A, double* S,
-		   double* VT, unsigned ldVT, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           double* VT, unsigned ldVT, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dgesvd_(JOB_STR+2, JOB_STR+3, &m, &n, A, &m, S, A, &m, VT, &ldVT,
-	    wk, &nwk, &INF);
+        wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int gesvd(unsigned m, unsigned n, float* A, float* S,
-		   float* VT, unsigned ldVT, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           float* VT, unsigned ldVT, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sgesvd_(JOB_STR+2, JOB_STR+3, &m, &n, A, &m, S, A, &m, VT, &ldVT,
-	    wk, &nwk, &INF);
+        wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int gesvd(unsigned m, unsigned n, double* A, double* S,
-		   double* U, unsigned ldU, double* VT, unsigned ldVT,
-		   unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           double* U, unsigned ldU, double* VT, unsigned ldVT,
+           unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dgesvd_(JOB_STR+9, JOB_STR+9, &m, &n, A, &m, S, U, &ldU, VT, &ldVT,
-	    wk, &nwk, &INF);
+        wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   // compute singular values
   inline int svals(unsigned m, unsigned n, double* A, double* S,
-		   unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dgesvd_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, A, &m, S, A, &m, A, &n, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int svals(unsigned m, unsigned n, float* A, float* S,
-		   unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sgesvd_(JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, A, &m, S, A, &m, A, &n, wk, &nwk, &INF);
@@ -802,28 +802,28 @@ namespace blas
   // QR factorisation
   inline int geqrf(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double* A,
-		   double* tau, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           double* tau, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dgeqrf_(&m, &n, A, &m, tau, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int geqrf(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float* A,
-		   float* tau, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           float* tau, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sgeqrf_(&m, &n, A, &m, tau, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int geqrf(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double* A,
-		   const unsigned ldA, double* tau, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           const unsigned ldA, double* tau, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dgeqrf_(&m, &n, A, &ldA, tau, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int geqrf(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float* A,
-		   const unsigned ldA, float* tau, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           const unsigned ldA, float* tau, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sgeqrf_(&m, &n, A, &ldA, tau, wk, &nwk, &INF);
@@ -832,136 +832,136 @@ namespace blas
   // Multiply a general Matrix with the Q-Matrix (QR factorization), Q C
   inline int ormqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		   double* A, double* tau, double* C,
-		   unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           double* A, double* tau, double* C,
+           unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, A, &m, tau, C, &m, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		   float* A, float* tau, float* C,
-		   unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           float* A, float* tau, float* C,
+           unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, A, &m, tau, C, &m, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		   double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
-		   const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
+           const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &ldC, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		   float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
-		   const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
+           const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &ldC, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   // Q^H C
   inline int ormqrh(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		    double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
-		    const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+            double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
+            const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &ldC, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqrh(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		    float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
-		    const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+            float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
+            const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &ldC, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqrh(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		    double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
-		    unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+            double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
+            unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &m, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqrh(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		    float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
-		    unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+            float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
+            unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &m, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqrh(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		    double* A, double* tau, double* C,
-		    unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+            double* A, double* tau, double* C,
+            unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, A, &m, tau, C, &m, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int ormqrh(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		    float* A, float* tau, float* C,
-		    unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+            float* A, float* tau, float* C,
+            unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sormqr_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, &m, &n, &p, A, &m, tau, C, &m, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int morqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		   double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
-		   const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           double* A, const unsigned ldA, double* tau, double* C,
+           const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dormqr_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &ldC, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int morqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const unsigned p,
-		   float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
-		   const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           float* A, const unsigned ldA, float* tau, float* C,
+           const unsigned ldC, unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sormqr_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &p, A, &ldA, tau, C, &ldC, wk, &nwk,
-	    &INF);
+        &INF);
     return INF;
   inline void ger(unsigned M, unsigned N, double d, double* X, unsigned INCX,
-		  double* y, unsigned INCY, double* A, unsigned LDA)
+          double* y, unsigned INCY, double* A, unsigned LDA)
     dger_(&M, &N, &d, X, &INCX, y, &INCY, A, &LDA);
   inline void ger(unsigned M, unsigned N, float d, float* X, unsigned INCX,
-		  float* y, unsigned INCY, float* A, unsigned LDA)
+          float* y, unsigned INCY, float* A, unsigned LDA)
     sger_(&M, &N, &d, X, &INCX, y, &INCY, A, &LDA);
   // return Q-Matrix (QR factorization) in A
   inline int orgqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, double* A, double* tau,
-		   unsigned nwk, double* wk)
+           unsigned nwk, double* wk)
     int INF;
     dorgqr_(&m, &n, &n, A, &m, tau, wk, &nwk, &INF);
     return INF;
   inline int orgqr(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, float* A, float* tau,
-		   unsigned nwk, float* wk)
+           unsigned nwk, float* wk)
     int INF;
     sorgqr_(&m, &n, &n, A, &m, tau, wk, &nwk, &INF);
@@ -980,10 +980,10 @@ namespace blas
   // product of an upper triangular matrix U and a matrix A, A:=U A
   inline void utrgemm(unsigned m, unsigned n, double* U, unsigned ldU,
-		      double* A, unsigned ldA)
+              double* A, unsigned ldA)
     dtrmm_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &m, &n, &D_ONE, U, &ldU,
-	   A, &ldA);
+       A, &ldA);
@@ -993,9 +993,9 @@ namespace blas
     for (unsigned j=0; j<n; ++j) {
       for (unsigned l=j; l<n; ++l) {
-	unsigned idl = l*(l+1)/2;
-	double e = d * U[j+idl];
-	for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) A[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * U[i+idl];
+    unsigned idl = l*(l+1)/2;
+    double e = d * U[j+idl];
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) A[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * U[i+idl];
@@ -1004,9 +1004,9 @@ namespace blas
     for (unsigned j=0; j<n; ++j) {
       for (unsigned l=j; l<n; ++l) {
-	unsigned idl = l*(l+1)/2;
-	float e = d * U[j+idl];
-	for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) A[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * U[i+idl];
+    unsigned idl = l*(l+1)/2;
+    float e = d * U[j+idl];
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<=j; ++i) A[i+j*(j+1)/2] += e * U[i+idl];
@@ -1195,14 +1195,14 @@ namespace lapack
   // lower triangular solve
   inline void ltrs(const unsigned n, double* A,
-		   const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
+           const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //  dtptrs_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
       dtpsv_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, A, B+i*ldB, &N_ONE);
   inline void ltrs(const unsigned n, float* A,
-		   const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
+           const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
     // stptrs_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
@@ -1211,14 +1211,14 @@ namespace lapack
   // lower triangular transpose solve
   inline void ltrhs(const unsigned n, double* A,
-		    const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
+            const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //  dtptrs_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
       dtpsv_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR+5, &n, A, B+i*ldB, &N_ONE);
   inline void ltrhs(const unsigned n, float* A,
-		    const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
+            const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //  stptrs_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
@@ -1228,84 +1228,84 @@ namespace lapack
   // unit upper triangular solve (with L and R stored in one matrix)
   // XR=B, R is pxp, B is nxp
   inline void utrcs(const unsigned p, const double* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned n, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned n, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
     dtrsm_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &D_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   inline void utrcs(const unsigned p, const float* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned n, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned n, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
     strsm_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &S_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   // unit upper triangular solve (with L and R stored in one matrix)
   // RX=B, R is nxn, B is nxp
   inline void utlcs(const unsigned n, float* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned p, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned p, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
     strsm_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &S_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   inline void utlcs(const unsigned n, double* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned p, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned p, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
     dtrsm_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &D_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   // unit lower triangular solve (with L and R stored in one matrix)
   // XL=B, L is pxp, B is nxp
   inline void ltrcs(const unsigned p, float* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned n, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned n, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
     strsm_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &S_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   inline void ltrcs(const unsigned p, double* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned n, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned n, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
     dtrsm_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &D_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   // unit lower triangular transposed solve (with L and R stored in one matrix)
   // XL^T=B, L is pxp, B is nxp
   inline void ltrhcs(const unsigned p, double* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		     const unsigned n, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
+             const unsigned n, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
     dtrsm_(JOB_STR+8, JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &D_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   // unit lower triangular solve (with L and R stored in one matrix)
   // LX=B, L is nxn, B is nxp
   inline void ltlcs(const unsigned n, float* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned p, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned p, float* X, const unsigned ldX)
     strsm_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &S_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   inline void ltlcs(const unsigned n, double* LR, const unsigned ldLR,
-		    const unsigned p, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
+            const unsigned p, double* X, const unsigned ldX)
     dtrsm_(JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR+6, JOB_STR, JOB_STR+5, &n, &p, &D_ONE,
-	   LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
+       LR, &ldLR, X, &ldX);
   // upper triangular solve
   inline void utrs(const unsigned n, double* A,
-		   const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
+           const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //  dtptrs_(JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
       dtpsv_(JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &n, A, B+i*ldB, &N_ONE);
   inline void utrs(const unsigned n, float* A,
-		   const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
+           const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //stptrs_(JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR, JOB_STR, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
@@ -1314,14 +1314,14 @@ namespace lapack
   // upper triangluar transpose solve
   inline void utrhs(const unsigned n, double* A,
-		    const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
+            const unsigned p, double* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //dtptrs_(JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
       dtpsv_(JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &n, A, B+i*ldB, &N_ONE);
   inline void utrhs(const unsigned n, float* A,
-		    const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
+            const unsigned p, float* B, const unsigned ldB)
     //stptrs_(JOB_STR+5, JOB_STR+1, JOB_STR, &n, &p, A, B, &ldB, &inf);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<p; ++i)
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrix.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrix.h
index ef5b51412c7..e87e9acbbeb 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrix.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrix.h
@@ -33,77 +33,77 @@ template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 class CRSMatrix: public SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>
-	typedef FP_TYPE FP_T;
+    typedef FP_TYPE FP_T;
-	explicit CRSMatrix(std::string const &fname) :
-		SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(),
-		_row_ptr(NULL), _col_idx(NULL), _data(NULL)
-	{
-		std::ifstream in(fname.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-		if (in) {
-			CS_read(in, SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx, _data);
-			SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::_n_cols = SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::_n_rows;
-			in.close();
-		} else {
-			std::cout << "cannot open " << fname << std::endl;
-		}
-	}
-	explicit CRSMatrix(IDX_TYPE n, IDX_TYPE *iA, IDX_TYPE *jA, FP_TYPE* A) :
-		SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(n,n),
-		_row_ptr(iA), _col_idx(jA), _data(A)
-	{}
-	explicit CRSMatrix(MatrixSparsityPattern const& mat_sparsity_pattern) :
-			SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(mat_sparsity_pattern.getNRows(),
-					mat_sparsity_pattern.getNRows()),
-			_row_ptr(nullptr), _col_idx(nullptr), _data(nullptr)
-	{
-		// reserve memory for _row_ptr
-		_row_ptr = new IDX_TYPE [this->_n_rows + 1];
-		// initialize _row_ptr
-		_row_ptr[0] = 0;
-		for (std::size_t row(0); row < this->_n_rows; row++) {
-			_row_ptr[row + 1] = _row_ptr[row]
-			    + std::distance(mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowBeginIterator(row),
-			        mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowEndIterator(row));
-		}
-		std::size_t const nnz = _row_ptr[this->_n_rows];
-		// reserve memory for _col_idx
-		_col_idx = new IDX_TYPE [nnz];
-		// fill _col_idx
-		for (std::size_t row(0); row < this->_n_rows; row++) {
-			std::copy(mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowBeginIterator(row),
-				mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowEndIterator(row),
-				&_col_idx[_row_ptr[row]]);
-		}
-		// reserve memory for _data
-		_data = new FP_TYPE [nnz];
-		setZero();
-	}
-	/// Reset data entries to zero.
-	virtual void setZero()
-	{
-		std::fill_n(_data, _row_ptr[this->_n_rows], 0);
-	}
-	virtual ~CRSMatrix()
-	{
-		delete [] _row_ptr;
-		delete [] _col_idx;
-		delete [] _data;
-	}
-	virtual void amux(FP_TYPE const d,
-	                  FP_TYPE const* const __restrict__ x,
-	                  FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y) const
-	{
-		amuxCRS<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(d, this->getNRows(), _row_ptr, _col_idx, _data, x, y);
-	}
+    explicit CRSMatrix(std::string const &fname) :
+        SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(),
+        _row_ptr(NULL), _col_idx(NULL), _data(NULL)
+    {
+        std::ifstream in(fname.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+        if (in) {
+            CS_read(in, SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx, _data);
+            SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::_n_cols = SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>::_n_rows;
+            in.close();
+        } else {
+            std::cout << "cannot open " << fname << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    explicit CRSMatrix(IDX_TYPE n, IDX_TYPE *iA, IDX_TYPE *jA, FP_TYPE* A) :
+        SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(n,n),
+        _row_ptr(iA), _col_idx(jA), _data(A)
+    {}
+    explicit CRSMatrix(MatrixSparsityPattern const& mat_sparsity_pattern) :
+            SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(mat_sparsity_pattern.getNRows(),
+                    mat_sparsity_pattern.getNRows()),
+            _row_ptr(nullptr), _col_idx(nullptr), _data(nullptr)
+    {
+        // reserve memory for _row_ptr
+        _row_ptr = new IDX_TYPE [this->_n_rows + 1];
+        // initialize _row_ptr
+        _row_ptr[0] = 0;
+        for (std::size_t row(0); row < this->_n_rows; row++) {
+            _row_ptr[row + 1] = _row_ptr[row]
+                + std::distance(mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowBeginIterator(row),
+                    mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowEndIterator(row));
+        }
+        std::size_t const nnz = _row_ptr[this->_n_rows];
+        // reserve memory for _col_idx
+        _col_idx = new IDX_TYPE [nnz];
+        // fill _col_idx
+        for (std::size_t row(0); row < this->_n_rows; row++) {
+            std::copy(mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowBeginIterator(row),
+                mat_sparsity_pattern.getRowEndIterator(row),
+                &_col_idx[_row_ptr[row]]);
+        }
+        // reserve memory for _data
+        _data = new FP_TYPE [nnz];
+        setZero();
+    }
+    /// Reset data entries to zero.
+    virtual void setZero()
+    {
+        std::fill_n(_data, _row_ptr[this->_n_rows], 0);
+    }
+    virtual ~CRSMatrix()
+    {
+        delete [] _row_ptr;
+        delete [] _col_idx;
+        delete [] _data;
+    }
+    virtual void amux(FP_TYPE const d,
+                      FP_TYPE const* const __restrict__ x,
+                      FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y) const
+    {
+        amuxCRS<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(d, this->getNRows(), _row_ptr, _col_idx, _data, x, y);
+    }
     virtual void precondApply(FP_TYPE* /*x*/) const
@@ -116,56 +116,56 @@ public:
      * This method inserts/overwrites a non-zero matrix entry.
-	 * Precondition: the entry have to be in the sparsity pattern!
+     * Precondition: the entry have to be in the sparsity pattern!
      * @param row the row number
      * @param col the column number
      * @param val the value that should be set at pos row,col
      * @return true, if the entry is contained in the sparsity pattern, else false
-	bool setValue(IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col, FP_TYPE val)
-	{
-		assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
-		// linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
-		const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
-		IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
-		while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
-			if (k == col) {
-				_data[j] = val;
-				return true;
-			}
-			j++;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
+    bool setValue(IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col, FP_TYPE val)
+    {
+        assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
+        // linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
+        const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
+        IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
+        while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
+            if (k == col) {
+                _data[j] = val;
+                return true;
+            }
+            j++;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
      * This method adds value val to an existing matrix entry at position row,col.
-	 * Precondition: the entry have to be in the sparsity pattern!
+     * Precondition: the entry have to be in the sparsity pattern!
      * @param row the row number
      * @param col the column number
      * @param val the value that should be set at pos row,col
      * @return true, if the entry is contained in the sparsity pattern, else false
-	bool addValue(IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col, FP_TYPE val)
-	{
-		assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
-		// linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
-		const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
-		IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
-		while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
-			if (k == col) {
-				#pragma omp atomic
-				_data[j] += val;
-				return true;
-			}
-			j++;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
+    bool addValue(IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col, FP_TYPE val)
+    {
+        assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
+        // linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
+        const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
+        IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
+        while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
+            if (k == col) {
+                #pragma omp atomic
+                _data[j] += val;
+                return true;
+            }
+            j++;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
      * This is an access operator to a non-zero matrix entry. If the value of
@@ -174,22 +174,22 @@ public:
      * @param col the column number
      * @return The corresponding matrix entry or 0.0.
-	FP_TYPE getValue(IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col)
-	{
-		assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
-		// linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
-		const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
-		IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
-		while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
-			if (k == col) {
-				return _data[j];
-			}
-			j++;
-		}
-		return 0.0;
-	}
+    FP_TYPE getValue(IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col)
+    {
+        assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
+        // linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
+        const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
+        IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
+        while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
+            if (k == col) {
+                return _data[j];
+            }
+            j++;
+        }
+        return 0.0;
+    }
      * This is the constant access operator to a non-zero matrix entry.
@@ -200,254 +200,254 @@ public:
     FP_TYPE operator() (IDX_TYPE row, IDX_TYPE col) const
-		assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
-    	// linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
-    	const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
-    	IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
-    	while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
-    		if (k == col) {
-    			return _data[j];
-    		}
-    		j++;
-    	}
-    	return 0.0;
+        assert(0 <= row && row < this->_n_rows);
+        // linear search - for matrices with many entries per row binary search is much faster
+        const IDX_TYPE idx_end (_row_ptr[row+1]);
+        IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[row]), k;
+        while (j<idx_end && (k=_col_idx[j]) <= col) {
+            if (k == col) {
+                return _data[j];
+            }
+            j++;
+        }
+        return 0.0;
-	/**
-	 * get const access to the row pointer array of CRS matrix
-	 * @return the index array _row_ptr
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE const* getRowPtrArray() const { return _row_ptr; }
-	/**
-	 * get const access to the column index array of CRS matrix
-	 * @return the index array _col_idx
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE const* getColIdxArray ()const { return _col_idx; }
-	/**
-	 * get the matrix entries within an array of CRS matrix
-	 */
-	FP_TYPE const* getEntryArray() const { return _data; }
-	/**
-	 * erase rows and columns from sparse matrix
-	 * @param n_rows_cols number of rows / columns to remove
-	 * @param rows_cols sorted list of rows/columns that should be removed
-	 */
-	void eraseEntries(IDX_TYPE n_rows_cols, IDX_TYPE const* const rows_cols)
-	{
-		//*** remove the rows
-		removeRows(n_rows_cols, rows_cols);
-		//*** transpose
-		transpose();
-		//*** remove columns in original means removing rows in the transposed
-		removeRows(n_rows_cols, rows_cols);
-		//*** transpose again
-		transpose();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * get the j-th column of the sparse matrix
-	 * @param j the column number that should be returned
-	 * @param column_entries the column entries (have to be allocated
-	 */
-	void getColumn(IDX_TYPE j, FP_TYPE* column_entries) const
-	{
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
-			const IDX_TYPE end_row(_row_ptr[k+1]);
-			IDX_TYPE i(_row_ptr[k+1]);
-			while (i<end_row && _col_idx[i] != j) {
-				i++;
-			}
-			if (i==end_row) {
-				column_entries[k] = 0.0;
-			} else {
-				column_entries[k] = _data[i];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* getTranspose() const
-	{
-		CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* transposed_mat(new CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(*this));
-		transposed_mat->transpose();
-		return transposed_mat;
-	}
+    /**
+     * get const access to the row pointer array of CRS matrix
+     * @return the index array _row_ptr
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE const* getRowPtrArray() const { return _row_ptr; }
+    /**
+     * get const access to the column index array of CRS matrix
+     * @return the index array _col_idx
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE const* getColIdxArray ()const { return _col_idx; }
+    /**
+     * get the matrix entries within an array of CRS matrix
+     */
+    FP_TYPE const* getEntryArray() const { return _data; }
+    /**
+     * erase rows and columns from sparse matrix
+     * @param n_rows_cols number of rows / columns to remove
+     * @param rows_cols sorted list of rows/columns that should be removed
+     */
+    void eraseEntries(IDX_TYPE n_rows_cols, IDX_TYPE const* const rows_cols)
+    {
+        //*** remove the rows
+        removeRows(n_rows_cols, rows_cols);
+        //*** transpose
+        transpose();
+        //*** remove columns in original means removing rows in the transposed
+        removeRows(n_rows_cols, rows_cols);
+        //*** transpose again
+        transpose();
+    }
+    /**
+     * get the j-th column of the sparse matrix
+     * @param j the column number that should be returned
+     * @param column_entries the column entries (have to be allocated
+     */
+    void getColumn(IDX_TYPE j, FP_TYPE* column_entries) const
+    {
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
+            const IDX_TYPE end_row(_row_ptr[k+1]);
+            IDX_TYPE i(_row_ptr[k+1]);
+            while (i<end_row && _col_idx[i] != j) {
+                i++;
+            }
+            if (i==end_row) {
+                column_entries[k] = 0.0;
+            } else {
+                column_entries[k] = _data[i];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* getTranspose() const
+    {
+        CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>* transposed_mat(new CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(*this));
+        transposed_mat->transpose();
+        return transposed_mat;
+    }
-	CRSMatrix(CRSMatrix const& rhs) :
-		SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> (rhs.getNRows(), rhs.getNCols()),
-		_row_ptr(new IDX_TYPE[rhs.getNRows() + 1]), _col_idx(new IDX_TYPE[rhs.getNNZ()]),
-		_data(new FP_TYPE[rhs.getNNZ()])
-	{
-		// copy the data
-		IDX_TYPE const* row_ptr(rhs.getRowPtrArray());
-		for	(IDX_TYPE k(0); k <= this->_n_rows; k++) {
-			_row_ptr[k] = row_ptr[k];
-		}
-		IDX_TYPE nnz(rhs.getNNZ());
-		IDX_TYPE const*const col_idx(rhs.getColIdxArray());
-		for	(IDX_TYPE k(0); k<nnz; k++) {
-			_col_idx[k] = col_idx[k];
-		}
-		FP_TYPE const*const data(rhs.getEntryArray());
-		for	(IDX_TYPE k(0); k<nnz; k++) {
-			_data[k] = data[k];
-		}
-	}
-	void removeRows (IDX_TYPE n_rows_cols, IDX_TYPE const*const rows)
-	{
-		//*** determine the number of new rows and the number of entries without the rows
-		const IDX_TYPE n_new_rows(this->_n_rows - n_rows_cols);
-		IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_new(new IDX_TYPE[n_new_rows+1]);
-		row_ptr_new[0] = 0;
-		IDX_TYPE row_cnt (1), erase_row_cnt(0);
-		for (unsigned k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
-			if (erase_row_cnt < n_rows_cols) {
-				if (k != rows[erase_row_cnt]) {
-					row_ptr_new[row_cnt] = _row_ptr[k+1] - _row_ptr[k];
-					row_cnt++;
-				} else {
-					erase_row_cnt++;
-				}
-			} else {
-				row_ptr_new[row_cnt] = _row_ptr[k+1] - _row_ptr[k];
-				row_cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		//*** sum up the entries
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k<n_new_rows; k++) {
-			row_ptr_new[k+1] = row_ptr_new[k+1] + row_ptr_new[k];
-		}
-		//*** create new memory for col_idx and data
-		IDX_TYPE nnz_new(row_ptr_new[n_new_rows]);
-		IDX_TYPE *col_idx_new (new IDX_TYPE[nnz_new]);
-		FP_TYPE *data_new (new FP_TYPE[nnz_new]);
-		//*** copy the entries
-		// initialization
-		IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_new_tmp(new IDX_TYPE[n_new_rows+1]);
-		for (unsigned k(0); k<=n_new_rows; k++) {
-			row_ptr_new_tmp[k] = row_ptr_new[k];
-		}
-		erase_row_cnt = 0;
-		row_cnt = 0;
-		// copy column index and data entries
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
-			if (erase_row_cnt < n_rows_cols) {
-				if (k != rows[erase_row_cnt]) {
-					const IDX_TYPE end (_row_ptr[k+1]);
-					// walk through row
-					for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[k]); j<end; j++) {
-						col_idx_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _col_idx[j];
-						data_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _data[j];
-						row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]++;
-					}
-					row_cnt++;
-				} else {
-					erase_row_cnt++;
-				}
-			} else {
-				const IDX_TYPE end (_row_ptr[k+1]);
-				// walk through row
-				for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[k]); j<end; j++) {
-					col_idx_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _col_idx[j];
-					data_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _data[j];
-					row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]++;
-				}
-				row_cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		this->_n_rows -= n_rows_cols;
-		std::swap (row_ptr_new, _row_ptr);
-		std::swap (col_idx_new, _col_idx);
-		std::swap (data_new, _data);
-		delete [] row_ptr_new_tmp;
-		delete [] row_ptr_new;
-		delete [] col_idx_new;
-		delete [] data_new;
-	}
-	void transpose ()
-	{
-		// create a helper array row_ptr_nnz
-		IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_nnz(new IDX_TYPE[this->_n_cols+1]);
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k <= this->_n_cols; k++) {
-			row_ptr_nnz[k] = 0;
-		}
-		// count entries per row in the transposed matrix
-		IDX_TYPE nnz(_row_ptr[this->_n_rows]);
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < nnz; k++) {
-			row_ptr_nnz[_col_idx[k]]++;
-		}
-		// create row_ptr_trans
-		IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_trans(new IDX_TYPE[this->_n_cols + 1]);
-		row_ptr_trans[0] = 0;
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_cols; k++) {
-			row_ptr_trans[k+1] = row_ptr_trans[k] + row_ptr_nnz[k];
-		}
-		// make a copy of row_ptr_trans
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k <= this->_n_cols; k++) {
-			row_ptr_nnz[k] = row_ptr_trans[k];
-		}
-		// create arrays col_idx_trans and data_trans
-		assert(nnz == row_ptr_trans[this->_n_cols]);
-		IDX_TYPE *col_idx_trans(new IDX_TYPE[nnz]);
-		FP_TYPE *data_trans(new FP_TYPE[nnz]);
-		// fill arrays col_idx_trans and data_trans
-		for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < this->_n_rows; i++) {
-			const IDX_TYPE row_end(_row_ptr[i + 1]);
-			for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[i]); j < row_end; j++) {
-				const IDX_TYPE k(_col_idx[j]);
-				col_idx_trans[row_ptr_nnz[k]] = i;
-				data_trans[row_ptr_nnz[k]] = _data[j];
-				row_ptr_nnz[k]++;
-			}
-		}
-		std::swap(this->_n_rows, this->_n_cols);
-		std::swap(row_ptr_trans, _row_ptr);
-		std::swap(col_idx_trans, _col_idx);
-		std::swap(data_trans, _data);
-		delete[] row_ptr_nnz;
-		delete[] row_ptr_trans;
-		delete[] col_idx_trans;
-		delete[] data_trans;
-	}
+    CRSMatrix(CRSMatrix const& rhs) :
+        SparseMatrixBase<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> (rhs.getNRows(), rhs.getNCols()),
+        _row_ptr(new IDX_TYPE[rhs.getNRows() + 1]), _col_idx(new IDX_TYPE[rhs.getNNZ()]),
+        _data(new FP_TYPE[rhs.getNNZ()])
+    {
+        // copy the data
+        IDX_TYPE const* row_ptr(rhs.getRowPtrArray());
+        for    (IDX_TYPE k(0); k <= this->_n_rows; k++) {
+            _row_ptr[k] = row_ptr[k];
+        }
+        IDX_TYPE nnz(rhs.getNNZ());
+        IDX_TYPE const*const col_idx(rhs.getColIdxArray());
+        for    (IDX_TYPE k(0); k<nnz; k++) {
+            _col_idx[k] = col_idx[k];
+        }
+        FP_TYPE const*const data(rhs.getEntryArray());
+        for    (IDX_TYPE k(0); k<nnz; k++) {
+            _data[k] = data[k];
+        }
+    }
+    void removeRows (IDX_TYPE n_rows_cols, IDX_TYPE const*const rows)
+    {
+        //*** determine the number of new rows and the number of entries without the rows
+        const IDX_TYPE n_new_rows(this->_n_rows - n_rows_cols);
+        IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_new(new IDX_TYPE[n_new_rows+1]);
+        row_ptr_new[0] = 0;
+        IDX_TYPE row_cnt (1), erase_row_cnt(0);
+        for (unsigned k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
+            if (erase_row_cnt < n_rows_cols) {
+                if (k != rows[erase_row_cnt]) {
+                    row_ptr_new[row_cnt] = _row_ptr[k+1] - _row_ptr[k];
+                    row_cnt++;
+                } else {
+                    erase_row_cnt++;
+                }
+            } else {
+                row_ptr_new[row_cnt] = _row_ptr[k+1] - _row_ptr[k];
+                row_cnt++;
+            }
+        }
+        //*** sum up the entries
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k<n_new_rows; k++) {
+            row_ptr_new[k+1] = row_ptr_new[k+1] + row_ptr_new[k];
+        }
+        //*** create new memory for col_idx and data
+        IDX_TYPE nnz_new(row_ptr_new[n_new_rows]);
+        IDX_TYPE *col_idx_new (new IDX_TYPE[nnz_new]);
+        FP_TYPE *data_new (new FP_TYPE[nnz_new]);
+        //*** copy the entries
+        // initialization
+        IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_new_tmp(new IDX_TYPE[n_new_rows+1]);
+        for (unsigned k(0); k<=n_new_rows; k++) {
+            row_ptr_new_tmp[k] = row_ptr_new[k];
+        }
+        erase_row_cnt = 0;
+        row_cnt = 0;
+        // copy column index and data entries
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
+            if (erase_row_cnt < n_rows_cols) {
+                if (k != rows[erase_row_cnt]) {
+                    const IDX_TYPE end (_row_ptr[k+1]);
+                    // walk through row
+                    for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[k]); j<end; j++) {
+                        col_idx_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _col_idx[j];
+                        data_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _data[j];
+                        row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]++;
+                    }
+                    row_cnt++;
+                } else {
+                    erase_row_cnt++;
+                }
+            } else {
+                const IDX_TYPE end (_row_ptr[k+1]);
+                // walk through row
+                for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[k]); j<end; j++) {
+                    col_idx_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _col_idx[j];
+                    data_new[row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]] = _data[j];
+                    row_ptr_new_tmp[row_cnt]++;
+                }
+                row_cnt++;
+            }
+        }
+        this->_n_rows -= n_rows_cols;
+        std::swap (row_ptr_new, _row_ptr);
+        std::swap (col_idx_new, _col_idx);
+        std::swap (data_new, _data);
+        delete [] row_ptr_new_tmp;
+        delete [] row_ptr_new;
+        delete [] col_idx_new;
+        delete [] data_new;
+    }
+    void transpose ()
+    {
+        // create a helper array row_ptr_nnz
+        IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_nnz(new IDX_TYPE[this->_n_cols+1]);
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k <= this->_n_cols; k++) {
+            row_ptr_nnz[k] = 0;
+        }
+        // count entries per row in the transposed matrix
+        IDX_TYPE nnz(_row_ptr[this->_n_rows]);
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < nnz; k++) {
+            row_ptr_nnz[_col_idx[k]]++;
+        }
+        // create row_ptr_trans
+        IDX_TYPE *row_ptr_trans(new IDX_TYPE[this->_n_cols + 1]);
+        row_ptr_trans[0] = 0;
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_cols; k++) {
+            row_ptr_trans[k+1] = row_ptr_trans[k] + row_ptr_nnz[k];
+        }
+        // make a copy of row_ptr_trans
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k <= this->_n_cols; k++) {
+            row_ptr_nnz[k] = row_ptr_trans[k];
+        }
+        // create arrays col_idx_trans and data_trans
+        assert(nnz == row_ptr_trans[this->_n_cols]);
+        IDX_TYPE *col_idx_trans(new IDX_TYPE[nnz]);
+        FP_TYPE *data_trans(new FP_TYPE[nnz]);
+        // fill arrays col_idx_trans and data_trans
+        for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < this->_n_rows; i++) {
+            const IDX_TYPE row_end(_row_ptr[i + 1]);
+            for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[i]); j < row_end; j++) {
+                const IDX_TYPE k(_col_idx[j]);
+                col_idx_trans[row_ptr_nnz[k]] = i;
+                data_trans[row_ptr_nnz[k]] = _data[j];
+                row_ptr_nnz[k]++;
+            }
+        }
+        std::swap(this->_n_rows, this->_n_cols);
+        std::swap(row_ptr_trans, _row_ptr);
+        std::swap(col_idx_trans, _col_idx);
+        std::swap(data_trans, _data);
+        delete[] row_ptr_nnz;
+        delete[] row_ptr_trans;
+        delete[] col_idx_trans;
+        delete[] data_trans;
+    }
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-	void printMat() const
-	{
-		for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
-			std::cout << k << ": " << std::flush;
-			const IDX_TYPE row_end(_row_ptr[k+1]);
-			for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[k]); j<row_end; j++) {
-				std::cout << _col_idx[j] << " " << std::flush;
-			}
-			std::cout << std::endl;
-		}
-	}
+    void printMat() const
+    {
+        for (IDX_TYPE k(0); k < this->_n_rows; k++) {
+            std::cout << k << ": " << std::flush;
+            const IDX_TYPE row_end(_row_ptr[k+1]);
+            for (IDX_TYPE j(_row_ptr[k]); j<row_end; j++) {
+                std::cout << _col_idx[j] << " " << std::flush;
+            }
+            std::cout << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
-	IDX_TYPE *_row_ptr;
-	IDX_TYPE *_col_idx;
-	FP_TYPE* _data;
+    IDX_TYPE *_row_ptr;
+    IDX_TYPE *_col_idx;
+    FP_TYPE* _data;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixDiagPrecond.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixDiagPrecond.h
index 8c87d0944d0..cc00ec9cf2d 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixDiagPrecond.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixDiagPrecond.h
@@ -22,63 +22,63 @@ namespace MathLib {
 class CRSMatrixDiagPrecond : public CRSMatrix<double, unsigned>
-	/**
-	 * Constructor takes a file name. The file is read in binary format
-	 * by the constructor of the base class (template) CRSMatrix.
-	 * Further details you can see in function CS_read().
-	 *
-	 * The user have to calculate the preconditioner explicit via calcPrecond() method!
-	 *
-	 * @param fname the name of the file that contains the matrix in
-	 * binary compressed row storage format
-	 */
-	CRSMatrixDiagPrecond(std::string const &fname) :
-		CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> (fname), _inv_diag(NULL)
-	{}
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes a file name. The file is read in binary format
+     * by the constructor of the base class (template) CRSMatrix.
+     * Further details you can see in function CS_read().
+     *
+     * The user have to calculate the preconditioner explicit via calcPrecond() method!
+     *
+     * @param fname the name of the file that contains the matrix in
+     * binary compressed row storage format
+     */
+    CRSMatrixDiagPrecond(std::string const &fname) :
+        CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> (fname), _inv_diag(NULL)
+    {}
-	/**
-	 * Constructs a matrix object from given data.
-	 *
-	 * The user have to calculate the preconditioner explicit via calcPrecond() method!
-	 * @param n number of rows / columns of the matrix
-	 * @param iA row pointer of matrix in compressed row storage format
-	 * @param jA column index of matrix in compressed row storage format
-	 * @param A data entries of matrix in compressed row storage format
-	 */
-	CRSMatrixDiagPrecond(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A) :
-		CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> (n, iA, jA, A), _inv_diag(NULL)
-	{}
+    /**
+     * Constructs a matrix object from given data.
+     *
+     * The user have to calculate the preconditioner explicit via calcPrecond() method!
+     * @param n number of rows / columns of the matrix
+     * @param iA row pointer of matrix in compressed row storage format
+     * @param jA column index of matrix in compressed row storage format
+     * @param A data entries of matrix in compressed row storage format
+     */
+    CRSMatrixDiagPrecond(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A) :
+        CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> (n, iA, jA, A), _inv_diag(NULL)
+    {}
-	void calcPrecond()
-	{
-		delete [] _inv_diag;
-		_inv_diag = new double[_n_rows];
+    void calcPrecond()
+    {
+        delete [] _inv_diag;
+        _inv_diag = new double[_n_rows];
-		if (!generateDiagPrecond(_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx, _data, _inv_diag)) {
-			std::cout << "Could not create diagonal preconditioner" << std::endl;
-		}
-//		if (!generateDiagPrecondRowSum(_n_rows, _row_ptr, _data, _inv_diag)) {
-//			std::cout << "Could not create diagonal preconditioner" << std::endl;
-//		}
-//		if (!generateDiagPrecondRowMax(_n_rows, _row_ptr, _data, _inv_diag)) {
-//			std::cout << "Could not create diagonal preconditioner" << std::endl;
-//		}
+        if (!generateDiagPrecond(_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx, _data, _inv_diag)) {
+            std::cout << "Could not create diagonal preconditioner" << std::endl;
+        }
+//        if (!generateDiagPrecondRowSum(_n_rows, _row_ptr, _data, _inv_diag)) {
+//            std::cout << "Could not create diagonal preconditioner" << std::endl;
+//        }
+//        if (!generateDiagPrecondRowMax(_n_rows, _row_ptr, _data, _inv_diag)) {
+//            std::cout << "Could not create diagonal preconditioner" << std::endl;
+//        }
-	}
+    }
-	void precondApply(double* x) const
-	{
-		for (unsigned k=0; k<_n_rows; ++k) {
-			x[k] = _inv_diag[k]*x[k];
-		}
-	}
+    void precondApply(double* x) const
+    {
+        for (unsigned k=0; k<_n_rows; ++k) {
+            x[k] = _inv_diag[k]*x[k];
+        }
+    }
-	~CRSMatrixDiagPrecond()
-	{
-		delete [] _inv_diag;
-	}
+    ~CRSMatrixDiagPrecond()
+    {
+        delete [] _inv_diag;
+    }
-	double *_inv_diag;
+    double *_inv_diag;
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixOpenMP.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixOpenMP.h
index 437c0bacdb6..66f4a04aaf1 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixOpenMP.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixOpenMP.h
@@ -25,25 +25,25 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE> class CRSMatrixOpenMP : public CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE> {
-	CRSMatrixOpenMP(std::string const &fname) :
-			CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(fname)
-	{}
-	CRSMatrixOpenMP(unsigned n, IDX_TYPE *iA, IDX_TYPE *jA, FP_TYPE* A) :
-		CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(n, iA, jA, A)
-	{}
-	CRSMatrixOpenMP(unsigned n1) :
-		CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(n1)
-	{}
-	virtual ~CRSMatrixOpenMP()
-	{}
-	virtual void amux(FP_TYPE const d, FP_TYPE const* const __restrict__ x,
-	                  FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y) const
-	{
-		amuxCRSParallelOpenMP(d, this->_n_rows, this->_row_ptr, this->_col_idx, this->_data, x, y);
-	}
+    CRSMatrixOpenMP(std::string const &fname) :
+            CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(fname)
+    {}
+    CRSMatrixOpenMP(unsigned n, IDX_TYPE *iA, IDX_TYPE *jA, FP_TYPE* A) :
+        CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(n, iA, jA, A)
+    {}
+    CRSMatrixOpenMP(unsigned n1) :
+        CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, IDX_TYPE>(n1)
+    {}
+    virtual ~CRSMatrixOpenMP()
+    {}
+    virtual void amux(FP_TYPE const d, FP_TYPE const* const __restrict__ x,
+                      FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y) const
+    {
+        amuxCRSParallelOpenMP(d, this->_n_rows, this->_row_ptr, this->_col_idx, this->_data, x, y);
+    }
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixPThreads.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixPThreads.h
index c8f3ea97c0b..377914bbcf1 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixPThreads.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSMatrixPThreads.h
@@ -27,79 +27,79 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template<class T> class CRSMatrixPThreads : public CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>
-	CRSMatrixPThreads(std::string const &fname, unsigned num_of_threads) :
-		CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>(fname), _n_threads (num_of_threads),
-		_workload_intervals(new unsigned[num_of_threads+1])
-	{
-		calcWorkload();
-	}
-	CRSMatrixPThreads(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, T* A, unsigned num_of_threads) :
-		CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>(n, iA, jA, A), _n_threads (num_of_threads),
-		_workload_intervals(new unsigned[num_of_threads+1])
-	{
-		calcWorkload();
-	}
-	CRSMatrixPThreads(unsigned n1) :
-		CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>(n1), _n_threads (1),
-		_workload_intervals(new unsigned[_n_threads+1])
-	{
-		calcWorkload();
-	}
-	virtual ~CRSMatrixPThreads()
-	{
-		delete [] _workload_intervals;
-	}
-	virtual void amux(T d, T const * const x, T *y) const
-	{
-		amuxCRSParallelPThreads(d, SparseMatrixBase<T, unsigned>::_n_rows,
-						CRSMatrix<T, unsigned>::_row_ptr, CRSMatrix<T, unsigned>::_col_idx,
-						CRSMatrix<T, unsigned>::_data, x, y, _n_threads, _workload_intervals);
-	}
+    CRSMatrixPThreads(std::string const &fname, unsigned num_of_threads) :
+        CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>(fname), _n_threads (num_of_threads),
+        _workload_intervals(new unsigned[num_of_threads+1])
+    {
+        calcWorkload();
+    }
+    CRSMatrixPThreads(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, T* A, unsigned num_of_threads) :
+        CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>(n, iA, jA, A), _n_threads (num_of_threads),
+        _workload_intervals(new unsigned[num_of_threads+1])
+    {
+        calcWorkload();
+    }
+    CRSMatrixPThreads(unsigned n1) :
+        CRSMatrix<T,unsigned>(n1), _n_threads (1),
+        _workload_intervals(new unsigned[_n_threads+1])
+    {
+        calcWorkload();
+    }
+    virtual ~CRSMatrixPThreads()
+    {
+        delete [] _workload_intervals;
+    }
+    virtual void amux(T d, T const * const x, T *y) const
+    {
+        amuxCRSParallelPThreads(d, SparseMatrixBase<T, unsigned>::_n_rows,
+                        CRSMatrix<T, unsigned>::_row_ptr, CRSMatrix<T, unsigned>::_col_idx,
+                        CRSMatrix<T, unsigned>::_data, x, y, _n_threads, _workload_intervals);
+    }
-	void calcWorkload()
-	{
-		_workload_intervals[0] = 0;
-		_workload_intervals[_n_threads] = SparseMatrixBase<T, unsigned>::_n_rows;
-		const unsigned work_per_core (this->getNNZ()/_n_threads);
-		for (unsigned k(1); k<_n_threads; k++) {
-			unsigned upper_bound_kth_core(k * work_per_core);
-			// search in _row_ptr array for the appropriate index
-			unsigned beg (_workload_intervals[k-1]);
-			unsigned end (_workload_intervals[_n_threads]);
-			bool found (false);
-			while (beg < end && !found) {
-				unsigned m ((end+beg)/2);
-				if (upper_bound_kth_core == this->_row_ptr[m]) {
-					_workload_intervals[k] = m;
-					found = true;
-				} else {
-					if (upper_bound_kth_core < this->_row_ptr[m]) {
-						end = m;
-					} else {
-						beg = m+1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (!found)
-				_workload_intervals[k] = beg;
-		}
-		for (unsigned k(0); k<_n_threads; k++) {
-			std::cout << "proc " << k << ": [" << _workload_intervals[k] << "," << _workload_intervals[k+1] << ") - "
-				<< _workload_intervals[k+1] - _workload_intervals[k] << " rows and "
-				<< this->_row_ptr[_workload_intervals[k+1]] - this->_row_ptr[_workload_intervals[k]] << " entries" << std::endl;
-		}
-	}
-	const unsigned _n_threads;
-	unsigned *_workload_intervals;
+    void calcWorkload()
+    {
+        _workload_intervals[0] = 0;
+        _workload_intervals[_n_threads] = SparseMatrixBase<T, unsigned>::_n_rows;
+        const unsigned work_per_core (this->getNNZ()/_n_threads);
+        for (unsigned k(1); k<_n_threads; k++) {
+            unsigned upper_bound_kth_core(k * work_per_core);
+            // search in _row_ptr array for the appropriate index
+            unsigned beg (_workload_intervals[k-1]);
+            unsigned end (_workload_intervals[_n_threads]);
+            bool found (false);
+            while (beg < end && !found) {
+                unsigned m ((end+beg)/2);
+                if (upper_bound_kth_core == this->_row_ptr[m]) {
+                    _workload_intervals[k] = m;
+                    found = true;
+                } else {
+                    if (upper_bound_kth_core < this->_row_ptr[m]) {
+                        end = m;
+                    } else {
+                        beg = m+1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (!found)
+                _workload_intervals[k] = beg;
+        }
+        for (unsigned k(0); k<_n_threads; k++) {
+            std::cout << "proc " << k << ": [" << _workload_intervals[k] << "," << _workload_intervals[k+1] << ") - "
+                << _workload_intervals[k+1] - _workload_intervals[k] << " rows and "
+                << this->_row_ptr[_workload_intervals[k+1]] - this->_row_ptr[_workload_intervals[k]] << " entries" << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    const unsigned _n_threads;
+    unsigned *_workload_intervals;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSSymMatrix.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSSymMatrix.h
index f10bceab1ca..fafb9e6d3ed 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSSymMatrix.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSSymMatrix.h
@@ -20,54 +20,54 @@
 template<class T> class CRSSymMatrix : public CRSMatrix<T>
-	typedef T FP_T;
+    typedef T FP_T;
-	CRSSymMatrix(std::string const &fname)
-	: CRSMatrix<T> (fname)
-	{
-		unsigned nnz (0);
+    CRSSymMatrix(std::string const &fname)
+    : CRSMatrix<T> (fname)
+    {
+        unsigned nnz (0);
-		// count number of non-zeros in the upper triangular part
-		for (unsigned i = 0; i < SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows; i++) {
-			unsigned idx = CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i+1];
-			for (unsigned j = CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i]; j < idx; j++)
-				if (CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx[j] >= i)
-					++nnz;
-		}
+        // count number of non-zeros in the upper triangular part
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows; i++) {
+            unsigned idx = CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i+1];
+            for (unsigned j = CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i]; j < idx; j++)
+                if (CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx[j] >= i)
+                    ++nnz;
+        }
-		double *A_new (new double[nnz]);
-		unsigned *jA_new (new unsigned[nnz]);
-		unsigned *iA_new (new unsigned[SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows+1]);
+        double *A_new (new double[nnz]);
+        unsigned *jA_new (new unsigned[nnz]);
+        unsigned *iA_new (new unsigned[SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows+1]);
-		iA_new[0] = nnz = 0;
+        iA_new[0] = nnz = 0;
-		for (unsigned i = 0; i < SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows; i++) {
-			const unsigned idx (CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i+1]);
-			for (unsigned j = CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i]; j < idx; j++) {
-				if (CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx[j] >= i) {
-					A_new[nnz] = CRSMatrix<T>::_data[j];
-					jA_new[nnz++] = CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx[j];
-				}
-			}
-			iA_new[i+1] = nnz;
-		}
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows; i++) {
+            const unsigned idx (CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i+1]);
+            for (unsigned j = CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr[i]; j < idx; j++) {
+                if (CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx[j] >= i) {
+                    A_new[nnz] = CRSMatrix<T>::_data[j];
+                    jA_new[nnz++] = CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx[j];
+                }
+            }
+            iA_new[i+1] = nnz;
+        }
-		std::swap(CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr, iA_new);
-		std::swap(CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx, jA_new);
-		std::swap(CRSMatrix<T>::_data, A_new);
+        std::swap(CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr, iA_new);
+        std::swap(CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx, jA_new);
+        std::swap(CRSMatrix<T>::_data, A_new);
-		delete[] iA_new;
-		delete[] jA_new;
-		delete[] A_new;
-	}
+        delete[] iA_new;
+        delete[] jA_new;
+        delete[] A_new;
+    }
-	virtual ~CRSSymMatrix() {}
+    virtual ~CRSSymMatrix() {}
-	void amux(T d, T const * const x, T *y) const
-	{
-		amuxCRSSym (d, SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows, CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr, CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx, CRSMatrix<T>::_data, x, y);
-	}
+    void amux(T d, T const * const x, T *y) const
+    {
+        amuxCRSSym (d, SparseMatrixBase<T>::_n_rows, CRSMatrix<T>::_row_ptr, CRSMatrix<T>::_col_idx, CRSMatrix<T>::_data, x, y);
+    }
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools-impl.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools-impl.h
index 5f7a17cb806..5316970ab3b 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools-impl.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools-impl.h
@@ -19,51 +19,51 @@ namespace MathLib
 template <typename VEC_T, typename FP_TYPE>
 void applyKnownSolution(CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, typename VEC_T::IndexType>*& mat,
-	VEC_T &rhs, std::vector<typename VEC_T::IndexType> const& rows,
-	std::vector<FP_TYPE> const& vals)
+    VEC_T &rhs, std::vector<typename VEC_T::IndexType> const& rows,
+    std::vector<FP_TYPE> const& vals)
-	std::unique_ptr<MathLib::CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, typename VEC_T::IndexType>> mat_t(mat->getTranspose());
+    std::unique_ptr<MathLib::CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, typename VEC_T::IndexType>> mat_t(mat->getTranspose());
-	// row pointer of the transposed matrix
-	typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const iAt(mat_t->getRowPtrArray());
-	// column indices of the transposed matrix
-	typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const jAt(mat_t->getColIdxArray());
-	// entries of the transposed matrix
-	double * At(const_cast<double *>(mat_t->getEntryArray()));
+    // row pointer of the transposed matrix
+    typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const iAt(mat_t->getRowPtrArray());
+    // column indices of the transposed matrix
+    typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const jAt(mat_t->getColIdxArray());
+    // entries of the transposed matrix
+    double * At(const_cast<double *>(mat_t->getEntryArray()));
-	// b_i -= A(i,k)*val, i!=k => b_i -= A(k,i)^T * val
-	// set A^T(k,i) = 0, i!=k (i.e. set column entries of original matrix to
-	// zero)
-	for (std::size_t r(0); r<rows.size(); ++r) {
-		auto const row = rows[r];
-		auto const val = vals[r];
-		for (typename VEC_T::IndexType j(iAt[row]); j<iAt[row+1]; ++j) {
-			if (jAt[j] == row) // skip diagonal entry
-				continue;
-			rhs.add(jAt[j], -At[j] * val);
-			At[j] = 0.0;
-		}
-	}
+    // b_i -= A(i,k)*val, i!=k => b_i -= A(k,i)^T * val
+    // set A^T(k,i) = 0, i!=k (i.e. set column entries of original matrix to
+    // zero)
+    for (std::size_t r(0); r<rows.size(); ++r) {
+        auto const row = rows[r];
+        auto const val = vals[r];
+        for (typename VEC_T::IndexType j(iAt[row]); j<iAt[row+1]; ++j) {
+            if (jAt[j] == row) // skip diagonal entry
+                continue;
+            rhs.add(jAt[j], -At[j] * val);
+            At[j] = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
-	delete mat;
-	mat = mat_t->getTranspose();
-	typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const iA(mat->getRowPtrArray()); // row ptrs
-	typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const jA(mat->getColIdxArray()); // col idx
-	double * entries(const_cast<double*>(mat->getEntryArray()));
+    delete mat;
+    mat = mat_t->getTranspose();
+    typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const iA(mat->getRowPtrArray()); // row ptrs
+    typename VEC_T::IndexType const*const jA(mat->getColIdxArray()); // col idx
+    double * entries(const_cast<double*>(mat->getEntryArray()));
-	// set row entries, except the diagonal entry, to zero
-	for (std::size_t r(0); r<rows.size(); ++r) {
-		auto const row = rows[r];
-		for (typename VEC_T::IndexType j = iA[row]; j < iA[row + 1]; ++j)
-		{
-			if (jA[j] == row) {
-				entries[j] = 1.0; // A(row,row) = 1.0
-				// rhs[row] = A(row,row) * vals[r]
-				rhs.set(row, vals[r]);
-			} else
-				entries[j] = 0.0;
-		}
-	}
+    // set row entries, except the diagonal entry, to zero
+    for (std::size_t r(0); r<rows.size(); ++r) {
+        auto const row = rows[r];
+        for (typename VEC_T::IndexType j = iA[row]; j < iA[row + 1]; ++j)
+        {
+            if (jA[j] == row) {
+                entries[j] = 1.0; // A(row,row) = 1.0
+                // rhs[row] = A(row,row) * vals[r]
+                rhs.set(row, vals[r]);
+            } else
+                entries[j] = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools.h
index e0bef638550..737e79e720d 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTools.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ template<typename IDX_TYPE> class DenseVector;
 template <typename VEC_T, typename FP_TYPE = double>
 void applyKnownSolution(CRSMatrix<FP_TYPE, typename VEC_T::IndexType>*& mat,
-	VEC_T &rhs, std::vector<std::size_t> const& rows,
-	std::vector<FP_TYPE> const& vals);
+    VEC_T &rhs, std::vector<std::size_t> const& rows,
+    std::vector<FP_TYPE> const& vals);
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTranspose.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTranspose.h
index c055ad87490..b7591e620ef 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTranspose.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/CRSTranspose.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 void CS_transp(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned* jA, double* A,
-				unsigned *iB, unsigned *jB, double* B)
+                unsigned *iB, unsigned *jB, double* B)
   unsigned nnz = iA[n];
   unsigned *inz(new unsigned[n]);
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.cpp
index 286acad98df..3ab04e23b67 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace MathLib
 MatrixSparsityPattern::MatrixSparsityPattern(std::size_t const n_rows) :
-	_pattern(n_rows)
+    _pattern(n_rows)
@@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ MatrixSparsityPattern::~MatrixSparsityPattern()
 std::size_t MatrixSparsityPattern::getNRows() const
-	return _pattern.size();
+    return _pattern.size();
 MatrixSparsityPattern::ConstRowIterator MatrixSparsityPattern::getRowBeginIterator(
         std::size_t const row) const
-	return _pattern[row].cbegin();
+    return _pattern[row].cbegin();
 MatrixSparsityPattern::ConstRowIterator MatrixSparsityPattern::getRowEndIterator(
         std::size_t const row) const
-	return _pattern[row].cend();
+    return _pattern[row].cend();
 void MatrixSparsityPattern::insert(std::size_t const row, std::size_t const col)
-	_pattern[row].insert(col);
+    _pattern[row].insert(col);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.h
index 4fe6148bae5..853487f057a 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/MatrixSparsityPattern.h
@@ -30,29 +30,29 @@ namespace MathLib
 class MatrixSparsityPattern
-	/// Constant iterator over sorted entries of a row.
-	typedef std::set<std::size_t>::const_iterator ConstRowIterator;
+    /// Constant iterator over sorted entries of a row.
+    typedef std::set<std::size_t>::const_iterator ConstRowIterator;
-	explicit MatrixSparsityPattern(std::size_t const n_rows);
-	virtual ~MatrixSparsityPattern();
+    explicit MatrixSparsityPattern(std::size_t const n_rows);
+    virtual ~MatrixSparsityPattern();
-	/// Returns number of sparsity pattern rows.
-	std::size_t getNRows() const;
+    /// Returns number of sparsity pattern rows.
+    std::size_t getNRows() const;
-	/// Constant iterator over sorted entries of a row.
-	ConstRowIterator getRowBeginIterator(std::size_t const row) const;
-	/// Constant iterator over sorted entries of a row.
-	ConstRowIterator getRowEndIterator(std::size_t const row) const;
+    /// Constant iterator over sorted entries of a row.
+    ConstRowIterator getRowBeginIterator(std::size_t const row) const;
+    /// Constant iterator over sorted entries of a row.
+    ConstRowIterator getRowEndIterator(std::size_t const row) const;
-	/// Inserts an entry in the sparsity pattern.
-	/// \param row The row index the entry should be inserted to. The row index must be less or equal to the value returned by getNRows().
-	/// \param col The column index. A new entry will be created if needed.
-	void insert(std::size_t const row, std::size_t const col);
+    /// Inserts an entry in the sparsity pattern.
+    /// \param row The row index the entry should be inserted to. The row index must be less or equal to the value returned by getNRows().
+    /// \param col The column index. A new entry will be created if needed.
+    void insert(std::size_t const row, std::size_t const col);
-	DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MatrixSparsityPattern);
+    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MatrixSparsityPattern);
-	std::vector<std::set<std::size_t> > _pattern;
+    std::vector<std::set<std::size_t> > _pattern;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.cpp
index 94d845c69ad..feb93e94c7d 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.cpp
@@ -20,49 +20,49 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 AdjMat* AdjMat::getMat(unsigned beg, unsigned end,
-		const unsigned* const op_perm, const unsigned* const po_perm) const
+        const unsigned* const op_perm, const unsigned* const po_perm) const
-	const unsigned nsize(end - beg); // size of new matrix
-	unsigned i, c; // row and col idx in permuted matrix
-	unsigned j, idx; // pointer in jA
-	unsigned r; // row idx in original matrix
-	unsigned *iAn(new unsigned[nsize + 1]);
-	iAn[0] = 0;
-	unsigned *pos(new unsigned[nsize + 1]);
-	for (i = 0; i <= nsize; i++)
-		pos[i] = 0;
-	for (i = beg; i < end; i++) {
-		r = op_perm[i];
-		idx = _row_ptr[r + 1];
-		for (j = _row_ptr[r]; j < idx; j++) {
-			c = po_perm[_col_idx[j]];
-			if (beg <= c && c < end)
-				++pos[i - beg];
-		}
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
-		iAn[i + 1] = iAn[i] + pos[i];
-	for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
-		pos[i] = iAn[i];
-	unsigned *jAn(new unsigned[iAn[nsize]]);
-	for (i = beg; i < end; i++) {
-		r = op_perm[i];
-		idx = _row_ptr[r + 1];
-		for (j = _row_ptr[r]; j < idx; j++) {
-			c = po_perm[_col_idx[j]];
-			if (beg <= c && c < end)
-				jAn[pos[i - beg]++] = c - beg;
-		}
-	}
-	delete[] pos;
-	for (i = 0; i < nsize; ++i)
-		std::sort(jAn+iAn[i], jAn+iAn[i+1]);
-	return new AdjMat(nsize, iAn, jAn, nullptr);
+    const unsigned nsize(end - beg); // size of new matrix
+    unsigned i, c; // row and col idx in permuted matrix
+    unsigned j, idx; // pointer in jA
+    unsigned r; // row idx in original matrix
+    unsigned *iAn(new unsigned[nsize + 1]);
+    iAn[0] = 0;
+    unsigned *pos(new unsigned[nsize + 1]);
+    for (i = 0; i <= nsize; i++)
+        pos[i] = 0;
+    for (i = beg; i < end; i++) {
+        r = op_perm[i];
+        idx = _row_ptr[r + 1];
+        for (j = _row_ptr[r]; j < idx; j++) {
+            c = po_perm[_col_idx[j]];
+            if (beg <= c && c < end)
+                ++pos[i - beg];
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
+        iAn[i + 1] = iAn[i] + pos[i];
+    for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
+        pos[i] = iAn[i];
+    unsigned *jAn(new unsigned[iAn[nsize]]);
+    for (i = beg; i < end; i++) {
+        r = op_perm[i];
+        idx = _row_ptr[r + 1];
+        for (j = _row_ptr[r]; j < idx; j++) {
+            c = po_perm[_col_idx[j]];
+            if (beg <= c && c < end)
+                jAn[pos[i - beg]++] = c - beg;
+        }
+    }
+    delete[] pos;
+    for (i = 0; i < nsize; ++i)
+        std::sort(jAn+iAn[i], jAn+iAn[i+1]);
+    return new AdjMat(nsize, iAn, jAn, nullptr);
@@ -74,138 +74,138 @@ AdjMat* AdjMat::getMat(unsigned beg, unsigned end,
 void genAdjMat(unsigned n, unsigned* &iA, unsigned* &jA)
-	unsigned i;
-	// count entries of each row
-	unsigned* iAn = new unsigned[n + 1];
-	for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
-		iAn[i] = 0;
-	// go through all strictly lower triangular entries (i,j) and check
-	// whether (j,i) exists in the upper triangular part
-	// set n pointers to the beginning of each row
-	unsigned* co = new unsigned[n];
-	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-		co[i] = iA[i];
-	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-		for (unsigned k = iA[i]; k < iA[i + 1]; ++k) {
-			unsigned j = jA[k];
-			if (i < j)
-				++iAn[i + 1]; // upper triangular entries count
-			else { // lower triangular only if there is no counter part
-				unsigned k1 = iA[j], k2 = iA[j + 1];
-				if (i < jA[k1] || i > jA[k2 - 1])
-					++iAn[j + 1]; // i is out of bounds
-				else { // go through all uninspected entries in the jth row
-					while (co[j] < k2 && i > jA[co[j]])
-						++co[j];
-					if (co[j] == k2 || i < jA[co[j]])
-						++iAn[j + 1];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	// construct array iAn by summing up the contents of iAn
-	// con is a set of pointer refering to iAn
-	unsigned* con = new unsigned[n];
-	co[0] = con[0] = 0;
-	for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
-		co[i] = iA[i];
-		con[i] = iAn[i];
-		iAn[i + 1] += iAn[i];
-	}
-	unsigned *jAn = new unsigned[iAn[n]];
-	for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
-		for (unsigned k = iA[i]; k < iA[i + 1]; ++k) {
-			unsigned j = jA[k];
-			// copy all transposed lower triangular entries and all upper
-			// triangular elements up to that position
-			if (j < i) {
-				while (co[j] < iA[j + 1] && i > jA[co[j]]) {
-					if (jA[co[j]] > j)
-						jAn[con[j]++] = jA[co[j]];
-					++co[j];
-				}
-				if (co[j] == iA[j + 1] || i <= jA[co[j]]) {
-					jAn[con[j]++] = i;
-					++co[i];
-					if (i == jA[co[j]])
-						++co[j];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	// finish rows
-	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-		for (unsigned k = co[i]; k < iA[i + 1]; ++k)
-			if (i < jA[k])
-				jAn[con[i]++] = jA[k];
-	std::swap(jA, jAn);
-	std::swap(iA, iAn);
-	delete[] jAn;
-	delete[] con;
-	delete[] co;
-	delete[] iAn;
+    unsigned i;
+    // count entries of each row
+    unsigned* iAn = new unsigned[n + 1];
+    for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+        iAn[i] = 0;
+    // go through all strictly lower triangular entries (i,j) and check
+    // whether (j,i) exists in the upper triangular part
+    // set n pointers to the beginning of each row
+    unsigned* co = new unsigned[n];
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+        co[i] = iA[i];
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+        for (unsigned k = iA[i]; k < iA[i + 1]; ++k) {
+            unsigned j = jA[k];
+            if (i < j)
+                ++iAn[i + 1]; // upper triangular entries count
+            else { // lower triangular only if there is no counter part
+                unsigned k1 = iA[j], k2 = iA[j + 1];
+                if (i < jA[k1] || i > jA[k2 - 1])
+                    ++iAn[j + 1]; // i is out of bounds
+                else { // go through all uninspected entries in the jth row
+                    while (co[j] < k2 && i > jA[co[j]])
+                        ++co[j];
+                    if (co[j] == k2 || i < jA[co[j]])
+                        ++iAn[j + 1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // construct array iAn by summing up the contents of iAn
+    // con is a set of pointer refering to iAn
+    unsigned* con = new unsigned[n];
+    co[0] = con[0] = 0;
+    for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
+        co[i] = iA[i];
+        con[i] = iAn[i];
+        iAn[i + 1] += iAn[i];
+    }
+    unsigned *jAn = new unsigned[iAn[n]];
+    for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
+        for (unsigned k = iA[i]; k < iA[i + 1]; ++k) {
+            unsigned j = jA[k];
+            // copy all transposed lower triangular entries and all upper
+            // triangular elements up to that position
+            if (j < i) {
+                while (co[j] < iA[j + 1] && i > jA[co[j]]) {
+                    if (jA[co[j]] > j)
+                        jAn[con[j]++] = jA[co[j]];
+                    ++co[j];
+                }
+                if (co[j] == iA[j + 1] || i <= jA[co[j]]) {
+                    jAn[con[j]++] = i;
+                    ++co[i];
+                    if (i == jA[co[j]])
+                        ++co[j];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // finish rows
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+        for (unsigned k = co[i]; k < iA[i + 1]; ++k)
+            if (i < jA[k])
+                jAn[con[i]++] = jA[k];
+    std::swap(jA, jAn);
+    std::swap(iA, iAn);
+    delete[] jAn;
+    delete[] con;
+    delete[] co;
+    delete[] iAn;
 void genFullAdjMat(unsigned n, unsigned* &iA, unsigned* &jA)
-	unsigned i;
-	// count entries of each column
-	unsigned* cnt = new unsigned[n];
-	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-		cnt[i] = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-		unsigned j = iA[i], idx = iA[i + 1];
-		while (j < idx) {
-			cnt[jA[j]]++;
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-	// summing up entries
-	for (i = 2; i < n; ++i)
-		cnt[i] += cnt[i - 1];
-	unsigned* iAn = new unsigned[n + 1]; // VALGRIND meldet hier Fehler
-	iAn[0] = 0;
-	for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
-		iAn[i] = iA[i] + cnt[i - 1];
-	unsigned *jAn = new unsigned[iAn[n]];
-	for (unsigned k = 0; k < n; k++)
-		cnt[k] = iAn[k];
-	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-		unsigned j = iA[i], idx = iA[i + 1];
-		while (j < idx) {
-			jAn[cnt[i]++] = jA[j];
-			jAn[cnt[jA[j]]++] = i;
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-	std::swap(jA, jAn);
-	std::swap(iA, iAn);
-	delete[] jAn;
-	delete[] iAn;
-	delete[] cnt;
+    unsigned i;
+    // count entries of each column
+    unsigned* cnt = new unsigned[n];
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+        cnt[i] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+        unsigned j = iA[i], idx = iA[i + 1];
+        while (j < idx) {
+            cnt[jA[j]]++;
+            j++;
+        }
+    }
+    // summing up entries
+    for (i = 2; i < n; ++i)
+        cnt[i] += cnt[i - 1];
+    unsigned* iAn = new unsigned[n + 1]; // VALGRIND meldet hier Fehler
+    iAn[0] = 0;
+    for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
+        iAn[i] = iA[i] + cnt[i - 1];
+    unsigned *jAn = new unsigned[iAn[n]];
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k < n; k++)
+        cnt[k] = iAn[k];
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+        unsigned j = iA[i], idx = iA[i + 1];
+        while (j < idx) {
+            jAn[cnt[i]++] = jA[j];
+            jAn[cnt[jA[j]]++] = i;
+            j++;
+        }
+    }
+    std::swap(jA, jAn);
+    std::swap(iA, iAn);
+    delete[] jAn;
+    delete[] iAn;
+    delete[] cnt;
 void AdjMat::makeSymmetric()
-	// store upper triangular mat values
-	genAdjMat(this->_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx);
-	// mirror the upper triangular part into lower
-	genFullAdjMat(this->_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx);
+    // store upper triangular mat values
+    genAdjMat(this->_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx);
+    // mirror the upper triangular part into lower
+    genFullAdjMat(this->_n_rows, _row_ptr, _col_idx);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.h
index 14956c4d24b..116154af20f 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/AdjMat.h
@@ -26,43 +26,43 @@ namespace MathLib {
 class AdjMat: public CRSMatrix<unsigned, unsigned>
-	/** constructor with data elements in A
-	 * @param s size of the quadratic matrix
-	 * @param iA array of length s+1 which holds pointers in jA,
-	 * iA[k] points to the first non-zero column-entry of row k,
-	 * iA[k]-1 points accordingly to the last non-zero column-entry of row k,
-	 * the last entry of iA (iA[s]) takes the number of non zero entries(nnz)
-	 * @param jA array of length nnz, each entry is a colum-index
-	 * @param A  data-array of length nnz of type unsigned (weights)
-	 */
-	AdjMat(unsigned s, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, unsigned *A = NULL) :
-		CRSMatrix<unsigned, unsigned> (s, iA, jA, A)
-	{}
+    /** constructor with data elements in A
+     * @param s size of the quadratic matrix
+     * @param iA array of length s+1 which holds pointers in jA,
+     * iA[k] points to the first non-zero column-entry of row k,
+     * iA[k]-1 points accordingly to the last non-zero column-entry of row k,
+     * the last entry of iA (iA[s]) takes the number of non zero entries(nnz)
+     * @param jA array of length nnz, each entry is a colum-index
+     * @param A  data-array of length nnz of type unsigned (weights)
+     */
+    AdjMat(unsigned s, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, unsigned *A = NULL) :
+        CRSMatrix<unsigned, unsigned> (s, iA, jA, A)
+    {}
-	/**
-	 * destructor
-	 */
-	virtual ~AdjMat()
-	{}
+    /**
+     * destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~AdjMat()
+    {}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	void makeSymmetric();
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    void makeSymmetric();
-	/** getMat returns the (possibly reducible) block [beg,end-1] x [beg,end-1]
-	 * respecting the permutation.
-	 * @param beg index of first row/column, it is supposed that 0 <= beg <= n
-	 * @param end index one after last row/column, it is supposed that beg <= end <= n
-	 * @param op_perm permutation -> original
-	 * @param po_perm original -> permutation
-	 * @return pointer to an AdjMat object
-	 */
-	AdjMat* getMat(unsigned beg, unsigned end, unsigned const* const op_perm,
-			unsigned const* const po_perm) const;
+    /** getMat returns the (possibly reducible) block [beg,end-1] x [beg,end-1]
+     * respecting the permutation.
+     * @param beg index of first row/column, it is supposed that 0 <= beg <= n
+     * @param end index one after last row/column, it is supposed that beg <= end <= n
+     * @param op_perm permutation -> original
+     * @param po_perm original -> permutation
+     * @return pointer to an AdjMat object
+     */
+    AdjMat* getMat(unsigned beg, unsigned end, unsigned const* const op_perm,
+            unsigned const* const po_perm) const;
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.cpp
index bce0078ae06..6fcfde26e93 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.cpp
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 CRSMatrixReordered::CRSMatrixReordered(std::string const &fname) :
-	CRSMatrix<double,unsigned>(fname)
+    CRSMatrix<double,unsigned>(fname)
 CRSMatrixReordered::CRSMatrixReordered(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A) :
-	CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> (n, iA, jA, A)
+    CRSMatrix<double, unsigned> (n, iA, jA, A)
@@ -33,47 +33,47 @@ CRSMatrixReordered::~CRSMatrixReordered()
 void CRSMatrixReordered::reorderMatrix(unsigned const*const op_perm, unsigned const*const po_perm)
-	unsigned i; // row and col idx in permuted matrix
-	unsigned j, idx; // pointer in jA
-	const unsigned size(getNRows());
-	unsigned *pos(new unsigned[size + 1]);
-	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-		const unsigned original_row(op_perm[i]);
-		pos[i] = _row_ptr[original_row+1] - _row_ptr[original_row];
-	}
-	pos[size] = 0;
-	unsigned *iAn(new unsigned[size + 1]);
-	iAn[0] = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-		iAn[i + 1] = iAn[i] + pos[i];
-	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-		pos[i] = iAn[i];
-	unsigned *jAn(new unsigned[iAn[size]]);
-	double *An(new double[iAn[size]]);
-	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-		const unsigned original_row(op_perm[i]);
-		idx = _row_ptr[original_row+1];
-		for (j = _row_ptr[original_row]; j < idx; j++) {
-			jAn[pos[i]] = po_perm[_col_idx[j]];
-			An[pos[i]++] = _data[j];
-		}
-	}
-	delete[] pos;
-	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-		BaseLib::quicksort(jAn, static_cast<std::size_t>(iAn[i]), static_cast<std::size_t>(iAn[i + 1]), An);
-	std::swap(iAn, _row_ptr);
-	std::swap(jAn, _col_idx);
-	std::swap(An, _data);
-	delete [] iAn;
-	delete [] jAn;
-	delete [] An;
+    unsigned i; // row and col idx in permuted matrix
+    unsigned j, idx; // pointer in jA
+    const unsigned size(getNRows());
+    unsigned *pos(new unsigned[size + 1]);
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+        const unsigned original_row(op_perm[i]);
+        pos[i] = _row_ptr[original_row+1] - _row_ptr[original_row];
+    }
+    pos[size] = 0;
+    unsigned *iAn(new unsigned[size + 1]);
+    iAn[0] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+        iAn[i + 1] = iAn[i] + pos[i];
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+        pos[i] = iAn[i];
+    unsigned *jAn(new unsigned[iAn[size]]);
+    double *An(new double[iAn[size]]);
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+        const unsigned original_row(op_perm[i]);
+        idx = _row_ptr[original_row+1];
+        for (j = _row_ptr[original_row]; j < idx; j++) {
+            jAn[pos[i]] = po_perm[_col_idx[j]];
+            An[pos[i]++] = _data[j];
+        }
+    }
+    delete[] pos;
+    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+        BaseLib::quicksort(jAn, static_cast<std::size_t>(iAn[i]), static_cast<std::size_t>(iAn[i + 1]), An);
+    std::swap(iAn, _row_ptr);
+    std::swap(jAn, _col_idx);
+    std::swap(An, _data);
+    delete [] iAn;
+    delete [] jAn;
+    delete [] An;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.h
index c249e615909..1acf92378be 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReordered.h
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ namespace MathLib {
 class CRSMatrixReordered: public MathLib::CRSMatrix<double,unsigned>
-	CRSMatrixReordered(std::string const &fname);
-	CRSMatrixReordered(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A);
-	virtual ~CRSMatrixReordered();
-	void reorderMatrix(unsigned const*const op_perm, unsigned const*const po_perm);
+    CRSMatrixReordered(std::string const &fname);
+    CRSMatrixReordered(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A);
+    virtual ~CRSMatrixReordered();
+    void reorderMatrix(unsigned const*const op_perm, unsigned const*const po_perm);
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.cpp
index 7a5dcde6800..3c1460603e7 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP::CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A) :
-	CRSMatrixReordered(n, iA, jA, A)
+    CRSMatrixReordered(n, iA, jA, A)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP::~CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP()
 void CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP::amux(double d, double const * const x, double *y) const
-	amuxCRSParallelOpenMP(d, this->_n_rows, this->_row_ptr, this->_col_idx, this->_data, x, y);
+    amuxCRSParallelOpenMP(d, this->_n_rows, this->_row_ptr, this->_col_idx, this->_data, x, y);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.h
index 387c0c7ce40..fc0b8653731 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP.h
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ namespace MathLib {
 class CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP : public CRSMatrixReordered {
-	CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A);
-	virtual ~CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP();
+    CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP(unsigned n, unsigned *iA, unsigned *jA, double* A);
+    virtual ~CRSMatrixReorderedOpenMP();
-	virtual void amux(double d, double const * const __restrict__ x, double *__restrict__ y) const;
+    virtual void amux(double d, double const * const __restrict__ x, double *__restrict__ y) const;
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.cpp
index 0fd700066b1..e1148e85785 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.cpp
@@ -37,179 +37,179 @@ Cluster::Cluster(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
 void Cluster::subdivide(unsigned bmin)
-	const unsigned size(_end - _beg);
-	if (size > bmin) {
-		idx_t n_rows(static_cast<idx_t>(_l_adj_mat->getNRows()));
-		idx_t *xadj(new idx_t[n_rows+1]);
-		unsigned const*const original_row_ptr(_l_adj_mat->getRowPtrArray());
-		for(idx_t k(0); k<=n_rows; k++) {
-			xadj[k] = original_row_ptr[k];
-		}
-		unsigned nnz(_l_adj_mat->getNNZ());
-		idx_t *adjncy(new idx_t[nnz]);
-		unsigned const*const original_adjncy(_l_adj_mat->getColIdxArray());
-		for(unsigned k(0); k<nnz; k++) {
-			adjncy[k] = original_adjncy[k];
-		}
-//		unsigned nparts = 2;
-		idx_t options[METIS_NOPTIONS]; // for METIS
-		METIS_SetDefaultOptions(options);
-//		options[] = ;
-//		options[] = ;
-//		options[] = ;
-//		unsigned sepsize(0); // for METIS
-		idx_t *vwgt(new idx_t[n_rows + 1]);
-//		const unsigned nnz(xadj[n_rows]);
-//		unsigned *adjwgt(new unsigned[nnz]);
-		for (idx_t k(0); k < n_rows + 1; k++)
-			vwgt[k] = 1;
-//		for (unsigned k(0); k < nnz; k++)
-//			adjwgt[k] = 1;
-//		unsigned *part(new unsigned[n_rows + 1]);
-		// subdivide the index set into three parts employing METIS
-//		METIS_ComputeVertexSeparator(&n_rows, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, &options,
-//				&sepsize, part);
-		idx_t *loc_op_perm(new idx_t[n_rows]);
-		idx_t *loc_po_perm(new idx_t[n_rows]);
-		for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
-			loc_op_perm[k] = _g_op_perm[k];
-		}
-		for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
-			loc_po_perm[k] = _g_po_perm[k];
-		}
-		METIS_NodeND(&n_rows, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, options, loc_op_perm, loc_po_perm);
-		for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
-			_g_op_perm[k] = loc_op_perm[k];
-		}
-		for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
-			_g_po_perm[k] = loc_po_perm[k];
-		}
-		delete [] loc_op_perm;
-		delete [] loc_po_perm;
-		delete [] vwgt;
-		delete [] adjncy;
-		delete [] xadj;
-//		// create and init local permutations
-//		unsigned *l_op_perm(new unsigned[size]);
-//		unsigned *l_po_perm(new unsigned[size]);
-//		for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-//			l_op_perm[i] = l_po_perm[i] = i;
+    const unsigned size(_end - _beg);
+    if (size > bmin) {
+        idx_t n_rows(static_cast<idx_t>(_l_adj_mat->getNRows()));
+        idx_t *xadj(new idx_t[n_rows+1]);
+        unsigned const*const original_row_ptr(_l_adj_mat->getRowPtrArray());
+        for(idx_t k(0); k<=n_rows; k++) {
+            xadj[k] = original_row_ptr[k];
+        }
+        unsigned nnz(_l_adj_mat->getNNZ());
+        idx_t *adjncy(new idx_t[nnz]);
+        unsigned const*const original_adjncy(_l_adj_mat->getColIdxArray());
+        for(unsigned k(0); k<nnz; k++) {
+            adjncy[k] = original_adjncy[k];
+        }
+//        unsigned nparts = 2;
+        idx_t options[METIS_NOPTIONS]; // for METIS
+        METIS_SetDefaultOptions(options);
+//        options[METIS OPTION PTYPE] = METIS PTYPE RB;
+//        options[] = ;
+//        options[] = ;
+//        options[] = ;
+//        unsigned sepsize(0); // for METIS
+        idx_t *vwgt(new idx_t[n_rows + 1]);
+//        const unsigned nnz(xadj[n_rows]);
+//        unsigned *adjwgt(new unsigned[nnz]);
+        for (idx_t k(0); k < n_rows + 1; k++)
+            vwgt[k] = 1;
+//        for (unsigned k(0); k < nnz; k++)
+//            adjwgt[k] = 1;
+//        unsigned *part(new unsigned[n_rows + 1]);
+        // subdivide the index set into three parts employing METIS
+//        METIS_ComputeVertexSeparator(&n_rows, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, &options,
+//                &sepsize, part);
+        idx_t *loc_op_perm(new idx_t[n_rows]);
+        idx_t *loc_po_perm(new idx_t[n_rows]);
+        for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
+            loc_op_perm[k] = _g_op_perm[k];
+        }
+        for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
+            loc_po_perm[k] = _g_po_perm[k];
+        }
+        METIS_NodeND(&n_rows, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, options, loc_op_perm, loc_po_perm);
+        for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
+            _g_op_perm[k] = loc_op_perm[k];
+        }
+        for (idx_t k(0); k<n_rows; k++) {
+            _g_po_perm[k] = loc_po_perm[k];
+        }
+        delete [] loc_op_perm;
+        delete [] loc_po_perm;
+        delete [] vwgt;
+        delete [] adjncy;
+        delete [] xadj;
+//        // create and init local permutations
+//        unsigned *l_op_perm(new unsigned[size]);
+//        unsigned *l_po_perm(new unsigned[size]);
+//        for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+//            l_op_perm[i] = l_po_perm[i] = i;
-//		unsigned isep1, isep2;
-//		updatePerm(part, isep1, isep2, l_op_perm, l_po_perm);
-//		delete[] part;
+//        unsigned isep1, isep2;
+//        updatePerm(part, isep1, isep2, l_op_perm, l_po_perm);
+//        delete[] part;
-//		// update global permutation
-//		unsigned *t_op_perm = new unsigned[size];
-//		for (unsigned k = 0; k < size; ++k)
-//			t_op_perm[k] = _g_op_perm[_beg + l_op_perm[k]];
+//        // update global permutation
+//        unsigned *t_op_perm = new unsigned[size];
+//        for (unsigned k = 0; k < size; ++k)
+//            t_op_perm[k] = _g_op_perm[_beg + l_op_perm[k]];
-//		for (unsigned k = _beg; k < _end; ++k) {
-//			_g_op_perm[k] = t_op_perm[k - _beg];
-//			_g_po_perm[_g_op_perm[k]] = k;
-//		}
-//		delete[] t_op_perm;
+//        for (unsigned k = _beg; k < _end; ++k) {
+//            _g_op_perm[k] = t_op_perm[k - _beg];
+//            _g_po_perm[_g_op_perm[k]] = k;
+//        }
+//        delete[] t_op_perm;
-//		// next recursion step
-//		if ((isep1 >= bmin) && (isep2 - isep1 >= bmin)) {
-//			// construct adj matrices for [0, isep1), [isep1,isep2), [isep2, _end)
-//			AdjMat *l_adj0(_l_adj_mat->getMat(0, isep1, l_op_perm, l_po_perm));
-//			AdjMat *l_adj1(_l_adj_mat->getMat(isep1, isep2, l_op_perm, l_po_perm));
-//			AdjMat *l_adj2(_l_adj_mat->getMat(isep2, size, l_op_perm, l_po_perm));
+//        // next recursion step
+//        if ((isep1 >= bmin) && (isep2 - isep1 >= bmin)) {
+//            // construct adj matrices for [0, isep1), [isep1,isep2), [isep2, _end)
+//            AdjMat *l_adj0(_l_adj_mat->getMat(0, isep1, l_op_perm, l_po_perm));
+//            AdjMat *l_adj1(_l_adj_mat->getMat(isep1, isep2, l_op_perm, l_po_perm));
+//            AdjMat *l_adj2(_l_adj_mat->getMat(isep2, size, l_op_perm, l_po_perm));
-//			delete[] l_op_perm;
-//			delete[] l_po_perm;
-//			delete _l_adj_mat;
-//			_l_adj_mat = NULL;
+//            delete[] l_op_perm;
+//            delete[] l_po_perm;
+//            delete _l_adj_mat;
+//            _l_adj_mat = NULL;
-//			_n_sons = 3;
-//			_sons = new ClusterBase*[_n_sons];
+//            _n_sons = 3;
+//            _sons = new ClusterBase*[_n_sons];
-//			isep1 += _beg;
-//			isep2 += _beg;
+//            isep1 += _beg;
+//            isep2 += _beg;
-//			// constructing child nodes for index cluster tree
-//			_sons[0] = new Cluster(this, _beg, isep1, _g_op_perm, _g_po_perm, _g_adj_mat, l_adj0);
-//			_sons[1] = new Cluster(this, isep1, isep2, _g_op_perm, _g_po_perm, _g_adj_mat, l_adj1);
-//			_sons[2] = new Separator(this, isep2, _end, _g_op_perm,	_g_po_perm, _g_adj_mat, l_adj2);
+//            // constructing child nodes for index cluster tree
+//            _sons[0] = new Cluster(this, _beg, isep1, _g_op_perm, _g_po_perm, _g_adj_mat, l_adj0);
+//            _sons[1] = new Cluster(this, isep1, isep2, _g_op_perm, _g_po_perm, _g_adj_mat, l_adj1);
+//            _sons[2] = new Separator(this, isep2, _end, _g_op_perm,    _g_po_perm, _g_adj_mat, l_adj2);
-//			dynamic_cast<Cluster*>(_sons[0])->subdivide(bmin);
-//			dynamic_cast<Cluster*>(_sons[1])->subdivide(bmin);
+//            dynamic_cast<Cluster*>(_sons[0])->subdivide(bmin);
+//            dynamic_cast<Cluster*>(_sons[1])->subdivide(bmin);
-//		} else {
-//			delete _l_adj_mat;
-//			_l_adj_mat = NULL;
-//		} // end if next recursion step
-	} // end if ( connected && size () > bmin )
+//        } else {
+//            delete _l_adj_mat;
+//            _l_adj_mat = NULL;
+//        } // end if next recursion step
+    } // end if ( connected && size () > bmin )
 void Cluster::updatePerm(unsigned* reordering, unsigned &isep0,
-		unsigned &isep1, unsigned* l_op_perm, unsigned* l_po_perm)
+        unsigned &isep1, unsigned* l_op_perm, unsigned* l_po_perm)
-	unsigned beg = 0, end = _end - _beg;
-	while (beg < end) {
-		if (reordering[beg] >= 1) {
-			--end;
-			while (beg < end && reordering[end] >= 1)
-				--end;
-			// local permutation
-			std::swap(l_op_perm[beg], l_op_perm[end]);
-			std::swap(l_po_perm[l_op_perm[beg]], l_po_perm[l_op_perm[end]]);
-			std::swap(reordering[beg], reordering[end]);
-		}
-		++beg;
-	}
-	if (beg > end)
-		isep0 = beg - 1;
-	else
-		isep0 = end;
-	beg = isep0, end = _end - _beg;
-	while (beg < end) {
-		if (reordering[beg] == 2) {
-			--end;
-			while (beg < end && reordering[end] == 2)
-				--end;
-			// local permutation
-			std::swap(l_op_perm[beg], l_op_perm[end]);
-			std::swap(l_po_perm[l_op_perm[beg]], l_po_perm[l_op_perm[end]]);
-			std::swap(reordering[beg], reordering[end]);
-		}
-		++beg;
-	}
-	if (beg > end)
-		isep1 = beg - 1;
-	else
-		isep1 = end;
+    unsigned beg = 0, end = _end - _beg;
+    while (beg < end) {
+        if (reordering[beg] >= 1) {
+            --end;
+            while (beg < end && reordering[end] >= 1)
+                --end;
+            // local permutation
+            std::swap(l_op_perm[beg], l_op_perm[end]);
+            std::swap(l_po_perm[l_op_perm[beg]], l_po_perm[l_op_perm[end]]);
+            std::swap(reordering[beg], reordering[end]);
+        }
+        ++beg;
+    }
+    if (beg > end)
+        isep0 = beg - 1;
+    else
+        isep0 = end;
+    beg = isep0, end = _end - _beg;
+    while (beg < end) {
+        if (reordering[beg] == 2) {
+            --end;
+            while (beg < end && reordering[end] == 2)
+                --end;
+            // local permutation
+            std::swap(l_op_perm[beg], l_op_perm[end]);
+            std::swap(l_po_perm[l_op_perm[beg]], l_po_perm[l_op_perm[end]]);
+            std::swap(reordering[beg], reordering[end]);
+        }
+        ++beg;
+    }
+    if (beg > end)
+        isep1 = beg - 1;
+    else
+        isep1 = end;
 void Cluster::createClusterTree(unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm,
-		unsigned bmin)
+        unsigned bmin)
-	_g_op_perm = op_perm;
-	_g_po_perm = po_perm;
-	// *** 1 create local problem
-	unsigned n = _g_adj_mat->getNRows();
-	unsigned *l_op_perm = new unsigned[n];
-	unsigned *l_po_perm = new unsigned[n];
-	for (unsigned k = 0; k < n; ++k)
-		l_op_perm[k] = l_po_perm[k] = k;
-	_l_adj_mat = _l_adj_mat->getMat(0, n, l_op_perm, l_po_perm);
-	// *** 2 create cluster tree
-	subdivide(bmin);
+    _g_op_perm = op_perm;
+    _g_po_perm = po_perm;
+    // *** 1 create local problem
+    unsigned n = _g_adj_mat->getNRows();
+    unsigned *l_op_perm = new unsigned[n];
+    unsigned *l_po_perm = new unsigned[n];
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k < n; ++k)
+        l_op_perm[k] = l_po_perm[k] = k;
+    _l_adj_mat = _l_adj_mat->getMat(0, n, l_op_perm, l_po_perm);
+    // *** 2 create cluster tree
+    subdivide(bmin);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.h
index 1d3ff9da787..9a2be5da64b 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Cluster.h
@@ -26,58 +26,58 @@ namespace MathLib {
 class Cluster: public ClusterBase
-	/**
-	 * Constructor creates the root of the cluster tree
-	 * @param n
-	 * @param jA
-	 * @param iA
-	 */
-	Cluster(unsigned n, unsigned* iA, unsigned* jA);
+    /**
+     * Constructor creates the root of the cluster tree
+     * @param n
+     * @param jA
+     * @param iA
+     */
+    Cluster(unsigned n, unsigned* iA, unsigned* jA);
-	virtual void subdivide(unsigned bmin);
+    virtual void subdivide(unsigned bmin);
-	/** Method returns the status of this ClusterBase object. In this case
-	 * instances of this class are "normal" Clusters.
-	 * @return false
-	 */
-	virtual bool isSeparator() const
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
+    /** Method returns the status of this ClusterBase object. In this case
+     * instances of this class are "normal" Clusters.
+     * @return false
+     */
+    virtual bool isSeparator() const
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
-	/** Destructor. */
-	virtual ~Cluster() {}
+    /** Destructor. */
+    virtual ~Cluster() {}
-	/**
-	 * Method creates recursively the cluster tree, i.e. changes the permutation
-	 * op_perm and po_perm and create child cluster trees. For this task only the
-	 * adjacency matrix is used.
-	 * @param op_perm permutation: original_idx = op_perm[permutated_idx]
-	 * @param po_perm reverse permutation: permutated_idx = po_perm[original_idx]
-	 * @param bmin threshold value for stopping further refinement
-	 * @return a cluster tree
-	 */
-	virtual void createClusterTree(unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm,
-			unsigned bmin = 50);
+    /**
+     * Method creates recursively the cluster tree, i.e. changes the permutation
+     * op_perm and po_perm and create child cluster trees. For this task only the
+     * adjacency matrix is used.
+     * @param op_perm permutation: original_idx = op_perm[permutated_idx]
+     * @param po_perm reverse permutation: permutated_idx = po_perm[original_idx]
+     * @param bmin threshold value for stopping further refinement
+     * @return a cluster tree
+     */
+    virtual void createClusterTree(unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm,
+            unsigned bmin = 50);
-	/** \brief Constructor
-	 \param father parent node in cluster tree
-	 \param beg beginning index of the cluster
-	 \param end beginning index of the next cluster
-	 \param op_perm permutation
-	 \param po_perm permutation
-	 \param global_mat reference to adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in
-	 crs format
-	 \param local_mat pointer to the local adjacency matrix of the matrix
-	 graph in crs format
-	 */
-	Cluster(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end, unsigned* op_perm,
-			unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat, AdjMat* local_mat);
+    /** \brief Constructor
+     \param father parent node in cluster tree
+     \param beg beginning index of the cluster
+     \param end beginning index of the next cluster
+     \param op_perm permutation
+     \param po_perm permutation
+     \param global_mat reference to adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in
+     crs format
+     \param local_mat pointer to the local adjacency matrix of the matrix
+     graph in crs format
+     */
+    Cluster(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end, unsigned* op_perm,
+            unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat, AdjMat* local_mat);
-	/** update perm */
-	void updatePerm(unsigned* reordering, unsigned &isep0, unsigned &isep1, unsigned* l_op_perm, unsigned* l_po_perm);
+    /** update perm */
+    void updatePerm(unsigned* reordering, unsigned &isep0, unsigned &isep1, unsigned* l_op_perm, unsigned* l_po_perm);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.cpp
index d4072f4f3d3..c671588c389 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.cpp
@@ -19,54 +19,54 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 ClusterBase::ClusterBase(unsigned n, unsigned const* const iA,
-		unsigned const*const jA) :
-	_beg(0), _end(n), _n_sons(0), _sons(NULL), _parent(NULL), _g_op_perm(NULL),
-	_g_po_perm(NULL), _g_adj_mat(NULL), _l_adj_mat(NULL)
+        unsigned const*const jA) :
+    _beg(0), _end(n), _n_sons(0), _sons(NULL), _parent(NULL), _g_op_perm(NULL),
+    _g_po_perm(NULL), _g_adj_mat(NULL), _l_adj_mat(NULL)
-	const unsigned nnz = iA[n];
+    const unsigned nnz = iA[n];
-	// create adjacency matrix
-	unsigned *row_ptr = new unsigned[n + 1];
-	for (unsigned k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
-		row_ptr[k] = iA[k];
-	unsigned *col_idx = new unsigned[nnz];
-	for (unsigned k = 0; k < nnz; ++k)
-		col_idx[k] = jA[k];
+    // create adjacency matrix
+    unsigned *row_ptr = new unsigned[n + 1];
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
+        row_ptr[k] = iA[k];
+    unsigned *col_idx = new unsigned[nnz];
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k < nnz; ++k)
+        col_idx[k] = jA[k];
-	_l_adj_mat = new AdjMat(n, row_ptr, col_idx);
-	_l_adj_mat->makeSymmetric();
+    _l_adj_mat = new AdjMat(n, row_ptr, col_idx);
+    _l_adj_mat->makeSymmetric();
-	// make a copy of the local row_ptr array
-	unsigned const* l_row_ptr(_l_adj_mat->getRowPtrArray());
-	unsigned *g_row_ptr(new unsigned[n + 1]);
-	for (unsigned k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
-		g_row_ptr[k] = l_row_ptr[k];
-	// make a copy of the local col_idx array
-	unsigned const* l_col_idx(_l_adj_mat->getColIdxArray());
-	const unsigned g_nnz(g_row_ptr[n]);
-	unsigned *g_col_idx(new unsigned[g_nnz]);
-	for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_nnz; ++k)
-		g_col_idx[k] = l_col_idx[k];
-	// generate global matrix from local matrix
-	// (only in the root of cluster tree)
-	_g_adj_mat = new AdjMat(n, g_row_ptr, g_col_idx);
+    // make a copy of the local row_ptr array
+    unsigned const* l_row_ptr(_l_adj_mat->getRowPtrArray());
+    unsigned *g_row_ptr(new unsigned[n + 1]);
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
+        g_row_ptr[k] = l_row_ptr[k];
+    // make a copy of the local col_idx array
+    unsigned const* l_col_idx(_l_adj_mat->getColIdxArray());
+    const unsigned g_nnz(g_row_ptr[n]);
+    unsigned *g_col_idx(new unsigned[g_nnz]);
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_nnz; ++k)
+        g_col_idx[k] = l_col_idx[k];
+    // generate global matrix from local matrix
+    // (only in the root of cluster tree)
+    _g_adj_mat = new AdjMat(n, g_row_ptr, g_col_idx);
 ClusterBase::ClusterBase(ClusterBase *father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
-		unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat, AdjMat* local_mat) :
-	_beg(beg), _end(end), _n_sons(0), _sons(NULL), _parent(father),
-	_g_op_perm(op_perm), _g_po_perm(po_perm), _g_adj_mat(global_mat),
-	_l_adj_mat(local_mat)
+        unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat, AdjMat* local_mat) :
+    _beg(beg), _end(end), _n_sons(0), _sons(NULL), _parent(father),
+    _g_op_perm(op_perm), _g_po_perm(po_perm), _g_adj_mat(global_mat),
+    _l_adj_mat(local_mat)
-	if (_parent == NULL)
-		delete _g_adj_mat;
-	delete _l_adj_mat;
+    if (_parent == NULL)
+        delete _g_adj_mat;
+    delete _l_adj_mat;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.h
index d93f4cfcdb7..7ed1c36943f 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/ClusterBase.h
@@ -25,86 +25,86 @@ class AdjMat;
 class ClusterBase
-	/**
-	 * Constructor creates the root of the cluster tree
-	 * @param n number of rows/columns
-	 * @param iA row pointer array
-	 * @param jA column index array
-	 */
-	ClusterBase(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, unsigned const*const jA);
-	/*!
-	 \brief Constructor
-	 \param father parent node in cluster tree
-	 \param beg beginning index of the cluster
-	 \param end beginning index of the next cluster
-	 \param op_perm global permutation array (original_idx = op_perm[permuted_idx])
-	 \param po_perm global permutation array (permuted_idx = po_perm[original_idx])
-	 \param global_mat reference to the global adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
-	 \param local_mat pointer to the local adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
-	 */
-	ClusterBase(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
-			unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat, AdjMat* local_mat);
+    /**
+     * Constructor creates the root of the cluster tree
+     * @param n number of rows/columns
+     * @param iA row pointer array
+     * @param jA column index array
+     */
+    ClusterBase(unsigned n, unsigned const*const iA, unsigned const*const jA);
+    /*!
+     \brief Constructor
+     \param father parent node in cluster tree
+     \param beg beginning index of the cluster
+     \param end beginning index of the next cluster
+     \param op_perm global permutation array (original_idx = op_perm[permuted_idx])
+     \param po_perm global permutation array (permuted_idx = po_perm[original_idx])
+     \param global_mat reference to the global adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
+     \param local_mat pointer to the local adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
+     */
+    ClusterBase(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
+            unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat, AdjMat* local_mat);
-	/** \brief Destructor.
-	 * Destructor frees all form the objects allocated memory.
-	 * */
-	virtual ~ClusterBase();
+    /** \brief Destructor.
+     * Destructor frees all form the objects allocated memory.
+     * */
+    virtual ~ClusterBase();
-	virtual bool isSeparator() const = 0;
+    virtual bool isSeparator() const = 0;
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-	AdjMat const* getGlobalAdjMat() const { return _g_adj_mat; }
+    AdjMat const* getGlobalAdjMat() const { return _g_adj_mat; }
-	/** \brief Method returns the pointer to the parent cluster.
-	 \returns parent cluster */
-	ClusterBase* getParent() const
-	{
-		return _parent;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * beginning index in the global permutation arrays
-	 */
-	const unsigned _beg;
+    /** \brief Method returns the pointer to the parent cluster.
+     \returns parent cluster */
+    ClusterBase* getParent() const
+    {
+        return _parent;
+    }
+    /**
+     * beginning index in the global permutation arrays
+     */
+    const unsigned _beg;
-	/**
-	 * beginning index of next next cluster in the global permutation arrays
-	 */
-	const unsigned _end;
+    /**
+     * beginning index of next next cluster in the global permutation arrays
+     */
+    const unsigned _end;
-	/**
-	 * number of sons, _n_sons==0 iff this is a leaf
-	 */
-	unsigned _n_sons;
+    /**
+     * number of sons, _n_sons==0 iff this is a leaf
+     */
+    unsigned _n_sons;
-	/**
-	 * the array of sons of this cluster in the cluster tree
-	 */
-	ClusterBase** _sons;
+    /**
+     * the array of sons of this cluster in the cluster tree
+     */
+    ClusterBase** _sons;
-	/**
-	 * pointer to parent
-	 */
-	ClusterBase *_parent;
-	/**
-	 * pointer global permutation array (original_idx = op_perm[permuted_idx])
-	 */
-	unsigned* _g_op_perm;
-	/**
-	 * global permutation: permutation <- po_perm <- original
-	 */
-	unsigned* _g_po_perm;
-	/**
-	 * pointer to global adjacency matrix
-	 * The attribute _g_adj_mat stores the set of edges of the matrix graph $G = (V,E)$.
-	 * (see class AdjMat)
-	 */
-	AdjMat* _g_adj_mat;
-	/**
-	 * local adjacency matrix
-	 */
-	AdjMat* _l_adj_mat;
+    /**
+     * pointer to parent
+     */
+    ClusterBase *_parent;
+    /**
+     * pointer global permutation array (original_idx = op_perm[permuted_idx])
+     */
+    unsigned* _g_op_perm;
+    /**
+     * global permutation: permutation <- po_perm <- original
+     */
+    unsigned* _g_po_perm;
+    /**
+     * pointer to global adjacency matrix
+     * The attribute _g_adj_mat stores the set of edges of the matrix graph $G = (V,E)$.
+     * (see class AdjMat)
+     */
+    AdjMat* _g_adj_mat;
+    /**
+     * local adjacency matrix
+     */
+    AdjMat* _l_adj_mat;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.cpp
index b601040bfe9..640bdf8a66a 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.cpp
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 extern "C" void METIS_PartGraphRecursive(unsigned*, unsigned*, unsigned*,
-					 unsigned*, unsigned*, unsigned*,
-					 unsigned*, unsigned*, unsigned*,
-					 unsigned*, unsigned*);
+                     unsigned*, unsigned*, unsigned*,
+                     unsigned*, unsigned*, unsigned*,
+                     unsigned*, unsigned*);
 Separator::Separator(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
                      unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm,
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.h
index 86c0546f20a..39957e8582f 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/NestedDissectionPermutation/Separator.h
@@ -28,35 +28,35 @@ class AdjMat;
 class Separator: public ClusterBase
-	/** brief Constructor builds a initial object for clustering
-	 \param father pointer to the father node in cluster tree
-	 \param beg index in op_perm and po_perm which describes the begin of the index set of the Separator
-	 \param end index in op_perm and po_perm which describes the begin of the index set of the next
-	 ClusterBase
-	 \param op_perm permutation
-	 \param po_perm inverse permutation
-	 \param global_mat reference to adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
-	 \param local_mat reference to the local adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
-	 */
-	Separator(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
-			unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat,
-			AdjMat* local_mat);
+    /** brief Constructor builds a initial object for clustering
+     \param father pointer to the father node in cluster tree
+     \param beg index in op_perm and po_perm which describes the begin of the index set of the Separator
+     \param end index in op_perm and po_perm which describes the begin of the index set of the next
+     ClusterBase
+     \param op_perm permutation
+     \param po_perm inverse permutation
+     \param global_mat reference to adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
+     \param local_mat reference to the local adjacency matrix of the matrix graph in crs format
+     */
+    Separator(ClusterBase* father, unsigned beg, unsigned end,
+            unsigned* op_perm, unsigned* po_perm, AdjMat* global_mat,
+            AdjMat* local_mat);
-	/** Destructor. */
-	virtual ~Separator();
+    /** Destructor. */
+    virtual ~Separator();
-	/** Method returns the status of this ClusterAlg object. Instances
-	 of this class are Separators.
-	 \returns true
-	 */
-	virtual bool isSeparator() const
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
+    /** Method returns the status of this ClusterAlg object. Instances
+     of this class are Separators.
+     \returns true
+     */
+    virtual bool isSeparator() const
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
-	/** update perm */
-	unsigned updatePerm(unsigned *reordering, unsigned* l_op_perm, unsigned* l_po_perm);
+    /** update perm */
+    unsigned updatePerm(unsigned *reordering, unsigned* l_op_perm, unsigned* l_po_perm);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/SparseMatrixBase.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/SparseMatrixBase.h
index 579d1ad2082..69d3c3a432a 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/SparseMatrixBase.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/SparseMatrixBase.h
@@ -6,41 +6,41 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE> class SparseMatrixBase
-	SparseMatrixBase(IDX_TYPE n1, IDX_TYPE n2) :
-			_n_rows(n1), _n_cols(n2)
-	{}
-	SparseMatrixBase() :
-			_n_rows(static_cast<IDX_TYPE>(0)), _n_cols(static_cast<IDX_TYPE>(0))
-	{}
-	/**
-	 * y = d * A * x
-	 * @param d scalar factor
-	 * @param x vector to multiply with
-	 * @param y result vector
-	 */
-	virtual void amux(FP_TYPE const d, FP_TYPE const* const __restrict__ x,
-	                  FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y) const = 0;
-	virtual ~SparseMatrixBase() {}
-	/**
-	 * get the number of rows
-	 * @return the number of rows
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE getNRows () const { return _n_rows; }
-	/**
-	 * get the number of columns
-	 * @return the number of columns
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE getNCols () const { return _n_cols; }
+    SparseMatrixBase(IDX_TYPE n1, IDX_TYPE n2) :
+            _n_rows(n1), _n_cols(n2)
+    {}
+    SparseMatrixBase() :
+            _n_rows(static_cast<IDX_TYPE>(0)), _n_cols(static_cast<IDX_TYPE>(0))
+    {}
+    /**
+     * y = d * A * x
+     * @param d scalar factor
+     * @param x vector to multiply with
+     * @param y result vector
+     */
+    virtual void amux(FP_TYPE const d, FP_TYPE const* const __restrict__ x,
+                      FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y) const = 0;
+    virtual ~SparseMatrixBase() {}
+    /**
+     * get the number of rows
+     * @return the number of rows
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE getNRows () const { return _n_rows; }
+    /**
+     * get the number of columns
+     * @return the number of columns
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE getNCols () const { return _n_cols; }
-	/**
-	 * the number of rows
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE _n_rows;
-	/**
-	 * the number of columns
-	 */
-	IDX_TYPE _n_cols;
+    /**
+     * the number of rows
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE _n_rows;
+    /**
+     * the number of columns
+     */
+    IDX_TYPE _n_cols;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.cpp b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.cpp
index e7975d11e2c..702f9e6fc73 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.cpp
@@ -25,153 +25,153 @@
 namespace MathLib {
 struct MatMultThreadParam {
-	MatMultThreadParam (double scalar_factor, unsigned beg_row, unsigned end_row,
-		unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
-	        double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y) :
-		_a (scalar_factor), _beg_row(beg_row), _end_row(end_row),
-		_row_ptr(iA), _col_idx(jA), _data(A), _x(x), _y(y)
-	{}
-	double _a;
-	unsigned _beg_row;
-	unsigned _end_row;
-	unsigned const * const _row_ptr;
-	unsigned const * const _col_idx;
-	double const * const _data;
-	double const * const _x;
-	double * _y;
+    MatMultThreadParam (double scalar_factor, unsigned beg_row, unsigned end_row,
+        unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+            double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y) :
+        _a (scalar_factor), _beg_row(beg_row), _end_row(end_row),
+        _row_ptr(iA), _col_idx(jA), _data(A), _x(x), _y(y)
+    {}
+    double _a;
+    unsigned _beg_row;
+    unsigned _end_row;
+    unsigned const * const _row_ptr;
+    unsigned const * const _col_idx;
+    double const * const _data;
+    double const * const _x;
+    double * _y;
 extern "C" {
 void* amuxCRSpthread (void* ptr)
-	MatMultThreadParam *thread_param(static_cast<MatMultThreadParam*>(ptr));
-	const double a(thread_param->_a);
-	const unsigned beg_row(thread_param->_beg_row);
-	const unsigned end_row(thread_param->_end_row);
-	unsigned const * const iA(thread_param->_row_ptr);
-	unsigned const * const jA(thread_param->_col_idx);
-	double const * const A(thread_param->_data);
-	double const * const x(thread_param->_x);
-	double* y(thread_param->_y);
-	for (unsigned i(beg_row); i<end_row; i++) {
-		y[i] = A[iA[i]] * x[jA[iA[i]]];
-		const unsigned end (iA[i+1]);
-		for (unsigned j(iA[i]+1); j<end; j++) {
-			y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
-		}
-		y[i] *= a;
-	}
-	return NULL;
+    MatMultThreadParam *thread_param(static_cast<MatMultThreadParam*>(ptr));
+    const double a(thread_param->_a);
+    const unsigned beg_row(thread_param->_beg_row);
+    const unsigned end_row(thread_param->_end_row);
+    unsigned const * const iA(thread_param->_row_ptr);
+    unsigned const * const jA(thread_param->_col_idx);
+    double const * const A(thread_param->_data);
+    double const * const x(thread_param->_x);
+    double* y(thread_param->_y);
+    for (unsigned i(beg_row); i<end_row; i++) {
+        y[i] = A[iA[i]] * x[jA[iA[i]]];
+        const unsigned end (iA[i+1]);
+        for (unsigned j(iA[i]+1); j<end; j++) {
+            y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
+        }
+        y[i] *= a;
+    }
+    return NULL;
 } // end extern "C"
 void amuxCRSParallelPThreads (double a,
-	unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
-	double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
-	unsigned num_of_pthreads)
+    unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+    double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
+    unsigned num_of_pthreads)
-	// fill thread data objects
-	MatMultThreadParam** thread_param_array (new MatMultThreadParam*[num_of_pthreads]);
-	double step_size (static_cast<double>(n)/(num_of_pthreads));
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
-		const unsigned beg (static_cast<unsigned>(k*step_size));
-		const unsigned end (static_cast<unsigned>((k+1)*step_size));
-		thread_param_array[k] = new MatMultThreadParam (a, beg, end, iA, jA, A, x, y);
-	}
-	// allocate thread_array and return value array
-	pthread_t *thread_array (new pthread_t[num_of_pthreads]);
-	int *ret_vals (new int[num_of_pthreads]);
-	// create threads
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
-		ret_vals[k] = pthread_create( &(thread_array[k]), NULL, amuxCRSpthread, thread_param_array[k]);
-	}
-	// join threads
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
-		pthread_join (thread_array[k], NULL);
-	}
-	delete [] ret_vals;
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++)
-		delete thread_param_array[k];
-	delete [] thread_param_array;
-	delete [] thread_array;
+    // fill thread data objects
+    MatMultThreadParam** thread_param_array (new MatMultThreadParam*[num_of_pthreads]);
+    double step_size (static_cast<double>(n)/(num_of_pthreads));
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
+        const unsigned beg (static_cast<unsigned>(k*step_size));
+        const unsigned end (static_cast<unsigned>((k+1)*step_size));
+        thread_param_array[k] = new MatMultThreadParam (a, beg, end, iA, jA, A, x, y);
+    }
+    // allocate thread_array and return value array
+    pthread_t *thread_array (new pthread_t[num_of_pthreads]);
+    int *ret_vals (new int[num_of_pthreads]);
+    // create threads
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
+        ret_vals[k] = pthread_create( &(thread_array[k]), NULL, amuxCRSpthread, thread_param_array[k]);
+    }
+    // join threads
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
+        pthread_join (thread_array[k], NULL);
+    }
+    delete [] ret_vals;
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++)
+        delete thread_param_array[k];
+    delete [] thread_param_array;
+    delete [] thread_array;
-	(void)num_of_pthreads;
-	amuxCRS (a, n, iA, jA, A, x, y);
+    (void)num_of_pthreads;
+    amuxCRS (a, n, iA, jA, A, x, y);
 void amuxCRSParallelPThreads (double a,
-	unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
-	double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
-	unsigned num_of_pthreads, unsigned const*const workload_intervals)
+    unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+    double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
+    unsigned num_of_pthreads, unsigned const*const workload_intervals)
     (void) n;   // Unused if HAVE_PTHREADS is not defined.
-	// fill thread data objects
-	MatMultThreadParam** thread_param_array (new MatMultThreadParam*[num_of_pthreads]);
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
-		thread_param_array[k] = new MatMultThreadParam (a, workload_intervals[k], workload_intervals[k+1], iA, jA, A, x, y);
-	}
-	// allocate thread_array and return value array
-	pthread_t *thread_array (new pthread_t[num_of_pthreads]);
-	int *ret_vals (new int[num_of_pthreads]);
-	// create threads
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
-		ret_vals[k] = pthread_create( &(thread_array[k]), NULL, amuxCRSpthread, thread_param_array[k]);
-	}
-	// join threads
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
-		pthread_join (thread_array[k], NULL);
-	}
-	delete [] ret_vals;
-	for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++)
-		delete thread_param_array[k];
-	delete [] thread_param_array;
-	delete [] thread_array;
+    // fill thread data objects
+    MatMultThreadParam** thread_param_array (new MatMultThreadParam*[num_of_pthreads]);
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
+        thread_param_array[k] = new MatMultThreadParam (a, workload_intervals[k], workload_intervals[k+1], iA, jA, A, x, y);
+    }
+    // allocate thread_array and return value array
+    pthread_t *thread_array (new pthread_t[num_of_pthreads]);
+    int *ret_vals (new int[num_of_pthreads]);
+    // create threads
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
+        ret_vals[k] = pthread_create( &(thread_array[k]), NULL, amuxCRSpthread, thread_param_array[k]);
+    }
+    // join threads
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++) {
+        pthread_join (thread_array[k], NULL);
+    }
+    delete [] ret_vals;
+    for (unsigned k(0); k<num_of_pthreads; k++)
+        delete thread_param_array[k];
+    delete [] thread_param_array;
+    delete [] thread_array;
-	(void)num_of_pthreads;
-	amuxCRS (a, n, iA, jA, A, x, y);
+    (void)num_of_pthreads;
+    amuxCRS (a, n, iA, jA, A, x, y);
 void amuxCRSSym (double a,
-	unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+    unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
         double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y)
-	for (unsigned i(0); i<n; i++) {
-			y[i] = 0.0;
-	}
-	for (unsigned i(0); i<n; i++) {
-		unsigned j (iA[i]);
-		// handle diagonal
-		if (jA[j] == i) {
-			y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
-			j++;
-		}
-		const unsigned end (iA[i+1]);
-		for (; j<end; j++) {
-				y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
-				y[jA[j]] += A[j] * x[i];
-		}
-	}
-	for (unsigned i(0); i<n; i++) {
-		y[i] *= a;
-	}
+    for (unsigned i(0); i<n; i++) {
+            y[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+    for (unsigned i(0); i<n; i++) {
+        unsigned j (iA[i]);
+        // handle diagonal
+        if (jA[j] == i) {
+            y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
+            j++;
+        }
+        const unsigned end (iA[i+1]);
+        for (; j<end; j++) {
+                y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
+                y[jA[j]] += A[j] * x[i];
+        }
+    }
+    for (unsigned i(0); i<n; i++) {
+        y[i] *= a;
+    }
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.h
index bae40234834..94c26d308e9 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/amuxCRS.h
@@ -19,27 +19,27 @@ namespace MathLib {
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
 void amuxCRS(FP_TYPE a, IDX_TYPE n, IDX_TYPE const * const iA, IDX_TYPE const * const jA,
-				FP_TYPE const * const A, FP_TYPE const * const x, FP_TYPE* y)
+                FP_TYPE const * const A, FP_TYPE const * const x, FP_TYPE* y)
-	for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < n; i++) {
-		const IDX_TYPE end(iA[i + 1]);
-		y[i] = A[iA[i]] * x[jA[iA[i]]];
-		for (IDX_TYPE j(iA[i]+1); j < end; j++) {
-			y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
-		}
-		y[i] *= a;
-	}
+    for (IDX_TYPE i(0); i < n; i++) {
+        const IDX_TYPE end(iA[i + 1]);
+        y[i] = A[iA[i]] * x[jA[iA[i]]];
+        for (IDX_TYPE j(iA[i]+1); j < end; j++) {
+            y[i] += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
+        }
+        y[i] *= a;
+    }
 void amuxCRSParallelPThreads (double a,
-	unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
-	double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
-	unsigned num_of_pthreads);
+    unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+    double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
+    unsigned num_of_pthreads);
 void amuxCRSParallelPThreads (double a,
-	unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
-	double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
-	unsigned num_of_pthreads, unsigned const*const workload_intervals);
+    unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+    double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y,
+    unsigned num_of_pthreads, unsigned const*const workload_intervals);
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 template<typename FP_TYPE, typename IDX_TYPE>
@@ -48,24 +48,24 @@ void amuxCRSParallelOpenMP (FP_TYPE a, unsigned n,
     IDX_TYPE const * const __restrict__ jA, FP_TYPE const * const A,
     FP_TYPE const * const __restrict__ x, FP_TYPE* __restrict__ y)
     IDX_TYPE j;
     FP_TYPE t;
-	{
+    {
 #pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, t)
 #ifdef WIN32
 #pragma warning ( push )
 #pragma warning ( disable: 4018 )
-		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-			const IDX_TYPE end(iA[i + 1]);
-			t = A[iA[i]] * x[jA[iA[i]]];
-			for (j = iA[i]+1; j < end; j++) {
-				t += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
-			}
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+            const IDX_TYPE end(iA[i + 1]);
+            t = A[iA[i]] * x[jA[iA[i]]];
+            for (j = iA[i]+1; j < end; j++) {
+                t += A[j] * x[jA[j]];
+            }
             y[i] = t * a;
-		}
-	}
+        }
+    }
 #ifdef WIN32
 #pragma warning ( pop )
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void amuxCRSParallelOpenMP (FP_TYPE a, unsigned n,
 void amuxCRSSym (double a,
-	unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
+    unsigned n, unsigned const * const iA, unsigned const * const jA,
         double const * const A, double const * const x, double* y);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/sparse.h b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/sparse.h
index 1a44eec3a8c..839890eca81 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/sparse.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinAlg/Sparse/sparse.h
@@ -23,41 +23,41 @@
 template<class T> void CS_write(std::ostream &os, unsigned n, unsigned const* iA, unsigned const* jA, T const* A)
-	os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(unsigned));
-	os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<unsigned*>(iA)), (n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
-	os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<unsigned*>(jA)), iA[n] * sizeof(unsigned));
-	os.write(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(A), iA[n] * sizeof(T));
+    os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(unsigned));
+    os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<unsigned*>(iA)), (n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
+    os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<unsigned*>(jA)), iA[n] * sizeof(unsigned));
+    os.write(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(A), iA[n] * sizeof(T));
 template<class T> void CS_read(std::istream &is, unsigned &n, unsigned* &iA, unsigned* &jA, T* &A)
-<char*>(&n), sizeof(unsigned));
-	if (iA != NULL) {
-		delete[] iA;
-		delete[] jA;
-		delete[] A;
-	}
-	iA = new unsigned[n + 1];
-	assert(iA != NULL);
-<char*>(iA), (n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
+<char*>(&n), sizeof(unsigned));
+    if (iA != NULL) {
+        delete[] iA;
+        delete[] jA;
+        delete[] A;
+    }
+    iA = new unsigned[n + 1];
+    assert(iA != NULL);
+<char*>(iA), (n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
-	jA = new unsigned[iA[n]];
-	assert(jA != NULL);
-<char*>(jA), iA[n] * sizeof(unsigned));
+    jA = new unsigned[iA[n]];
+    assert(jA != NULL);
+<char*>(jA), iA[n] * sizeof(unsigned));
-	A = new T[iA[n]];
-	assert(A != NULL);
-<char*>(A), iA[n] * sizeof(T));
+    A = new T[iA[n]];
+    assert(A != NULL);
+<char*>(A), iA[n] * sizeof(T));
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-	// do simple checks
-	if (iA[0] != 0) std::cerr << "\nCRS matrix: array iA doesn't start with 0\n";
+    // do simple checks
+    if (iA[0] != 0) std::cerr << "\nCRS matrix: array iA doesn't start with 0\n";
-	unsigned i = 0;
-	while (i < iA[n] && jA[i] < n)
-		++i;
-	if (i < iA[n]) std::cerr << "\nCRS matrix: the " << i
-					<< "th entry of jA has the value " << jA[i] << ", which is out of bounds.\n";
+    unsigned i = 0;
+    while (i < iA[n] && jA[i] < n)
+        ++i;
+    if (i < iA[n]) std::cerr << "\nCRS matrix: the " << i
+                    << "th entry of jA has the value " << jA[i] << ", which is out of bounds.\n";
diff --git a/MathLib/LinearFunction.h b/MathLib/LinearFunction.h
index 4e902f3e39e..776838e7ddc 100644
--- a/MathLib/LinearFunction.h
+++ b/MathLib/LinearFunction.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace MathLib
  * Linear function
  * \f[
- * 	f(x_1,...,x_k)=a_0+a_1*x_1+...+a_k*x_k
+ *     f(x_1,...,x_k)=a_0+a_1*x_1+...+a_k*x_k
  * \f]
  * \tparam T_TYPE  value type
@@ -32,27 +32,27 @@ template <typename T_TYPE, unsigned N_VARS>
 class LinearFunction
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 * \param coefficients  an array of coefficients of a linear function.
-	 * The size of the coefficient array should equal to the number of variables + 1
-	 */
-	explicit LinearFunction(const std::array<T_TYPE, N_VARS+1> &coefficients)
-	: _coefficients(coefficients)
-	{}
-	/**
-	 * evaluate the function
-	 * \param x  an array of variables. the size of the array should equal to the number of variables
-	 */
-	T_TYPE operator()(T_TYPE const * const x) const
-	{
-		return std::inner_product(_coefficients.cbegin()+1, _coefficients.cend(), x, _coefficients.front());
-	}
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     * \param coefficients  an array of coefficients of a linear function.
+     * The size of the coefficient array should equal to the number of variables + 1
+     */
+    explicit LinearFunction(const std::array<T_TYPE, N_VARS+1> &coefficients)
+    : _coefficients(coefficients)
+    {}
+    /**
+     * evaluate the function
+     * \param x  an array of variables. the size of the array should equal to the number of variables
+     */
+    T_TYPE operator()(T_TYPE const * const x) const
+    {
+        return std::inner_product(_coefficients.cbegin()+1, _coefficients.cend(), x, _coefficients.front());
+    }
-	/// Coefficients of a linear function
-	const std::array<T_TYPE, N_VARS+1> _coefficients;
+    /// Coefficients of a linear function
+    const std::array<T_TYPE, N_VARS+1> _coefficients;
 } // MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/MathTools.cpp b/MathLib/MathTools.cpp
index ce7e72dd1fb..6c7713e60ed 100644
--- a/MathLib/MathTools.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/MathTools.cpp
@@ -20,37 +20,37 @@ namespace MathLib
 void crossProd(const double u[3], const double v[3], double r[3])
-	r[0] = u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1];
-	r[1] = u[2] * v[0] - u[0] * v[2];
-	r[2] = u[0] * v[1] - u[1] * v[0];
+    r[0] = u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1];
+    r[1] = u[2] * v[0] - u[0] * v[2];
+    r[2] = u[0] * v[1] - u[1] * v[0];
 double calcProjPntToLineAndDists(const double p[3], const double a[3],
-		const double b[3], double &lambda, double &d0)
+        const double b[3], double &lambda, double &d0)
-	// g (lambda) = a + lambda v, v = b-a
-	double v[3] = {b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1], b[2] - a[2]};
-	// orthogonal projection: (g(lambda)-p) * v = 0 => in order to compute lambda we define a help vector u
-	double u[3] = {p[0] - a[0], p[1] - a[1], p[2] - a[2]};
-	lambda = scalarProduct<double,3> (u, v) / scalarProduct<double,3> (v, v);
+    // g (lambda) = a + lambda v, v = b-a
+    double v[3] = {b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1], b[2] - a[2]};
+    // orthogonal projection: (g(lambda)-p) * v = 0 => in order to compute lambda we define a help vector u
+    double u[3] = {p[0] - a[0], p[1] - a[1], p[2] - a[2]};
+    lambda = scalarProduct<double,3> (u, v) / scalarProduct<double,3> (v, v);
-	// compute projected point
-	double proj_pnt[3];
-	for (std::size_t k(0); k < 3; k++)
-		proj_pnt[k] = a[k] + lambda * v[k];
+    // compute projected point
+    double proj_pnt[3];
+    for (std::size_t k(0); k < 3; k++)
+        proj_pnt[k] = a[k] + lambda * v[k];
-	d0 = std::sqrt (sqrDist (proj_pnt, a));
+    d0 = std::sqrt (sqrDist (proj_pnt, a));
-	return std::sqrt (sqrDist (p, proj_pnt));
+    return std::sqrt (sqrDist (p, proj_pnt));
 double getAngle (const double p0[3], const double p1[3], const double p2[3])
-	const double v0[3] = {p0[0]-p1[0], p0[1]-p1[1], p0[2]-p1[2]};
-	const double v1[3] = {p2[0]-p1[0], p2[1]-p1[1], p2[2]-p1[2]};
+    const double v0[3] = {p0[0]-p1[0], p0[1]-p1[1], p0[2]-p1[2]};
+    const double v1[3] = {p2[0]-p1[0], p2[1]-p1[1], p2[2]-p1[2]};
-	// apply Cauchy Schwarz inequality
-	return std::acos (scalarProduct<double,3> (v0,v1) / (std::sqrt(scalarProduct<double,3>(v0,v0)) * sqrt(scalarProduct<double,3>(v1,v1))));
+    // apply Cauchy Schwarz inequality
+    return std::acos (scalarProduct<double,3> (v0,v1) / (std::sqrt(scalarProduct<double,3>(v0,v0)) * sqrt(scalarProduct<double,3>(v1,v1))));
diff --git a/MathLib/MathTools.h b/MathLib/MathTools.h
index 23cb4166ece..4d6b34f993f 100644
--- a/MathLib/MathTools.h
+++ b/MathLib/MathTools.h
@@ -31,53 +31,53 @@ namespace MathLib
 template<typename T, int N> inline
 T scalarProduct(T const * const v0, T const * const v1)
-	T res (v0[0] * v1[0]);
+    T res (v0[0] * v1[0]);
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 #pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:res)
-	for (k = 1; k<N; k++) {
-		res += v0[k] * v1[k];
-	}
+    for (k = 1; k<N; k++) {
+        res += v0[k] * v1[k];
+    }
-	for (std::size_t k(1); k < N; k++)
-		res += v0[k] * v1[k];
+    for (std::size_t k(1); k < N; k++)
+        res += v0[k] * v1[k];
-	return res;
+    return res;
 template <> inline
 double scalarProduct<double,3>(double const * const v0, double const * const v1)
-	double res (v0[0] * v1[0]);
-	for (std::size_t k(1); k < 3; k++)
-		res += v0[k] * v1[k];
-	return res;
+    double res (v0[0] * v1[0]);
+    for (std::size_t k(1); k < 3; k++)
+        res += v0[k] * v1[k];
+    return res;
 template<typename T> inline
 T scalarProduct(T const * const v0, T const * const v1, unsigned n)
-	T res (v0[0] * v1[0]);
+    T res (v0[0] * v1[0]);
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 #pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:res)
 #ifdef WIN32
 #pragma warning ( push )
 #pragma warning ( disable: 4018 )
-	for (k = 1; k<n; k++) {
-		res += v0[k] * v1[k];
-	}
+    for (k = 1; k<n; k++) {
+        res += v0[k] * v1[k];
+    }
 #ifdef WIN32
 #pragma warning ( pop )
-	for (std::size_t k(1); k < n; k++)
-		res += v0[k] * v1[k];
+    for (std::size_t k(1); k < n; k++)
+        res += v0[k] * v1[k];
-	return res;
+    return res;
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ double calcProjPntToLineAndDists(const double p[3], const double a[3],
 double sqrDist(const double* p0, const double* p1)
-	const double v[3] = {p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1], p1[2] - p0[2]};
-	return scalarProduct<double,3>(v,v);
+    const double v[3] = {p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1], p1[2] - p0[2]};
+    return scalarProduct<double,3>(v,v);
diff --git a/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.cpp b/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.cpp
index 5132cd5c6e1..23279fe46f1 100644
--- a/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.cpp
+++ b/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.cpp
@@ -32,39 +32,39 @@
 void check_error(std::string const& f_name, int const error_flag)
-	if (error_flag != CV_SUCCESS)
-	{
-		ERR("CVodeSolver: %s failed with error flag %d.", f_name.c_str(),
-		    error_flag);
-		std::abort();
-	}
+    if (error_flag != CV_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        ERR("CVodeSolver: %s failed with error flag %d.", f_name.c_str(),
+            error_flag);
+        std::abort();
+    }
 //! Prints some statistics about an ODE solver run.
 void printStats(void* cvode_mem)
-	long int nst = 0, nfe = 0, nsetups = 0, nje = 0, nfeLS = 0, nni = 0,
-	         ncfn = 0, netf = 0, nge = 0;
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumSteps", CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst));
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe));
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups",
-	            CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups));
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumErrTestFails",
-	            CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf));
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters",
-	            CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni));
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails",
-	            CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn));
-	check_error("CVDlsGetNumJacEvals", CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje));
-	check_error("CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals", CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS));
-	check_error("CVodeGetNumGEvals", CVodeGetNumGEvals(cvode_mem, &nge));
-	DBUG("Sundials CVode solver. Statistics:");
-	DBUG("nst = %-6ld  nfe = %-6ld nsetups = %-6ld nfeLS = %-6ld nje = %ld",
-	     nst, nfe, nsetups, nfeLS, nje);
-	DBUG("nni = %-6ld ncfn = %-6ld    netf = %-6ld   nge = %ld\n", nni, ncfn,
-	     netf, nge);
+    long int nst = 0, nfe = 0, nsetups = 0, nje = 0, nfeLS = 0, nni = 0,
+             ncfn = 0, netf = 0, nge = 0;
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumSteps", CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst));
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe));
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups",
+                CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups));
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumErrTestFails",
+                CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf));
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters",
+                CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni));
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails",
+                CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn));
+    check_error("CVDlsGetNumJacEvals", CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje));
+    check_error("CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals", CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS));
+    check_error("CVodeGetNumGEvals", CVodeGetNumGEvals(cvode_mem, &nge));
+    DBUG("Sundials CVode solver. Statistics:");
+    DBUG("nst = %-6ld  nfe = %-6ld nsetups = %-6ld nfeLS = %-6ld nje = %ld",
+         nst, nfe, nsetups, nfeLS, nje);
+    DBUG("nni = %-6ld ncfn = %-6ld    netf = %-6ld   nge = %ld\n", nni, ncfn,
+         netf, nge);
 //! @}
@@ -84,47 +84,47 @@ namespace ODE
 class CVodeSolverImpl final
-	static_assert(std::is_same<realtype, double>::value,
-	              "CVode's realtype is not the same as double");
+    static_assert(std::is_same<realtype, double>::value,
+                  "CVode's realtype is not the same as double");
-	CVodeSolverImpl(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
-	                unsigned const num_equations);
+    CVodeSolverImpl(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
+                    unsigned const num_equations);
-	void setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f);
+    void setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f);
-	void preSolve();
-	bool solve(const double t_end);
+    void preSolve();
+    bool solve(const double t_end);
-	double const* getSolution() const { return NV_DATA_S(_y); }
-	double getTime() const { return _t; }
-	void getYDot(const double t, double const* const y, double* const y_dot);
-	void setTolerance(const double* abstol, const double reltol);
-	void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol);
-	void setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0);
+    double const* getSolution() const { return NV_DATA_S(_y); }
+    double getTime() const { return _t; }
+    void getYDot(const double t, double const* const y, double* const y_dot);
+    void setTolerance(const double* abstol, const double reltol);
+    void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol);
+    void setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0);
-	~CVodeSolverImpl();
+    ~CVodeSolverImpl();
-	N_Vector _y = nullptr;  //!< The solution vector.
+    N_Vector _y = nullptr;  //!< The solution vector.
-	realtype _t;  //! current time
+    realtype _t;  //! current time
-	N_Vector _abstol = nullptr;  //!< Array of absolute tolerances.
-	realtype _reltol;            //!< Relative tolerance
+    N_Vector _abstol = nullptr;  //!< Array of absolute tolerances.
+    realtype _reltol;            //!< Relative tolerance
-	unsigned _num_equations;  //!< Number of equations in the ODE system.
-	void* _cvode_mem;         //!< CVode's internal memory
+    unsigned _num_equations;  //!< Number of equations in the ODE system.
+    void* _cvode_mem;         //!< CVode's internal memory
-	//! Function handles that compute \f$\partial \dot y/\partial y\f$
-	//! and \f$\dot y\f$.
-	std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles> _f;
+    //! Function handles that compute \f$\partial \dot y/\partial y\f$
+    //! and \f$\dot y\f$.
+    std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles> _f;
-	//! The multistep method used for solving the ODE.
-	int _linear_multistep_method = CV_ADAMS;
+    //! The multistep method used for solving the ODE.
+    int _linear_multistep_method = CV_ADAMS;
-	//! Either solve via fixed-point iteration or via Newton-Raphson method.
-	int _nonlinear_solver_iteration = CV_FUNCTIONAL;
+    //! Either solve via fixed-point iteration or via Newton-Raphson method.
+    int _nonlinear_solver_iteration = CV_FUNCTIONAL;
 //! @}
@@ -132,179 +132,179 @@ private:
 CVodeSolverImpl::CVodeSolverImpl(const BaseLib::ConfigTree& config,
                                  const unsigned num_equations)
-	if (auto const param =
-	        config.getConfParamOptional<std::string>("linear_multistep_method"))
-	{
-		DBUG("setting linear multistep method (config: %s)", param->c_str());
-		if (*param == "Adams")
-		{
-			_linear_multistep_method = CV_ADAMS;
-		}
-		else if (*param == "BDF")
-		{
-			_linear_multistep_method = CV_BDF;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			ERR("unknown linear multistep method: %s", param->c_str());
-			std::abort();
-		}
-	}
-	if (auto const param = config.getConfParamOptional<std::string>(
-	        "nonlinear_solver_iteration"))
-	{
-		DBUG("setting nonlinear solver iteration (config: %s)", param->c_str());
-		if (*param == "Functional")
-		{
-			_nonlinear_solver_iteration = CV_FUNCTIONAL;
-		}
-		else if (*param == "Newton")
-		{
-			_nonlinear_solver_iteration = CV_NEWTON;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			ERR("unknown nonlinear solver iteration: %s", param->c_str());
-			std::abort();
-		}
-	}
-	_y = N_VNew_Serial(num_equations);
-	_abstol = N_VNew_Serial(num_equations);
-	_num_equations = num_equations;
-	_cvode_mem =
-	    CVodeCreate(_linear_multistep_method, _nonlinear_solver_iteration);
-	if (_cvode_mem == nullptr || _y == nullptr || _abstol == nullptr)
-	{
-		ERR("couldn't allocate storage for CVode solver.");
-		std::abort();
-	}
-	auto f_wrapped = [](const realtype t, const N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot,
-	                    void* function_handles) -> int
-	{
-		bool successful =
-		    static_cast<detail::FunctionHandles*>(function_handles)
-		        ->call(t, NV_DATA_S(y), NV_DATA_S(ydot));
-		return successful ? 0 : 1;
-	};
-	check_error("CVodeInit", CVodeInit(_cvode_mem, f_wrapped, 0.0, _y));
+    if (auto const param =
+            config.getConfParamOptional<std::string>("linear_multistep_method"))
+    {
+        DBUG("setting linear multistep method (config: %s)", param->c_str());
+        if (*param == "Adams")
+        {
+            _linear_multistep_method = CV_ADAMS;
+        }
+        else if (*param == "BDF")
+        {
+            _linear_multistep_method = CV_BDF;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ERR("unknown linear multistep method: %s", param->c_str());
+            std::abort();
+        }
+    }
+    if (auto const param = config.getConfParamOptional<std::string>(
+            "nonlinear_solver_iteration"))
+    {
+        DBUG("setting nonlinear solver iteration (config: %s)", param->c_str());
+        if (*param == "Functional")
+        {
+            _nonlinear_solver_iteration = CV_FUNCTIONAL;
+        }
+        else if (*param == "Newton")
+        {
+            _nonlinear_solver_iteration = CV_NEWTON;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ERR("unknown nonlinear solver iteration: %s", param->c_str());
+            std::abort();
+        }
+    }
+    _y = N_VNew_Serial(num_equations);
+    _abstol = N_VNew_Serial(num_equations);
+    _num_equations = num_equations;
+    _cvode_mem =
+        CVodeCreate(_linear_multistep_method, _nonlinear_solver_iteration);
+    if (_cvode_mem == nullptr || _y == nullptr || _abstol == nullptr)
+    {
+        ERR("couldn't allocate storage for CVode solver.");
+        std::abort();
+    }
+    auto f_wrapped = [](const realtype t, const N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot,
+                        void* function_handles) -> int
+    {
+        bool successful =
+            static_cast<detail::FunctionHandles*>(function_handles)
+                ->call(t, NV_DATA_S(y), NV_DATA_S(ydot));
+        return successful ? 0 : 1;
+    };
+    check_error("CVodeInit", CVodeInit(_cvode_mem, f_wrapped, 0.0, _y));
 void CVodeSolverImpl::setTolerance(const double* abstol, const double reltol)
-	for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_equations; ++i)
-	{
-		NV_Ith_S(_abstol, i) = abstol[i];
-	}
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_equations; ++i)
+    {
+        NV_Ith_S(_abstol, i) = abstol[i];
+    }
-	_reltol = reltol;
+    _reltol = reltol;
 void CVodeSolverImpl::setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol)
-	for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_equations; ++i)
-	{
-		NV_Ith_S(_abstol, i) = abstol;
-	}
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_equations; ++i)
+    {
+        NV_Ith_S(_abstol, i) = abstol;
+    }
-	_reltol = reltol;
+    _reltol = reltol;
 void CVodeSolverImpl::setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f)
-	_f = std::move(f);
-	assert(_num_equations == _f->getNumEquations());
+    _f = std::move(f);
+    assert(_num_equations == _f->getNumEquations());
 void CVodeSolverImpl::setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0)
-	for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_equations; ++i)
-	{
-		NV_Ith_S(_y, i) = y0[i];
-	}
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_equations; ++i)
+    {
+        NV_Ith_S(_y, i) = y0[i];
+    }
-	_t = t0;
+    _t = t0;
 void CVodeSolverImpl::preSolve()
-	assert(_f != nullptr && "ode function handle was not provided");
-	// sets initial conditions
-	check_error("CVodeReInit", CVodeReInit(_cvode_mem, _t, _y));
-	check_error("CVodeSetUserData",
-	            CVodeSetUserData(_cvode_mem, static_cast<void*>(_f.get())));
-	/* Call CVodeSVtolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
-	 * and vector absolute tolerances */
-	check_error("CVodeSVtolerances",
-	            CVodeSVtolerances(_cvode_mem, _reltol, _abstol));
-	/* Call CVDense to specify the CVDENSE dense linear solver */
-	check_error("CVDense", CVDense(_cvode_mem, _num_equations));
-	if (_f->hasJacobian())
-	{
-		auto df_wrapped = [](const long N, const realtype t, const N_Vector y,
-		                     const N_Vector ydot, const DlsMat jac,
-		                     void* function_handles, N_Vector /*tmp1*/,
-		                     N_Vector /*tmp2*/, N_Vector /*tmp3*/
-		                     ) -> int
-		{
-			(void)N;  // prevent warnings during non-debug build
-			auto* fh = static_cast<detail::FunctionHandles*>(function_handles);
-			assert(N == fh->getNumEquations());
-			// Caution: by calling the DENSE_COL() macro we assume that matrices
-			// are stored contiguously in memory!
-			// See also the header files sundials_direct.h and cvode_direct.h in
-			// the Sundials source code. The comments about the macro DENSE_COL
-			// in those files indicate that matrices are stored column-wise.
-			bool successful = fh->callJacobian(t, NV_DATA_S(y), NV_DATA_S(ydot),
-			                                   DENSE_COL(jac, 0));
-			return successful ? 0 : 1;
-		};
-		check_error("CVDlsSetDenseJacFn",
-		            CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(_cvode_mem, df_wrapped));
-	}
+    assert(_f != nullptr && "ode function handle was not provided");
+    // sets initial conditions
+    check_error("CVodeReInit", CVodeReInit(_cvode_mem, _t, _y));
+    check_error("CVodeSetUserData",
+                CVodeSetUserData(_cvode_mem, static_cast<void*>(_f.get())));
+    /* Call CVodeSVtolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
+     * and vector absolute tolerances */
+    check_error("CVodeSVtolerances",
+                CVodeSVtolerances(_cvode_mem, _reltol, _abstol));
+    /* Call CVDense to specify the CVDENSE dense linear solver */
+    check_error("CVDense", CVDense(_cvode_mem, _num_equations));
+    if (_f->hasJacobian())
+    {
+        auto df_wrapped = [](const long N, const realtype t, const N_Vector y,
+                             const N_Vector ydot, const DlsMat jac,
+                             void* function_handles, N_Vector /*tmp1*/,
+                             N_Vector /*tmp2*/, N_Vector /*tmp3*/
+                             ) -> int
+        {
+            (void)N;  // prevent warnings during non-debug build
+            auto* fh = static_cast<detail::FunctionHandles*>(function_handles);
+            assert(N == fh->getNumEquations());
+            // Caution: by calling the DENSE_COL() macro we assume that matrices
+            // are stored contiguously in memory!
+            // See also the header files sundials_direct.h and cvode_direct.h in
+            // the Sundials source code. The comments about the macro DENSE_COL
+            // in those files indicate that matrices are stored column-wise.
+            bool successful = fh->callJacobian(t, NV_DATA_S(y), NV_DATA_S(ydot),
+                                               DENSE_COL(jac, 0));
+            return successful ? 0 : 1;
+        };
+        check_error("CVDlsSetDenseJacFn",
+                    CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(_cvode_mem, df_wrapped));
+    }
 bool CVodeSolverImpl::solve(const double t_end)
-	realtype t_reached;
-	check_error("CVode solve",
-	            CVode(_cvode_mem, t_end, _y, &t_reached, CV_NORMAL));
-	_t = t_reached;
-	// check_error asserts that t_end == t_reached and that solving the ODE
-	// went fine. Otherwise the program will be aborted. Therefore, we don't
-	// have to check manually for errors here and can always savely return true.
-	return true;
+    realtype t_reached;
+    check_error("CVode solve",
+                CVode(_cvode_mem, t_end, _y, &t_reached, CV_NORMAL));
+    _t = t_reached;
+    // check_error asserts that t_end == t_reached and that solving the ODE
+    // went fine. Otherwise the program will be aborted. Therefore, we don't
+    // have to check manually for errors here and can always savely return true.
+    return true;
 void CVodeSolverImpl::getYDot(const double t, double const* const y,
                               double* const y_dot)
-	assert(_f != nullptr);
-	_f->call(t, y, y_dot);
+    assert(_f != nullptr);
+    _f->call(t, y, y_dot);
-	printStats(_cvode_mem);
+    printStats(_cvode_mem);
-	N_VDestroy_Serial(_y);
-	N_VDestroy_Serial(_abstol);
-	CVodeFree(&_cvode_mem);
+    N_VDestroy_Serial(_y);
+    N_VDestroy_Serial(_abstol);
+    CVodeFree(&_cvode_mem);
 CVodeSolver::CVodeSolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
@@ -315,48 +315,48 @@ CVodeSolver::CVodeSolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
 void CVodeSolver::setTolerance(const double* abstol, const double reltol)
-	_impl->setTolerance(abstol, reltol);
+    _impl->setTolerance(abstol, reltol);
 void CVodeSolver::setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol)
-	_impl->setTolerance(abstol, reltol);
+    _impl->setTolerance(abstol, reltol);
 void CVodeSolver::setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f)
-	_impl->setFunction(std::move(f));
+    _impl->setFunction(std::move(f));
 void CVodeSolver::setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0)
-	_impl->setIC(t0, y0);
+    _impl->setIC(t0, y0);
 void CVodeSolver::preSolve()
-	_impl->preSolve();
+    _impl->preSolve();
 bool CVodeSolver::solve(const double t_end)
-	return _impl->solve(t_end);
+    return _impl->solve(t_end);
 double const* CVodeSolver::getSolution() const
-	return _impl->getSolution();
+    return _impl->getSolution();
 void CVodeSolver::getYDot(const double t, double const* const y,
                           double* const y_dot) const
-	_impl->getYDot(t, y, y_dot);
+    _impl->getYDot(t, y, y_dot);
 double CVodeSolver::getTime() const
-	return _impl->getTime();
+    return _impl->getTime();
 CVodeSolver::~CVodeSolver() = default;
diff --git a/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.h b/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.h
index c6f77b74500..08f42f69cb5 100644
--- a/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.h
+++ b/MathLib/ODE/CVodeSolver.h
@@ -45,32 +45,32 @@ class CVodeSolverImpl;
 class CVodeSolver
-	//! Construct from the given \c config with storage allocated for the given
-	//! \c num_equations.
-	CVodeSolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
-	            unsigned const num_equations);
+    //! Construct from the given \c config with storage allocated for the given
+    //! \c num_equations.
+    CVodeSolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
+                unsigned const num_equations);
-	void setTolerance(double const* const abstol, const double reltol);
-	void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol);
+    void setTolerance(double const* const abstol, const double reltol);
+    void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol);
-	void setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f);
+    void setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f);
-	void setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0);
+    void setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0);
-	void preSolve();
-	bool solve(const double t_end);
+    void preSolve();
+    bool solve(const double t_end);
-	double const* getSolution() const;
-	double getTime() const;
-	void getYDot(const double t,
-	             double const* const y,
-	             double* const y_dot) const;
+    double const* getSolution() const;
+    double getTime() const;
+    void getYDot(const double t,
+                 double const* const y,
+                 double* const y_dot) const;
-	~CVodeSolver();
+    ~CVodeSolver();
-	//! pimpl idiom.
-	std::unique_ptr<CVodeSolverImpl> _impl;
+    //! pimpl idiom.
+    std::unique_ptr<CVodeSolverImpl> _impl;
 //! @}}
diff --git a/MathLib/ODE/ConcreteODESolver.h b/MathLib/ODE/ConcreteODESolver.h
index 169c02d9cba..c0acb19923c 100644
--- a/MathLib/ODE/ConcreteODESolver.h
+++ b/MathLib/ODE/ConcreteODESolver.h
@@ -56,63 +56,63 @@ class ConcreteODESolver final : public ODESolver<NumEquations>,
                                 private Implementation
-	void setFunction(Function<NumEquations> f,
-	                 JacobianFunction<NumEquations> df) override
-	{
-		Implementation::setFunction(
-		    std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandlesImpl<NumEquations>>{
-		        new detail::FunctionHandlesImpl<NumEquations>{f, df}});
-	}
-	void setTolerance(const std::array<double, NumEquations>& abstol,
-	                  const double reltol) override
-	{
-		Implementation::setTolerance(, reltol);
-	}
-	void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol) override
-	{
-		Implementation::setTolerance(abstol, reltol);
-	}
-	void setIC(const double t0,
-	           std::initializer_list<double> const& y0) override
-	{
-		assert(y0.size() == NumEquations);
-		Implementation::setIC(t0, y0.begin());
-	}
-	void setIC(const double t0,
-	           Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> const&
-	               y0) override
-	{
-		Implementation::setIC(t0,;
-	}
-	void preSolve() override { Implementation::preSolve(); }
-	bool solve(const double t) override { return Implementation::solve(t); }
-	MappedConstVector<NumEquations> getSolution() const override
-	{
-		return MappedConstVector<NumEquations>{Implementation::getSolution()};
-	}
-	double getTime() const override { return Implementation::getTime(); }
-	Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> getYDot(
-	    const double t, const MappedConstVector<NumEquations>& y) const override
-	{
-		Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> y_dot;
-		Implementation::getYDot(t,,;
-		return y_dot;
-	}
+    void setFunction(Function<NumEquations> f,
+                     JacobianFunction<NumEquations> df) override
+    {
+        Implementation::setFunction(
+            std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandlesImpl<NumEquations>>{
+                new detail::FunctionHandlesImpl<NumEquations>{f, df}});
+    }
+    void setTolerance(const std::array<double, NumEquations>& abstol,
+                      const double reltol) override
+    {
+        Implementation::setTolerance(, reltol);
+    }
+    void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol) override
+    {
+        Implementation::setTolerance(abstol, reltol);
+    }
+    void setIC(const double t0,
+               std::initializer_list<double> const& y0) override
+    {
+        assert(y0.size() == NumEquations);
+        Implementation::setIC(t0, y0.begin());
+    }
+    void setIC(const double t0,
+               Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> const&
+                   y0) override
+    {
+        Implementation::setIC(t0,;
+    }
+    void preSolve() override { Implementation::preSolve(); }
+    bool solve(const double t) override { return Implementation::solve(t); }
+    MappedConstVector<NumEquations> getSolution() const override
+    {
+        return MappedConstVector<NumEquations>{Implementation::getSolution()};
+    }
+    double getTime() const override { return Implementation::getTime(); }
+    Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> getYDot(
+        const double t, const MappedConstVector<NumEquations>& y) const override
+    {
+        Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> y_dot;
+        Implementation::getYDot(t,,;
+        return y_dot;
+    }
-	//! Instances of this class shall only be constructed by createODESolver().
-	ConcreteODESolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config)
-	    : Implementation{config, NumEquations}
-	{
-	}
-	friend std::unique_ptr<ODESolver<NumEquations>>
-	createODESolver<NumEquations>(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config);
+    //! Instances of this class shall only be constructed by createODESolver().
+    ConcreteODESolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config)
+        : Implementation{config, NumEquations}
+    {
+    }
+    friend std::unique_ptr<ODESolver<NumEquations>>
+    createODESolver<NumEquations>(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config);
 //! @}
diff --git a/MathLib/ODE/FunctionHandles.h b/MathLib/ODE/FunctionHandles.h
index 2e1bf60bd65..af1b38d42f0 100644
--- a/MathLib/ODE/FunctionHandles.h
+++ b/MathLib/ODE/FunctionHandles.h
@@ -31,79 +31,79 @@ namespace detail
 class FunctionHandles
-	//! Calls a function computing \f$\dot y\f$.
-	//! \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
-	virtual bool call(const double t, double const* const y,
-	                  double* const ydot) = 0;
+    //! Calls a function computing \f$\dot y\f$.
+    //! \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
+    virtual bool call(const double t, double const* const y,
+                      double* const ydot) = 0;
-	//! Calls a function computing \f$\mathtt{jac} := \partial \dot y/\partial
-	//! y\f$.
-	//! \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
-	virtual bool callJacobian(const double t,
-	                          double const* const y,
-	                          double* const ydot,
-	                          double* const jac) = 0;
+    //! Calls a function computing \f$\mathtt{jac} := \partial \dot y/\partial
+    //! y\f$.
+    //! \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
+    virtual bool callJacobian(const double t,
+                              double const* const y,
+                              double* const ydot,
+                              double* const jac) = 0;
-	//! Tells whether a Jacobian function has been set.
-	virtual bool hasJacobian() const = 0;
+    //! Tells whether a Jacobian function has been set.
+    virtual bool hasJacobian() const = 0;
-	//! Returns the number of equations in the ODE system.
-	virtual unsigned getNumEquations() const = 0;
+    //! Returns the number of equations in the ODE system.
+    virtual unsigned getNumEquations() const = 0;
-	virtual ~FunctionHandles() = default;
+    virtual ~FunctionHandles() = default;
 //! Function handles for an ODE system of \c N equations.
 template <unsigned N>
 struct FunctionHandlesImpl final : public FunctionHandles
-	FunctionHandlesImpl(Function<N>& f, JacobianFunction<N>& df) : f(f), df(df)
-	{
-	}
+    FunctionHandlesImpl(Function<N>& f, JacobianFunction<N>& df) : f(f), df(df)
+    {
+    }
-	/*! Calls the stored function \c f computing \f$\dot y\f$.
-	 *
-	 * The raw pointers passed to this method are wrapped in some Eigen::Map
-	 * objects before being passed to \c f. Thereby the information about the
-	 * size of the vectors is restored. No memory is copied for that.
-	 *
-	 * \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
-	 */
-	bool call(const double t, const double* const y,
-	          double* const ydot) override
-	{
-		if (f)
-		{
-			MappedVector<N> ydot_mapped{ydot};
-			return f(t, MappedConstVector<N>{y}, ydot_mapped);
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
+    /*! Calls the stored function \c f computing \f$\dot y\f$.
+     *
+     * The raw pointers passed to this method are wrapped in some Eigen::Map
+     * objects before being passed to \c f. Thereby the information about the
+     * size of the vectors is restored. No memory is copied for that.
+     *
+     * \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
+     */
+    bool call(const double t, const double* const y,
+              double* const ydot) override
+    {
+        if (f)
+        {
+            MappedVector<N> ydot_mapped{ydot};
+            return f(t, MappedConstVector<N>{y}, ydot_mapped);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
-	/*! Calls the stored function computing
-	 *  \f$\mathtt{jac} := \partial \dot y/\partial y\f$.
-	 *
-	 * \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
-	 * \see call()
-	 */
-	bool callJacobian(const double t, const double* const y, double* const ydot,
-	                  double* const jac) override
-	{
-		if (df)
-		{
-			MappedMatrix<N, N> jac_mapped{jac};
-			return df(t,
-			          MappedConstVector<N>{y},
-			          MappedConstVector<N>{ydot},
-			          jac_mapped);
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
+    /*! Calls the stored function computing
+     *  \f$\mathtt{jac} := \partial \dot y/\partial y\f$.
+     *
+     * \returns true or false indicating whether the function succeeded.
+     * \see call()
+     */
+    bool callJacobian(const double t, const double* const y, double* const ydot,
+                      double* const jac) override
+    {
+        if (df)
+        {
+            MappedMatrix<N, N> jac_mapped{jac};
+            return df(t,
+                      MappedConstVector<N>{y},
+                      MappedConstVector<N>{ydot},
+                      jac_mapped);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
-	bool hasJacobian() const override { return df != nullptr; }
-	unsigned getNumEquations() const override { return N; }
-	Function<N> f;
-	JacobianFunction<N> df;
+    bool hasJacobian() const override { return df != nullptr; }
+    unsigned getNumEquations() const override { return N; }
+    Function<N> f;
+    JacobianFunction<N> df;
 //! @}
diff --git a/MathLib/ODE/ODESolver.h b/MathLib/ODE/ODESolver.h
index e951a1f6259..e0d1d0832d3 100644
--- a/MathLib/ODE/ODESolver.h
+++ b/MathLib/ODE/ODESolver.h
@@ -37,99 +37,99 @@ template <unsigned NumEquations>
 class ODESolver
-	/*! Sets functions that compute \f$\dot y\f$ and
-	 *  the Jacobian \f$\partial \dot y/\partial y\f$.
-	 *
-	 * If no Jacobian function shall be set, \c nullptr can be passed fo \c df.
-	 *
-	 * \remark
-	 * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
-	 * has to be called first!
-	 */
-	virtual void setFunction(Function<NumEquations> f,
-	                         JacobianFunction<NumEquations> df) = 0;
-	/*! Sets the tolerances for the ODE solver.
-	 *
-	 * \param abstol absolute tolerance, one value for all equations.
-	 * \param reltol relative tolerance.
-	 *
-	 * \remark
-	 * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
-	 * has to be called first!
-	 */
-	virtual void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol) = 0;
-	/*! Sets the tolerances for the ODE solver.
-	 *
-	 * \param abstol absolute tolerance, one value each equation.
-	 * \param reltol relative tolerance.
-	 *
-	 * \remark
-	 * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
-	 * has to be called first!
-	 */
-	virtual void setTolerance(const std::array<double, NumEquations>& abstol,
-	                          const double reltol) = 0;
-	/*! Sets the conditions.
-	 *
-	 * \param t0 initial time.
-	 * \param y0 initial values.
-	 *
-	 * \remark
-	 * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
-	 * has to be called first!
-	 */
-	virtual void setIC(const double t0,
-	                   std::initializer_list<double> const& y0) = 0;
-	//! \overload
-	virtual void setIC(
-	    const double t0,
-	    Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> const& y0) = 0;
-	/*! Finishes setting up the ODE solver, makes it ready to solve the provided
-	 * ODE.
-	 *
-	 * This method applies settings to the ODE solver, hence it has to be called
-	 * after calling setters.
-	 *
-	 * \note
-	 * preSolve() has to be called once before calling solve, it is not
-	 * necessary
-	 * to call it after each setter.
-	 */
-	virtual void preSolve() = 0;
-	/*! Solves the ODE from the set initial condition to time \c t.
-	 *
-	 * \returns true or false indicating whether solving succeeded.
-	 *
-	 * \pre preSolve() has to be called before this method.
-	 */
-	virtual bool solve(const double t) = 0;
-	//! Returns the number of equations.
-	virtual unsigned getNumEquations() const { return NumEquations; }
-	//! Returns the solution vector \c y
-	virtual MappedConstVector<NumEquations> getSolution() const = 0;
-	/*! Returns the time that the solver has reached.
-	 *
-	 * The return value should be equal to the time \c t passed to solve() if
-	 * everything went fine.
-	 */
-	virtual double getTime() const = 0;
-	/*! Computes \f$ \dot y = f(t,y) \f$.
-	 *
-	 * This method is provided for convenience only.
-	 */
-	virtual Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> getYDot(
-	    const double t, const MappedConstVector<NumEquations>& y) const = 0;
-	virtual ~ODESolver() = default;
+    /*! Sets functions that compute \f$\dot y\f$ and
+     *  the Jacobian \f$\partial \dot y/\partial y\f$.
+     *
+     * If no Jacobian function shall be set, \c nullptr can be passed fo \c df.
+     *
+     * \remark
+     * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
+     * has to be called first!
+     */
+    virtual void setFunction(Function<NumEquations> f,
+                             JacobianFunction<NumEquations> df) = 0;
+    /*! Sets the tolerances for the ODE solver.
+     *
+     * \param abstol absolute tolerance, one value for all equations.
+     * \param reltol relative tolerance.
+     *
+     * \remark
+     * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
+     * has to be called first!
+     */
+    virtual void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol) = 0;
+    /*! Sets the tolerances for the ODE solver.
+     *
+     * \param abstol absolute tolerance, one value each equation.
+     * \param reltol relative tolerance.
+     *
+     * \remark
+     * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
+     * has to be called first!
+     */
+    virtual void setTolerance(const std::array<double, NumEquations>& abstol,
+                              const double reltol) = 0;
+    /*! Sets the conditions.
+     *
+     * \param t0 initial time.
+     * \param y0 initial values.
+     *
+     * \remark
+     * solve() cannot be directly called after this method, rather preSolve()
+     * has to be called first!
+     */
+    virtual void setIC(const double t0,
+                       std::initializer_list<double> const& y0) = 0;
+    //! \overload
+    virtual void setIC(
+        const double t0,
+        Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> const& y0) = 0;
+    /*! Finishes setting up the ODE solver, makes it ready to solve the provided
+     * ODE.
+     *
+     * This method applies settings to the ODE solver, hence it has to be called
+     * after calling setters.
+     *
+     * \note
+     * preSolve() has to be called once before calling solve, it is not
+     * necessary
+     * to call it after each setter.
+     */
+    virtual void preSolve() = 0;
+    /*! Solves the ODE from the set initial condition to time \c t.
+     *
+     * \returns true or false indicating whether solving succeeded.
+     *
+     * \pre preSolve() has to be called before this method.
+     */
+    virtual bool solve(const double t) = 0;
+    //! Returns the number of equations.
+    virtual unsigned getNumEquations() const { return NumEquations; }
+    //! Returns the solution vector \c y
+    virtual MappedConstVector<NumEquations> getSolution() const = 0;
+    /*! Returns the time that the solver has reached.
+     *
+     * The return value should be equal to the time \c t passed to solve() if
+     * everything went fine.
+     */
+    virtual double getTime() const = 0;
+    /*! Computes \f$ \dot y = f(t,y) \f$.
+     *
+     * This method is provided for convenience only.
+     */
+    virtual Eigen::Matrix<double, NumEquations, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> getYDot(
+        const double t, const MappedConstVector<NumEquations>& y) const = 0;
+    virtual ~ODESolver() = default;
 //! @}
diff --git a/MathLib/ODE/ODESolverBuilder.h b/MathLib/ODE/ODESolverBuilder.h
index 88212814c97..48ddb3a769c 100644
--- a/MathLib/ODE/ODESolverBuilder.h
+++ b/MathLib/ODE/ODESolverBuilder.h
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ std::unique_ptr<ODESolver<NumEquations>> createODESolver(
     BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config)
-	return std::unique_ptr<ODESolver<NumEquations>>(
-	    new ConcreteODESolver<CVodeSolver, NumEquations>(config));
+    return std::unique_ptr<ODESolver<NumEquations>>(
+        new ConcreteODESolver<CVodeSolver, NumEquations>(config));
-	(void)config;  // Unused parameter warning if no library is available.
+    (void)config;  // Unused parameter warning if no library is available.
-	ERR(
-	    "No ODE solver could be created. Maybe it is because you did not build"
-	    " OGS6 with support for any external ODE solver library.");
-	std::abort();
+    ERR(
+        "No ODE solver could be created. Maybe it is because you did not build"
+        " OGS6 with support for any external ODE solver library.");
+    std::abort();
 //! @}
diff --git a/MathLib/Point3d.h b/MathLib/Point3d.h
index 86537f76d64..5d19c81b771 100644
--- a/MathLib/Point3d.h
+++ b/MathLib/Point3d.h
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ inline MathLib::Point3d operator*(MATRIX const& mat, MathLib::Point3d const& p)
 double sqrDist(MathLib::Point3d const& p0, MathLib::Point3d const& p1)
-	const double v[3] = {p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1], p1[2] - p0[2]};
-	return MathLib::scalarProduct<double,3>(v,v);
+    const double v[3] = {p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1], p1[2] - p0[2]};
+    return MathLib::scalarProduct<double,3>(v,v);
 /// Computes the squared distance between the orthogonal projection of the two
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ double sqrDist(MathLib::Point3d const& p0, MathLib::Point3d const& p1)
 double sqrDist2d(MathLib::Point3d const& p0, MathLib::Point3d const& p1)
-	return (p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0]) + (p0[1]-p1[1])*(p0[1]-p1[1]);
+    return (p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0]) + (p0[1]-p1[1])*(p0[1]-p1[1]);
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/Point3dWithID.h b/MathLib/Point3dWithID.h
index 3de7ee16cee..2bcf36ec2a3 100644
--- a/MathLib/Point3dWithID.h
+++ b/MathLib/Point3dWithID.h
@@ -26,45 +26,45 @@ namespace MathLib
 class Point3dWithID: public Point3d {
-	/// Constructs a point with the coordinates x0, x1 and x2 and the provided
-	/// id.
-	/// @param x0 x coordinate of point
-	/// @param x1 y coordinate of point
-	/// @param x2 z coordinate of point
-	/// @param id the id of the object [default: max of std::size_t]
-	Point3dWithID(double x0, double x1, double x2,
-		std::size_t id = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
-		: Point3d(std::array<double,3>({{x0, x1, x2}})), _id(id)
-	{}
+    /// Constructs a point with the coordinates x0, x1 and x2 and the provided
+    /// id.
+    /// @param x0 x coordinate of point
+    /// @param x1 y coordinate of point
+    /// @param x2 z coordinate of point
+    /// @param id the id of the object [default: max of std::size_t]
+    Point3dWithID(double x0, double x1, double x2,
+        std::size_t id = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
+        : Point3d(std::array<double,3>({{x0, x1, x2}})), _id(id)
+    {}
-	/// Constructs a point using std::array<double,3> as coordinates and
-	/// the provided id.
-	/// @param coords coordinates of the point
-	/// @param id the id of the object [default: max of std::size_t]
-	Point3dWithID(std::array<double,3> const& coords,
-		std::size_t id = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
-		: Point3d(coords), _id(id)
-	{}
+    /// Constructs a point using std::array<double,3> as coordinates and
+    /// the provided id.
+    /// @param coords coordinates of the point
+    /// @param id the id of the object [default: max of std::size_t]
+    Point3dWithID(std::array<double,3> const& coords,
+        std::size_t id = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
+        : Point3d(coords), _id(id)
+    {}
-	/// Constructs a point with the same coordinates as the given
-	/// Point3d pnt and the provided id.
-	/// @param pnt a MathLib::Point3d object containing the coordinates
-	/// @param id the id of the object [default: max of std::size_t]
-	explicit Point3dWithID(MathLib::Point3d const& pnt,
-		std::size_t id = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
-		: MathLib::Point3d(pnt), _id(id)
-	{}
+    /// Constructs a point with the same coordinates as the given
+    /// Point3d pnt and the provided id.
+    /// @param pnt a MathLib::Point3d object containing the coordinates
+    /// @param id the id of the object [default: max of std::size_t]
+    explicit Point3dWithID(MathLib::Point3d const& pnt,
+        std::size_t id = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
+        : MathLib::Point3d(pnt), _id(id)
+    {}
-	/// Default constructor that initializes the id with max of std::size_t
-	/// the default constructor of class Point3d.
-	Point3dWithID() :
-		Point3d(), _id(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
-	{}
+    /// Default constructor that initializes the id with max of std::size_t
+    /// the default constructor of class Point3d.
+    Point3dWithID() :
+        Point3d(), _id(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
+    {}
-	std::size_t getID() const { return _id; }
+    std::size_t getID() const { return _id; }
-	std::size_t _id;
+    std::size_t _id;
diff --git a/MathLib/TemplatePoint.h b/MathLib/TemplatePoint.h
index aca3ea2bcac..cf0d9965f68 100644
--- a/MathLib/TemplatePoint.h
+++ b/MathLib/TemplatePoint.h
@@ -34,75 +34,75 @@ namespace MathLib
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM = 3> class TemplatePoint
-	typedef T FP_T;
-	/** default constructor with zero coordinates */
-	TemplatePoint();
-	/** constructor - constructs a TemplatePoint object
-	 *
-	 * @param x std::array containing the coordinates of the point
-	 */
-	explicit TemplatePoint(std::array<T,DIM> const& x);
-	/** virtual destructor */
-	virtual ~TemplatePoint() = default;
-	TemplatePoint(TemplatePoint const&) = default;
-	TemplatePoint& operator=(TemplatePoint const&) = default;
-	/** \brief const access operator
-	 *  The access to the point coordinates is like the access to a field. Code example:
-	 * \code
-	 * Point<double> point (1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
-	 * double sqrNrm2 = point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1] + point[2] + point[2];
-	 * \endcode
-	 */
-	const T& operator[] (std::size_t idx) const
-	{
-		assert (idx < DIM);
-		return _x[idx];
-	}
-	/** \brief access operator (see book Effektiv C++ programmieren - subsection 1.3.2 ).
-	 * \sa const T& operator[] (std::size_t idx) const
-	 */
-	T& operator[] (std::size_t idx)
-	{
-		return const_cast<T&> (static_cast<const TemplatePoint&> (*this)[idx]);
-	}
-	/** returns an array containing the coordinates of the point */
-	const T* getCoords () const
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	/** write point coordinates into stream (used from operator<<)
-	 * \param os a standard output stream
-	 */
-	virtual void write (std::ostream &os) const
-	{
-		std::copy(_x.cbegin(), _x.cend(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(os, " "));
-	}
-	/** read point coordinates into stream (used from operator>>) */
-	virtual void read (std::istream &is)
-	{
-		std::copy(std::istream_iterator<T>(is), std::istream_iterator<T>(), _x.begin());
-	}
+    typedef T FP_T;
+    /** default constructor with zero coordinates */
+    TemplatePoint();
+    /** constructor - constructs a TemplatePoint object
+     *
+     * @param x std::array containing the coordinates of the point
+     */
+    explicit TemplatePoint(std::array<T,DIM> const& x);
+    /** virtual destructor */
+    virtual ~TemplatePoint() = default;
+    TemplatePoint(TemplatePoint const&) = default;
+    TemplatePoint& operator=(TemplatePoint const&) = default;
+    /** \brief const access operator
+     *  The access to the point coordinates is like the access to a field. Code example:
+     * \code
+     * Point<double> point (1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+     * double sqrNrm2 = point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1] + point[2] + point[2];
+     * \endcode
+     */
+    const T& operator[] (std::size_t idx) const
+    {
+        assert (idx < DIM);
+        return _x[idx];
+    }
+    /** \brief access operator (see book Effektiv C++ programmieren - subsection 1.3.2 ).
+     * \sa const T& operator[] (std::size_t idx) const
+     */
+    T& operator[] (std::size_t idx)
+    {
+        return const_cast<T&> (static_cast<const TemplatePoint&> (*this)[idx]);
+    }
+    /** returns an array containing the coordinates of the point */
+    const T* getCoords () const
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /** write point coordinates into stream (used from operator<<)
+     * \param os a standard output stream
+     */
+    virtual void write (std::ostream &os) const
+    {
+        std::copy(_x.cbegin(), _x.cend(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(os, " "));
+    }
+    /** read point coordinates into stream (used from operator>>) */
+    virtual void read (std::istream &is)
+    {
+        std::copy(std::istream_iterator<T>(is), std::istream_iterator<T>(), _x.begin());
+    }
-	std::array<T, DIM> _x;
+    std::array<T, DIM> _x;
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 TemplatePoint<T,DIM>::TemplatePoint() :
-	_x({{0}})
+    _x({{0}})
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 TemplatePoint<T,DIM>::TemplatePoint(std::array<T,DIM> const& x) :
-	_x(x)
+    _x(x)
 /** Equality of TemplatePoint's up to an epsilon.
@@ -110,28 +110,28 @@ TemplatePoint<T,DIM>::TemplatePoint(std::array<T,DIM> const& x) :
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 bool operator==(TemplatePoint<T,DIM> const& a, TemplatePoint<T,DIM> const& b)
-	T const sqr_dist(sqrDist(a,b));
-	auto const eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-	return (sqr_dist < eps*eps);
+    T const sqr_dist(sqrDist(a,b));
+    auto const eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
+    return (sqr_dist < eps*eps);
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 bool operator< (TemplatePoint<T,DIM> const& a, TemplatePoint<T,DIM> const& b)
-	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < DIM; ++i)
-	{
-		if (a[i] > b[i]) {
-			return false;
-		} else {
-			if (a[i] < b[i]) {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		// continue with next dimension, because a[0] == b[0]
-	}
-	// The values in all dimenisions are equal.
-	return false;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < DIM; ++i)
+    {
+        if (a[i] > b[i]) {
+            return false;
+        } else {
+            if (a[i] < b[i]) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        // continue with next dimension, because a[0] == b[0]
+    }
+    // The values in all dimenisions are equal.
+    return false;
@@ -147,56 +147,56 @@ bool operator< (TemplatePoint<T,DIM> const& a, TemplatePoint<T,DIM> const& b)
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 bool lessEq(TemplatePoint<T, DIM> const& a, TemplatePoint<T, DIM> const& b,
-		double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+        double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
-	auto coordinateIsLargerEps = [&eps](T const u, T const v) -> bool
-	{
-		return std::fabs(u - v) > eps * std::min(std::fabs(v), std::fabs(u)) &&
-		       std::fabs(u - v) > eps;
-	};
-	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < DIM; ++i)
-	{
-		// test a relative and an absolute criterion
-		if (coordinateIsLargerEps(a[i], b[i]))
-		{
-			if (a[i] <= b[i])
-				return true;
-			else
-				return false;
-		}
-		// a[i] ~= b[i] up to an epsilon. Compare next dimension.
-	}
-	// all coordinates are equal up to an epsilon.
-	return true;
+    auto coordinateIsLargerEps = [&eps](T const u, T const v) -> bool
+    {
+        return std::fabs(u - v) > eps * std::min(std::fabs(v), std::fabs(u)) &&
+               std::fabs(u - v) > eps;
+    };
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < DIM; ++i)
+    {
+        // test a relative and an absolute criterion
+        if (coordinateIsLargerEps(a[i], b[i]))
+        {
+            if (a[i] <= b[i])
+                return true;
+            else
+                return false;
+        }
+        // a[i] ~= b[i] up to an epsilon. Compare next dimension.
+    }
+    // all coordinates are equal up to an epsilon.
+    return true;
 /** Distance between points p0 and p1 in the maximum norm. */
 template <typename T>
 T maxNormDist(const MathLib::TemplatePoint<T>* p0, const MathLib::TemplatePoint<T>* p1)
-	const T x = fabs((*p1)[0] - (*p0)[0]);
-	const T y = fabs((*p1)[1] - (*p0)[1]);
-	const T z = fabs((*p1)[2] - (*p0)[2]);
+    const T x = fabs((*p1)[0] - (*p0)[0]);
+    const T y = fabs((*p1)[1] - (*p0)[1]);
+    const T z = fabs((*p1)[2] - (*p0)[2]);
-	return std::max(x, std::max(y, z));
+    return std::max(x, std::max(y, z));
 /** overload the output operator for class Point */
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TemplatePoint<T,DIM> &p)
-	p.write (os);
-	return os;
+    p.write (os);
+    return os;
 /** overload the input operator for class Point */
 template <typename T, std::size_t DIM>
 std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &is, TemplatePoint<T,DIM> &p)
- (is);
-	return is;
+ (is);
+    return is;
 } // end namespace MathLib
diff --git a/MathLib/TemplateWeightedPoint.h b/MathLib/TemplateWeightedPoint.h
index 3d354a180eb..9c2073924a3 100644
--- a/MathLib/TemplateWeightedPoint.h
+++ b/MathLib/TemplateWeightedPoint.h
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ template <typename FP_T, typename W_T, std::size_t DIM>
 class TemplateWeightedPoint : public TemplatePoint<FP_T, DIM>
-	TemplateWeightedPoint(std::array<FP_T, DIM> const& x, W_T weight) :
-		TemplatePoint<FP_T, DIM>(x), _weight(weight)
-	{}
+    TemplateWeightedPoint(std::array<FP_T, DIM> const& x, W_T weight) :
+        TemplatePoint<FP_T, DIM>(x), _weight(weight)
+    {}
-	W_T getWeight() const
-	{
-		return _weight;
-	}
+    W_T getWeight() const
+    {
+        return _weight;
+    }
-	W_T const _weight;
+    W_T const _weight;
 typedef TemplateWeightedPoint<double, double, 1> WeightedPoint1D;
diff --git a/MathLib/Vector3.h b/MathLib/Vector3.h
index 7d9f0307fda..75bc03f2c1a 100644
--- a/MathLib/Vector3.h
+++ b/MathLib/Vector3.h
@@ -32,158 +32,158 @@ template <class T>
 class TemplateVector3 : public MathLib::TemplatePoint<T>
-	/**
-	 * Default constructor. All coordinates are set to zero.
-	 */
-	TemplateVector3() = default;
-	TemplateVector3(T x0, T x1, T x2)
-	{
-		this->_x[0] = x0;
-		this->_x[1] = x1;
-		this->_x[2] = x2;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Copy constructor.
-	 */
-	TemplateVector3(TemplateVector3<T> const& v) = default;
-	TemplateVector3<T>& operator=(TemplateVector3<T> const& v) = default;
-	/**
-	 * Construct Vector3 from TemplatePoint.
-	 */
-	TemplateVector3(TemplatePoint<T,3> const& p) :
-		TemplatePoint<T>(p)
-	{}
-	/** Constructs the vector \f$v=(b-a)\f$ from the given points,
-	 * which starts in point \f$a\f$ and ends in point \f$b\f$
-	 */
-	TemplateVector3(const MathLib::TemplatePoint<T> &a, const MathLib::TemplatePoint<T> &b) :
-		MathLib::TemplatePoint<T>()
-	{
-		this->_x[0] = b[0] - a[0];
-		this->_x[1] = b[1] - a[1];
-		this->_x[2] = b[2] - a[2];
-	}
-	// vector arithmetic
-	TemplateVector3 operator+(TemplateVector3 const& v) const
-	{
-		return TemplateVector3(this->_x[0]+v[0], this->_x[1]+v[1], this->_x[2]+v[2]);
-	}
-	TemplateVector3 operator-(TemplateVector3 const& v) const
-	{
-		return TemplateVector3(this->_x[0]-v[0], this->_x[1]-v[1], this->_x[2]-v[2]);
-	}
-	TemplateVector3& operator+=(TemplateVector3 const& v)
-	{
-		for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++) this->_x[i] += v[i];
-		return *this;
-	}
-	TemplateVector3& operator-=(const TemplateVector3 & pV)
-	{
-		for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++) this->_x[i] -= pV[i];
-		return *this;
-	}
-	TemplateVector3& operator*=(double s)
-	{
-		for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++)
-			this->_x[i] *= s;
-		return *this;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * After applying the normalize operator to the vector its length is 1.0.
-	 */
-	void normalize()
-	{
-		const double s(1/getLength());
-		for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++)
-			this->_x[i] *= s;
-	}
-	/// Returns a normalized version of this vector
-	TemplateVector3<double> getNormalizedVector() const
-	{
-		if (getSqrLength() == 0)
-			return TemplateVector3<double>(0,0,0);
-		TemplateVector3<double> norm_vec (this->_x[0], this->_x[1], this->_x[2]);
-		norm_vec.normalize();
-		return norm_vec;
-	}
-	/// Returns the squared length
-	double getSqrLength(void) const
-	{
-		return this->_x[0]*this->_x[0] + this->_x[1]*this->_x[1] + this->_x[2]*this->_x[2];
-	}
-	/// Returns the length
-	double getLength(void) const
-	{
-		return sqrt(getSqrLength());
-	}
-	/** scalarProduct, implementation of scalar product,
-	 * sometimes called dot or inner product.
-	 */
-	template <typename T1>
-	friend T1 scalarProduct(TemplateVector3<T1> const& v, TemplateVector3<T1> const& w);
-	/** crossProduct: implementation of cross product,
-	 * sometimes called outer product.
-	 */
-	template <typename T1>
-	friend TemplateVector3<T1> crossProduct(
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& w);
-	/**  multiplication with a scalar s */
-	template <typename T1>
-	friend 	TemplateVector3<T1> operator*(
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
-		double s);
-	template <typename T1>
-	friend 	TemplateVector3<T1> operator*(
-		double s,
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& v);
+    /**
+     * Default constructor. All coordinates are set to zero.
+     */
+    TemplateVector3() = default;
+    TemplateVector3(T x0, T x1, T x2)
+    {
+        this->_x[0] = x0;
+        this->_x[1] = x1;
+        this->_x[2] = x2;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    TemplateVector3(TemplateVector3<T> const& v) = default;
+    TemplateVector3<T>& operator=(TemplateVector3<T> const& v) = default;
+    /**
+     * Construct Vector3 from TemplatePoint.
+     */
+    TemplateVector3(TemplatePoint<T,3> const& p) :
+        TemplatePoint<T>(p)
+    {}
+    /** Constructs the vector \f$v=(b-a)\f$ from the given points,
+     * which starts in point \f$a\f$ and ends in point \f$b\f$
+     */
+    TemplateVector3(const MathLib::TemplatePoint<T> &a, const MathLib::TemplatePoint<T> &b) :
+        MathLib::TemplatePoint<T>()
+    {
+        this->_x[0] = b[0] - a[0];
+        this->_x[1] = b[1] - a[1];
+        this->_x[2] = b[2] - a[2];
+    }
+    // vector arithmetic
+    TemplateVector3 operator+(TemplateVector3 const& v) const
+    {
+        return TemplateVector3(this->_x[0]+v[0], this->_x[1]+v[1], this->_x[2]+v[2]);
+    }
+    TemplateVector3 operator-(TemplateVector3 const& v) const
+    {
+        return TemplateVector3(this->_x[0]-v[0], this->_x[1]-v[1], this->_x[2]-v[2]);
+    }
+    TemplateVector3& operator+=(TemplateVector3 const& v)
+    {
+        for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++) this->_x[i] += v[i];
+        return *this;
+    }
+    TemplateVector3& operator-=(const TemplateVector3 & pV)
+    {
+        for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++) this->_x[i] -= pV[i];
+        return *this;
+    }
+    TemplateVector3& operator*=(double s)
+    {
+        for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++)
+            this->_x[i] *= s;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * After applying the normalize operator to the vector its length is 1.0.
+     */
+    void normalize()
+    {
+        const double s(1/getLength());
+        for (std::size_t i(0); i < 3; i++)
+            this->_x[i] *= s;
+    }
+    /// Returns a normalized version of this vector
+    TemplateVector3<double> getNormalizedVector() const
+    {
+        if (getSqrLength() == 0)
+            return TemplateVector3<double>(0,0,0);
+        TemplateVector3<double> norm_vec (this->_x[0], this->_x[1], this->_x[2]);
+        norm_vec.normalize();
+        return norm_vec;
+    }
+    /// Returns the squared length
+    double getSqrLength(void) const
+    {
+        return this->_x[0]*this->_x[0] + this->_x[1]*this->_x[1] + this->_x[2]*this->_x[2];
+    }
+    /// Returns the length
+    double getLength(void) const
+    {
+        return sqrt(getSqrLength());
+    }
+    /** scalarProduct, implementation of scalar product,
+     * sometimes called dot or inner product.
+     */
+    template <typename T1>
+    friend T1 scalarProduct(TemplateVector3<T1> const& v, TemplateVector3<T1> const& w);
+    /** crossProduct: implementation of cross product,
+     * sometimes called outer product.
+     */
+    template <typename T1>
+    friend TemplateVector3<T1> crossProduct(
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& w);
+    /**  multiplication with a scalar s */
+    template <typename T1>
+    friend     TemplateVector3<T1> operator*(
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
+        double s);
+    template <typename T1>
+    friend     TemplateVector3<T1> operator*(
+        double s,
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& v);
 template <typename T>
 T scalarProduct(TemplateVector3<T> const& v, TemplateVector3<T> const& w)
-	return v._x[0] * w._x[0] + v._x[1] * w._x[1] + v._x[2] * w._x[2];
+    return v._x[0] * w._x[0] + v._x[1] * w._x[1] + v._x[2] * w._x[2];
 template <typename T1>
 TemplateVector3<T1> crossProduct(
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& w)
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& w)
-	return TemplateVector3<T1>(
-			v._x[1] * w._x[2] - v._x[2] * w._x[1],
-			v._x[2] * w._x[0] - v._x[0] * w._x[2],
-			v._x[0] * w._x[1] - v._x[1] * w._x[0]);
+    return TemplateVector3<T1>(
+            v._x[1] * w._x[2] - v._x[2] * w._x[1],
+            v._x[2] * w._x[0] - v._x[0] * w._x[2],
+            v._x[0] * w._x[1] - v._x[1] * w._x[0]);
 template <typename T1> TemplateVector3<T1> operator*(
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
-		double s)
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& v,
+        double s)
-	return TemplateVector3<T1>(v[0] * s, v[1] * s, v[2] * s);
+    return TemplateVector3<T1>(v[0] * s, v[1] * s, v[2] * s);
 template <typename T1> TemplateVector3<T1> operator*(
-		double s,
-		TemplateVector3<T1> const& v)
+        double s,
+        TemplateVector3<T1> const& v)
-	return v * s;
+    return v * s;
 typedef TemplateVector3<double> Vector3;
diff --git a/MathLib/vector_io.h b/MathLib/vector_io.h
index 22e70b4e632..bff8f54d95d 100644
--- a/MathLib/vector_io.h
+++ b/MathLib/vector_io.h
@@ -31,77 +31,77 @@ typedef std::string unistring;
 template<typename A, typename T> inline const A lexical_cast(const T& source)
-	unistringstream s;
+    unistringstream s;
-	s << source;
+    s << source;
-	A destination;
-	s >> destination;
+    A destination;
+    s >> destination;
-	return (destination);
+    return (destination);
 /** reads the number of lines of non-binary stream */
 unsigned readLines ( std::istream &in )
-	unsigned k = 0;
-	while (!in.eof()) {
-		std::string str;
-		getline (in, str);
-		k++;
-	}
+    unsigned k = 0;
+    while (!in.eof()) {
+        std::string str;
+        getline (in, str);
+        k++;
+    }
-	return k;
+    return k;
 /** reads N values of non-binary stream */
 template <class T> void read ( std::istream &in, unsigned N, T *a )
-	unsigned k = 0;
-	std::string ws (" \t");
+    unsigned k = 0;
+    std::string ws (" \t");
-	while (!in.eof () and k <= N) {
-		std::string t;
-		 getline (in, t);
-		std::size_t i1;
-		if (t.length () != 0) {
-			i1 = t.find_first_not_of (ws, 0);
-			if (i1 != std::string::npos) {
-				std::size_t i2 = t.find_first_of (ws, i1);
-				if (i2 != std::string::npos) {
-					a[k++] = lexical_cast<T> ( t.substr(i1, i2-i1) );
-				} else {
-					a[k++] = lexical_cast<T> ( t.substr(i1, t.size()-i1));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    while (!in.eof () and k <= N) {
+        std::string t;
+         getline (in, t);
+        std::size_t i1;
+        if (t.length () != 0) {
+            i1 = t.find_first_not_of (ws, 0);
+            if (i1 != std::string::npos) {
+                std::size_t i2 = t.find_first_of (ws, i1);
+                if (i2 != std::string::npos) {
+                    a[k++] = lexical_cast<T> ( t.substr(i1, i2-i1) );
+                } else {
+                    a[k++] = lexical_cast<T> ( t.substr(i1, t.size()-i1));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
 template <class T> int readArrays ( const std::string &fname, std::size_t &s,
-	std::size_t n, T* &arr )
+    std::size_t n, T* &arr )
-	// open stream
-	std::ifstream in (fname.c_str());
-	// read number of rows
-	if (in) {
-		s = readLines(in)-1;
-		in.close();
-	} else {
-		std::cout << "could not open " << fname << std::endl;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (s > 0) {
-		arr = new T[s * n];
-		std::size_t j(0), l(0);
-		// read values
- (fname.c_str(), std::ios::in);
-		for (j=0; j<s; ++j) {
-			for (l=0; l<n; l++) in >> arr[l*s+j];
-		}
-		in.close ();
-	}
-	return 0;
+    // open stream
+    std::ifstream in (fname.c_str());
+    // read number of rows
+    if (in) {
+        s = readLines(in)-1;
+        in.close();
+    } else {
+        std::cout << "could not open " << fname << std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (s > 0) {
+        arr = new T[s * n];
+        std::size_t j(0), l(0);
+        // read values
+ (fname.c_str(), std::ios::in);
+        for (j=0; j<s; ++j) {
+            for (l=0; l<n; l++) in >> arr[l*s+j];
+        }
+        in.close ();
+    }
+    return 0;