build docs: stage: build image: name: $CONTAINER_GCC_IMAGE needs: [meta] before_script: # HACK to easier linking to the generated pages - echo '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;URL=build/docs/index.html">' >> Doxygen.html - mkdir -p build - cd build script: - cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOGS_USE_CONAN=OFF -DOGS_BUILD_PROCESSES=GroundwaterFlow - cmake --build . --target doc > >(tee make-docs.output) artifacts: expose_as: 'Doxygen' paths: - Doxygen.html - build/docs/ expire_in: 1 week check docs links: stage: check image: $WEB_IMAGE needs: - job: build docs extends: - .rules-master-manual script: - cd build - > urlchecker check --retry-count 5 --file-types .html --white-listed-patterns \<\;,\",,,, --white-listed-urls,,\",, --white-listed-files project_file_doc_qa.html,ogs_file_ docs deploy doxygen: stage: package image: $WEB_IMAGE rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' needs: - job: build docs variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none script: - netlify deploy --prod --dir=build/docs --site=$DOXYGEN_NETLIFY_SITE_ID