# OpenGeoSys 6 #

## Intro ##

***This is the source code of the next generation [OpenGeoSys](http://www.opengeosys.net).***

At the moment we are evaluating Git and Github as our main development infrastructure.
To get started with Github have a look at these [customized help pages](http://ufz.github.com/help) or at
[these slides](https://svn.ufz.de/ogs/raw-attachment/wiki/ogs6plan/Collaborative%20development%20with%20Git%20and%20Github%2C%20Lars%20Bilke.pdf). 

## OpenGeoSys ##

OpenGeoSys (OGS) is a scientific open source project for the development of
numerical methods for the simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical
(THMC) processes in porous and fractured media. OGS is implemented in C++, it
is object-oriented with an focus on the numerical solution of coupled multi-field
problems (multi-physics). Parallel versions of OGS are available relying on
both MPI and OpenMP concepts. Application areas of OGS are currently CO2
sequestration, geothermal energy, water resources management, hydrology and 
waste deposition.

## Development ##

- To get started checkout the [developer guide](http://ufz.github.com/devguide)
- For the actual build status see the [Jenkins-CI server](https://svn.ufz.de/hudson/view/OGS-6/)
- Have a look at the [Doxygen documentation](https://svn.ufz.de/hudson/view/OGS-6/job/OGS-6-Docs/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/docs/index.html)