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     * Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
     *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
     *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
    #include "NonlinearSolver.h"
    #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
    #include "BaseLib/ConfigTree.h"
    #include "BaseLib/Logging.h"
    #include "BaseLib/RunTime.h"
    #include "ConvergenceCriterion.h"
    #include "MathLib/LinAlg/LinAlg.h"
    #include "NumLib/DOF/GlobalMatrixProviders.h"
    #include "NumLib/Exceptions.h"
    #include "PETScNonlinearSolver.h"
    namespace detail
    #if !defined(USE_PETSC) && !defined(USE_LIS)
    bool solvePicard(GlobalLinearSolver& linear_solver, GlobalMatrix& A,
                     GlobalVector& rhs, GlobalVector& x,
                     MathLib::LinearSolverBehaviour const linear_solver_behaviour)
        BaseLib::RunTime time_linear_solver;
        if (!linear_solver.compute(A, linear_solver_behaviour))
            ERR("Picard: The linear solver failed in the compute() step.");
            return false;
        bool const iteration_succeeded = linear_solver.solve(rhs, x);
        INFO("[time] Linear solver took {:g} s.", time_linear_solver.elapsed());
        if (iteration_succeeded)
            return true;
        ERR("Picard: The linear solver failed in the solve() step.");
        return false;
    bool solvePicard(GlobalLinearSolver& linear_solver, GlobalMatrix& A,
                     GlobalVector& rhs, GlobalVector& x,
                     MathLib::LinearSolverBehaviour const linear_solver_behaviour)
        if (linear_solver_behaviour ==
                MathLib::LinearSolverBehaviour::RECOMPUTE_AND_STORE ||
            linear_solver_behaviour == MathLib::LinearSolverBehaviour::REUSE)
                "The performance optimization to skip the linear solver compute() "
                "step is not implemented for PETSc or LIS linear solvers.");
        BaseLib::RunTime time_linear_solver;
        bool const iteration_succeeded = linear_solver.solve(A, rhs, x);
        INFO("[time] Linear solver took {:g} s.", time_linear_solver.elapsed());
        if (iteration_succeeded)
            return true;
        ERR("Picard: The linear solver failed in the solve() step.");
        return false;
    }  // namespace detail
    void NonlinearSolver<NonlinearSolverTag::Picard>::
            std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
            std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_prev, int const process_id)
        if (!_compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum)
        INFO("Calculate non-equilibrium initial residuum.");
        auto& A = NumLib::GlobalMatrixProvider::provider.getMatrix(_A_id);
        auto& rhs = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector(_rhs_id);
        _equation_system->assemble(x, x_prev, process_id);
        _equation_system->getRhs(*x_prev[process_id], rhs);
        // r_neq = A * x - rhs
        _r_neq = &NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector(_r_neq_id);
        MathLib::LinAlg::matMult(A, *x[process_id], *_r_neq);
        MathLib::LinAlg::axpy(*_r_neq, -1.0, rhs);  // res -= rhs
        // Set the values of the selected entries of _r_neq, which are associated
        // with the equations that do not need initial residual compensation, to
        // zero.
        const auto selected_global_indices =
        std::vector<double> zero_entries(selected_global_indices.size(), 0.0);
        _r_neq->set(selected_global_indices, zero_entries);
    NonlinearSolverStatus NonlinearSolver<NonlinearSolverTag::Picard>::solve(
        std::vector<GlobalVector*>& x,
        std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_prev,
        std::function<void(int, std::vector<GlobalVector*> const&)> const&
        int const process_id)
        namespace LinAlg = MathLib::LinAlg;
        auto& sys = *_equation_system;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
        auto& A = NumLib::GlobalMatrixProvider::provider.getMatrix(_A_id);
        auto& rhs = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector(_rhs_id);
        std::vector<GlobalVector*> x_new{x};
        x_new[process_id] =
        LinAlg::copy(*x[process_id], *x_new[process_id]);  // set initial guess
        bool error_norms_met = false;
        int iteration = 1;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
        for (; iteration <= _maxiter; ++iteration, _convergence_criterion->reset())
            BaseLib::RunTime timer_dirichlet;
            double time_dirichlet = 0.0;
            BaseLib::RunTime time_iteration;
            auto& x_new_process = *x_new[process_id];
            sys.computeKnownSolutions(x_new_process, process_id);
            time_dirichlet += timer_dirichlet.elapsed();
            sys.preIteration(iteration, x_new_process);
            BaseLib::RunTime time_assembly;
            sys.assemble(x_new, x_prev, process_id);
            sys.getRhs(*x_prev[process_id], rhs);
            // Normalize the linear equation system, if required
            if (sys.requiresNormalization() &&
                sys.getAandRhsNormalized(A, rhs);
                    "The equation system is rectangular, but the current linear "
                    "solver only supports square systems. "
                    "The system will be normalized, which lead to a squared "
                    "condition number and potential numerical issues. "
                    "It is recommended to use a solver that supports rectangular "
                    "equation systems for better numerical stability.");
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            INFO("[time] Assembly took {:g} s.", time_assembly.elapsed());
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            // Subtract non-equilibrium initial residuum if set
            if (_r_neq != nullptr)
                LinAlg::axpy(rhs, -1, *_r_neq);
            sys.applyKnownSolutionsPicard(A, rhs, x_new_process);
            time_dirichlet += timer_dirichlet.elapsed();
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            INFO("[time] Applying Dirichlet BCs took {:g} s.", time_dirichlet);
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            if (!sys.isLinear() && _convergence_criterion->hasResidualCheck())
                GlobalVector res;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
                LinAlg::matMult(A, x_new_process, res);  // res = A * x_new
                LinAlg::axpy(res, -1.0, rhs);            // res -= rhs
            bool iteration_succeeded =
                detail::solvePicard(_linear_solver, A, rhs, x_new_process,
                if (postIterationCallback)
                    postIterationCallback(iteration, x_new);
                switch (sys.postIteration(x_new_process))
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
                    case IterationResult::SUCCESS:
                        // Don't copy here. The old x might still be used further
                        // below. Although currently it is not.
                    case IterationResult::FAILURE:
                        ERR("Picard: The postIteration() hook reported a "
                            "non-recoverable error.");
                        iteration_succeeded = false;
                        // Copy new solution to x.
                        // Thereby the failed solution can be used by the caller for
                        // debugging purposes.
                        LinAlg::copy(x_new_process, *x[process_id]);
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
                    case IterationResult::REPEAT_ITERATION:
                            "Picard: The postIteration() hook decided that this "
                            "iteration has to be repeated.");
                            x_new_process);  // throw the iteration result away
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
            if (!iteration_succeeded)
                // Don't compute error norms, break here.
                error_norms_met = false;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            if (sys.isLinear())
                error_norms_met = true;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
                if (_convergence_criterion->hasDeltaXCheck())
                    GlobalVector minus_delta_x(*x[process_id]);
                    LinAlg::axpy(minus_delta_x, -1.0,
                                 x_new_process);  // minus_delta_x = x - x_new
                error_norms_met = _convergence_criterion->isSatisfied();
    Christoph Lehmann's avatar
    Christoph Lehmann committed
            // Update x s.t. in the next iteration we will compute the right delta x
            LinAlg::copy(x_new_process, *x[process_id]);
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            INFO("[time] Iteration #{:d} took {:g} s.", iteration,
            if (error_norms_met)
            // Avoid increment of the 'iteration' if the error norms are not met,
            // but maximum number of iterations is reached.
            if (iteration >= _maxiter)
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
        if (iteration > _maxiter)
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            ERR("Picard: Could not solve the given nonlinear system within {:d} "
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
        return {error_norms_met, iteration};
    void NonlinearSolver<NonlinearSolverTag::Newton>::
            std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
            std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_prev, int const process_id)
        if (!_compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum)
        INFO("Calculate non-equilibrium initial residuum.");
        _equation_system->assemble(x, x_prev, process_id);
        _r_neq = &NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector(_r_neq_id);
        _equation_system->getResidual(*x[process_id], *x_prev[process_id], *_r_neq);
        // Set the values of the selected entries of _r_neq, which are associated
        // with the equations that do not need initial residual compensation, to
        // zero.
        const auto selected_global_indices =
        std::vector<double> zero_entries(selected_global_indices.size(), 0.0);
        _r_neq->set(selected_global_indices, zero_entries);
    NonlinearSolverStatus NonlinearSolver<NonlinearSolverTag::Newton>::solve(
        std::vector<GlobalVector*>& x,
        std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_prev,
        std::function<void(int, std::vector<GlobalVector*> const&)> const&
        int const process_id)
        namespace LinAlg = MathLib::LinAlg;
        auto& sys = *_equation_system;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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        auto& res = NumLib::GlobalVectorProvider::provider.getVector(_res_id);
        auto& minus_delta_x =
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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        auto& J = NumLib::GlobalMatrixProvider::provider.getMatrix(_J_id);
        bool error_norms_met = false;
    Christoph Lehmann's avatar
    Christoph Lehmann committed
        // TODO be more efficient
        // init minus_delta_x to the right size
        LinAlg::copy(*x[process_id], minus_delta_x);
        int iteration = 1;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
        for (; iteration <= _maxiter; ++iteration, _convergence_criterion->reset())
            BaseLib::RunTime timer_dirichlet;
            double time_dirichlet = 0.0;
            BaseLib::RunTime time_iteration;
            sys.computeKnownSolutions(*x[process_id], process_id);
            time_dirichlet += timer_dirichlet.elapsed();
            sys.preIteration(iteration, *x[process_id]);
            BaseLib::RunTime time_assembly;
            int mpi_rank_assembly_ok = 1;
            int mpi_all_assembly_ok = 0;
                sys.assemble(x, x_prev, process_id);
            catch (AssemblyException const& e)
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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                ERR("Abort nonlinear iteration. Repeating timestep. Reason: {:s}",
                error_norms_met = false;
                iteration = _maxiter;
            mpi_all_assembly_ok = BaseLib::MPI::reduceMin(mpi_rank_assembly_ok);
            if (mpi_all_assembly_ok == 0)
            sys.getResidual(*x[process_id], *x_prev[process_id], res);
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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            INFO("[time] Assembly took {:g} s.", time_assembly.elapsed());
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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            // Subtract non-equilibrium initial residuum if set
            if (_r_neq != nullptr)
                LinAlg::axpy(res, -1, *_r_neq);
            sys.applyKnownSolutionsNewton(J, res, *x[process_id], minus_delta_x);
            time_dirichlet += timer_dirichlet.elapsed();
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            INFO("[time] Applying Dirichlet BCs took {:g} s.", time_dirichlet);
            if (!sys.isLinear() && _convergence_criterion->hasResidualCheck())
            BaseLib::RunTime time_linear_solver;
            bool iteration_succeeded = _linear_solver.solve(J, res, minus_delta_x);
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            INFO("[time] Linear solver took {:g} s.", time_linear_solver.elapsed());
            if (!iteration_succeeded)
                ERR("Newton: The linear solver failed.");
                // TODO could be solved in a better way
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
                // cf.
                // Copy pointers, replace the one for the given process id.
                std::vector<GlobalVector*> x_new{x};
                x_new[process_id] =
                        *x[process_id], _x_new_id);
                LinAlg::axpy(*x_new[process_id], -_damping, minus_delta_x);
                if (postIterationCallback)
                    postIterationCallback(iteration, x_new);
                switch (sys.postIteration(*x_new[process_id]))
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
                    case IterationResult::SUCCESS:
                    case IterationResult::FAILURE:
                        ERR("Newton: The postIteration() hook reported a "
                            "non-recoverable error.");
                        iteration_succeeded = false;
                    case IterationResult::REPEAT_ITERATION:
                            "Newton: The postIteration() hook decided that this "
                            "iteration has to be repeated.");
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
                        // TODO introduce some onDestroy hook.
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
                        continue;  // That throws the iteration result away.
                             *x[process_id]);  // copy new solution to x
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
            if (!iteration_succeeded)
                // Don't compute further error norms, but break here.
                error_norms_met = false;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            if (sys.isLinear())
                error_norms_met = true;
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
                if (_convergence_criterion->hasDeltaXCheck())
                    // Note: x contains the new solution!
                error_norms_met = _convergence_criterion->isSatisfied();
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            INFO("[time] Iteration #{:d} took {:g} s.", iteration,
            if (error_norms_met)
            // Avoid increment of the 'iteration' if the error norms are not met,
            // but maximum number of iterations is reached.
            if (iteration >= _maxiter)
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
        if (iteration > _maxiter)
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            ERR("Newton: Could not solve the given nonlinear system within {:d} "
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
        return {error_norms_met, iteration};
    std::pair<std::unique_ptr<NonlinearSolverBase>, NonlinearSolverTag>
    createNonlinearSolver(GlobalLinearSolver& linear_solver,
                          BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config)
        //! \ogs_file_param{prj__nonlinear_solvers__nonlinear_solver__type}
    Norihiro Watanabe's avatar
    Norihiro Watanabe committed
        auto const type = config.getConfigParameter<std::string>("type");
        //! \ogs_file_param{prj__nonlinear_solvers__nonlinear_solver__max_iter}
        auto const max_iter = config.getConfigParameter<int>("max_iter");
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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        if (type == "Picard")
            auto const tag = NonlinearSolverTag::Picard;
            using ConcreteNLS = NonlinearSolver<tag>;
            return std::make_pair(
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
                std::make_unique<ConcreteNLS>(linear_solver, max_iter), tag);
        if (type == "Newton")
            //! \ogs_file_param{prj__nonlinear_solvers__nonlinear_solver__damping}
            auto const damping = config.getConfigParameter<double>("damping", 1.0);
            if (damping <= 0)
                    "The damping factor for the Newon method must be positive, got "
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
    Dmitri Naumov committed
            auto const tag = NonlinearSolverTag::Newton;
            using ConcreteNLS = NonlinearSolver<tag>;
            return std::make_pair(
                std::make_unique<ConcreteNLS>(linear_solver, max_iter, damping),
    #ifdef USE_PETSC
        if (boost::iequals(type, "PETScSNES"))
            auto prefix =
                //! \ogs_file_param{prj__nonlinear_solvers__nonlinear_solver__prefix}
                config.getConfigParameter<std::string>("prefix", "");
            auto const tag = NonlinearSolverTag::Newton;
            using ConcreteNLS = PETScNonlinearSolver;
            return std::make_pair(std::make_unique<ConcreteNLS>(
                                      linear_solver, max_iter, std::move(prefix)),
        OGS_FATAL("Unsupported nonlinear solver type '{:s}'.", type.c_str());
        if (_r_neq != nullptr)
        if (_r_neq != nullptr)
    Dmitri Naumov's avatar
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    }  // namespace NumLib