* Copyright (c) 2012-2025, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include <string>
namespace MathLib
/// \brief Option for Eigen sparse solver
struct EigenOption final
/// Preconditioner type
/// triangular matrix type
enum class TriangularMatrixType : short
/// Linear solver type
SolverType solver_type;
/// Preconditioner type
PreconType precon_type;
/// Triangular Matrix Type
TriangularMatrixType triangular_matrix_type;
/// Maximum iteration count
int max_iterations;
/// Error tolerance
double error_tolerance;
/// Scaling the coefficient matrix and the RHS vector
int l;
int s;
double angle;
bool smoothing;
bool residualupdate;
/// Constructor
/// Default options are CG, no preconditioner, iteration count 500 and
/// tolerance 1e-10. Default matrix storage type is CRS.
/// return a linear solver type from the solver name
/// @param solver_name
/// @return a linear solver type
/// If there is no solver type matched with the given name, INVALID
/// is returned.
static SolverType getSolverType(const std::string& solver_name);
/// return a preconditioner type from the name
/// @param precon_name
/// @return a preconditioner type
/// If there is no preconditioner type matched with the given name,
/// NONE is returned.
static PreconType getPreconType(const std::string& precon_name);
/// return a triangular matrix type from the name
/// @param triangular_matrix_name
/// @return a triangular_matrix type
/// If there is no triangular matrix type matched with the given name,
/// NONE is returned.
static TriangularMatrixType getTriangularMatrixType(
const std::string& triangular_matrix_name);
/// return a linear solver name from the solver type
static std::string getSolverName(SolverType const solver_type);
/// return a preconditioner name from the preconditioner type
static std::string getPreconName(PreconType const precon_type);
/// return a triangular matrix name from the preconditioner type
static std::string getTriangularMatrixName(
TriangularMatrixType const triangular_matrix_type);