@@ -46,3 +46,4 @@ CMake switches to enable / disable parts of OGS.
-`OGS_CPU_ARCHITECTURE` - Optimizes for the given CPU architecture see [-march](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.5.3/gcc/i386-and-x86_002d64-Options.html)-flag. Defaults to `native`. For redistributable binaries set to `generic` on Linux and `core2` on Mac OS. Can be disabled when set to `OFF`.
-`CMAKE_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATH` - Additional library installation path, e.g. `/opt/local` or `C:/libs`
-`OGS_DEPENDENCY_VERSIONS` - Overwrite individual entries in `web/data/versions.json`. Should be quoted and `;`-separated, e.g.: `-DOGS_DEPENDENCY_VERSIONS="minimum_version.petsc=3.16.2;ctest.large_runtime=120"`.
-`OGS_USE_MKL` - Enables MKL support. Requires MKL to be installed on the system. A CMake or environment variable `MKLROOT` or `MKL_DIR` has to point to the MKL installation directory. To enable 64-bit array indices in MKL add `-DMKL_USE_interface=ilp64` on the first CMake run (with a clean CMake cache) but this seems [not supported by Eigen](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicUsingIntelMKL.html).