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[MPL] make use of dvalue for (Orthotropic)EmbeddedFracturePermeability

Florian Zill requested to merge Perm_Jacobian into master

Previous version of dvalue was incorrect and thus didn't help with convergence issues. The strain derivative of the permeability has to result in a 4x4 matrix for 2D or a 6x6 matrix for 3D. This is now corrected. Therfore Propertydatatype had to be extended by MatrixXd. Also for the correct computation of the dkde part of K_pu, the vectors grad p and (rho_fr*b) had to be lifted to Kelvin space. A simple tests has been added (with biot=1) which converges 5 times faster with the dvalue than without. With larger time steps it would converge without it.

A problem remains. The already existing tests of the permeability model (with biot=1) do not converge with "full" use of the dvalue. But applying a factor of ~0.7 does the trick and improves the convergence. Thus there may be still some 1/root(2) issue with the current code...

Merge request reports
