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ogs / ogs
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See Example output: $ cpp-dependencies --stats . 21 components with 42 public dependencies, 59 private dependencies Detected 7 nodes in cycles Graph generation: $ cpp-dependencies --graph; dot -Tpng >dependencies.png
See Example output: $ cpp-dependencies --stats . 21 components with 42 public dependencies, 59 private dependencies Detected 7 nodes in cycles Graph generation: $ cpp-dependencies --graph; dot -Tpng >dependencies.png
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config-cpp-dependencies.txt 1.90 KiB
# Configuration file for cpp-dependencies
# This is the example file that has all the default values listed.
# Version that was current when this configuration file was written
# Used to prevent a newer version with possibly incompatible generation from overwriting
# cmakefiles automatically.
versionUsed: 2
# Company name to use in generated CMakeLists' copyright statement.
companyName: OpenGeoSys Community (
# Tag used in generated CMakeLists. Don't change unless you also update your CMakeLists.
# The next three items describe colors that will appear in the output graphs. Ensure you
# use colors that the tools you will be using on the graphs understand.
# Color used for cycles in the generated graphs
cycleColor: red
# Color used for public dependencies in the generated graphs
publicDepColor: blue
# Color used for private dependencies in the generated graphs
privateDepColor: lightblue
# Upper bound for the amount of outgoing component links from a single component.
componentLinkLimit: 30
# Lower bound for amount of code in a single component. Used to flag "empty" components.
componentLocLowerLimit: 200
# Upper bound for amount of code in a single component. Used to flag oversized components,
# which typically harbor god class like behaviour, and hold multiple responsibilities.
componentLocUpperLimit: 20000
# Upper bound for file size. Large files are hard to understand and often contain multiple
# logical units, which are then easy to mix up and conflate.
fileLocUpperLimit: 2000
# List of folder paths (from the root) that should be completely ignored. May contain multiple
# space-separated values, including values with spaces escaped with quotation marks.
blacklist: build Build "Visual Studio Projects" unistd.h console.h stdint.h windows.h library.h endian.h rle.h ThirdParty/logog/include/thread.hpp Applications/Utils SimpleTests ThirdParty