- heterogeneous "initial conditions" (actually a start solution vector for the elliptic problem).
- spatially heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity values in the groundwater flow process.
- First steps towards time dependent problems: Time loop integration for processes is provided.
- Interpolation of nodal quantities on elements using shape functions.
- Mesh generator can create surface meshes according to a given function
- Utilities:
- MoveGeometry
- The DOF table handles now all of the provided element types: Hex 8 and 20, Line 2 and 3, Prism 6 and 15, Pyramid 5 and 13, Quad 4, 8, and 9, Tet 4 and 10, Triangle 3 and 6.
- Eigen linear solver library can be used for solution of the linear systems of equations.
- Implemented [OctTree](https://github.com/ufz/ogs/pull/714) for fast searching
points and nodes
- Volumetric and surface grid
- ElementSearcher NodeSearcher improvements
- Generalized the computation of rotation matrix to xy
### Fixes
- FEFLOW interface supports element sets now.
- Reduce compilation times by using forward declarations and removing unnecessary includes and using explicit template instantiation for often required classes.
- GMSH2OGS: fixed bug in cases GMSH mesh does not contain line elements
- CreateBoundaryConditionsAlongPolylines: fixed bug concerning the GeoLib and point ids.
- PointVec corrected point id map
- Shape interface creates polylines in a consistent state
### Infrastructure
- Replace quickcheck with autocheck. See https://github.com/thejohnfreeman/autocheck.git
for more details on autocheck
- Added support for cross-compiling with [MXE](http://mxe.cc/): build native Windows binaries on Linux and Mac OS, see [Cross-Compiling help page](http://docs.opengeosys.org/docs/devguide/advanced/cross-compiling) and #767
- Migrated to new Travis infrastructure (faster build times), see #775
- Simplified CMake library linking, see #769
## Test examples
- Test case: groundwater flow in the Unstrut catchment (model consists approximately of 9e6 hexahedral cells)
- Simulations using homogeneous and heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity
- Integrated rivers as Dirichlet type boundary conditions
- Integrated groundwater recharge (spatialy homogeneous) as Neumann boundary condition