| Released 2015/03/02, [GitHub Release Link](https://github.com/ufz/ogs/releases/tag/6.0.1)
The 6th version of OpenGeoSys (OGS) is under way. After single and coupled FORTRAN modules in ROCKFLOW 1+2, the C version 3 with dynamic data structures, the object-oriented C++ parallelized version 4, completed with data integration and visualization tools by version 5; ogs6 - as an open source project - is aimed at performing on supercomputing platforms and providing complete workflows for solving of coupled multi-field problems in real world applications. The major paradigms of ogs6 are being developer-friendly, performing, and user-friendly.
## Important links:
- Getting started tutorial: http://docs.opengeosys.org/docs/quickstart
- Descriptions of selected benchmarks: http://docs.opengeosys.org/docs/benchmarks