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  • Download Hugo and put it in your PATH
  • Install Node.js, check if npm is in your PATH
  • Install Yarn, OPTIONAL faster alternative to npm install
  • Install Python and pip, OPTIONAL for getting content from Contentful
  • Install ParaView, OPTIONAL for converting VTK output files to vtk.js-format for interactive web visualization, check if pvpython is either in the PATH or ParaView is installed in /Applications/ on macOS or /usr/local/opt/paraview on Linux

Getting started

  • Inside the source-directory ogs/web:
    • Install Node packages with npm install (or via yarn)
    • Install Python packages with pip install -r requirements.txt, OPTIONAL for getting content from Contentful
    • Run npm run build to build the site which is created in public/

Alternatively you can simply run make web inside your build directory to install everything and build the site (this requires that python, pip and npm or yarn was found by CMake).

Develop site with live-preview

In ogs/web run

hugo server

In your browser go to http://localhost:1313. As you make modifications to the site it will be rebuild and the page in the browser gets reloaded.

If you want to modify css or javascript run gulp in another terminal:

npm run gulp

Importing CMS content (Optional)

In ogs/web/import rename to and fill in accessToken.

In ogs/web/import run


This fetches articles from the CMS to e.g. ogs/web/data/news.json.

Used components

  • Hugo - Static site generator for technical documentation
  • Contenful - API-based CMS for news, articles, ..
  • flexboxgrid - CSS grid
  • vtk.js - 3D Visualizations
  • webpack - Packaging JavaScript
  • gulp - Automation toolkit


Create a new page

By using hugo new you can create a new page with the correct frontmatter for that kind of page:

hugo new --kind benchmark docs/benchmarks/elliptic/
  • --kind is one the archetypes/*
  • path is relative to content/ and determines the URL of the page

Setup navigation for a page

The are submenus (shown in the left sidebar) for specific sections such as for benchmarks. The submenus consist of groups (e.g. Elliptic) and page entries. Groups are defined in config.toml:

  name = "Elliptic"
  identifier = "elliptic"
  weight = 1

To add your page to a group as an entry add the following frontmatter:

weight = 101

    parent = "elliptic"

weight specifies the order of groups and pages in ascending order (top -> down).


Use shortcode img:

{{< img src="../square_1e2_neumann_gradients.png" >}}

src can be absolute (by preceding with /) or relative. The relative path starts at your current URL. If your image is in the same directory as your .md-file you have to prefix your path with ../ as in the example above.

Optional parameters:

  • title - Image caption
  • class - CSS class
  • alt - Alt text


Use shortcode vis:

{{< vis path="Elliptic/square_1x1_GroundWaterFlow/square_1e2_pcs_0_ts_1_t_1.000000.vtu" [height="300"] >}}

path is relative to ogs/web/static/vis/ and points to a converted data set, see below.

Optional parameters:

  • height - In px

You can convert VTK output files to vtk.js format with:

npm run convert -- -e -i vtk-file.vtu -o output/path

Run npm run convert to get a list of possible arguments.