We have migrated to GitLab ([issue 2947 on GitHub](https://github.com/ufz/ogs/issues/2947))! See [GitLab migration guide](https://www.opengeosys.org/docs/devguide/advanced/gitlab-migration).
The source code license was [slightly modified, PR 2977 on GitHub](https://github.com/ufz/ogs/pull/2973)!
## Features
### Process' changes
- Reactive transport process: perform chemical calculation on the integration points !3017, !3018, !3019
- HeatConduction; Add Newton assembly and mass lumping. Results of the mass-lumping are discussed on the benchmarks [web page](https://www.opengeosys.org/docs/benchmarks/heatconduction/heatconduction-neumann/). !3045
#### Numerics
- Implementation of primary variable constraint Dirichlet-type boundary condition !3014
- Add the PETScSNES non-linear solver to possible list of solvers. This is still experimental feature. !3049
### Visualization
- Element visibility in parallel VTU, !3034.
### New tools
- Rename AddTopLayer to AddLayer (tool can also add bottom layer) !3015
## Infrastructure
- Git LFS files were converted to plain git, [issue 2961 on GitHub](https://github.com/ufz/ogs/issues/2961), see [GitLab migration guide](https://www.opengeosys.org/docs/devguide/advanced/gitlab-migration/#disable-git-lfs).
- Migrated from Jenkins to [GitLab CI](https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs/-/pipelines).
- Update MGIS to latest release following tfel version 3.3.0 !3028