Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 3287-pyramid-element-type-is-missed-in-createquadraticelement
- 3317-job-failed-232323
- ChangingEMasonrySepctral
- ChemoHydroMechanic
- ChemoHydroMechanicalPhaseField
- ChemoMechanicPF2
- FixPhaseFieldBcOnPartitionBoundaries
- HMPF_dynamic
- ImplicitNewmarkPhaseFieldDynamic
- MasSpecDynamicPF
- PhaseFieldDynamic
- THMPhaseFieldDynamic
- benchmark
- benchmark_sneddon
- boost-subset
- initial_stress
- masonry
- master default protected
- oldPhasefieldDynamic
- spectral
- Tags 20
- 6.4.3
- 6.4.2
- 6.4.1
- 6.4.0
- 6.3.3
- data-explorer-5
- 6.3.2
- 6.3.1
- 6.3.0
- 6.2.2
- 6.2.1
- 6.2.0
- 6.2.0-rc1
- 6.1.0
- 6.1.0-rc1
- 6.0.8-insitu
- 6.0.8
- 6.0.7
- 6.0.6
- tes-works-again
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