Forked from
ogs / OpenGeoSys Tools / OGSTools
1163 commits behind the upstream repository.
Lars Bilke authoredLars Bilke authored
Code owners
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pyproject.toml 3.58 KiB
requires = ['setuptools', 'setuptools_scm[toml]']
build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
name = "ogstools"
dynamic = ["version"]
description = "A collection of Python tools aimed at evolving into a modeling toolchain around OpenGeoSys."
authors = [{ name = 'OpenGeoSys Community', email = '' }]
license = { text = "BSD-3-Clause" }
readme = ""
requires-python = '>=3.9'
dependencies = [
"Documentation" = ''
"Bug Tracker" = ''
"Source Code" = ''
where = ["."]
include = ["ogstools*"]
namespaces = false
version_scheme = "no-guess-dev" # would increment version otherwise
msh2vtu = 'ogstools.msh2vtu._cli:cli'
feflow2ogs = 'ogstools.feflowlib._cli:cli'
dev = ["pre-commit>=2.20", "build", "black"]
test = ["pytest", "coverage", "gmsh"]
docs = [
feflow = [
"matplotlib<3.8", # TODO: remove when ifm_contrib supports matplotlib 3.8
minversion = "6.0"
addopts = [
xfail_strict = true
# TODO: LB enable this again, deal with MatplotlibDeprecationWarning in fe2vtu
# tests
#filterwarnings = ["error"]
log_cli_level = "info"
testpaths = ["tests", "ogstools/meshlib/tests"]
line-length = 80
files = "ogstools"
exclude = ['.*/examples/.*']
strict = false
show_error_codes = true
enable_error_code = ["ignore-without-code", "redundant-expr", "truthy-bool"]
warn_unreachable = true
# Uncomment and fix one by one:
# check_untyped_defs = true
# disallow_untyped_defs = true
# disallow_incomplete_defs = true
select = [
"W", # flake8
"B904", # flake8-bugbear
"I", # isort
"ARG", # flake8-unused-arguments
"C4", # flake8-comprehensions
"EM", # flake8-errmsg
"ICN", # flake8-import-conventions
"ISC", # flake8-implicit-str-concat
"G", # flake8-logging-format
"PGH", # pygrep-hooks
"PIE", # flake8-pie
"PL", # pylint
"PT", # flake8-pytest-style
"PTH", # flake8-use-pathlib
"RET", # flake8-return
"RUF", # Ruff-specific
"SIM", # flake8-simplify
"UP", # pyupgrade
"YTT", # flake8-2020
"EXE", # flake8-executable
"NPY", # NumPy specific rules
"PD", # pandas-vet
extend-ignore = [
"PLR", # Design related pylint codes
"E501", # Line too long
"PT004", # Use underscore for non-returning fixture (use usefixture instead)
# RUF005 should be disabled when using numpy, see
"PT009", # can use unittest-assertion
target-version = "py39"
typing-modules = ["mypackage._compat.typing"]
unfixable = [
"T20", # Removes print statements
"F841", # Removes unused variables
exclude = []
flake8-unused-arguments.ignore-variadic-names = true
line-length = 80
"tests/**" = ["T20"]
ignore-words-list = "methode"
skip = "*.vtu"