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"""Unit tests for meshplotlib."""
import unittest
from functools import partial
from tempfile import mkstemp
import numpy as np
from pyvista import examples as pv_examples
from ogstools.meshplotlib import examples, plot, plot_diff, plot_limit, setup
from ogstools.meshplotlib.animation import animate, save_animation
from ogstools.meshplotlib.levels import get_levels
from ogstools.meshplotlib.plot_features import plot_on_top
from ogstools.meshplotlib.utils import justified_labels
from ogstools.propertylib import Scalar, presets
equality = partial(np.testing.assert_allclose, rtol=1e-7, verbose=True)
class MeshplotlibTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test case for meshplotlib."""
def test_pyvista_offscreen(self):
import pyvista as pv
sphere = pv.Sphere()
plotter = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True)
def test_levels(self):
"""Test levels calculation property."""
equality(get_levels(0.5, 10.1, 10), [0.5, *range(1, 11), 10.1])
equality(get_levels(293, 350, 10), [293, *range(295, 355, 5)])
equality(get_levels(1e-3, 1.2, 5), [1e-3, *np.arange(0.2, 1.4, 0.2)])
equality(get_levels(1e5, 9e6, 20), [1e5, *np.arange(5e5, 9.5e6, 5e5)])
equality(get_levels(1, 40, 20), [1, *range(2, 42, 2)])
equality(get_levels(0.0, 0.0, 10), [0.0, 1e-6])
equality(get_levels(1e9, 1e9, 10), [1e9, 1e9 + 1e-6])
def test_justified_labels(self):
points = np.asarray(
[x, y, z]
for x in np.linspace(-1, 0, 3)
for y in np.linspace(-10, 10, 5)
for z in np.linspace(1e-6, 1e6, 7)
labels = justified_labels(points)
str_lens = np.asarray([len(label) for label in labels])
self.assertTrue(np.all(str_lens == str_lens[0]))
def test_missing_data(self):
"""Test missing data in mesh."""
mesh = pv_examples.load_uniform()
self.assertRaises(IndexError, plot, mesh, Scalar("missing_data"))
def test_plot_2D(self):
"""Test creation of 2D plots."""
setup.length.output_unit = "km"
setup.material_names = {i + 1: f"Layer {i+1}" for i in range(26)}
meshseries = examples.meshseries_THM_2D
mesh =
plot(mesh, presets.material_id)
plot(mesh, presets.temperature)
plot(mesh, Scalar("pressure_active"))
plot(mesh.threshold((1, 3), "MaterialIDs"), presets.velocity)
fig = plot(mesh, presets.displacement[0])
fig.axes[0], mesh, lambda x: min(max(0, 0.1 * (x - 3)), 100)
def test_diff_plots(self):
"""Test creation of difference plots."""
meshseries = examples.meshseries_CT_2D
plot_diff(,, "Si")
def test_limit_plots(self):
"""Test creation of limit plots."""
meshseries = examples.meshseries_CT_2D
plot_limit(meshseries, "Si", "min")
plot_limit(meshseries, "Si", "max")
def test_animation(self):
"""Test creation of animation."""
meshseries = examples.meshseries_THM_2D
timevalues = np.linspace(0, meshseries.timevalues[-1], num=3)
titles = [str(tv) for tv in timevalues]
anim = animate(meshseries, presets.temperature, timevalues, titles)
def test_save_animation(self):
"""Test saving of an animation."""
meshseries = examples.meshseries_THM_2D
timevalues = np.linspace(0, meshseries.timevalues[-1], num=3)
anim = animate(meshseries, presets.temperature, timevalues)
if not save_animation(anim, mkstemp()[1], 5):
self.skipTest("Saving animation failed.")
def test_plot_3D(self):
"""Test creation of slice plots for 3D mesh."""
mesh = pv_examples.load_uniform()
plot(mesh.slice((1, 1, 0)), "Spatial Point Data")
meshes = np.reshape(mesh.slice_along_axis(4, "x"), (2, 2))
plot(meshes, "Spatial Point Data")
plot(mesh.slice([1, -2, 0]), "Spatial Point Data")
def test_xdmf(self):
"""Test creation of 2D plots from xdmf data."""
mesh =
plot(mesh, Scalar("Si"))
def test_xdmf_with_slices(self):
"""Test creation of 2D plots from xdmf data."""
mesh =
plot(mesh, presets.pressure)