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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit b11783d8 authored by Florian Zill's avatar Florian Zill
Browse files

templated reports, spatial / temporal convergence

parametrized jupytext templates can be converted to and run as jupyter
notebooks. These in turn can be used as is or rendered as HTML.
removed previous benchmark files, calculated on the fly with ogs6py
different markers for richardson extrapolation values
parent 63456b4c
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 741 additions and 486 deletions
......@@ -84,7 +84,11 @@ panels_add_bootstrap_css = False
### apidoc / autodoc settings ###
apidoc_module_dir = "../ogstools"
apidoc_output_dir = "reference"
apidoc_excluded_paths = ["../**/examples/**", "./**/tests/**"]
apidoc_excluded_paths = [
apidoc_separate_modules = True
apidoc_module_first = True
apidoc_extra_args = ["--force", "--implicit-namespaces"]
Convergence study
This script performs a convergence study and generates plots to analyze the
convergence of numerical simulations. It uses data from the following benchmark
with multiple discretizations to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical
Here is some theoretical background for the Richardson extrapolation:
# %%
# First import the dependencies and adjust some plot settings.
import numpy as np
import ogstools.meshplotlib as mpl
from ogstools.propertylib import Scalar, Vector
from ogstools.studies.convergence import (
mpl.setup.show_element_edges = True
mpl.setup.ax_aspect_ratio = 1
# %%
# Let's have a look at the different discretizations. The 3 finest will be used
# for the Richadson extrapolation. The coarsest of those will be used for the
# topology to evaluate the results. We inspect the primary variable,
# in this case the hydraulic head.
mesh_property = Scalar(
output_name="hydraulic head",
fig = mpl.plot(np.reshape(examples.meshes, (2, 3)), mesh_property)
# %%
# Now we calculate the convergence ratio on the whole mesh. Values close to
# 1 indicate that we are in asymptotic range of convergence. We see, that in the
# bottom right corner, there is some small discrepancy, which is explained in
# the benchmark documentation by "incompatible boundary conditions imposed on
# the bottom right corner of the domain." In the end we will see the
# implications for the secondary variable, the velocity.
topology = examples.meshes[-3]
conv_results = grid_convergence(examples.meshes, mesh_property, topology)
fig = mpl.plot(conv_results, "grid_convergence")
# %%
# The Richardson extrapolation can be easily calculated. Again, it uses the 3
# finest meshes from the given list of meshes.
richardson = richardson_extrapolation(examples.meshes, mesh_property, topology)
analytical = examples.analytical_solution(topology)
fig = mpl.plot([richardson, analytical], mesh_property)
fig.axes[0].set_title("Richardson extrapolation")
fig.axes[1].set_title("Analytical Solution")
# %%
# Now we can compute some convergence metrics and display them in a table, ...
metrics = convergence_metrics(examples.meshes, richardson, mesh_property)"{:,.5g}").hide()
# %%
# ... plot the converging values in absolute scale ...
fig = plot_convergence(metrics, mesh_property)
# %%
# ... and the relative errors in loglog-scale. Note: since the Minimum doesn't
# change in the different discretizations, the error is zero, thus there is no
# curve for it in this plot.
fig = plot_convergence_errors(metrics)
# %%
# Now let's inspect the velocity field. We see, that in the bottom right corner,
# the velocity magnitude seems to be steadily increasing.
mesh_property = Vector("v", "m/s", "m/s", "velocity")
mpl.setup.num_streamline_interp_pts = None
fig = mpl.plot(np.reshape(examples.meshes, (2, 3)), mesh_property)
# %%
# Looking at the grid convergence, we see the bottom left and right corners
# deviating quite a bit from the desired value of 1. Thus we know, at these
# points the mesh isn't properly converging (at least for the velocity field).
conv_results = grid_convergence(examples.meshes, mesh_property, topology)
fig = mpl.plot(conv_results, "grid_convergence")
# %%
# The Richardson extrapolation shows an anomalous value for the velocity in
# the bottom right corner, hinting at a singularity there which is caused by
# the incompatibility of the boundary conditions on the bottom and right in
# this singular point. Regardsless of this, the benchmark gives a convergent
# solution for the pressure field, but not for the velocity field.
richardson = richardson_extrapolation(examples.meshes, mesh_property, topology)
fig = mpl.plot(richardson, mesh_property)
Convergence study (temporal refinement)
This example shows one possible implementation of how to do a convergence study
with temporal refinement. For this, a simple model using a time dependent heat
source on one side and constant temperature on the opposite side was set up.
The heat source is generated with the `nuclearwasteheat` model.
Here is some theoretical background for the topic of grid convergence:
At least three meshes from simulations of increasing temporal refinement are
required for the convergence study. The topology has to stay the same.
The below code cells will generate the simulation results and are evaluated for
convergence at the end.
First, the required packages are imported and an output directory is created:
# %%
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import vtuIO
from IPython.display import HTML
from ogs6py import ogs
from ogstools import meshlib, msh2vtu, physics, propertylib, studies, workflow
temp_dir = Path(mkdtemp(prefix="nuclear_decay"))
# %% [markdown]
# Let's Visualize the temporal evolution of the source term and it's
# discretization in the simulations. We see, that with coarse time steps, the
# applied heat will be overestimated at first and underestimated once the heat
# curve has reached its maximum. The same is true for the resulting temperature.
# %%
n_refinements = 4
t_end = 180
sec_per_yr = 365.25 * 86400
time = np.append(0, np.geomspace(1, t_end, num=100)) * sec_per_yr
heat = physics.nuclearwasteheat.repo_2020_conservative.heat
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
# print(heat(time))
ax.plot(time / sec_per_yr, heat(time) / 1e3, lw=2, label="reference", color="k")
for r in range(n_refinements):
dt = 30.0 / (2.0**r)
time = np.linspace(0, t_end, int(t_end / dt) + 1) * sec_per_yr
edges = np.append(0, time) / sec_per_yr
ax.stairs(heat(time) / 1e3, edges, label=f"{dt=}", baseline=None, lw=1.5)
ax.set_xlabel("time / yrs")
ax.set_ylabel("heat / kW")
# %% [markdown]
# The mesh and its boundaries are generated easily via gmsh and msh2vtu:
# %%
msh_path = temp_dir / "square.msh"
meshlib.rect_mesh(lengths=100, n_edge_cells=[10, 1], out_name=msh_path)
_ = msh2vtu.msh2vtu(msh_path, output_path=temp_dir, log_level="ERROR")
# %% [markdown]
# Let's run the different simulations with increasingly fine temporal
# discretization via ogs6py, extract the temperature evolution via vtuIO and
# plot it:
# %%
r_range = range(n_refinements)
results_tmax = [temp_dir / f"nuclear_decay_tmax_{r}.vtu" for r in r_range]
results_qmax = [temp_dir / f"nuclear_decay_qmax_{r}.vtu" for r in r_range]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
for r in range(n_refinements):
model = ogs.OGS(
PROJECT_FILE=temp_dir / "default.prj",
dt = 30.0 / (2.0**r)
model.replace_text(str(dt * sec_per_yr), ".//delta_t")
script_path = Path(studies.convergence.examples.nuclear_decay_bc).parent
ogs_args = f"-m {temp_dir} -o {temp_dir} -s {script_path}"
model.run_model(write_logs=False, args=ogs_args)
pvd_path = str(temp_dir / "nuclear_decay.pvd")
pvd = meshlib.MeshSeries(pvd_path)
result_qmax = pvd.read_closest(30 * sec_per_yr)
result_tmax = pvd.read_closest(150 * sec_per_yr)
result_qmax.add_field_data(dt, "timestep_size")
result_tmax.add_field_data(dt, "timestep_size")[r])[r])
pvdio = vtuIO.PVDIO(pvd_path, dim=2, interpolation_backend="vtk")
max_temperature = propertylib.presets.temperature(
pvdio.read_time_series("temperature", {"pt0": [0, 0, 0]})["pt0"]
ts = pvdio.timesteps / sec_per_yr
ax.plot(ts, max_temperature, lw=1.5, label=f"{dt=}")
ax.set_xlabel("time / yrs")
ax.set_ylabel("max T / °C")
# %% [markdown]
# Temperature convergence at maximum heat production (t=30 yrs)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# The grid convergence at this timepoint deviates significantly from 1,
# meaning the convergence is suboptimal (at least on the left boundary where the
# heating happens). The chosen timesteps are still to coarse to reach an
# asymptotic rate of convergence. The model behavior at this early part of the
# simulation is still very dynamic and needs finer timesteps to be captured with
# great accuracy. Nevertheless, the maximum temperature converges (sublinearly)
# from overestimated values, as expected.
# %%
report_name = str(temp_dir / "report.ipynb")
HTML(workflow.jupyter_to_html(report_name, show_input=False))
# %% [markdown]
# Temperature convergence at maximum temperature (t=150 yrs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# The temperature convergence at this timepoint is much closer to 1, signifying
# a good convergence behaviour. The temperature gradient at this point in time
# is already settled and can be the solution convergences to a good degree with
# the chosen timesteps. Despite the good grid convergence, the maximum
# temperature converges only sublinearly, but as expected, from underestimated
# values.
# %%
HTML(workflow.jupyter_to_html(report_name, show_input=False))
# %%
# sphinx_gallery_start_ignore
# Removing the created files to keep the code repository clean for developers.
# If you want to use the created jupyter notebook further, skip this step.
# sphinx_gallery_end_ignore
Convergence study (spatial refinement)
This example shows one possible implementation of how to do a convergence study.
It uses data from the following benchmark with multiple discretizations to
evaluate the accuracy of the numerical solutions.
Here is some theoretical background for the topic of grid convergence:
At least three meshes of increasing refinement are required for the convergence
study. The three finest meshes are used to calculated the Richardson
extrapolation. It is recommended to use the third coarsest mesh for the topology
to evaluate the results. The finer meshes should share the same nodes of the
chosen topology, otherwise interpolation will influence the results. With
unstructured grids this can be achieved as well with refinement by splitting.
First, the required packages are imported and an output directory is created:
# %%
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from IPython.display import HTML
from ogs6py import ogs
from ogstools import meshlib, msh2vtu, studies, workflow
from ogstools.studies.convergence.examples import (
temp_dir = Path(mkdtemp())
report_name = str(temp_dir / "report.ipynb")
result_paths = []
# %% [markdown]
# The meshes and their boundaries are generated easily via gmsh and msh2vtu.
# Then we run the different simulations with increasingly fine spatial
# discretization via ogs6py and store the results for the convergence study.
# %%
for i in range(6):
msh_path = temp_dir / "square.msh"
n_edge_cells=2**i, structured_grid=True, out_name=msh_path
input_filename=msh_path, output_path=temp_dir, log_level="ERROR"
model = ogs.OGS(
PROJECT_FILE=temp_dir / "default.prj",
ogs_args = f"-m {temp_dir} -o {temp_dir}"
model.run_model(write_logs=False, args=ogs_args)
result = meshlib.MeshSeries(
str(temp_dir / "steady_state_diffusion.pvd")
result_path = temp_dir / f"steady_state_diffusion_{i}.vtu"
result_paths += [str(result_path)]
# %% [markdown]
# Here we choose the topology to evaluate the reults on and calculate the
# analytical solution on it:
# %%
topology_path = result_paths[-3]
analytical_solution_path = temp_dir / "analytical_solution.vtu"
# %% [markdown]
# Hydraulic pressure convergence
# ------------------------------
# The pressure field of this model is converging well. The convergence ratio
# is approximately 1 on the whole mesh and looking at the relative errors we
# see a quadratic convergence behavior.
# %%
HTML(workflow.jupyter_to_html(report_name, show_input=False))
# %% [markdown]
# Darcy velocity convergence
# --------------------------
# For the velocity we some discrepancy of the convergence ratio in the bottom
# right corner. Thus we know, at these points the mesh isn't properly
# converging (at least for the velocity field).
# We see, that in the bottom right corner, the velocity magnitude seems to be
# steadily increasing, which is also reflected in the Richardson extrapolation,
# which shows an anomalous high value in this spot, hinting at a singularity
# there. This is explained by the notion in the benchmark's documentation of
# "incompatible boundary conditions imposed on the bottom right corner of the
# domain." Regardless of this, the benchmark gives a convergent solution for
# the pressure field.
# %%
HTML(workflow.jupyter_to_html(report_name, show_input=True))
# %%
# sphinx_gallery_start_ignore
# Removing the created files to keep the code repository clean for developers.
# If you want to use the created jupyter notebook further, skip this step.
# sphinx_gallery_end_ignore
# Author: Florian Zill (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)
"""functions to generate a convergence study."""
from . import examples
from .convergence import (
......@@ -9,14 +11,16 @@ from .convergence import (
from .generate_report import execute_convergence_study
from .study import run_convergence_study
__all__ = [
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
......@@ -26,29 +25,15 @@ def add_grid_spacing(mesh: pv.DataSet) -> pv.DataSet:
dim = mesh.get_cell(0).dimension
key = ["Length", "Area", "Volume"][dim - 1]
_mesh = mesh.compute_cell_sizes()
_mesh["grid_spacing"] = _mesh.cell_data[key] ** (1.0 / dim)
_mesh.cell_data["grid_spacing"] = _mesh.cell_data[key] ** (1.0 / dim)
return _mesh
def get_refinement_ratio(
meshes: list[pv.DataSet], topology: pv.DataSet
) -> pv.DataSet:
_meshes = resample(topology, [add_grid_spacing(mesh) for mesh in meshes])
spacings = np.stack([mesh["grid_spacing"] for mesh in _meshes], axis=0)
refinement_ratios = spacings[:-1] / spacings[1:]
mean_ratios = np.mean(refinement_ratios, axis=0)
result = deepcopy(topology)
result["refinement_ratio"] = mean_ratios
return result
def grid_convergence(
meshes: list[pv.DataSet],
property: Property,
topology: pv.DataSet,
refinement_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
refinement_ratio: float,
) -> pv.DataSet:
Calculate the grid convergence field for the given meshes on the topology.
......@@ -73,16 +58,14 @@ def grid_convergence(
f3 = cast(_meshes[-3].point_data[property.data_name])
f2 = cast(_meshes[-2].point_data[property.data_name])
f1 = cast(_meshes[-1].point_data[property.data_name])
if refinement_ratio is None:
r = get_refinement_ratio(meshes, topology)["refinement_ratio"]
r = np.ones(f1.shape) * refinement_ratio
r = np.ones(f1.shape) * refinement_ratio
a = f3 - f2
b = f2 - f1
zeros = np.zeros_like
ones = np.ones_like
c = np.divide(a, b, out=ones(a), where=(b != 0))
p = np.log(np.abs(c)) / np.log(r)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
p = np.log(np.abs(c)) / np.log(r)
rpm1 = r**p - 1
_gci23 = np.divide(np.abs(a), f3, out=zeros(a), where=(f3 != 0.0))
_gci12 = np.divide(np.abs(b), f2, out=zeros(a), where=(f2 != 0.0))
......@@ -105,7 +88,7 @@ def richardson_extrapolation(
meshes: list[pv.DataSet],
property: Property,
topology: pv.DataSet,
refinement_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
refinement_ratio: float,
) -> pv.DataSet:
Estimate a better approximation of a property on a mesh.
......@@ -118,7 +101,7 @@ def richardson_extrapolation(
:param meshes: At least three meshes with constant refinement.
:param property: The property to be extrapolated.
:param topology: The topology on which the extrapolation is done.
:param refinement_ratio: If not given, it is calculated automatically
:param refinement_ratio: Refinement ratio (spatial or temporal).
:returns: Richardson extrapolation of the given property.
......@@ -155,9 +138,13 @@ def convergence_metrics(
def _data(m: pv.DataSet):
return property.magnitude.strip_units(m.point_data[property.data_name])
el_lens = [
np.mean(add_grid_spacing(mesh)["grid_spacing"]) for mesh in meshes
] + [0.0]
if np.all(["timestep_size" in mesh.field_data for mesh in meshes]):
x = [mesh.field_data["timestep_size"][0] for mesh in meshes]
x_str = "time step size"
x = [np.mean(add_grid_spacing(mesh)["grid_spacing"]) for mesh in meshes]
x_str = "mean element length"
x += [0.0]
_meshes = meshes + [reference]
maxs = [np.max(_data(m)) for m in _meshes]
mins = [np.min(_data(m)) for m in _meshes]
......@@ -170,9 +157,9 @@ def convergence_metrics(
/ np.linalg.norm(_data(reference), axis=0, ord=2)
data = np.column_stack(
(el_lens, maxs, mins, rel_errs_max, rel_errs_min, rel_errs_l2)
(x, maxs, mins, rel_errs_max, rel_errs_min, rel_errs_l2)
columns = ["mean element length", "maximum", "minimum"] + [
columns = [x_str, "maximum", "minimum"] + [
f"rel. error ({x})" for x in ["max", "min", "L2 norm"]
......@@ -182,8 +169,9 @@ def convergence_metrics(
def log_fit(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
if np.all(np.isnan(y)):
return 0.0, y
_x = x[np.invert(np.isnan(x))]
_y = y[np.invert(np.isnan(y))]
indices = np.invert(np.isnan(x))
_x = x[indices]
_y = y[indices]
params = np.polyfit(np.log10(_x), np.log10(_y), 1)
fit_vals = 10 ** (params[0] * np.log10(x) + params[1])
return params[0], fit_vals
......@@ -192,8 +180,12 @@ def log_fit(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
def plot_convergence(metrics: pd.DataFrame, property: Property) -> plt.Figure:
"Plot the absolute values of the convergence metrics."
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
metrics.plot(ax=axes[0], x=0, y=1, c="r", style="-o", grid=True)
metrics.plot(ax=axes[1], x=0, y=2, c="b", style="-o", grid=True)
metrics.iloc[:-1].plot(ax=axes[0], x=0, y=1, c="r", style="-o", grid=True)
axes[0].plot(metrics.iloc[-1, 0], metrics.iloc[-1, 1], "r^")
axes[0].legend(["maximum", "Richardson\nextrapolation"])
metrics.iloc[:-1].plot(ax=axes[1], x=0, y=2, c="b", style="-o", grid=True)
axes[1].plot(metrics.iloc[-1, 0], metrics.iloc[-1, 2], "b^")
axes[1].legend(["minimum", "Richardson\nextrapolation"])
y_label = property.output_name + " / " + property.output_unit
fig.supylabel(y_label, fontsize="medium")
......@@ -203,6 +195,7 @@ def plot_convergence(metrics: pd.DataFrame, property: Property) -> plt.Figure:
def plot_convergence_errors(metrics: pd.DataFrame) -> plt.Figure:
"Plot the relative errors of the convergence metrics in loglog scale."
plot_df = metrics.replace(0.0, np.nan)
plot_df[plot_df < 1e-12] = np.nan
x_vals = plot_df.iloc[:, 0].to_numpy()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i, c in enumerate("rbg"):
extension: .md
format_name: markdown
format_version: '1.3'
jupytext_version: 1.15.2
display_name: .venv
language: python
name: python3
# Convergence study
This script performs a convergence study and generates plots to analyze the
convergence of numerical simulations.
Below are the custom parameters for this report.
```python tags=["parameters"]
mesh_paths: str = ""
timestep: int = 0
property_name: str = ""
Import required modules and setup plots.
import pyvista as pv # noqa: E402
import ogstools.meshplotlib as mpl # noqa: E402
from ogstools.meshlib import MeshSeries # noqa: E402
from ogstools.propertylib import THM # noqa: E402
from ogstools.studies.convergence import ( # noqa: E402
mpl.setup.show_element_edges = True
mpl.setup.ax_aspect_ratio = 1
mpl.setup.fig_scale = 0.5
Read the meshes, get Property object from property name, define topology and calculate Richardson extrapolation.
meshes = []
for mesh_path in mesh_paths:
if mesh_path.split(".")[-1] in ["xdmf", "pvd"]:
meshes += [MeshSeries(mesh_path).read(timestep)]
meshes += []
mesh_property = THM.find_property(property_name)
mesh_property.output_unit = ""
mesh_property.data_unit = ""
topology = meshes[-3]
richardson = richardson_extrapolation(meshes, mesh_property, topology)
Plotting the grid convergence.
fig = mpl.plot(richardson, "grid_convergence")
Plotting the 3 finest discretizations.
fig = mpl.plot(meshes[-3:], mesh_property)
Plotting the Richardson extrapolation.
fig = mpl.plot(richardson, mesh_property)
Table of convergence metrics.
metrics = convergence_metrics(meshes, richardson, mesh_property)"{:,.5g}").hide()
Absolute convergence metrics.
fig = plot_convergence(metrics, mesh_property)
Relative errors in loglog-scale.
fig = plot_convergence_errors(metrics)
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
mesh_paths = [
str(pkg_resources.files(__name__) / f"square_1e0_neumann_{i}.vtu")
for i in range(6)
from importlib import resources
from .steady_state_diffusion import (
analytical_solution as steady_state_diffusion_analytical_solution,
_prefix = resources.files(__name__)
steady_state_diffusion_prj = _prefix / "steady_state_diffusion.prj"
nuclear_decay_prj = _prefix / "nuclear_decay.prj"
nuclear_decay_bc = _prefix / ""
__all__ = [
meshes = [ for mesh_path in mesh_paths]
def _c_k(k):
return 0.5 * (2 * k - 1) * np.pi
def _a_k(k):
return 2 / (_c_k(k) ** 2 * np.cosh(_c_k(k)))
def _h(points):
result = np.ones(len(points))
for k in np.arange(1, 100):
c_k_val = _c_k(k)
sin_c_k = np.sin(c_k_val * points[:, 1])
sinh_c_k = np.sinh(c_k_val * points[:, 0])
result += _a_k(k) * sin_c_k * sinh_c_k
return result
def analytical_solution(target_mesh: pv.DataSet) -> pv.DataSet:
new_mesh = deepcopy(target_mesh)
points = new_mesh.points
new_mesh.point_data["pressure"] = _h(points)
return new_mesh
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import ogs.callbacks as OpenGeoSys
except ModuleNotFoundError:
import OpenGeoSys
import ogstools.physics.nuclearwasteheat as nuclear
boundary_len = 1500 # m
repo_edge_len = 1500 # m
class T_RepositorySourceTerm(OpenGeoSys.SourceTerm):
def getFlux(self, t, coords, primary_vars): # noqa: ARG002
value = (
/ repo_edge_len
/ boundary_len
/ 2.0 # due to symmetry
derivative = [0.0] * len(primary_vars)
return (value, derivative)
T_source_term = T_RepositorySourceTerm()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<secondary_variable internal_name="heat_flux" output_name="heat_flux"/>
<process ref="HeatConduction">
<t_initial> 0.0 </t_initial>
<!-- 180 yrs -->
<t_end> 5680368000 </t_end>
<!-- 30 yrs -->
<repeat> 1 </repeat>
<each_steps> 1 </each_steps>
<variable> temperature </variable>
<variable> heat_flux </variable>
<medium id="0">
# how to generated the meshes
for (( i=0; i <= $max; ++i ))
generateStructuredMesh -e quad -o square_$i.vtu --lx 1 --ly 1 --lz 0 --nx $n --ny $n --nz 1
# how to run the simulations
from ogs6py import ogs
from ogstools.meshlib import MeshSeries
for i in range(8):
model = ogs.OGS(
model.replace_mesh("square.vtu", f"square_{i}.vtu")
model.replace_text(f"square_1e0_neumann_{i}", "./time_loop/output/prefix")
base_id = 3
base_mesh = MeshSeries("./square_1e0_neumann_0.pvd").read(-1)"./square_neumann_convergence_study_res_0.vtu")
for i in range(base_id + 1, 8):
mesh = MeshSeries(f"./square_1e0_neumann_{i-base_id}.pvd").read(-1)
base_mesh = base_mesh.sample(mesh)"./square_neumann_convergence_study_res_{i-base_id}.vtu")
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64" compressor="vtkZLibDataCompressor">
<DataArray type="Int8" Name="OGS_VERSION" NumberOfTuples="20" format="appended" RangeMin="45" RangeMax="103" offset="0" />
<Piece NumberOfPoints="4" NumberOfCells="1" >
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<Piece NumberOfPoints="289" NumberOfCells="256" >
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="pressure" format="appended" RangeMin="1" RangeMax="1.675476229" offset="84" />
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="v" NumberOfComponents="2" format="appended" RangeMin="1.1281095627e-15" RangeMax="2.4665711682" offset="2780" />
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="Points" NumberOfComponents="3" format="appended" RangeMin="0" RangeMax="1.4142135624" offset="8556" />
<DataArray type="Int64" Name="connectivity" format="appended" RangeMin="" RangeMax="" offset="9332" />
<DataArray type="Int64" Name="offsets" format="appended" RangeMin="" RangeMax="" offset="11096" />
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This diff is collapsed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<secondary_variable internal_name="darcy_velocity" output_name="velocity"/>
<medium id="0">
<process ref="SteadyStateDiffusion">
<variable> pressure </variable>
<variable> velocity </variable>
<lis>-i cg -p jacobi -tol 1e-16 -maxiter 10000</lis>
<parameters>-gw_ksp_type cg -gw_pc_type bjacobi -gw_ksp_rtol 1e-16 -gw_ksp_max_it 10000</parameters>
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
def _c_k(k):
return 0.5 * (2 * k - 1) * np.pi
def _a_k(k):
return 2 / (_c_k(k) ** 2 * np.cosh(_c_k(k)))
def _h(points):
result = np.ones(len(points))
for k in np.arange(1, 100):
c_k_val = _c_k(k)
sin_c_k = np.sin(c_k_val * points[:, 1])
sinh_c_k = np.sinh(c_k_val * points[:, 0])
result += _a_k(k) * sin_c_k * sinh_c_k
return result
def analytical_solution(topology: Union[Path, pv.DataSet]) -> pv.DataSet:
mesh = topology if isinstance(topology, pv.DataSet) else
new_mesh = deepcopy(mesh)
points = new_mesh.points
new_mesh.point_data["pressure"] = _h(points)
return new_mesh
import argparse
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import jupytext
import papermill as pm
from ogstools.definitions import ROOT_DIR
from ogstools.workflow import jupytext_to_jupyter
def execute_convergence_study(
output_path: str, mesh_paths: list[str], property_name: str, timestep: int
def run_convergence_study(
output_name: Path,
mesh_paths: list[Path],
topology_path: Path,
property_name: str,
timestep: int = 0,
refinement_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
reference_solution_path: Optional[Path] = None,
prepare_only: bool = False,
progress_bar: bool = False,
) -> None:
params = {
"mesh_paths": mesh_paths,
"mesh_paths": [str(mesh_path) for mesh_path in mesh_paths],
"topology_path": str(topology_path),
"property_name": property_name,
"timestep": timestep,
"refinement_ratio": refinement_ratio,
"reference_solution_path": reference_solution_path,
parent = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
template_path = str(parent) + "/"
nb =
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".ipynb") as temp:
jupytext.write(nb,, fmt="py:percent")
template_path = Path(
str(ROOT_DIR) + "/studies/templates/"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convergence Study")
parser.add_argument("output", help="Path to the output notebook")
parser.add_argument("--mesh_paths", nargs="+", help="List of mesh paths")
parser.add_argument("--topology_path", help="Path to topology mesh")
parser.add_argument("--property_name", help="Name of the property")
parser.add_argument("--timestep", help="Timestep to read")
args = parser.parse_args()
args.output, args.mesh_paths, args.property_name, args.timestep
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