date = "2018-11-14T15:00:13+01:00"
title = "Running OGS in a container"
author = "Lars Bilke"
parent = "basics"
<div class='note'>
### Important note
This page describes how to **run** OGS with the help of a Linux container (for **users**). To **build** OGS with the help of a container go to the [developer guide]({{< ref "" >}}) (for **developers**).
## With Singularity
### Prerequisites
* A running installation of Singularity 3.0 or higher:
* Available on Eve (UFZ), `envinf1` / `envinf2` (UFZ), Juwels (SC Jülich), Taurus (TU Dresden).
* See the developer guide for [install instructions]({{< ref "" >}}).
#### Option: Download a release image (preferred)
Simply download an image from the [releases]({{< ref "/releases" >}}) page.
#### Option: Download image from the latest master-branch build
Simply download an image from the [latest master-branch build]( page.
### Run OGS inside a Container (called from outside)
singularity exec ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif ogs some/path/project.prj
This starts the container, mounts your home directory inside the container, passes the current working directory and runs the ogs executable (in your home directory which is mounted inside the container) with the passed project file. Everything works as expected and is transparent to the user. When ogs finishes the container stops and returns to the host system.
You can also specify the full executable path in the container:
singularity exec ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif /usr/local/ogs/bin/ogs ...
# Create output directories
mkdir -p _out _out_mpi
# Run serial benchmark
singularity exec ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif ogs -o _out [ogs-sources]/Tests/Data/Mechanics/Linear/disc_with_hole.prj
# Run serial benchmark with output validation (via vtkdiff)
singularity exec ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif ogs -o _out -r [ogs-sources]/Tests/Data/Mechanics/Linear [ogs-sources]/Tests/Data/Mechanics/Linear/disc_with_hole.prj
mpirun -np 4 singularity ogs ogs-6.x.x-openmpi-2.1.2.sif ogs -o _out_mpi [ogs-sources]/Tests/Data/Mechanics/Linear/disc_with_hole.prj
You can run other contained executables as well, e.g. `vtkdiff`:
singularity exec ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif vtkdiff --help
You can interactively explore the container with `singularity shell` (you can see that you are **in** the container because of the `Singularity [container image file]:...>` prefix of the shell):
# Shell into container
singularity shell ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif
Singularity ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif:...> ls /scif/apps/ogs/bin
... ogs tetgen vtkdiff
# Exit the container and get back to your hosts shell
Singularity ogs-6.x.x-serial.sif:...> exit
### Custom Python environment for the container
For certain benchmarks or tutorials you may need additional Python packages. You can create a Python [virtual environment]( inside the container (stored on your host) and install packages via `pip` (inside the container):
mkdir my-working-directory && cd my-working-directory
singularity shell my-container.sif
# Now in the container
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy # or whatever you need
# run ogs
# Now outside the container
# The virtualenv-directory .venv still persists
# If you want to run something in the container with exec, source the venv before:
singularity exec my-container.sif bash -c 'source .venv/bin/activate && ogs ...'
### Run the DataExplorer inside a Container
* Get a Singularity container with the DataExplorer (has `-gui` in its name)
* `singularity exec ogs-xxx-gui-xxx.sif DataExplorer`
You may use this container on e.g. `envinf1` with X11 forwarding (`ssh -XY envinf1`).
## With Docker
Although Singularity is the preferred container runtime you can use [Docker]( too.
### Prerequisites
* A running [installation of Docker](
### Run OGS inside a Docker container
* Get the container: `docker pull`
* Start interactive container session: `docker run --rm -it`
* Run ogs: `/usr/local/ogs/bin/ogs --version`
* Exit the container: `exit`
You will notice that the interactive session in your container is isolated from your host, i.e. you do not have access to files on your host. You need to explicitly [mount]( them on `docker run`:
mkdir ~/ogs_out
docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/code/ogs6/ogs/Tests/Data:/tmp/data:ro -v $HOME/ogs_out:/tmp/out
/usr/local/ogs/bin/ogs -o /tmp/out /tmp/data/Elliptic/cube_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion/cube_1e4.prj
ls ~/ogs_out
# [shows ogs generated output files]