* \file
* \author Karsten Rink
* \date 2012-05-02
* \brief Definition of the Element class.
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2020, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include <limits>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include "MathLib/Point3d.h"
#include "MeshLib/MeshEnums.h"
#include "MeshLib/Mesh.h"
#include "MeshLib/Elements/ElementErrorCode.h"
namespace MeshLib {
class Node;
* Virtual base class for mesh elements.
class Element
Karsten Rink
/// Compute the minimum and maximum node distances for this element.
Tom Fischer
void computeSqrNodeDistanceRange(double& min, double& max,
bool check_allnodes = true) const;
* \brief Tries to add an element e as neighbour to this element.
* If the elements really are neighbours, the element is added to the
* neighbour-list and the face id of the neighbour connected to this element
* is returned. Otherwise the maximum value of the value type is returned.
boost::optional<unsigned> addNeighbor(Element* e);
/// Calculates the center of gravity for the mesh element
MeshLib::Node getCenterOfGravity() const;
/// Returns the length, area or volume of a 1D, 2D or 3D element
double getContent() const { return _content; }
* Get node with local index i where i should be at most the number
* of nodes of the element
* @param i local index of node, at most the number of nodes of the
* element that you can obtain with Element::getNumberOfBaseNodes()
* @return a pointer to the appropriate (and constant, i.e. not
* modifiable by the user) instance of class Node or a nullptr
* @sa Element::getNodeIndex()
const Node* getNode(unsigned i) const;
* (Re)Sets the node of the element.
* @param idx the index of the pointer to a node within the element
* @param node a pointer to a node
void setNode(unsigned idx, Node* node);
/// Get array of element nodes.
Node* const* getNodes() const { return _nodes; }
/// Get dimension of the mesh element.
virtual unsigned getDimension() const = 0;
/// Returns the i-th edge of the element.
virtual const Element* getEdge(unsigned i) const = 0;
/// Returns the i-th face of the element.
virtual const Element* getFace(unsigned i) const = 0;
virtual const Element* getBoundary(unsigned i) const = 0;
/// Returns the ID of the element.
virtual std::size_t getID() const final { return _id; }
virtual unsigned getNumberOfBoundaries() const = 0;
/// Get the number of faces for this element.
/// Get the specified neighbor.
const Element* getNeighbor(unsigned i) const;
/// Get the number of neighbors for this element.
* Returns the number of linear nodes.
/// Returns the number of all nodes including both linear and nonlinear nodes
/// Returns the position of the given node in the node array of this element.
virtual unsigned getNodeIDinElement(const MeshLib::Node* node) const;
* Get the global index for the Node with local index i.
* The index i should be at most the number of nodes of the element.
* @param i local index of Node, at most the number of nodes of the
* element that you can obtain with Element::getNumberOfBaseNodes()
* @return the global index or std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()
* @sa Element::getNode()
std::size_t getNodeIndex(unsigned i) const;
* Get the type of the mesh element in geometric context (as a MeshElemType-enum).
virtual MeshElemType getGeomType() const = 0;
* Get the type of the element in context of the finite element method.
* @return a value of the enum FEMElemType::type
virtual CellType getCellType() const = 0;
* Returns true if the element has zero length/area/volume.
bool hasZeroVolume() const
return this->getContent() < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
/// Returns true if the element is located at a boundary (i.e. has at least one face without neighbour)
virtual bool isBoundaryElement() const;
/// Returns true if these two indeces form an edge and false otherwise
virtual bool isEdge(unsigned i, unsigned j) const = 0;
* Checks if a point is inside the element.
* @param pnt a 3D MathLib::Point3d object
* @param eps tolerance for numerical algorithm used or computing the property
* @return true if the point is not outside the element, false otherwise
virtual bool isPntInElement(MathLib::Point3d const& pnt, double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) const = 0;
* Tests if the element is geometrically valid.
virtual ElementErrorCode validate() const = 0;
/// Returns true if elem is a neighbour of this element and false otherwise.
bool hasNeighbor(Element* elem) const;
/// Destructor
virtual ~Element();
* Method clone is a pure virtual method in the abstract base class Element.
* It has to be implemented in the derived classes (for instance in class Hex).
* @return an exact copy of the object
virtual Element* clone() const = 0;
* Constructs a new object polymorphically. This is similar to clone, but
* accepts new nodes and id.
* \pre The length of the \c nodes vector is equal to the derived element's
* total number of nodes.
virtual Element* clone(Node** nodes, std::size_t id) const = 0;
* Computes the length / area / volumen of this element. This is automatically
* done at initalisation time but can be repeated by calling this function at any time.
virtual double computeVolume() = 0;
Karsten Rink
/// Returns the ID of a face given an array of nodes.
virtual unsigned identifyFace(Node* nodes[3]) const = 0;
* Checks if the node order of an element is correct by testing surface normals.
virtual bool testElementNodeOrder() const = 0;
/// Return a specific edge node.
virtual Node* getEdgeNode(unsigned edge_id, unsigned node_id) const = 0;
Norihiro Watanabe
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Element const& e);
/// Constructor for a generic mesh element without an array of mesh nodes.
/// @param id element id
explicit Element(std::size_t id);
/// Sets the element ID.
virtual void setID(std::size_t id) final { _id = id; }
Node** _nodes;
std::size_t _id;
/// Content corresponds to length for 1D, area for 2D, and volume for 3D elements
double _content;
Element** _neighbors;
/// Sets the neighbor over the face with \c face_id to the given \c
/// neighbor.
void setNeighbor(Element* neighbor, unsigned const face_id);
}; /* class */
/// Compute the minimum and maximum squared edge length for this element
std::pair<double, double> computeSqrEdgeLengthRange(Element const& element);
/// Let \f$p'\f$ the orthogonal projection to the \f$x\f$-\f$y\f$ plane of the
/// point \c p and \f$e'\f$ the orthogonal projection to the \f$x\f$-\f$y\f$
/// plane of the element \c e.
/// The method checks if \f$p'\f$ is located in \f$e'\f$. \todo At the moment
/// the test works only for triangle and quad elements.
/// @param p \c MathLib::Point3d is the test point
/// @param e the element that is used for the request
/// @return true if the \f$p' \in e'\f$ and false if \f$p' \notin e'\f$
bool isPointInElementXY(MathLib::Point3d const& p, Element const& e);