* Element.h
* Date: 2012/05/02
* Author: KR
#ifndef ELEMENT_H_
#define ELEMENT_H_
#include <vector>
#include "MshEnums.h"
#include "Mesh.h"
namespace MeshLib {
class Node;
* Virtual base class for mesh elements.
class Element
const Node* getNode(size_t i) const;
Node* const* getNodes() const { return _nodes; };
virtual size_t getDimension() const = 0;
virtual size_t getNNodes() const = 0;
/// Get the global index for the node with local index i.
size_t getNodeIndex(size_t i) const;
/// Get the type of the mesh element (as a MshElemType-enum).
MshElemType::type getType() const { return _type; };
size_t getValue() const { return _value; };
virtual ~Element();
/// Constructor for a generic mesh element containing an array of mesh nodes.
Element(Node** nodes, MshElemType::type type, size_t value = 0);
/// Constructor for a generic mesh element without an array of mesh nodes.
Element(MshElemType::type type, size_t value = 0);
* Get an editale Node.
* This method is called by Mesh::addElement(Element*), see friend definition.
Node* getNode(size_t i);
MshElemType::type _type;
size_t _value;
Node** _nodes;
std::vector<Element*> _neighbors;
/* friend functions: */
friend void Mesh::addElement(Element*);
}; /* class */
} /* namespace */
#endif /* ELEMENT_H_ */