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Grid.h 16.25 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2012, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
* \file Grid.h
* Created on 2012-02-02 by Thomas Fischer
#ifndef GRID_H_
#define GRID_H_
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
// GeoLib
#include "AxisAlignedBoundingBox.h"
#include "GEOObjects.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
// BaseLib
#include "StringTools.h"
namespace GeoLib {
template <typename POINT>
class Grid : public GeoLib::AABB
* @brief The constructor of the grid object takes a vector of points or nodes. Furthermore the
* user can specify the *average* maximum number of points per grid cell.
* The number of grid cells are computed with the following formula
* \f$\frac{n_{points}}{n_{cells}} \le n_{max\_per\_cell}\f$
* In order to limit the memory wasting the maximum number of points per grid cell
* (in the average) should be a power of two (since std::vector objects resize itself
* with this step size).
* @param pnts (input) the points that are managed with the Grid
* @param max_num_per_grid_cell (input) max number per grid cell in the average (default 512)
template <typename InputIterator>
Grid(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, size_t max_num_per_grid_cell = 512) :
GeoLib::AABB(), _grid_cell_nodes_map(NULL)
// compute axis aligned bounding box
InputIterator it(first);
size_t n_pnts(0);
while (it != last) {
double delta[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for (size_t k(0); k < 3; k++) {
// make the bounding box a little bit bigger,
// such that the node with maximal coordinates fits into the grid
_max_pnt[k] *= (1.0 + 1e-6);
if (fabs(_max_pnt[k]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
_max_pnt[k] = (_max_pnt[k] - _min_pnt[k]) * (1.0 + 1e-6);
delta[k] = _max_pnt[k] - _min_pnt[k];
// *** condition: n_pnts / (_n_steps[0] * _n_steps[1] * _n_steps[2]) < max_num_per_grid_cell
// *** with _n_steps[1] = _n_steps[0] * delta[1]/delta[0], _n_steps[2] = _n_steps[0] * delta[2]/delta[0]
if (fabs(delta[1]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() ||
fabs(delta[2]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
// 1d case y = z = 0
if (fabs(delta[1]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() &&
fabs(delta[2]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
_n_steps[0] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(n_pnts / (double) max_num_per_grid_cell));
_n_steps[1] = 1;
_n_steps[2] = 1;
} else {
// 1d case x = z = 0
if (fabs(delta[0]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() &&
fabs(delta[2]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
_n_steps[0] = 1;
_n_steps[1] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(n_pnts / (double) max_num_per_grid_cell));
_n_steps[2] = 1;
} else {
// 1d case x = y = 0
if (fabs(delta[0]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() && fabs(delta[1])
< std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
_n_steps[0] = 1;
_n_steps[1] = 1;
_n_steps[2] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(n_pnts / (double) max_num_per_grid_cell));
} else {
// 2d case
if (fabs(delta[1]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
_n_steps[0] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(sqrt(n_pnts * delta[0] / (max_num_per_grid_cell * delta[2]))));
_n_steps[1] = 1;
_n_steps[2] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(_n_steps[0] * delta[2] / delta[0]));
} else {
_n_steps[0] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(sqrt(n_pnts * delta[0] / (max_num_per_grid_cell * delta[1]))));
_n_steps[1] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(_n_steps[0] * delta[1] / delta[0]));
_n_steps[2] = 1;
} else {
// 3d case
_n_steps[0] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(pow(n_pnts * delta[0] * delta[0]
/ (max_num_per_grid_cell * delta[1] * delta[2]), 1. / 3.)));
_n_steps[1] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(_n_steps[0] * delta[1] / delta[0]));
_n_steps[2] = static_cast<size_t> (ceil(_n_steps[0] * delta[2] / delta[0]));
const size_t n_plane(_n_steps[0] * _n_steps[1]);
_grid_cell_nodes_map = new std::vector<POINT*>[n_plane * _n_steps[2]];
// some frequently used expressions to fill the grid vectors
for (size_t k(0); k < 3; k++) {
_step_sizes[k] = delta[k] / _n_steps[k];
_inverse_step_sizes[k] = 1.0 / _step_sizes[k];
// fill the grid vectors
it = first;
while (it != last) {
double const* const pnt(copyOrAddress(*it)->getCoords());
const size_t i(static_cast<size_t> ((pnt[0] - _min_pnt[0]) * _inverse_step_sizes[0]));
const size_t j(static_cast<size_t> ((pnt[1] - _min_pnt[1]) * _inverse_step_sizes[1]));
const size_t k(static_cast<size_t> ((pnt[2] - _min_pnt[2]) * _inverse_step_sizes[2]));
if (i >= _n_steps[0] || j >= _n_steps[1] || k >= _n_steps[2]) {
std::cout << "error computing indices " << std::endl;
_grid_cell_nodes_map[i + j * _n_steps[0] + k * n_plane].push_back(const_cast<POINT*>(copyOrAddress(*it)));
#ifndef NDEBUG
size_t pnts_cnt(0);
for (size_t k(0); k < n_plane * _n_steps[2]; k++)
pnts_cnt += _grid_cell_nodes_map[k].size();
* This is the destructor of the class. It deletes the internal data structures *not*
* including the pointers to the points.
virtual ~Grid()
delete [] _grid_cell_nodes_map;
* The method calculates the grid cell the given point is belonging to, i.e.,
* the (internal) coordinates of the grid cell are computed. The method searches the actual
* grid cell and all its neighbors for the POINT object which has the smallest
* distance. A pointer to this object is returned.
* If there is not such a point, i.e., all the searched grid cells do not contain any
* POINT object a NULL pointer is returned.
* @param pnt a field that holds the coordinates of the point
* @return a pointer to the point with the smallest distance within the grid cells that are
* outlined above or NULL
POINT* getNearestPoint(double const*const pnt) const
size_t coords[3];
getGridCoords(pnt, coords);
double sqr_min_dist (MathLib::sqrDist(&_min_pnt, &_max_pnt));
POINT* nearest_pnt(NULL);
double dists[6];
getPointCellBorderDistances(pnt, dists, coords);
if (calcNearestPointInGridCell(pnt, coords, sqr_min_dist, nearest_pnt)) {
double min_dist(sqrt(sqr_min_dist));
if (dists[0] >= min_dist
&& dists[1] >= min_dist
&& dists[2] >= min_dist
&& dists[3] >= min_dist
&& dists[4] >= min_dist
&& dists[5] >= min_dist) {
return nearest_pnt;
} else {
// search in all border cells for at least one neighbor
double sqr_min_dist_tmp;
POINT* nearest_pnt_tmp(NULL);
size_t offset(1);
while (nearest_pnt == NULL) {
size_t tmp_coords[3];
for (tmp_coords[0] = coords[0]-offset; tmp_coords[0]<coords[0]+offset; tmp_coords[0]++) {
for (tmp_coords[1] = coords[1]-offset; tmp_coords[1]<coords[1]+offset; tmp_coords[1]++) {
for (tmp_coords[2] = coords[2]-offset; tmp_coords[2]<coords[2]+offset; tmp_coords[2]++) {
// do not check the origin grid cell twice
if (!(tmp_coords[0] == coords[0] && tmp_coords[1] == coords[1] && tmp_coords[2] == coords[2])) {
// check if temporary grid cell coordinates are valid
if (tmp_coords[0] < _n_steps[0] && tmp_coords[1] < _n_steps[1] && tmp_coords[2] < _n_steps[2]) {
if (calcNearestPointInGridCell(pnt, tmp_coords, sqr_min_dist_tmp, nearest_pnt_tmp)) {
if (sqr_min_dist_tmp < sqr_min_dist) {
sqr_min_dist = sqr_min_dist_tmp;
nearest_pnt = nearest_pnt_tmp;
} // valid grid cell coordinates
} // same element
} // end k
} // end j
} // end i
} // end while
} // end else
double len (sqrt(MathLib::sqrDist(pnt, nearest_pnt->getCoords())));
// search all other grid cells within the cube with the edge nodes
std::vector<std::vector<POINT*> const*> vecs_of_pnts;
getVecsOfGridCellsIntersectingCube(pnt, len, vecs_of_pnts);
const size_t n_vecs(vecs_of_pnts.size());
for (size_t j(0); j<n_vecs; j++) {
std::vector<POINT*> const& pnts(*(vecs_of_pnts[j]));
const size_t n_pnts(pnts.size());
for (size_t k(0); k<n_pnts; k++) {
const double sqr_dist (MathLib::sqrDist(pnt, pnts[k]->getCoords()));
if (sqr_dist < sqr_min_dist) {
sqr_min_dist = sqr_dist;
nearest_pnt = pnts[k];
return nearest_pnt;
* Method fetches the vectors of all grid cells intersecting the axis aligned cube
* defined by its center and half edge length.
* @param pnt (input) the center point of the axis aligned cube
* @param half_len (input) half of the edge length of the axis aligned cube
* @param pnts (output) vector of vectors of points within grid cells that intersects
* the axis aligned cube
void getVecsOfGridCellsIntersectingCube(double const*const pnt, double half_len, std::vector<std::vector<POINT*> const*>& pnts) const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
* Method creates a geometry for every mesh grid box. Additionally it
* creates one geometry containing all the box geometries.
* @param geo_obj
void createGridGeometry(GeoLib::GEOObjects* geo_obj) const;
* Method calculates the grid cell coordinates for the given point pnt. If
* the point is located outside of the bounding box the coordinates of the
* grid cell on the border that is nearest to given point will be returned.
* @param pnt (input) the coordinates of the point
* @param coords (output) the coordinates of the grid cell
inline void getGridCoords(double const*const pnt, size_t* coords) const;
* point numbering of the grid cell is as follow
* @code
* 7 -------- 6
* /: /|
* / : / |
* / : / |
* / : / |
* 4 -------- 5 |
* | 3 ....|... 2
* | . | /
* | . | /
* | . | /
* |. |/
* 0 -------- 1
* @endcode
* the face numbering is as follow:
* face nodes
* 0 0,3,2,1 bottom
* 1 0,1,5,4 front
* 2 1,2,6,5 right
* 3 2,3,7,6 back
* 4 3,0,4,7 left
* 5 4,5,6,7 top
* @param pnt (input) coordinates of the point
* @param dists (output) squared distances of the point to the faces
* ordered in the same sequence as above described
* @param coords coordinates of the grid cell
void getPointCellBorderDistances(double const*const pnt, double dists[6], size_t const* const coords) const;
bool calcNearestPointInGridCell(double const* const pnt, size_t const* const coords,
double &sqr_min_dist,
POINT* &nearest_pnt) const
const size_t grid_idx (coords[0] + coords[1] * _n_steps[0] + coords[2] * _n_steps[0] * _n_steps[1]);
std::vector<typename std::add_pointer<typename std::remove_pointer<POINT>::type>::type> const& pnts(_grid_cell_nodes_map[grid_idx]);
if (pnts.empty()) return false;
const size_t n_pnts(pnts.size());
sqr_min_dist = MathLib::sqrDist(pnts[0]->getCoords(), pnt);
nearest_pnt = pnts[0];
for (size_t i(1); i < n_pnts; i++) {
const double sqr_dist(MathLib::sqrDist(pnts[i]->getCoords(), pnt));
if (sqr_dist < sqr_min_dist) {
sqr_min_dist = sqr_dist;
nearest_pnt = pnts[i];
return true;
static POINT* copyOrAddress(POINT& p) { return &p; }
static POINT const* copyOrAddress(POINT const& p) { return &p; }
static POINT* copyOrAddress(POINT* p) { return p; }
double _step_sizes[3];
double _inverse_step_sizes[3];
size_t _n_steps[3];
* This is an array that stores pointers to POINT objects.
std::vector<POINT*>* _grid_cell_nodes_map;
template<typename POINT>
void Grid<POINT>::getVecsOfGridCellsIntersectingCube(double const* const pnt, double half_len,
std::vector<std::vector<POINT*> const*>& pnts) const
double tmp_pnt[3] = { pnt[0] - half_len, pnt[1] - half_len, pnt[2] - half_len }; // min
size_t min_coords[3];
getGridCoords(tmp_pnt, min_coords);
tmp_pnt[0] = pnt[0] + half_len;
tmp_pnt[1] = pnt[1] + half_len;
tmp_pnt[2] = pnt[2] + half_len;
size_t max_coords[3];
getGridCoords(tmp_pnt, max_coords);
size_t coords[3], steps0_x_steps1(_n_steps[0] * _n_steps[1]);
for (coords[0] = min_coords[0]; coords[0] < max_coords[0] + 1; coords[0]++) {
for (coords[1] = min_coords[1]; coords[1] < max_coords[1] + 1; coords[1]++) {
const size_t coords0_p_coords1_x_steps0(coords[0] + coords[1] * _n_steps[0]);
for (coords[2] = min_coords[2]; coords[2] < max_coords[2] + 1; coords[2]++) {
pnts.push_back(&(_grid_cell_nodes_map[coords0_p_coords1_x_steps0 + coords[2]
* steps0_x_steps1]));
#ifndef NDEBUG
template <typename POINT>
void Grid<POINT>::createGridGeometry(GeoLib::GEOObjects* geo_obj) const
std::vector<std::string> grid_names;
GeoLib::Point const& llf (getMinPoint());
GeoLib::Point const& urb (getMaxPoint());
const double dx ((urb[0]-llf[0])/_n_steps[0]);
const double dy ((urb[1]-llf[1])/_n_steps[1]);
const double dz ((urb[2]-llf[2])/_n_steps[2]);
// create grid names and grid boxes as geometry
for (size_t i(0); i<_n_steps[0]; i++) {
for (size_t j(0); j<_n_steps[1]; j++) {
for (size_t k(0); k<_n_steps[2]; k++) {
std::string name("Grid-");
name += number2str<size_t>(i);
name +="-";
name += number2str<size_t>(j);
name += "-";
name += number2str<size_t> (k);
std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>* points (new std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>);
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+i*dx, llf[1]+j*dy, llf[2]+k*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+i*dx, llf[1]+(j+1)*dy, llf[2]+k*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+(i+1)*dx, llf[1]+(j+1)*dy, llf[2]+k*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+(i+1)*dx, llf[1]+j*dy, llf[2]+k*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+i*dx, llf[1]+j*dy, llf[2]+(k+1)*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+i*dx, llf[1]+(j+1)*dy, llf[2]+(k+1)*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+(i+1)*dx, llf[1]+(j+1)*dy, llf[2]+(k+1)*dz));
points->push_back(new GeoLib::Point(llf[0]+(i+1)*dx, llf[1]+j*dy, llf[2]+(k+1)*dz));
geo_obj->addPointVec(points, grid_names[grid_names.size()-1], NULL);
std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>* plys (new std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>);
GeoLib::Polyline* ply0 (new GeoLib::Polyline(*points));
for (size_t l(0); l<4; l++) {
GeoLib::Polyline* ply1 (new GeoLib::Polyline(*points));
for (size_t l(4); l<8; l++) {
GeoLib::Polyline* ply2 (new GeoLib::Polyline(*points));
GeoLib::Polyline* ply3 (new GeoLib::Polyline(*points));
GeoLib::Polyline* ply4 (new GeoLib::Polyline(*points));
GeoLib::Polyline* ply5 (new GeoLib::Polyline(*points));
geo_obj->addPolylineVec(plys, grid_names[grid_names.size()-1], NULL);
std::string merged_geo_name("Grid");
geo_obj->mergeGeometries(grid_names, merged_geo_name);
template <typename POINT>
void Grid<POINT>::getGridCoords(double const*const pnt, size_t* coords) const
for (size_t k(0); k<3; k++) {
if (pnt[k] < _min_pnt[k]) {
coords[k] = 0;
} else {
if (pnt[k] > _max_pnt[k]) {
coords[k] = _n_steps[k]-1;
} else {
coords[k] = static_cast<size_t>((pnt[k]-_min_pnt[k]) * _inverse_step_sizes[k]);
template <typename POINT>
void Grid<POINT>::getPointCellBorderDistances(double const*const pnt, double dists[6], size_t const* const coords) const
dists[0] = (pnt[2] - _min_pnt[2] + coords[2]*_step_sizes[2]); // bottom
dists[5] = (_step_sizes[2] - dists[0]); // top
dists[1] = (pnt[1] - _min_pnt[1] + coords[1]*_step_sizes[1]); // front
dists[3] = (_step_sizes[1] - dists[1]); // back
dists[4] = (pnt[0] - _min_pnt[0] + coords[0]*_step_sizes[0]); // left
dists[2] = (_step_sizes[0] - dists[4]); // right
} // end namespace GeoLib
#endif /* MESHGRID_H_ */