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Commit 87d7312e authored by Karsten Rink's avatar Karsten Rink Committed by Lars Bilke
Browse files

netcdf converter

parent f93a5fbf
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* @copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
// STL
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include "Applications/ApplicationsLib/LogogSetup.h"
#include <netcdfcpp.h>
// BaseLib
#include "BaseLib/BuildInfo.h"
#include "BaseLib/LogogSimpleFormatter.h"
// GeoLib
#include "GeoLib/Raster.h"
// MeshLib
#include "MeshLib/Mesh.h"
#include "MeshLib/MeshGenerators/RasterToMesh.h"
#include "MeshLib/IO/VtkIO/VtuInterface.h"
void showErrorMessage(std::size_t error_id, std::size_t max = 0)
if (error_id == 0)
ERR ("Index not recognised.");
std::cout << "\"info\" will display the available options again. \"exit\" will exit the programme.\n";
else if (error_id == 1)
ERR ("Index not valid. Valid indices are in [0,%d].", max);
void showArrays(NcFile const& dataset)
std::size_t const n_vars (dataset.num_vars());
std::cout << "The NetCDF file contains the following " << n_vars << " arrays:\n\n";
std::cout << "\tIndex\tArray Name\t#Dimensions\n";
std::cout << "-------------------------------------------\n";
for (std::size_t i=0; i<n_vars; ++i)
NcVar const& var = *dataset.get_var(i);
std::cout << "\t" << i << "\t" << << "\t(" << var.num_dims() << "D array)\n";
std::cout << "\n";
bool showArraysDims(NcFile const& dataset, NcVar const& var)
std::cout << "Data array \"" << << "\" contains the following dimensions:\n";
std::size_t const n_dims (var.num_dims());
for (std::size_t i=0; i<n_dims; ++i)
std::cout << "\t" << i << "\t" << var.get_dim(i)->name() << "\t(" << var.get_dim(i)->size() << " values)\n";
std::cout << "\n";
return true;
std::size_t getDimensionBoundaries(NcFile const& dataset, NcVar const& var, std::size_t dim, double &start, double &end)
NcVar dim_var = *dataset.get_var(var.get_dim(dim)->name());
if ((dim_var.num_dims()) == 1)
std::size_t size = dim_var.get_dim(0)->size();
std::size_t length[1] = {1};
long idx[1] = {0};
double val_at_idx[1] = {0};
dim_var.get(val_at_idx, length);
start = val_at_idx[0];
idx[0] = size-1;
dim_var.get(val_at_idx, length);
end = val_at_idx[0];
return size;
return 0;
void reverseNorthSouth(double* data, std::size_t width, std::size_t height)
double* cp_array = new double[width*height];
for (std::size_t i=0; i<height; i++)
for (std::size_t j=0; j<width; j++)
std::size_t const old_index ((width*height)-(width*(i+1)));
std::size_t const new_index (width*i);
cp_array[new_index+j] = data[old_index+j];
std::size_t const length(height*width);
for (std::size_t i=0; i<length; i++)
data[i] = cp_array[i];
delete[] cp_array;
std::size_t arraySelectionLoop(NcFile const& dataset)
while (true)
cout << "Enter data array index: ";
std::string var_idx_str ("");
std::getline(std::cin, var_idx_str);
if (var_idx_str == "info")
if (var_idx_str == "exit")
std::stringstream str_stream(var_idx_str);
std::size_t var_idx;
if (!(str_stream >> var_idx))
if (var_idx > dataset.num_vars()-1)
showErrorMessage(1, dataset.num_vars()-1);
return var_idx;
return std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
bool dimensionSelectionLoop(NcFile const& dataset, NcVar const& var, std::array<std::size_t,4> &dim_idx_map)
showArraysDims(dataset, var);
std::size_t const n_dims (var.num_dims());
dim_idx_map[0] = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
bool is_time_dep (true);
// get temporal dimension
if (n_dims > 1)
std::string temp_str("");
cout << "Is the parameter time-dependent?\n";
while (dim_idx_map[0] == std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() && is_time_dep == true)
cout << "Enter ID for temporal dimension or \"c\" to continue: ";
std::getline(std::cin, temp_str);
std::stringstream str_stream(temp_str);
if (str_stream.str() == "c")
is_time_dep = false;
if (str_stream >> dim_idx_map[0])
if (dim_idx_map[0] > n_dims-1)
showErrorMessage(1, var.num_dims()-1);
dim_idx_map[0] = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
// get spatial dimension(s)
std::size_t const start_idx = (is_time_dep) ? 1 : 0;
for (std::size_t i=start_idx; i<n_dims; ++i)
dim_idx_map[i] = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
while (dim_idx_map[i] == std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
std::string dim_idx_str;
cout << "Enter ID for dimension " << i << ": ";
std::getline(std::cin, dim_idx_str);
if (dim_idx_str == "info")
showArraysDims(dataset, var);
if (dim_idx_str == "exit")
std::stringstream str_stream(dim_idx_str);
std::size_t dim_idx;
if (!(str_stream >> dim_idx))
if (dim_idx > var.num_dims()-1)
showErrorMessage(1, var.num_dims()-1);
dim_idx_map[i] = dim_idx;
return is_time_dep;
MeshLib::MeshElemType elemSelectionLoop(std::size_t const dim)
if (dim ==1)
return MeshLib::MeshElemType::LINE;
MeshLib::MeshElemType t = MeshLib::MeshElemType::INVALID;
while (t == MeshLib::MeshElemType::INVALID)
std::cout << "\nSelect element type for result, choose ";
if (dim==2) std::cout << "(t)riangle or (q)uadliteral: ";
if (dim==3) std::cout << "(p)rism or (h)exahedron: ";
std::string type ("");
std::getline(std::cin, type);
if (dim==2)
if (type != "t" || type != "q" ||
type != "tri" || type != "quad" ||
type != "triangle" || type != "quatliteral")
if (type == "t" || type == "tri" || type == "triangle")
return MeshLib::MeshElemType::TRIANGLE;
return MeshLib::MeshElemType::QUAD;
if (dim==3)
if (type != "p" || type != "h" ||
type != "prism" || type != "hex" ||
type != "hexahedron")
if (type == "p" || type == "prism")
return MeshLib::MeshElemType::PRISM;
return MeshLib::MeshElemType::HEXAHEDRON;
return t;
void setOrigin(NcVar &var, std::size_t time_step)
long* newOrigin = new long[var.num_dims()];
for (int i=0; i < var.num_dims(); ++i)
newOrigin[0] = time_step;
delete [] newOrigin;
MeshLib::Mesh convert(double* data_array, std::array<std::size_t,3> length, GeoLib::Point &origin, double resolution, MeshLib::MeshElemType meshElemType, MeshLib::UseIntensityAs useIntensity, std::string &name)
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
ApplicationsLib::LogogSetup logog_setup;
TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Converts NetCDF into mesh file.", ' ', BaseLib::BuildInfo::git_describe);
TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> input("i", "input-file",
"the NetCDF input file", true,
"", "the NetCDF input file");
TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> output("o", "output-file",
"the OGS mesh output file", true,
"", "the OGS mesh output file");
cmd.parse(argc, argv);
NcFile dataset(input.getValue().c_str(), NcFile::ReadOnly);
std::cout << "OpenGeoSys NetCDF Converter\n";
std::cout << "File " << input.getValue() << " loaded. Press ENTER to display available data arrays.\n";
std::size_t const var_idx = arraySelectionLoop(dataset);
std::array<std::size_t, 4> dim_idx_map;
NcVar var = *dataset.get_var(var_idx);
bool const is_time_dep = dimensionSelectionLoop(dataset, var, dim_idx_map);
std::size_t temp_offset = (is_time_dep) ? 1 : 0;
std::size_t const n_dims = (var.num_dims());
std::size_t* length = new std::size_t[n_dims];
for(int i=0; i < n_dims; i++)
std::array<double, 3> spatial_size = {0,0,0};
std::array<double, 3> start = {0,0,0};
std::array<double, 3> end = {0,0,0};
std::size_t array_length = 1;
for (std::size_t i=temp_offset; i<n_dims; ++i)
length[i] = getDimensionBoundaries(dataset, var, dim_idx_map[i], start[i-temp_offset], end[i-temp_offset]);
spatial_size[i-temp_offset] = length[i];
array_length *= length[i];
setOrigin(var, 0);
double* data_array = new double[array_length];
for (std::size_t i=0; i < array_length; i++)
var.get(data_array, length); //create Array of Values
for (std::size_t i=0; i < array_length; i++)
if (data_array[i] < -9999 ) data_array[i] = -9999; // all values < -10000, set to "no-value"
double origin_x = (start[1] < end[1]) ? start[1] : end[1];
double origin_y = (start[0] < end[0]) ? start[0] : end[0];
MathLib::Point3d origin (std::array<double,3>{{origin_x, origin_y, 0}});
double const resolution = fabs(end[0]-start[0])/(spatial_size[0]-1);
// reverse lines in vertical direction if the original file has its origin in the northwest corner
if (start[0] > end[0])
reverseNorthSouth(data_array, spatial_size[1], spatial_size[0]);
GeoLib::RasterHeader header = {spatial_size[1], spatial_size[0], origin, resolution, -9999};
//MeshLib::MeshElemType meshElemType = elemSelectionLoop(n_dims-temp_offset);
MeshLib::MeshElemType meshElemType = MeshLib::MeshElemType::TRIANGLE;
MeshLib::UseIntensityAs useIntensity = MeshLib::UseIntensityAs::DATAVECTOR;
MeshLib::Mesh* mesh = MeshLib::RasterToMesh::convert(data_array, header, meshElemType, useIntensity,;
std::size_t const n_time_steps = getDimensionBoundaries(dataset, var, dim_idx_map[2], start_lat, end_lat);
std::size_t const array_length (sizeLat * sizeLon);
for (std::size_t j=1; j<n_time_steps; ++j)
setOrigin(var, j);
var.get(data_array, length); //create Array of Values
for (std::size_t i=0; i < (sizeLat*sizeLon); i++)
if (data_array[i] < -9999 ) data_array[i] = -9999; // all values < -10000, set to "no-value"
double const resolution = fabs(end_lat-start_lat)/(sizeLat-1);
// reverse lines in vertical direction if the original file has its origin in the northwest corner
if (start_lat > end_lat)
reverseNorthSouth(data_array, sizeLon, sizeLat);
GeoLib::RasterHeader header = {sizeLon, sizeLat, origin, resolution, -9999};
MeshLib::MeshElemType meshElemType = MeshLib::MeshElemType::TRIANGLE;
MeshLib::UseIntensityAs useIntensity = MeshLib::UseIntensityAs::DATAVECTOR;
std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> tmp_mesh (MeshLib::RasterToMesh::convert(data_array, header, meshElemType, useIntensity,;
boost::optional< MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>& > tmp_vec = tmp_mesh->getProperties().getPropertyVector<double>(;
if (!tmp_vec)
ERR("Vector not found");
if (tmp_vec->size() != mesh->getNumberOfElements())
ERR("Vector size doesn't fit.");
MeshLib::Properties& props (mesh->getProperties());
std::string prefix ("");
if (j<100) prefix = "0";
if (j<10) prefix = "00";
std::string var_name_str (prefix + std::to_string(j));
boost::optional< MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>& > vec =
props.createNewPropertyVector<double>(std::string( + var_name_str), MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, 1);
if (!vec)
ERR ("Error creating vector");
for (std::size_t i=0; i<tmp_vec->size(); ++i)
std::cout << "time step " << j << " written.\n";
MeshLib::IO::VtuInterface vtu(mesh);
delete[] length;
delete[] data_array;
return 0;
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