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Secondary variables output and restarting simulations.

Continuing #1691 (closed) this PR adds infrastructure for saving and reading of integration point data as field data stored in the output vtu file. Exemplary shown in SmallDeformation process.

Google's protobuffer library for the binary data description is used; this allows to use the same description from other programms (e.g. python -> paraview) to read the data.

Main purpose of this PR is the infrastructure and allow users to restart a simulation setting the internal integration point data correctly.

Future work:

  • generalization of integration point data output for various quantities (velocities, internal material properties)
  • visualization of the stored data through vtk and possibly paraview (via plugin), or with dedicated post-processing tool.

closes #1660 (closed)


  • Update docu (code and doxygen keywords)
  • Make (for now) the protobuf optional.
  • Add protobuf description to the vtu file (if possible).

Merge request reports