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Two minor updates

wenqing requested to merge wenqing/ogs:minor_change into master
  • In HdfData.h, replaced using Hdf5DimType = unsigned long long with using Hdf5DimType = hsize_t. The former leads to a compilation error of invalid conversion.

  • Load two modules in scripts/env/eve/ The two modulus are vtk/9.2.5_mpi_foss2020b and hdf5/1.14.0_mpi_foss_2020b, which are just created. By loading these two modulus, the CMake configuration for compilation with PETSc on the frontends of the EVE cluster becomes fast.

  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added?
  3. Any new feature or behavior change was documented?

Merge request reports