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Debug output for local and global matrices

Christoph Lehmann requested to merge chleh/ogs:matrix-output into master
  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added?
  3. Any new feature or behavior change was documented? -> TODO follow-up MR


  • Output of local matrices can be requested with the following environment variables (both have to be set):
    • OGS_LOCAL_MAT_OUT_PREFIX="<some prefix>"
    • OGS_LOCAL_MAT_OUT_ELEMENTS="0 1 5 16 123" (or "*")
    • should work for all processes
  • Output of global matrices can be requested via OGS_GLOBAL_MAT_OUT_PREFIX="some prefix>"
    • only implemented exemplarily for the small deformation process.
    • will be available out of the box for all processes supporting OpenMP assembly, in the future.

Possible local matrix output:


## t = 1, process id = 0, element id = 3

# b

# Jac
  0.576923  -0.384615  -0.288462  0.0961538   0.240385  0.0480769  -0.240385 -0.0480769
 -0.384615   0.576923  0.0961538  -0.288462 -0.0480769  -0.240385  0.0480769   0.240385
 -0.288462  0.0961538   0.576923  -0.384615  -0.240385 -0.0480769   0.240385  0.0480769
 0.0961538  -0.288462  -0.384615   0.576923  0.0480769   0.240385 -0.0480769  -0.240385
  0.240385 -0.0480769  -0.240385  0.0480769   0.576923  0.0961538  -0.288462  -0.384615
 0.0480769  -0.240385 -0.0480769   0.240385  0.0961538   0.576923  -0.384615  -0.288462
 -0.240385  0.0480769   0.240385 -0.0480769  -0.288462  -0.384615   0.576923  0.0961538
-0.0480769   0.240385  0.0480769  -0.240385  -0.384615  -0.288462  0.0961538   0.576923

Edited by Christoph Lehmann

Merge request reports
