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Update guix and make PETSc container runnable on Juwels

Lars Bilke requested to merge bilke/ogs:update-guix into master

Finally, one container to rule them all! At least the EVE and Juwels HPC systems. The container deployed to EVE at master builds now also runs on Juwels.

Thanks to JSC-support for pointing me into the last missing piece (compiling OpenMPI inside the container with pmix enabled).

Juwels usage:

scp juwels:/p/project/ogs6hpc4/[some-dir]/
### On Juwels, in your submit script: ###
srun --mpi=pspmix apptainer exec /p/project/ogs6hpc4/[some-dir]/ogs-petsc_head.squashfs ogs path/to/prj
# OR
export SLURM_MPI_TYPE=pspmix
srun apptainer exec /p/project/ogs6hpc4/[some-dir]/ogs-petsc_head.squashfs ogs path/to/prj
Edited by Lars Bilke

Merge request reports