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Without parallelization: Improve run time of identifySubdomains

This merge request contains the commits from the MR except the OpenMP related commits.

The run time was improved due to:

  • selection of better (smaller) ratio of number of mesh nodes per grid cell - this leads to lower number of distance computations / comparisons
  • pre-computing the connected elements to nodes and use it multiple times
  • use unordered_map instead of map

The times given in the table are without reading / writing the meshes. The first number in the sum is the time for the MeshNodeSearcher construction, the second number is the time for the identification of nodes/elements.

master MR
0.50 + 536.76 0.78 + 142.58
  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added? - identifySubdomains tests passes in CI.
  3. Any new feature or behaviour change was documented? - no new feature for the tool - only run time improvement
Edited by Tom Fischer

Merge request reports