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[Process] Changed the type of local_x in LocalAssemblerInterface::postNonLinearSolverConcrete

wenqing requested to merge wenqing/ogs:imprv_local_x_arg_non_linear into master

This MR

  • changes the type of local_x in LocalAssemblerInterface::postNonLinearSolverConcrete to Eigen::VectorXd, and enables local_x pass the solutions of all variables.
  • removes an unused member of LocalAssemblerInterface, computeSecondaryVariableWithCoupledProcessConcrete.

It together with MR !4950 (merged) fixes #3469 (closed).

  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added?
  3. Any new feature or behaviour change was documented?

Merge request reports